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China, Shanghai - cn/12

Metro - Line 2

27 km under construction using FCB and NFM TBMs. 200 km of metro/light rail planned by 2010. Contact Zhu Husheng, Shanghai Metro. April 1998.  Test trains began running on the first section of Line 2 on 21st September, 1999 on the 13.6 km between Pudong terminus at Long Dong Lu and Jing An Temple to the west of the city centre. Fitting out of the remaining 2.8 km to Zhong Shan Park should be completed by end-1999 for a formal opening in July, 2000. Total cost $1.2 billion. Presently undergoing feasibility studies for Shanghai Xin-Min LRT line 1 with length of 13 km. Contact Zhou Xiao, Shanghai Municipality, 7 Qianzhaihutong, Beichang St, Xicheng District, China 100031, tel +86 21 601 2852, fax 309 9772. November 1999.City plans to build 10 km/year of transit railway to 2020 at a projected cost of $85 million/km according to Shanghai Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design. Sept 2000.


China, Hong Kong - cn/11

Mass Transit - Tseung Kwan O Extension - Drill/Blast

Hong Kong - cn/11 Mass Transit Tseung Kwan O Extension Drill/Blast Extensions and diversions for mass transit railway to serve Tseung Kwan O New Town and Yau Tong totalling 12.5 km approved with work commencing December, 1998 for completion December, 2002. Design/construct contract worth £35 million for 6.5 km hard rock section awarded to Kier International Hyundai jv. Tunnel will pass 150 m below Pak Shing Kok and will require waterproofing and concrete lining. Five short lengths of cut and cover where tracks emerge from hillside and pass under roadway. April 1999.   Extension of Kwun Tong line from Quarry Bay to North Point in 2 x 1.75 km tunnels as part of $700 million congestion relief project. Kwun Tong line will also be extended from Lam Tin station to a new station at Yau Tong and on to Tiu Keng Leng. Proposed new Tseung Kwan O line require construction of northern arm to Po Lam via Hang Hau and southern arm to Tseung Kwan O South where a depot and station are planned. Total of 13 civils contracts envisaged and another 21 for M & E. August 1999.   Sandvik Tamrock reports that Nishimatsu Construction is using two of its semi-computerised drillrigs and a number of its Toro LHDs on Contract 680 with spoil being crushed underground by a Nordberg NW80 wheeled crusher. Project has four main components: junction diversion works at Quarry Bay station; extension of North Point station; ventilation shaft and chamber at Fortress Hill Road; hardrock TBM excavation of two 1.9 km-long, 6.2 m-diameter running tunnels. Project on course for completion December, 2001. Visit www.tamrock.com February 2000.  Correspondent reports underground crusher working well, with spoil being sent 70 m to surface using vertical pocket lift conveyor. Visit www.nordberg.com Blasting and mucking out logistics difficult because of proximity to operating railway. Five Atlas Copco 322/5352 drillrigs in use on up to 30 small entries for passenger adits, staircases and emergency exits. Visit www.atlascopco.com Tamrock Maxi and Mini-206 rigs being used to drill large face in underpinning area ready for rock splitting. February 2000.



Colombia, Antioquia - co/27


Closing Date: 24.08.2015 (Tender Closed)

The bid deadline for construction, operation and maintenance of the Section1 of Toyo tunnel project is 24.08.2015. The section, from Canasgordas, is 18.3 km-long with bridges (973 m), open air roads (4.97 km) and 12.3 km in tunnel, including the 9.75 km-long Toyo tunnel. Award is scheduled for 28.09.2015. Visit http://antioquia.gov.co/index.php/la-secretaria-de-infraestructura/historico-infraestructura/25026-proceso-licitatorio-del-t%C3%BAnel-del-toyo,-un-ejercicio-de-transparencia


The consortium Antioquia al Mar, lead by FCC with  Colombiana de Infraestructuras S.A.S. (40% shareholding), CASS Constructores & Compañía S.C.A., Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte, Estyma Estudios y Manejos Sociedad Anónima (60% shareholding) secured the EUR 392 million for construction, operation and maintenance of the Section1 of Toyo tunnel project. The section, from Canasgordas, is 18.3 km-long with bridges (973 m), roads (4.97 km) and tunnels (12.3 km), including the 9.75 km-long Toyo tunnel. Visit https://www.invias.gov.co/index.php/sala/noticias/2627-arranco-construccion-del-tunel-del-toyo-en-antioquia  and https://www.fcc.es/-/fcc-construira-el-proyecto-del-tunel-del-toyo-en-colombia-por-392-millones-de-euros    44/15.


