- it/36
Joint venture of Astaldi/Impregilo/Di Penta nearing completion of $500 million, 13 km-long, 5.2 m-diameter rail tunnel on the Palermo-Messina line beneath the Peloritani mountains between Messina and Villafranca Tirrenica. A 2 km TBM pilot tunnel had to be abandoned after it hit waterbearing ground comprising degraded gneiss and mylonite and the main tunnel opened out using radial grouting and forepoling through this section. Top heading proceeded using umbrella drilling and forepoling, with backhoe and excavator-mounted hydraulic hammers, followed by abutment and bench excavations. More from June 2000.Restricted procedure, deadline 12th May, 2004 for design, construction and work management for the dualling of the 19.7 km Fiumetorto-Cefalu Ogliastrillo section on the Palermo-Messina line, including the 4,127 m Monte Poggio Maria tunnel. It is a single tube for two tracks. The diameter to crown is 10.5 m. Geology composed of Tusa tuff, Reitano flysch and earthwork deposits. Drill/blast and/or hydraulic hammer. When the face is stable, the support will be a mix of fibre-reinforced shotcrete, steel arches and possible steel pipes (section A1) or fibre-reinforced shotcrete, steel arches and bolts (section A2). When the ground is less stable, support with fibre-reinforced shotcrete, steel arches and steel pipes and reinforcement of the face with grouted fibre glass bolts (section B1) or even excavation under an umbrella vault (section B2). When the ground is unstable, support with fibre-reinforced shotcrete, steel arches and reinforcement of the face with jet grouting (section C1) or fibre-reinforced shotcrete, steel arches and reinforcement of the face with grouted fibre glass bolts (section C2). Tender value: EUR307.8 million. Visit, OJ S 63, or contact Italferr, Rome, fax +39 0649752445. E-mail 18/04.A JV between Maire Lavori and Baldassini Tognozzi-Pontello scooped a EUR278.2 million contract for the design, construction and work management for the dualling of the 19.7 km Fiumetorto-Cefalu Ogliastrillo section on the Palermo-Messina line, including the 4,127 m-long 10.5 m-diameter Monte Poggio Maria single-tube twin-track tunnel. Click it/36. Visit 47/05.
Prior information notice for design and construction for the dualling of the 12.3 km Cefalù Ogliastro-Castelbuono section on the Palermo-Messina line, including the 6,710 m-long Cefalù tunnel, 3,960 m-long Sant'Ambrogio tunnel and 105 m-long Malpertugio tunnel. Contract value EUR423 million excluding VAT, duration 180 days for design and 2,180 days for construction. Contact Mrs Alessia Petruzzelli, Italferr SpA, Roma, tel +39 0649752910, fax +39 0649752423, e-mail Visit 52/10.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.07.2011, for design and construction of dualling of 12.3 km-long Cefalu Ogliastro (i)-Castelbuono (i) section on the Palermo-Messina line, including: the 6,710 m-long Cefalu tunnel; 3,960 m-long Sant'Ambrogio tunnel; and 105 m-long Malpertugio tunnel. Contract value EUR422 million. Contact Angelo Putaturo, Italferr SpA, Rome, tel +39 06497524-46, fax -45, e-mail Visit Bid Code PA-1166. 17/11.
Deadline postponed to 15.09.2011 for invitation to tender for design and construction of dualling of 12.3 km-long Cefalu Ogliastro-Castelbuono section on the Palermo-Messina line, including: the 6,710 m-long Cefalu tunnel; 3,960 m-long Sant'Ambrogio tunnel; and 105 m-long Malpertugio tunnel. Contract value EUR422 million. Contact Angelo Putaturo, Italferr SpA, Rome, tel +39 06497524-46, fax -45, e-mail Visit Bid Code PA-1166. 29/11.
The JV Toto SpA, Italiana Costruzioni SpA, Armafer Srl, ESIM Srl and Alpitel SpA secured the EUR338 million contract for design and construction for the dualling of the 12.3 km Cefalu-Castelbuono section on the Palermo-Messina line, including the bi-tube 6,710 m-long Cefalu tunnel to be built with two 9.90 m diameter TBMs. Also 4,300 m-long Sant Ambrogio tunnel and 135 m-long Malpertugio tunnel to be built conventionally. Duration of work 72 months, starting about 6 months after award. Design by JV Lombardi/Compact Trasporti/ATP. Visit,, and 17/12.
