- ro/13
Work to resume using 6.5 m-diameter semi-mechanised shields on line 1 for 3.1 km from N Grigurescu south-east to Linia de Centura, and on line 4 for 4.7 km between 1 Mai and Laromet. Long-term flooding has damaged the reinforcement in the segmental lining of the previously-completed sections since insufficient funding forced 1996 abandonment. Also in preliminary design, new 8.6 km-long line 5 following completion of geological appraisal, and extension of line 4 to Baneasa airport. Visit for contact. August 2000.Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 15.12 2008, for construction of 8.4 km of tunnelled metro, including six stations totalling 1.2 km, estimated value EUR343 million. Contact Ing Rotaru Stefan, tel +40 21 319 3601-5402, e-mail or visit 46/08. invitation to tender for 8.4 km tunnel with six 200 m-long stations, value EUR343 million, deadline postponed from 15.12.2008 to 21.01.2009. More from Ing Rotaru Stefan at Metrorex, tel +40 21 3193601-5402, e-mail or visit 51/08.Restricted invitation to tender for 8.4 km-long tunnel with six 200 m-long stations, value EUR343 million, deadline twice postponed from 15.12.2008 to 21.01.2009 and now to 23.02.2009. Visit tunnelbuilder archive ro/13 for background history. More from Ing Rotaru Stefan at Metrorex, tel +40 21 3193601-5402, e-mail or visit 06/09.Restricted invitation to tender for 8.4 km-long tunnel with six 200 m-long stations, value EUR343 million, deadline postponed again from 23.02.2009 to 09.04.2009. Visit tunnelbuilder archive ro/13 for background history. More from Ing Rotaru Stefan at Metrorex, tel +40 21 3193601-5402, e-mail or visit 09/09.The awarding procedure for 8.4 km-long tunnel with six 200 m-long stations has been discontinued.More from Ing Rotaru Stefan at Metrorex, tel +40 21 3193601-5402, e-mail or visit, 11/09.
Consortium Metroul SA/Systra SA (Bucarest) secured the EUR875 million contract for civil engineering and project management consultancy services for the 6.1 km-long Drumul Taberei-Universitate section of the Magistrala 5 Bucarest metro line with 8 stations from Brancusi to Eroilor. The Magistrala 5 Line will be 9 km-long with 14 stations: Ghencea, Prelungirea Ghencea, Râul Doamnei, Brancu?i, Romancierilor, Drumul Taberei, Drumul Taberei 34, Favorit, Orizont, Academia Militara, Eroilor 2, Ha?deu, Ci?migiu ?i Universitate 2 and Piata Universitatii. Contact Bratu Romulus and Ing Rotaru Stefan at Metrorex SA in Bucharest, tel +40 2131-93670, fax -25149, e-mail Visit,, and 22/09.
Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 14.12.2009, for construction of four lots of metro as follows: Lot 1.1, value EUR 58 million, from Military Academy to PS Opera, overall distance 1.662 km with one station, length 146 m; Lot 1.2, value EUR 104 million, from Park Road to Military Academy, overall distance 2.549 km with four stations; Lot 1.3, value EUR 86.5 million, from Lady River to Park Road, overall distance 2.012 km with four stations; and Lot 1.4, value EUR 59.6 million, from Romancierilor to Ialomita Valley, overall distance 1.005 km with one station and depot. All values exclude VAT, and all contracts are 36 months long. Further information, specs and docs from Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex in Bucharest, tel +40 2131-93601, fax -25149, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit 46/09.
Invitation to tender using restricted procedure for construction of four lots 1.1-1.4 of Bucharest metro, deadline postponed from 14.12.2009 to 14.01.2010. Documents available until 07.01.2010. Further information from Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex in Bucharest, tel +40 2131-93601, fax -25149, e-mail, to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit 51/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 25.03.2010 for electrical equipment for 1 Mai -Parc Bazilescu section on M4 metro line at Bucharest. Contract value EUR34.7 million. Contact Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex S.A. in Bucharest, tel + 40 213193601/5470, fax +40 213125149, e-mail emil.serbanescu@ Visit and 02/10.
