The joint venture between Geodata Engineering SPA/AI Studio SPA/Neosia Tecnimont SPA/Studium SAS, secured the EUR564,509.37 contract, excluding VAT, for the design of the 1750 m section Fermi-Collegno Centro (Lot 1) on the western extension Collegno-Cascine Vica of Line 1 in Turin. The section will include new stations Certosa and Collegno Centro. The first part of the section and the stations will be built using the cut & cover system while the last part of the section will be excavated using the traditional method. Contact Infratrasporti, TO Srl, attn arch. Vanni Cappellato, Turin, tel +39 0115592711, fax +39 0115592750, email infrato@infrato.itVisit Ref.n. 2017/S 062 -116861. 40/17.