Periodic notice being a call for competition aiming at reducing time limits for the receipt of tenders for construction of the new 4.2 km Kaiser-Wilhelm tunnel and rehabilitation of the old tunnel. More details in E-News Weekly 36/2006. Visit, OJ S 131, or contact DB Netz, Frankfurt, fax +49 6926545572 or 6926545692. E-mail 29/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 22nd May, 2008 for construction supervision (four lots) of the new Kaiser-Wilhelm rail tunnel between Cochem and Ediger-Eller. This is a single-track tunnel, 4.2 km in length, that will be built by TBM parallel to the existing tunnel. Visit, OJ S 71, or contact DB ProjektBau, Frankfurt, fax +49 6926545772 or 6926543272. 16/08.