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Austria, Vienna - at/41


16.2 km-long section of proposed motorway linking A2 South to A4 in East will require four cut and cover tunnels totalling 3.2 km. $320 million, five year construction programme starts December, 2001. 20/01.Restricted call for bids, deadline 19th September, 2005 for project management during the design phase (2006-2010) for Vienna's southeast tangential road A23, section Hirschstetten interchange-Hausfeldstrasse. The contract includes alignment determination and route optimisation, the environmental impact study and the procedure until the building. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161110-2005, OJ S 161, or contact ASFINAG, Vienna, fax +43 5010814320. E-mail baumanagement@asfinag.at 36/05.Restricted call for bids, deadline 2nd November, 2005 for technical planning during the design phase (2005-2009) for Vienna's southeast tangential road A23, section Hirschstetten interchange-Hausfeldstrasse. This is a 7.8 km infrastructure, including about 2 km of tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=183692-2005, OJ S 186, or contact ASFINAG, Vienna, fax +43 5010814320. E-mail baumanagement@asfinag.at 40/05.
