- de/37
Ring Road
Two invitations by Landeshaupstadt Muenchen for restricted tendering, deadline 14th November, 2000, for engineering and design of five highway tunnels, lengths: 2 x 1.5 km; 620 m; 400 m; and 100 m. Fax +49 89 2336 0215 or visit November 2000.
Award of design contract for southern section of middle ring road, with 1.5 km-long tunnel from Murnauer St to A96 motorway and 650 m-long tunnel in Heckenstaller St, to consortium of Dorsch Consult, G Scholz and Ruediger Schoenenberg. Visit 20/01.
Preinformation notice for construction of the middle ring road, east section between Einsteinstraße and Effnerplatz. Lot 1 includes a 500 m tunnel from Einsteinstraße to 60 m north of Lisztstraße and the 420 m Seiten tunnel from Leuchtenberg ring to Vogelweideplatz. Lot 2 is a 1 km tunnel from Richard Strauss Straße to 100 m north of Denninger Straße. Lot 3 is the 100 m Effnerplatz tunnel. Visit, OJ S 245, or contact Landeshauptstadt, Munich, fax +49 8923360215. 52/02.
Open call for bids, deadline 18th March, 2003 for construction of the middle ring road, east section. Lot 1 includes a 500 m tunnel from Einsteinstraße to 60 m north of Lisztstraße and the 420 m Seiten tunnel from Leuchtenberg ring to Vogelweideplatz. Lot 2 is a 1 km tunnel from Richard Strauss Straße to 100 m north of Denninger Straße. Lot 3 is the 100 m Effnerplatz tunnel. Visit, OJ S 14, or contact Landeshauptstadt, Munich, fax +49 8923360215. 06/03.
Negotiated procedure, deadline 1st April, 2003 for architectural, engineering, construction and related technical consultancy services for the middle ring road, east section from Richard Strauß Straße to Einsteinstraße / Effnerplatz. Three tunnels are required, with lengths of 1.5 km, 400 m and 100 m. Visit, OJ S 41, or contact Landeshauptstadt München, Munich, fax +49 89 23360215. 10/03.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 22nd April, 2003 for engineering of the middle ring road, section east Richard Strauss Straße-Einsteinstraße/Effnerplatz including a 1.5 km tunnel between Einsteinstraße and Denningerstraße, a 400 m tunnel and a 100 m tunnel under Effnerplatz. Visit, OJ S 59, or contact Landeshauptstadt München, Munich, fax +49 8923360215. 14/03.Obermayer and H. Vössing have won an engineering contract for the middle ring road, section east, including a 1.5 km tunnel between Einsteinstraße and Denningerstraße, a 400 m tunnel and a 100 m tunnel under Effnerplatz. Visit 48/03.Negotiated procedure, deadline 15th September, 2005 for executive planning and monitoring during installation of the technical equipment in the middle ring east (or Richard Strauss) tunnel (low- and medium-voltage switchgears, transformers, fire alarm systems, video, public address system, lightning protection, ventilation, lighting, etc.). The tunnel consists of a 1.5 km main tunnel and two short tunnels (460 m and 100 m). Visit, OJ S 151, or contact Landeshauptstadt Muenchen Baureferat, Muenchen, fax +49 8923360215. E-mail 35/05.Ruecker + Schindele received a EUR594,000 contract for executive planning and monitoring during installation of the technical equipment in the middle ring east (or Richard Strauss) tunnel (low- and medium voltage, transformers, fire alarm systems, video, public address system, lightning protection, ventilation, lighting, etc.). The tunnel consists of a 1.5 km main tunnel and two short tunnels (460 m and 100 m). Visit 15/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 16th January, 2008 for approx. 560 loudspeakers, approx. 155 cameras, video detection, video management system, fire alarm systems, etc. in four tunnels (Effner, Richard-Strauss-Strasse, Leuchtenberg, Innsbrucker Ring) on Munich's middle ring road. Visit, OJ S 232, or contact Landeshauptstadt München, Munich, fax +49 8923360215. E-mail 49/07.Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.04.2009, for construction of the 2.8 km section of the South Western Mittlerer Ring between the A96 junction and PassauerStrasse including two rectangular tunnels: Garmischer Strasse to Kiesselbach-Luise-Platz (1,500 m) with connections to the A95 motorway; and Heckenstallerstrasse (620 m) with access and exit ramps. Contract duration 03.08.2009 to 20.11.2015. Deadline for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 02.03.2009. Contact Verwaltung und Recht, Submissionsbüro, Mrs Susanne Dopfer, Munich, tel +49 8923360-207, fax -215, e-mail Visit, OJ S 31. 09/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.04.2009, for tunnel construction on the southwest section of Mittlerer Ring. Lot 1 concerns 1 km-long tunnels from the A96 along Garmischerstrasse to Bernriederstrasse, together with ramp and associated works. Lot 2 is for 500 m-long tunnels with 200 m-long and 300 m-long side tunnels to A95. Lot 3 is for 600 m-long tunnels with 100 m-long ramps. More information, together with specs and docs, from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshaupstadt Muenchen, fax +49 8923360215, e-mail submissionsbuero.bau@muenchen.de 12/09.
Prior information notice for construction of 680 m-long twin tube 9.5 m-wide tunnel on A94 in Munich, proposed start 29.09.2010 for completion 29.03.2012. More from Autobahndirektion Suedbayern in Munich, tel +49 8954552-0, fax -200, e-mail 22/09.
Wayss & Freytag have picked up the EUR142,418,416 contract for construction of the southwest section of the Mittlerer Ring B 2R. More from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 89233602-07, fax -15, e-mail 31/09.
Open invitation to tender for installation of lighting and signalling systems in Oberflaeche tunnel on Mittlerer Ring Suedwest. Contract start date 01.10.2009 for completion 31.12.2010. Time limit for receipt of requests for docs or for accessing docs 15.09.2009. Further information, specs and docs from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 89233602-07, fax -15, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 34/09.
Open invitation to tender for construction of 680 m-long, reinforced concrete lined twin tube 9.5 m-wide tunnel on A94. Contract starts 06.04.2010 for completion 30.04.2012. Further information, specs and docs before 02.10.2009 from Autobahndirektion Suedbayern in Muenchen, tel +49 895455-20, fax -200, e-mail, to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 36/09.
Award of contract to SAG of D-84030 Ergolding for installation of lighting and signalling systems in Oberflaeche tunnel on the Mittlerer ring road, value EUR927,591 excluding VAT. More from Susanne Dopfer at LHS Muenchen, tel +49 89233-602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 50/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.07.2010, for installation of lighting and signalling systems at Oberflaecht tunnel and Garmisch Heckenstallerstrasse on southwest Mittlerer Ring. Contract starts 01.09.2010 for completion 31.12.2010. Time limit for accessing documents 15.07.2010. Further information, specs and docs from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail to whom tender or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 23/10.
Enaco GmbH of Maisach (D) secured the EUR1.12 million contract, VAT included, for installation of lighting and signalling systems at Oberflaecht tunnel and Garmisch Heckenstallerstrasse on southwest Mittlerer Ring. Contact Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 44/10.
Prior information notice that award procedures will start on 01.03.2012 for retrofitting electrical and safety systems during operations at Petuel tunnel on north Mittlerer Ring. Contract starts 01.06.2012 for completion 29.03.2013. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 47/11.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.03.2012, for retrofitting electrical and safety systems during operations at Petuel tunnel on north Mittlerer Ring. Contract starts 09.07.2012 for completion 21.03.2013. Time limit for accessing documents 13.03.2012. Further information, specs and docs from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail to whom tender or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 08/12.
