Castilla & Leí³n
- es/110
High Speed Railway
Open call for bids, deadline 20th January, 2004 for design of the Zamora-Lubií¡n section, subsection Cernadilla-Pedralba de la Pradería. This subsection includes two tunnels in Otero (1.062 m) and Puebla (1.084 m). Tender budget: €2.1 million. Visit, OJ S 243, or contact Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid, fax +34 91 5979342 or 8470. E-mail or 02/04.Open call for bids, deadline 19th February, 2004 for design of the Pedralba de la Praderia-Lubian subsection. Includes tunnels in Pedralba (1,659 m), Requejo (2,600 m), Padornelo (5,971 m) and Aciberos (200 m). Tender budget: EUR2.7 million. Time frame: 14 months. Visit, OJ S 14, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 8470. E-mail or 06/04.Typsa has secured a EUR1.8 million contract to design the Cernadilla-Pedralba de la Praderia section on the Zamora-Lubian line, which includes the Otero and Puebla tunnels, 1,062 m and 1,084 m. 15/04.Getinsa and Geocontrol have secured a EUR1.8 million contract to design the Pedralba de la Praderia-Lubian subsection on the Zamora-Lubian section of the Madrid-Galicia high speed line. This subsection includes four tunnels: Pedralba (1,659 m), Requejo (2,600 m), Padornelo (5,971 m) and Aciberos (200 m). Visit and 26/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 11th June, 2007 for geological and geotechnical studies for the Venta de Baí±os junction in Palencia province. The section is 24.9 km long and includes two tunnels of 2,175 metres. Visit, OJ S 81, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917004700. 18/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 5th February, 2008 for design of the 27 km Venta de Baí±os section, including two tunnels of 1.1 km each. Visit, OJ S 1, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 04/08.AEPO secured a EUR2.3 million contract to design the 27 km Venta de Baí±os section on the Valladolid-Burgos-Venta de Baí±os-Palencia line. There are two tunnels, each 1.1 km in length. Visit 20/08.
Pre-information notice for construction of the Pedralba de la Praderia-Padornelo tunnel subsection on the Zamora-Lubian section of the Madrid-Galicia high-speed line. Tender budget: EUR132.8 million. Visit or contact Seitt S.A. (Sociedad Estatal de Infraestructuras del Transporte Terrestre), Madrid, attn José Manuel Dorrego Iglesias, tel +34 9159166-29, fax -30, e-mail For more on this project visit es/110 and 38/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.04.2010, for construction services, Padornelo tunnel-Cerdedelo section, AV Madrid-Galicia line. Contract value EUR1.35 million. Contact Adif, c/ Titan, Madrid, tel +34 91774-4837, fax -5814, e-mail or Visit 12/10.Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.04.2010, for safety and health co-ordination, section Lubian-Orense, AV Madrid-Galicia line. Contract value EUR2.2 million. Contact Adif, c/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 91774-4837, fax -5814, e-mail or Visit 11/10.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.08.2011, for construction of 3.2 km-long Lubian-Canda tunnel railway section, including Hedroso (913 m) and Lubian (1,710 m) tunnels. Contract value EUR99.4 million not including VAT, duration 32 months. Time limit for access to documents 16.08.2011. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, fax +34 917745814, e-mail Click here and visit, GU S 127. 28/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.09.2011, for the construction of Requejo-Padornelo tunnel section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed line, including the 2,404.5 m-long Requejo tunnel. Contract value EUR72.5 million excluding VAT, duration 33 months. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, fax +34 917745814, e-mail Visit and 35/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.10.2011, for assistance services during the construction of Requejo-Padornelo tunnel section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed line, including the 2,404.5 m-long Requejo tunnel. Contract value EUR3 million excluding VAT, duration 37 months. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 19.10.2011. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, fax +34 917745814, e-mail Visit 42/11.Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.10.2011, for assistance services during construction of 3.2 km-long Lubian-Canda tunnel railway section, including Hedroso (913 m) and Lubian (1,710 m) tunnels. Contract value EUR3 million excluding VAT, duration 36 months. Time limit for access to documents 19.10.2011. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, fax +34 917745814, e-mail Visit 42/11.