The award procedure for the invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 14.12.2009, for construction of the four lots: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of Bucharest metro has been declared unsuccessful. See new notice below. Contact Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex in Bucharest, tel +40 2131-93601, fax -25149, e-mail Visit 05/10.
Invitation to tender using restricted procedure for lots 1.1 and 1.2, see above notice and visit tunnelbuilder archive ro/13 for details of lots. Contact is Visit 05/10.
Deadline postponed from 02.03.2010 to 10.03.2010 for invitation to tender using restricted procedure for lots L1.1 and L1.2 of M5 metro line in Bucharest. Time limit for accessing documents 04.03.2010. Contact is Visit 09/10.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.03.2011, for technical analysis and consultancy services for the Bragadiru-Voluntari section of the M7 metro line in Bucharest, comprising 25 km subway with 30 stations plus depot. Time limit for accessing documents 18.03.2011. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Rotaru Stefan, Bucharest, tel +40 213193670, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 08/11.
The JV Metroul SA/Systra SA (Bucharest) secured the contract, value EUR1.4 million excluding VAT, for consultative engineering and construction services for the Universitate-Pantelimon section of the new Line 5 of the Bucharest underground. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Stefan Rotaru, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5464, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Bid Code 173. Visit, and 08/11.Metrorex SA awarded the JV comprising Italian Astaldi (leader), Spanish FCC S.A. and two local companies Delta ACM and AB Construct the contract to design and construct Lot 1 Doamenei Station-PS Opera of new Line 5. The EUR215 million contract involves the structural works related to 6 km of the new underground line using a TBM, along the Drumul Taberei-Pantelimon section featuring 9 stations. The start-up of works is scheduled for mid-2011, duration 25 months. Visit 08/11.
Metrorex SA awarded contract 20, value EUR56,724,000 excluding VAT, to construct Lot L1.2 Ialomita Valley station and depot tunnel link of new Line 5 to Max Boegl Romania, tel +40 2140286-46, fax -49. Contract 10, value EUR224,981,000 excluding VAT, to construct Raul Doamnei-PS Opera stations and tunnels was awarded to the JV comprising Italian Astaldi (leader), Spanish FCC S.A. and two local companies Delta ACM and AB Construct. Visit Contact Metrorex SA, attn Stefan Rotaru, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5464, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 18/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.02.2012, for design and construction of Line 4, Connection 2 Bazilescu Park-Straulesti section of Bucharest metro, comprising tunnels, stations, depot, terminal and related facilities. Further information, specs and docs from Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex SA in Bucharest, tel +40 213193601-5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 14.02.2012. Visit 52/11.
Open invitation to tender, revised deadline 02.03.2012, for design and construction of Line 4, Connection 2 Bazilescu Park-Straulesti section of Bucharest metro, comprising tunnels, stations, depot, terminal and related facilities. Further information, specs and docs from Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex SA in Bucharest, tel +40 213193601-5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Revised time limit for accessing documents 22.02.2012. Visit 07/12.
Periodic indicative notice of scheduled start of award procedures on 03.09.2012 for 60-month contract, value EUR1.05 billion, for design and construction of 16 km-long, twin-tube, 14 station Line 6, Station 1st May-Airport section of Bucharest metro, comprising tunnels, stations, terminal and related facilities. Further information from Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex SA in Bucharest, tel +40 213193601-5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 19/12.
The JV headed by Astaldi Spa (40%) with three local companies has been awarded the EUR164 million contract for design and construction of Parc Bazilescu-Straulesti section on M4 metro line at Bucharest, including a 2 km TBM tunnel, two stations and a shunt. Duration of work 30 months from end-2012. Contact Stefan Rotaru at Metrorex SA in Bucharest, tel + 40 213193601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail srotaru@ Visit and 27/12.
The JV Astaldi/Somet/TIAB/UTI secured the EUR157.4 million contract for design and construction of Line 4, Connection 2 Bazilescu Park-Straulesti section of Bucharest metro, comprising tunnels, stations, depot, terminal and related facilities. Contact Lenuta Popa, Metrorex SA, Bucarest, tel +40 213193601-5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 33/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.08.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.8.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit and -2014. 29/14.
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline 19.08.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.08.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit and 30/14.
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline 19.08.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.08.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 250246-2014, and 30/14.