Stredich Beratende Ingenieure (Bochum) secured the EUR440,000 contract, VAT not included, for the technical development of the Middle Ring tunnel, lot 8 and 9, including the retrofitting of safety facilities and the renovation of the technical equipment of the 1.5 km-long Petuel tunnel and operating stations. Further information from Hatice Kartoglu at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 89233-60205, fax +49 89233-60215, e-mail Visit 29/12.
Award of contract, value EUR5,165,993 including VAT, to Duerr Austria GmbH of Gleisdorf for retrofitting electrical and safety systems during operations at Petuel tunnel on north Mittlerer Ring. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 31/12.
Prior information notice that award procedures will start on 09.11.2012 for construction of 1.5 km-long Luise Kiesselbach tunnel and 600 m-long Heckenstaller tunnel on southwest Mittlerer Ring with access to A95 and A96. Contract starts 01.07.2013 for completion 30.06.2015. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 38/12.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.02.2013, for traffic guidance installations in the new road tunnel on southwest Mittlerer Ring. Contract starts 01.07.2013 for completion 17.06.2016. Time limit for accessing documents 12.02.2013. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 04/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.02.2013, for installation of safety systems in the new road tunnel on southwest Mittlerer Ring. Contract starts 01.07.2013 for completion 17.06.2016. Time limit for accessing documents 12.02.2013. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 04/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.03.2013, for steel and metal cover work in the 3 km-long South West road tunnel of the South Western Mittlerer Ring in Munich. Contract duration 01.10.2013 to 10.6.2016. Deadline for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 19.03.2013. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Mrs Susanne Dopfer, Munich, tel +49 8923360-207, fax -215, e-mail Visit 06/13.
Additional information for the open invitation to tender, deadline 26.03.2013, for steel and metal cover work in the 3 km-long South West road tunnel of the South Western Mittlerer Ring in Munich. Contract duration 01.10.2013 to 10.6.2016. Deadline for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 19.03.2013. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Mrs Susanne Dopfer, Munich, tel +49 8923360-207, fax -215, e-mail Visit 07/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.04.2013, for construction, delivery and installation of tunnel ventilation system for the 1.5 km-long Luise Kiesselbach tunnel and 600 m-long Heckenstaller tunnel on southwest Mittlerer Ring with access to A95 and A96. Contract starts 01.07.2013 for completion 31.07.2015. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 28.03.2013. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 08/13.
Following contracts awarded for steel and metal cover work in the 3 km-long South West road tunnel of the South Western Mittlerer Ring in Munich: Lot 1, value EUR8.98 million, including 19 percent VAT, to Forster Metallbau GmbH of Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria; Lot2, value EUR3.91 million including 19 percent VAT, to Hodapp GmbH & Co. KG of Achern-Grossweier, Germany; Lot 3, value EUR191,841 including 19 percent VAT, to Schlosserei Hackl GmbH & Co. KG of Regen, Germany. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Mrs Susanne Dopfer, Munich, tel +49 8923360-207, fax -215, e-mail Visit 26/13.
Following contracts awarded for steel and metal cover work in the 3 km-long South West road tunnel of the South Western Mittlerer Ring in Munich: Lot 1, value EUR8.98 million, including 19 percent VAT, to Forster Metallbau GmbH of Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria; Lot2, value EUR3.91 million including 19 percent VAT, to Hodapp GmbH & Co. KG of Achern-Grossweier, Germany; Lot 3, value EUR191,841 including 19 percent VAT, to Schlosserei Hackl GmbH & Co. KG of Regen, Germany. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Mrs Susanne Dopfer, Munich, tel +49 8923360-207, fax -215, e-mail Visit 26/13.