Invias, the Colombian highway authority, have awarded the two contracts for the 19.4 km access roads and accompanying infrastructure between Santa Fe de Antioquia and Canasgordas, linking to the 9.8 km Toyo/Guillermo Gaviria Echeverri tunnel. The project includes 13 bridges, 12.5 km open air roads, 11 tunnels and 4 cut & cover tunnels. 

Construcciones el Condor SA secured the EUR 97.28 million (COP418.20bn) contract 1, involving 10km access road from the Santa Fe de Antioquia adit tunnel to the ‘Mar 1’ highway including 4 tunnels.   

Consortium Vias Colombia 061, which includes Hidalgo,  Hidalgo Colombia-Hidalgo and Hidalgo Sucursal Colombia have secured the EUR 90.71 million (COP390 bn) contract 2, involving about  9km access road from Canas Gordas adit tunnel with 13 bridges and 6 tunnels.  

Works will start in May-June 2021. A new tenderwill be announced for supply, installation and operation of E&E equipment. For further information please visit https://www.invias.gov.co. 13/21. 



COMSA Industrial -  in a consortium with local companies Disico e G&C - has been awarded  the EUR100 million contract for the supply, installation, configuration, commissioning and operational support of E&M equipment for the Guillermo Gaviria Echeverri Tunnel (Tunel del Toyo) project and its access roads, as part of the “Roads for Legality and Reactivation Vision 2030” public works programme. The contract includes ventilation systems, fire protection, lighting, control and intelligent transport systems, among others.  Visit https://www.comsa.com/en/. 12/22.  


Colombia, Antioquia - co/26

Pacifico 3 highway

Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) awarded the Pacifico 3 highway concession to the consortium comprising Mario Alberto Huertas Cotes (75 percent) and Constructora Meco Sociedad Anonima Sucursal Colombia (25 percent). The EUR308.63 million (COP778.33 billion) project, including the construction of 26 bridges, 5 short tunnels and a 3.4 km-long tunnel in Tesalia, has been split into six sections: La Pintada-La Felisa (49 km), La Felisa-Irra (14.5 km), La Felisa-Asia (88 km), Asia-La Virginia (26 km), Tesalia bypass (23 km) and Irra-Tres Puertas (31 km). The Pacifico 3 highway, with the two other projects Pacifico 1 and Pacifico 2, will connect the Atlantic Coast and Antioquia with Eje Cafetero and the Cauca valley, decreasing by 7h the travel time between Medellin and Buenaventura port. Visit http://www.ani.gov.co/article/ani-adjudica-proyecto-clave-para-conectar-antioquia-con-el-eje-cafetero-y-buenaventura-12492 and https://www.contratos.gov.co/consultas/detalleProceso.do?numConstancia=13-19-1585387. Ref.n. VJ-VE-IP-LP-009-2013. 30/14.


Colombia, Antioquia - co/25

Pacifico 1 highway

Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) awarded the Pacifico 1 highway concession to the consortium comprising Estudios y Proyectos del Sol SaS Episol SaS (60 percent) and Iridium Colombia Concesiones Viarias Sas (40 percent). The EUR411.84 million (COP1,038.75 billion) project is from Ancon Sur to Bolombolo (46 km). It includes construction of two tunnels totalling5.6 km and 20 bridges totalling 2.17 km. Visit https://www.contratos.gov.co/consultas/detalleProceso.do?numConstancia=13-19-1585051. Ref.n. VJ-VE-IP-LP-007-2013. 30/14.