The Jv Aldesa Construcciones/Coalvi/Proacon secured the EUR94 million contract for construction of 3.2 km-long Lubian-Canda tunnel railway section, including Hedroso (913 m) and Lubian (1,710 m) tunnels. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, fax +34 917745814, e-mail Click here and visit .46/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.12.2011, for the construction of the platform of the Padornelo tunnel-Lubian section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed railway, North-North East corridor. Contract value EUR113.2 million excluding VAT. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, e-mail:, fax +34 917745814. Visit 46/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.12.2011, for assistance services during construction of the new 7.5 km tunnel di Padornelo-Lubian (Zamora) section on the high-speed line Madrid-Galicia, Olmedo-Medina-Zamora-Puebla de Sanabria-Lubian-Ourense, including the new right tube of 6.4 km tunnel and the bypasses with the existing tube. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 21.12.2011. Contract value EUR3.8 million excluding VAT, duration 46 months. Contact Adif, c/o Titan, Madrid, tel +34 91774-4837, fax -5814, e-mail Visit 47/11.
The JV Aldesa Construcciones (60%), Coalvi (20%) and Proacon (20%) secured the EUR79.7 million contract, VAT not included, for construction of 3.2 km-long Lubian-Canda tunnel railway section, including Hedroso (913 m) and Lubian (1,710 m) tunnels. Contact Adif, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, fax +34 917745814, e-mail Visit 02/12.
JV Ferrovial Agroman/Compania de Obras Castillejos secured the EUR108.8 million contract, VAT included, for railway construction on the Padornelo tunnel-Lubian section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed railway, north-north east corridor. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 91774-4837, fax -5814, e-mail Visit and 10/12.
The JV Tecnica y Proyectos e Intecsa-Inarsa secured the EUR3,263,484 contract for assistance services during construction of the new 7.5 km-long tunnel di Padornelo-Lubian (Zamora) section on the high-speed line Madrid-Galicia, Olmedo-Medina-Zamora-Puebla de Sanabria-Lubian-Ourense, including the new right tube of an existing 6.4 km-long tunnel and connecting crosspassages. Contact Adif, c/o Titan, Madrid, tel +34 91774-4837, fax -5814, e-mail Visit, and 10/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.06.2012, for construction of the platform of the left track 7.3 km-long tunnel de la Canda section, on Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway, North-North West corridor. Contract value EUR105.14 million, VAT not included, duration 35 months. Time limit for accessing documents 14.06.2012. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, e-mail Visit 19/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.06.2012, for construction of the platform of the right track 7.4 km-long tunnel de la Canda section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed railway, North-North West corridor. Contract value EUR110.9 million, VAT not included, duration 35 months. Time limit for accessing documents 14.06.2012. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, e-mail Visit 19/12.
The JV Ferrovial Agroman (70 percent)/Castillejos Compania de Obras (30 percent), has been awarded the EUR92.27 million contract, VAT not included, for construction of the platform of the Padornelo tunnel-Lubian section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed railway, North-North West corridor. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, e-mail, fax +34 917745814. Visit 19/12.
The JV Puentes y Calzadas Infraestructuras (90 percent)/Geotunel (10 percent) has been awarded the EUR58.2 million contract, VAT not included, for construction of the platform of the Requejo-Tunel de Padornelo section on the Madrid-Galicia high speed railway, North-North West corridor. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, e-mail, fax +34 917745814. Visit 19/12.
The JV SA de Obras y Servicios Copasa (40 percent)-Copisa Constructora Pirenaica SA (40 percent)-Sercoysa Proyectos y Obras, SA (10 percent)-Covsa (10 percent) secured the EUR74.99 million contract, VAT not included, for construction of the platform of the left track 7.3 km-long tunnel de la Canda section, on Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway, North-North West corridor. Contact Adif C/Titan, Madrid, tel +34 917744837, e-mail Visit 38/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.01.2016, for the design of civil protection and safety equipment in the tunnels of the Pedralba-Vilarino section, on the Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway. The section includes the tunnels Espino (7.9 km and 7.8 km), O Canizo (5.4 km and 5.4 km), A Canda (7.3 km and 7.3 km) as well as the Padornelo-Lubian (7.3 km and 7.3 km). The contract value is EUR 457,201.03, VAT not included, duration of the contract is 12 months. The time limit for accessing documents is until the 11.01.2016. Contact Adif C/Hiedra, Madrid, tel +34 917744804, fax +34 917674490, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 3.15/20830.0195 - P 010/15. 49/15.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.03.2017, for quality control tests on materials used at the Cernadilla – Pedralba - Tunel de Padornelo section, on the Madrid-Galicia high-speed line. This section includes two tunnels in Otero (1145 m) and Puebla (1499 m), Pedralba (1700 m) de la Praderia e Requejo (2405 m). The value of the contract EUR502,343.47 excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 15 months. Contact Adif Alta Velocidad, Madrid, tel +34 917744804, fax +34 917745814, email Visit Ref.n. 3.16/20830.0248 (AV 028/16). 05/17.