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline 19.08.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 12.08.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit, 253612-2014 and 259692-2014. 32/14
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline postponed from 19.08.2014 to 01.09.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in
Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents postponed from 12.08.2014 to 25.08.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40
213125149, e-mail Visit,,,,
Additional information about open invitation to tender: deadline postponed from 01.09.2014 to 08.09.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 01.09.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit and 35/14.
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline postponed from 08.09.2014 to 16.09.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents postponed from 01.09.2014 to 09.09.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit and 37/14.
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline 29.09.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 22.09.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 38/14.
Additional information about open invitation to tender, deadline 29.09.2014, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 39/14.
Deadline postponed from 29.09.2014 to 02.10.2014 for open invitation to tender for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranche 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contract value EUR192.7 million. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents postponed from 25.09.2014 to 29.09.2014. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit and 39/14.
The JV Astaldi SpA, FCC Construccion SA, UTI Grup SA and Activ Group Management SRL of Rome secured the EUR179.59 million contract, excluding VAT, for railway works, third rail, E&M equipment, elevators and escalators for section 1 on tranches 1 (Drumul Taberei-Universitate) and 2 (Universitate-Pantelimon) on metro Line 5 in Bucharest. Contact Metrorex SA, att.n Engg.Romulus Bratu/Catalin Homor, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601/5571, fax +40 213125149, e-mail Visit 30/15.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 18.04.2019, for
the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section of the M6 metro line in
For bid documents
Value of the contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months.
Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40
213193601/5467, fax +40 213125149, email
. Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 12/19.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 18.04.2019, for the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section of the M6 metro line in Bucharest.
For bid documents go to The value of the contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40 213125149, email .Visit
. Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 12/19.
Postponed to 29.05.2019 the deadline of the restricted
invitation to tender for the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section
of the M6 metro line in Bucharest. For bid documents go to The value of the
contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27 bn), excluding VAT.
Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex SA,
attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40
213125149, email
Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 18/19.
Additional information for the restricted invitation to tender for the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section of the M6 metro line in Bucharest (Lot1.1). The invitations to tender have been postponed from 02.07.2019 to the 29.07.2019. For bid documents go to The value of the contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27 bn), excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40 213125149, email .Visit
Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 24/19.
Additional information for the restricted invitation to tender
for the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section of the M6 metro line
in Bucharest (Lot1.1). The invitations to tender have been postponed from 29/07/2019
to the 30/09/2019. For bid documents go to
The value of the contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27
bn), excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex
SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40
213125149, email
.For the tender document click here.
Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 32/19.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2019, for design
and technical assistance services related to the metro line 5 (Drumul Taberei -
Pantelimon), section Eroilor (PS Opera)
- Piata Iancului at Bucharest.
Value of the contract is EUR14.81 million (RON70 million),
excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 60 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn
Catalin Ilie, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601, fax +40 213125149, email Visit,,
Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049919. 35/19.
Postponed from 16/09/2019 to 23/09/2019 the open invitation
to tender for design and technical assistance services related to the metro
line 5 (Drumul Taberei - Pantelimon), section Eroilor (PS Opera) - Piata Iancului at Bucharest. The
value of the contract is EUR14.81 million (RON70 million), excluding VAT.
Duration of the contract is 60 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Catalin Ilie,
Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601, fax +40 213125149, email Visit
Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049919. 38/19.
Additional information for the restricted invitation to tender for the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section of the M6 metro line in Bucharest (Lot1.1). The invitations to tender have been postponed from 30/09/2019 to the 02/12/2019. For bid documents go to
The value of the contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27 bn), excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40 213125149, email .For further bid/tender documents click here.
Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 42/19.
Additional information for the restricted invitation to tender for the design and construction of the May1-Tokyo section of the M6 metro line in Bucharest (Lot1.1). The invitations to tender have been postponed from 02/12/2019 to the 06/01/2020. For bid documents go to
The value of the contract is EUR 266.88 million (RON1.27 bn), excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40 213125149, email .For further bid/tender documents click here. Ref.n. 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049770. 51/19.