Colombia, Antioquia - co/24

Pacifico 2 highway

Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) awarded until 2038 the Pacifico 2 highway concession to the consortium P.S.F Concession la Pintad comprising Grupo Odinsa SA (25 percent), Mincivil SA (21.15 percent), Construcciones el condor SA (21.15 percent), Termotecnica Coindustrial SA (13.50 percent), Icein SaS (9.20 percent), Mota-Engil Engenharia and Construcao SA Sucursal Colombia (10 percent). The EUR199.16 million (COP502,77 billion) project includes operation and maintenance of 54 km from La Pintada to la Primavera, as well as the management and maintenance of 41 km between Bolombolo (Venecia) and La Pintada with the construction of the bi-tube 2.5 km-long Mulatos tunnel. Visit http://www.ani.gov.co/sites/default/files/hiring/2681/404//res-adjudicacion-mayo22.pdf. Ref.n. VJ-VE-IP-LP-008-2013. 30/14.


Colombia, Antioquia - co/23

Highway Mar 1

ANI (National Infrastructure Agency) pre-qualified ten groups for construction, operation and maintenance of the Highway Mar 1 project, owned by Autopistas para la Prosperidad. The shortlisted groups are from Colombia, France, Portugal, Chile, Switzerland, Peru and India. They are P.S.F. Concesion Occidente; Vincc de Uraba 1; Sac 4G; Concesionaria Eurolat Antioquena; Shikun&Binui/Grodco; Iridium/Grana y Montero; Construcciones e inversiones Beta SAS/IL&FS Transportation networks Ltd; Cintra Concesia; Ohl concesiones Colombia SAS/Ohl concesiones Chile SA; Autopista Mar 1.

The 1.50 billion Pesos project involves 19 tunnels and 41 bridges. The project is composed of four lots: the second carriageway between Occidente Fernando Gomez Martinez tunnel and San Jeronimo; the second carriageway between San Jeronimo and Santa Fe de Antioquia (Santa Fe de Antioquia–Canasgordas section included); the second tube of the 4.6 km-long Occidente Fernando Gomez Martinez tunnel; and improvement of Santa Fe de Antioquia–Bolombolo section. For further information visit http://www.ani.gov.co/article/seleccionados-los-10-precalificados-para-proyecto-autopista-al-mar-1-de-autopistas-para-la#sthash.Jc0c6OGp.dpuf. 07/14.


Three consortium have been sent the offers for construction, operation and maintenance of the Highway Mar 1, between the Occidente tunnel and Santa Fe de Antioquia and Bolombolo, belonging to Autopistas para la Prosperidad project and including the second tube of the 4.6 km-long Occidente tunnel (or Fernando Gomez Martinez tunnel): Vincc de Uraba 1, composed of Vinci Concesiones S.A.S. (25 percent), Constructora Conconcreto S.A. (50 percent), Vinci High Ways SA.S. (25 percent); Sac 4G, composed of Sacyr Colombia S.A.S. (37.5 percent), Strabag S.A.S. (37.5 percent), Concay S.A. (25 percent); and Cintra Concesia, composed of Infraestructuras de Colombia SAS (40 percent), RH Holding (30 percent), MV Victorias Tempranas SAS (30 percent). For further information visit http://www.ani.gov.co/article/tres-consorcios-compiten-por-la-autopista-al-mar-1-entre-el-tunel-de-occidente-santa-fe-de. 22/15.


The consortium Sac 4G, composed of Sacyr Colombia S.A.S. (37.5 percent), Strabag S.A.S. (37.5 percent) and Concay S.A. (25 percent) secured the EUR900 million contract for  construction, operation and maintenance of the Highway Mar 1, between the Occidente tunnel and Santa Fe de Antioquia and Bolombolo, part of the Autopistas para la Prosperidad project. The contract involves the completion of 75 km of new motorway, the modernization of a 65 km-long section plus the construction of 41 bridges and 17 tunnels, including the second tube of the 4.7 km-long Occidente tunnel (or Fernando Gomez Martinez tunnel). Visit http://www.vicepresidencia.gov.co/prensa/2015/Paginas/Empresas-de-Austria-Espana-y-Colombia-construiran-la-Autopsita-4G-Mar-1-150630.aspx, www.sacyr.com and www.strabag.com. 28/15.


Colombia, Valle del Cauca - co/21


Closing Date: 04.04.2014 (Tender Closed)

ANI (Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura) published the tender, deadline 04.04.2014, for the ten prequalified groups for design, funding, construction, refurbishment, maintenance of the 31.8 km-long road connecting Mulalo and Loboguerrero in Valle del Cauca, including 12 km with nine tunnels and the updating of the  52 km Cali-Dagua-Loboguerrero section. Value project 1.47 billion Pesos.