Postponed to 15.09.2011 the deadline of the invitation to tender for design and construction of dualling of 12.3 km-long Cefalu Ogliastro (i)-Castelbuono (i) section on the Palermo-Messina line, including: the
6,710 m-long Cefalu tunnel; 3,960 m-long Sant'Ambrogio tunnel; and 105 m-long Malpertugio tunnel. Contract value EUR422 million. Contact Angelo Putaturo, Italferr SpA, Rome, tel +39 06497524-46, fax -45, e-mail Visit
Bid Code PA-1166. 29/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.07.2011, for design and construction for the dualling of the 12.3 km Cefalù Ogliastro (i)-Castelbuono (i) section on the Palermo-Messina line, including the
6,710 m-long Cefalù tunnel, 3,960 m-long Sant'Ambrogio tunnel and 105 m-long Malpertugio tunnel. Contract value EUR422 million. Contact Angelo Putaturo, Italferr SpA, Rome, tel +39 0649752446, fax +39 0649752445, e-mail Visit
Bid Code PA-1166.17/11.
The JV Toto SpA Costruzioni Generali (Capogruppo Mandataria) - Italiana Costruzioni SpA (Mandante) - ESIM Srl (Mandante) - Alpitel SpA (Mandante) - Armafer del Dr Michele Morelli S.r.l. (Mandante) at Chieti secured the EUR338,577,039 contract, VAT not included, for design and construction of dualling of 12.3 km-long Cefalu Ogliastro (i)-Castelbuono (i) section on the Palermo-Messina line, including: the 6,710 m-long Cefalu tunnel; 3,960 m-long Sant'Ambrogio tunnel; and 105 m-long Malpertugio tunnel. Contact Angelo Putaturo, Italferr SpA, Rome, tel +39 06497524-46, fax -45, e-mail Visit Bid Code PA-1166. 26/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/03/2023, for the design and construction of Lot1+2 Fiumetorto - Lercara, part of the new Palermo - Catania - Messina railway. The contract involves the doubling of the section between Fiumetorto station (not included) and Lercara Diramazione Station (included), from km 0+000,000 to km 29+773, with a new 19.9km twin tube tunnel, named Alia (km 8+100÷km28+050). Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Contract value will be EUR 1.55bn, excluding VAT, 870.52 million of which belonging to the OG4 category. Duration of the contract will be 2860 days. Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, attn Alessio Sammartino, Rome, email Visit Ref.n. DAC.0269.2022. 01/23.
Italy-Rome: Railway construction works
Contract notice – utilities
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU
Section I: Contracting entity
I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
Postal address: Via dello Scalo Prenestino, 25
Town: Roma
NUTS code: ITI43 Roma
Postal code: 00159
Country: Italy
Contact person: Responsabile del Procedimento per la fase di affidamento: Alessio Sammartino.
Internet address(es):
Main address:
I.6)Main activity
Railway services
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
Progettazione esecutiva ed esecuzione in appalto dei lavori di realizzazione della Dir. ferroviaria Messina- Catania -Palermo, Nuovo Collegamento PA-CT. Lotto 1+2:Tratta Fiumetorto-Lercara Diramazione
Reference number: DAC.0269.2022 - CUP J11H03000180001 - CIG 9570962FAF
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45234100 Railway construction works
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 1 549 255 242.28 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITG1 Sicilia
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 1 549 255 242.28 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in days: 2860
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 10/03/2023
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
RFI have awarded to the consortium composed of Webuild (leader, 75% including 5% held by its Seli Overseas subsidiary) and Ghella (25%, including 10% owned by its subsidiary TunnelPro) the EUR 1.32bn contract for the design and construction of Lot1+2 Fiumetorto - Lercara, part of the new Palermo - Catania - Messina railway. The contract involves the doubling of the section between Fiumetorto station (not included) and Lercara Diramazione Station (included), from km 0+000,000 to km 29+773, with a new 19.9km twin tube tunnel, named Alia (km 8+100÷km28+050). Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, attn Alessio Sammartino, Rome, email Visit, and Ref.n. DAC.0269.2022. 23/23.
RFI have awarded to the consortium Kassar, composed of Webuild (leader, 75% including 5% held by its Seli Overseas subsidiary) and Ghella (25%, including 10% owned by its subsidiary TunnelPro) the EUR 1.32bn contract for the design and construction of Lot1+2 Fiumetorto - Lercara, part of the new Palermo - Catania - Messina railway. The contract involves the doubling of the section between Fiumetorto station (not included) and Lercara Diramazione Station (included), from km 0+000,000 to km 29+773, with a new 19.9km twin tube tunnel, named Alia (km 8+100÷km28+050). Contact Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, attn Alessio Sammartino, Rome, email Visit,, and Ref.n. DAC.0269.2022. 23/23 and 12/24.