The JV 3TI PROGETTI ITALIA - INGEGNERIA INTEGRATA SpA (Rome), Metrans Engineering (Bucharest), SWS Engineering (Trento) and Coding Srl (Rome) have secured the EUR 8.02 million (RON39.67 million), excluding VAT, contract for design and technical assistance services related to the metro line 5 (Drumul Taberei - Pantelimon), section Eroilor (PS Opera) - Piata Iancului at Bucharest. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Catalin Ilie, Bucharest, tel +40 21319-3601, fax +40 213125149, email Visit 13863739_2019_PAAPD1049919. 47/21.
Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 28/01/2022, for the design and construction of the resistance structure works for Tokyo - Henri Coanda Otopeni Airport section (Lot 1.2) of the M6 metro line in Bucharest. Click here for tender documents where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR261.61 million (RON1.32 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 48 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601/5467, fax +40 213125149, email, a e a Ref.n. 13863739_2021_PAAPD1162252. 03/22.
Romania-București: Construction work for tunnels, shafts and subways
2022/S 011-025067
Notice for changes or additional information
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 2021/S 225-593189)
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU
Section I: Contracting authority/entity
Name and addresses
Official name: METROREX S.A.
National registration number: RO 13863739
Postal address: Strada: Golescu Dinicu, nr. 38
Town: Bucuresti
NUTS code: RO321 Bucureşti
Postal code: 010873
Country: Romania
Contact person: Director Achiziţii Publice - ing. Constantin Marius Rudnițchi
Telephone: +40 0213193601
Fax: +40 0213125149
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object
Scope of the procurement
Legătura reţelei de metrou cu Aeroportul Internaţional Henri Coandă. (Magistrala 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni). Proiectare şi execuţie lucrări structură de rezistenţă pentru Lotul 1.2: Tokyo – Aeroport Otopeni
Reference number: 13863739_2021_PAAPD1162252
Main CPV code
45221200 Construction work for tunnels, shafts and subways
Type of contract
Section VI: Complementary information
Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2021/S 225-593189
Section VII: Changes
Information to be changed or added
Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: III.1.1)
Place of text to be modified: Cerinţa nr 2: Declaraţie privind neîncadrarea în prevederile art 73 litera d) și e) din Legea nr 99/2016, în scopul efectuării verificărilor prevăzute la art 71, art 72 Declaraţia va fi prezentată conform modelului din Secţiunea Formulare Aceasta va fi completată de fiecare Candidat / Candida
Instead of:
Cerinţa nr. 2: Declaraţie privind neîncadrarea în prevederile art. 73 litera d) și e) din Legea nr. 99/2016, în scopul efectuării verificărilor prevăzute la art. 71, art. 72. Declaraţia va fi prezentată conform modelului din Secţiunea Formulare. Aceasta va fi completată de fiecare Candidat / Candidat asociat / Terţ susţinător / Subcontractanți propuşi.Persoanele din cadrul autorităţii contractante care deţin funcţii de decizie la nivelul METROREX S.A. în ceea ce priveşte organizarea, derularea şi finalizarea procedurii de atribuire, care aprobă, semnează documente emise în legătură cu procedura în cauză sunt:1. Director General – ec. Ștefan Paraschiv2. Director Achiziţii Publice - ing. Constantin Marius Rudniţchi3. Director Infrastructură şi Sisteme Informatice - ing. Gabriel Daniel Mocanu4. Director Exploatare - ing. Liviu Daniel Dinu5. Director Economic - ec. Angela Leancă6. Director Tehnic şi Investiţii - ing. Constantin Mustăţea7. Director Resurse Umane şi Strategie – ing. Marin Aldea8. Director Juridic - cons. jr. Sorin Cristea9. Director Comercial - ing. Cristian Alexandru Micu10. Şef Serviciu Implementare Proiecte Investiţii - ing. Denis Gabriel