Prior information notice without call for competition for
the project to provide protection and safety equipment in the tunnels of the
Pedralba-Vilarino section, on the Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway. Value of
the contract is EUR32.23million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract 15
months from award.
Contact Adif-Alta Velocidad, Madrid, tel +34 915066671, email
Elecnor SA from Madrid secured the EUR27.31 million contract, excluding VAT,
for the design and maintenance of civil
protection and safety equipment in the tunnels of the Pedralba-Vilarino
section, on the Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway. Contact Adif - Alta
Velocidad, Madrid, tel +34 917744804, fax +34 917674490, e-mail Visit
Ref.n. 4.18/20830.0283 – OM 001/18. 11/19.
Asociacion de Accion Ferroviaria (Cetren) from Madrid have secured the contracts for 9 lots for CE validation of interoperability of the infrastructure and/or energy subsystems on the new high speed railway sections:
- Lot1: Olmedo-Zamora-Pedralba, value of the contract EUR355,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 2: Valladolid-Leon/Venta de Banos-Burgos, value of the contract EUR495,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 3: Antequera-Granada, value of the contract EUR188,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 4: La Robla-Pola de Lena, value of the contract EUR249,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 5: Castellbisbal-Tarragona (Vilaseca)-Vandellos-Castellon-Valencia, value of the contract EUR664,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 6: Monforte del Cid-Murcia-Alicante (Cambiador Encina)-Jativa-Valencia, value of the contract EUR305,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 7: Plasencia-Badajoz, , value of the contract EUR170,000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 8: Vigo-Santiago-la Coruna-Orense-Santiago, value of the contract EUR567, 000, excluding VAT;
- Lot 9: Tunnel AV Atocha-Chamartin, , value of the contract EUR43,459, excluding VAT.
Contact Adif Alta Velocidad, attn Francisco Macias Bonilla, Madrid, tel +34 661347788, email Visit Ref.n. 3600000039. 11/22.
The Joint Venture Zamora -Pedralba-Taboadela, composed of Sociedad Iberica de Construcciones Elecricas SA and Syneox Rail SLU, from Madrid, secured the EUR9.38 million contract, excluding VAT, for the comprehensive management service for civil protection facilities in the following 29 tunnels on Zamora-Pedralba-Taboadela section, Madrid- Galicia high-speed line:
- section Zamora-Pedralba: Otero (1183 m) , Puebla de Sanabria (1538 m), Bolon (430 m), Valorio (193 m), Campina (200 m), Tunel I (185 m), Tunel II (100 m), Ecoducto Otero de Bodas (200 m), Ecoducto Monmbuey (220 m), Boveda Arroyo Calzada (110 m);
- section Pedralba-Vilarino: Pedralba (1670 m), Requejo (2518,44 m, 2466,39 m), Padornelo (5964,17, 6382,66 m), Avesedimas (415,1 m), Hedroso (693,72, 896,6 m), Lubian (1686,58 m, 1693,58 m), La Canda (7287,82 m, 7284,84 m), Vilavella (853,78 m, 886,78 m), O Canizo (5350,92 m, 5353,17 m), Espino (7893,62 m, 7907,69 m);
- sezction Vilarino-Taboadela: Bolanos (6754,05 m, 6770,94 m), Portocamba (3730,16 m, 3665,51 m), Cerdedelo (1687,52 m, 1682,52 m), El Corno (8556,37 m, 8548,92 m), Corga de vela (1134,80 m, 1133,98 m), Prado (7597,12 m, 7575,71 m), Seiro (1780,81 m), Bouzas (825,42 m), Os Casares (3457,76 m).
Contact Adif-Alta Velocidad, Madrid, tel 34 913007453, email Visit Ref.n. 2.23/21506.0039. 03/25.