Howden Ventilatoren GmbH of Heidenheim, Germany secured the EUR1.09 million contract including 19 percent VAT for construction, delivery and installation of tunnel ventilation system for the 1.5 km-long Luise Kiesselbach tunnel and 600 m-long Heckenstaller tunnel on southwest Mittlerer Ring with access to A95 and A96. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 26/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.10.2013, for supply and installation of cold insulation of the fire water network in Luise Kiesselbach (1.5 km) and Heckenstaller (600 m) tunnels on southwest Mittlerer Ring with access to A95 and A96. Length of the pipe to be insulated around 5,500 m. Contract starts 15.12.2013 for completion 30.06.2016. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 16.10.2013. Further information from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 3602-07, fax -15, e-mail Visit 37/13.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.04.2014, for illumination and signalling systems in Trappentreu tunnel on Mittlerer Ring. Contract starts 05.05.2014 for completion 30.09.2015. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 16.04.2014. Further information, specs and docs from Susanne Dopfer at Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 360-207, fax -215, e-mail, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit NUTS Code DE212. 11/14.
Walter Ehmann Elektroanlagen GmbH of Munich secured the EUR620,476.17 contract, including 19 percent VAT, for illumination and signalling systems in Trappentreu tunnel on Mittlerer Ring. Contact Landeshauptstadt Muenchen, tel +49 8923 360-215, e-mail Visit Ref. n. T23070514. 47/14.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.04.2019, for the cleaning of the glass lining in the 1.5km Petuel tunnel on Mittlerer Ring in Monaco. The duration of the contract is from 01/04/2019 to 31/12/2021. For bid documents
Offers must be sent to Contact Monaco City, Monaco, email Visit
NUTS Code DE212. Ref.n. J60069119. 10/19.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 09/02/2021, for the maintenance of the 339 fire doors in 6 road tunnels in Munich. Click here for tender documents and here for sending the tenders. Duration of the contract is from 01/03/2021 to 30/11/2023. Contact Landeshauptstadt Munchen, Munich, email For further information on the tender click here. Ref.n. J60382420. 02/21.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 29/09/2021, for the maintenance on cable duct covers in Candid, Luise-Kiesselbach, Heckenstaller and Trappentreut tunnels on Mittlerer Ring was not awarded. Duration contract from 01/03/2022 to 30/11/2024. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Munich, email Visit Ref. n. J60a203221. 34/21.
The contract for the maintenance on cable duct covers in Candid, Luise-Kiesselbach, Heckenstaller and Trappentreut tunnels on Mittlerer Ring. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Munich, email Visit Ref. n. J60a203221. 45/21.
PKE Verkehrstechnik GmbH from Vienna secured the contract for the maintenance of 339 fire doors in 6 road tunnels in Munich. Contact Landeshauptstadt Munchen, Munich, email Visit a Ref.n. J60382420. 08/22.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 05/12/2022, for a competent planning office to plan maintenance and repair of the following tunnels (below), create tender documents and participate in the awarding of contracts: Allach (1050 m on A99), Aubing (1935 m on A99), Neubiberg (327 m on A8), Wimpasing (694 m on A94), Pfaffenstein (880 m on A93), Prüfening (670 m on A93), Herfatz (440 m on A96), Memmingen (on A7), Kohlberg (602 m on A96), Eching (400 m on A96) Etterschlag (500 m on A96), Gilching (520 m on A96), Germering (965 m on A96), Gräfelfing/Graefelfing (280 m on A96), Virngrund (468 m on A7), Agnesburg (707 m on A7), Reinertshof (645 m on A7) and Füssen/Fuessen (1245 m on A7). Duration contract from 28/12/2022 to 15/07/2023. For tender documents please click here. Contact Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, Niederlassung Südbayern, Munich, tel +49 89/35816198, email Visit Ref.n. AP011300129 45/22.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/09/2023, for the upgrading of the technical systems in the Candid (250 m) and Brudermuehl (1.6 km) tunnels on the Mittlerer Ring in Munich. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is from 08/04/2024 to 25/09/2026. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Munich, email Visit Ref. n. T23263023. 33/23.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 15/01/2025, for the cleaning of the walls of tunnels and underpasses on the Mittlerer Ring in Munich. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Duration of the contract is 36 months. Contact Landeshauptstadt, Munich, email Visit Ref. n. BauR I-40390-2024. 48/24.