The ten groups prequalified last June are Consortium Strabag/Concay (Austria and Colombia);  ATI Tradeco/Cedicor (Mexico and Uruguay); Concessionaria 4G Eurolat del Valle (Colombia and Spain); Constructora Andrade Gutierrez SA/Pavimentos Colombia SA/Sainc Ingenieros Constructores SA (Brasil e Colombia); Concessionaria Vial del Pacífico (Colombia and Spain); OHL Concesiones (Spain); Conconcreto/Vinci del Pacífico (France and Colombia); Impregilo SpA/Salini SpA (Italy); Odebrecht (Brasil); SAC VT (Colombia and Spain). For further information visit http://www.ani.gov.co/article/ani-comienza-proceso-de-licitacion-de-proyecto-mulalo-loboguerrero-7514 and https://www.contratos.gov.co/consultas/detalleProceso.do?numConstancia=13-19-1442332. Bid n. VJ-VE-IP-LP-002-2013. 49/13.


Colombia, Antioquia - co/20


E.P.M. Ituango SA awarded the EUR55 million Ituango tunnelling contract to the consortium Ferrovial Agroman Chile SA (60%)/Sainca Ingenieros Constructores SA (40%). Ferrovial Agroman will excavate two parallel tunnels, both 1 km-long and 14 m-diameter, to divert water from the Cauca River. The contractor will also build a 1 km-long access tunnel and a 140 m-long powerhouse gallery. Construction is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2013. Visit www.ferrovial.com and www.sainca.com. 29/11.The consortium Ingetec/Sedic has won a nine-year EUR45.8 million contract for the EUR1.98 billion, eight-turbine, 2,400MW Ituango hydropower project in Colombia. The contract includes installation of the electromechanical equipment and overseeing the civil engineering works. Click here for the map. Visit www.ingetec.com.co and www.sedic.com.co. 29/11.


Atlas Copco will deliver a total of 28 machines to CCC Ituango consortium during 2013 for second phase construction of the EUR1.98 billion, eight-turbine, 2,400MW Ituango hydropower project in Colombia. CCC Ituango comprises Camargo Correa from Brazil (55 percent) and Conconcreto (35 percent) and Coninsa (10 percent) from Colombia. In mid-2011, owner EPM Ituango SA awarded the first phase EUR55 million tunnelling contract to the consortium Ferrovial Agroman Chile SA (60 percent)/Sainca Ingenieros Constructores SA (40 percent). Ferrovial Agroman is excavating two parallel tunnels, both 1 km-long and 14 m-diameter, to divert water from the Cauca River; a 1 km-long access tunnel; and a 140 m-long powerhouse gallery. Visit www.camargocorrea.com.br www.conconcreto.com www.coninsa.com.co www.ferrovial.com and www.sainca.com. 48/12.


Colombia, Santander - co/19


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.02.2009, for tunnelling works for construction of 820 MW, USD1.1 billion Sogamoso River hydropower project for Isagen, a Colombian energy company that owns and operates four other hydro plants and has options to build a further four. Sogamoso is a drill/blast project with two 800 m-long x 11 m-high arched section diversion tunnels, a 340 m-long x 7 m-wide headrace tunnel, a three-room powerhouse, and short tailrace. Contact Maria Perez at Isagen, tel +57 4 316 5120, e-mail mperez@isagen.com.co or visit www.isagen.com Spanish/English. 51/08.


Impregilo, lead contractor with a 60% stake in a consortium including Colombian companies Conalvias and Tecnica Vial, has been awarded the tender to build a hydroelectric plant on the river Sogamoso in north-western Colombia, about 40 km from the city of Bucaramanga. The EUR345 million project involves the construction of a dam 190 m-high and 300 m-long, as well as the underground power station that will house three turbines totalling 820 MW of installed power. Impregilo is already excavating two 870 m-long, 11 m-diameter diversion tunnels, and building roads and access tunnels to the underground power station, worth a further EUR55 million. The client is ISAGEN S.A, a mixed public/private concession holder. Visit www.impregilo.it and www.conalvias.com. 52/09.