Panait11. Şef Serviciu Asistenţă Juridică şi Avize - cons. jr. Eduard Safciu12. Şef Serviciu Achiziţii Publice Fonduri Nerambursabile - ing. Romulus Aurelian Bratu13. Şef Serviciu Contractare - cons. jr. Valentina Icleanu14. Şef Proiect M6 - ing. Roxana Divlan15. Șef Birou Achiziții Lucrări Fonduri Nerambursabile - ing. Dorina Mihaela Crăciun16. Șef Birou Contracte și Avize - cons. jr. Nina Dobre17. Serviciul Contractare - ec. Nicolae Vlad18. Birou Contracte și Avize - cons. jr. Giusepina Georgescu19. Biroul Control Financiar Preventiv - controlor financiar Angela Popoviciu20. Responsabil cu protecția datelor cu caracter personal - ing. Paul Ștefan Ristea21. Biroul Achiziţii Lucrări Fonduri Nerambursabile - exp. ach. pub. Andreea TătarPersoanele cu putere de reprezentare din partea furnizorului de servicii auxiliare: Asocierea PADECO Japonia & Oriental Global Consultants Ltd Japonia & S.C. METROUL S.A., precum şi a celor implicaţi din partea acestuia din urmă, în procedura sus menţionată, sunt:1. Director Proiect (Expert tehnic) - Yoshikawa Hisayoshi2. Expert Contract - Retter Christopher3. Expert Tehnic - Takada Hisao4. Expert Legal - Bogdan Radu Curelea5. Expert Tehnic – Cezar Ivana6. Director Tehnic - Cornel Vajaeac7. Director Consultanță - Mihaela Simion8. Expert Tehnic - Bădârcea Iulian9. Expert Tehnic - Ciugudean-Toma Viorica10. Expert Tehnic - Boroianu Cătălin11. Expert Tehnic - Auraș Calcan12. Expert Tehnic - Georgescu Luiza13. Expert Tehnic - Consuela Dumitrescu14. Expert Financiar - Popescu Luci-Elena15. Expert Financiar - Juncu Anca-Veronica16. Expert Financiar - Enescu Doina
Cerinţa nr. 2: Declaraţie privind neîncadrarea în prevederile art. 73 litera d) și e) din Legea nr. 99/2016, în scopul efectuării verificărilor prevăzute la art. 71, art. 72. Declaraţia va fi prezentată conform modelului din Secţiunea Formulare. Aceasta va fi completată de fiecare Candidat / Candidat asociat / Terţ susţinător / Subcontractanți propuşi.Persoanele din cadrul autorităţii contractante care deţin funcţii de decizie la nivelul METROREX S.A. în ceea ce priveşte organizarea, derularea şi finalizarea procedurii de atribuire, care aprobă, semnează documente emise în legătură cu procedura în cauză sunt:1. Director General – Laurențiu Gabriel Trușcă 2. Director Achiziţii Publice - ing. Constantin Marius Rudniţchi3. Director Infrastructură şi Sisteme Informatice - ing. Gabriel Daniel Mocanu4. Director Exploatare - ing. Liviu Daniel Dinu5. Director Economic - ec. Angela Leancă 6. Director Tehnic şi Investiţii - ing. Constantin Mustăţea7. Director Resurse Umane şi Strategie - ing. Marin Aldea 8. Director Juridic - cons. jr. Sorin Cristea9. Director Comercial – ing. Cristian Alexandru Micu10. Şef Serviciu Implementare Proiecte Investiţii - ing. Denis Gabriel Panait11. Şef Serviciu Asistenţă Juridică şi Avize - cons. jr. Eduard Safciu12. Şef Serviciu Achiziţii Publice Fonduri Nerambursabile - ing. Romulus Aurelian Bratu 13. Şef Serviciu Contractare - cons. jr. Valentina Icleanu 14. Şef Proiect M6 - ing. Roxana Divlan15. Șef Birou Achiziții Lucrări Fonduri Nerambursabile - ing. Dorina Mihaela Crăciun16. Șef Birou Contracte și Avize - cons. jr. Nina Dobre17. Serviciul Contractare - ec. Nicolae Vlad 18. Birou Contracte și Avize - cons. jr. Giusepina Georgescu19. Biroul Control Financiar Preventiv - controlor financiar Angela Popoviciu20. Responsabil cu protecția datelor cu caracter personal - ing. Paul Ștefan Ristea21. Biroul Achiziţii Lucrări Fonduri Nerambursabile - exp. ach. pub. Andreea Tătar22. Biroul Documentații Tehnice si Avize C.T.E. – ing. Ion Ion23. Biroul Unități Implementare Investiţii – ing.Dragoș Maria24. Secția L.T. 2 – ing. Răzvan Poștoacă 25. Biroul Contabilitate Investiții- ec. Bogdan Stăncilă26. pentru Șef Birou Exploatare Material Rulant – ing. Horia Dănescu27. Birou Contracte și Avize - cons. Lida Clinciu28. Serviciul L.T.S. – ing. Dragoș