Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.05.2013, for construction of 9.3 km-long section of RV4 Gran border-Jaren, four-lane road with central reservation, 1.7 km-long Gran tunnel, 10 km of local roads, 1.4 km of paths and 16 associated structures. Contract value EUR146.5-EUR200 million, duration 12.07.2013 to 01.10.2016. Register interest and obtain details at Further information from Sturla Elvsveen at Statens vegvesen Region ost in Lillehammer, tel +47 48199356, e-mail, to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Time limit for access to documents 10.05.2013. Bid conference and site visit 15.04.2013 at 10.00h in Gran city hall, Jaren, Norway. Visit 13/13.