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Germany, Baden-Württemberg - de/15


SPIE OSMO GmbH from Georgsmarienhütte have secured the contract for for the refurbishment of the following tunnels Lämmerbuckel (625 m) on A8 (Lot1) and Rappenstein (395 m) and Grosshrstädt (280 m) on A98 (Lot 3); Actemium Cegelec Mitte GmbH, Niederlassung Dresden from Dresda secured the contract for the refurbishment of the following tunnels Nollingerberg (1268 m) on A 861 (Lot 2) and Hölzern (470 m) on A81  (Lot 4). Contact Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes - NL Südwest, Stuttgart, tel +49 711342500, email . Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/753105-2024.  Ref.n. SUW-2024-0012. 50/24.