Ciută Secția 29. Birou Exploatare Material Rulant – ing. Marius IoncescuPersoanele cu putere de reprezentare din partea furnizorului de servicii auxiliare Asocierea PADECO Japonia & Oriental Consultants Ltd Japonia & METROUL S.A., precum şi a celor implicaţi din partea acestuia din urmă, în procedura sus menţionată, sunt:1. Director Proiect (Expert tehnic) - Yoshikawa Hisayoshi 2. Expert Contract - Retter Christopher3. Expert Tehnic - Hiroaki Tomita4. Expert Legal - Bogdan Radu Curelea5. Expert Tehnic – Cezar Ivana6. Director Tehnic - Cornel Vajaeac7. Director Consultanță - Mihaela Simion8. Expert Tehnic - Bădârcea Iulian9. Expert Tehnic - Ciugudean-Toma Viorica10. Expert Tehnic - Boroianu Cătălin11. Expert Tehnic - Auraș Calcan12. Expert Tehnic - Georgescu Luiza13. Expert Tehnic - Consuela Dumitrescu 14. Expert Financiar - Popescu Luci-Elena15. Expert Financiar - Juncu Anca-Veronica16. Expert Financiar - Enescu Doina
Other additional information:
Necesitatea completării listei cu persoanele care dețin funcții de decizie, cu informații care nu au fost cunoscute la publicarea Documentatiei de Atribuire.
The Joint Venture SOMET from Bucurest and Gulermak Agır Sanayi İnsaat ve Taahhut AS from Ankara have secured the EUR256.68 million (RON1.28 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for the design and construction of the resistance structure works for Tokyo - Henri Coanda Otopeni Airport section (Lot 1.2) of the M6 metro line in Bucharest. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Eng Marius Rudnitchi, Bucharest, tel +40 213193601, fax +40 213125149, email Visit Ref.n. 13863739_2021_PAAPD1162252. 20/23.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23/09/2024, for the design and construction of the architectural works, E&M and low voltage systems, tracks in the tunnels and stations of the Bucharest metro connection with the Henri Coanda International Airport in Otopeni (Lot 2). Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of contract is EUR 335.65 million (RON1.67 bn), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 44 months. Contact Metrorex SA, attn Alexandru Florin Fieraru, Bucarest, tel +40 213193601-5571, fax +40 0213125149, email Visit, and Ref.n. 13863739_2024_PAAPD1490437. 36/24.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 22/10/2024, for supervision services related to the investment objective for the extension of the Bucharest metro Line 4, section Nord Station - Progresul Station. Click here for bid/tender documents, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 58.34 million (RON289.09 million), excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 126 months. Contact Sector 4 (Primaria Sectorului 4 Bucaresti), IORDANA HUDISTEANU, Bucarest, tel +40 733200457, fax +40 213360360, email Visit Ref.n. 4316422/2024/17. 37/24.
Open invitattion to tender, deadline 27/08/2024, for the design and construction of Bucharest metro Line 4 extension, section Nord Station - Progresul Station (12 km). The contract is composed of 2 lots. Click here for bid/tender documents, where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR2.30 bn (RON11.40 bn), excluding VAT. Duration contract 60 months. Contact Sector 4 (Primaria Sectorului 4 Bucaresti), IORDANA HUDISTEANU, Bucarest, tel +40 733200457, fax +40 213360360, email Visit and Ref.n. 4316422/2024/14. 34/24.
Postponed to 08/10/2024 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the design and construction of Bucharest metro Line 4 extension, section Nord Station - Progresul Station (12 km). The contract is composed of 2 lots. Click here for bid/tender documents, where tenders must be sent. Value of contract EUR2.30 bn (RON11.40 bn), excluding VAT. Duration contract 60 months. Contact Sector 4 (Primaria Sectorului 4 Bucaresti), IORDANA HUDISTEANU, Bucarest, tel +40 733200457, fax +40 213360360, email Visit Ref.n. 4316422/2024/14. 40/24.