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Spain, Madrid - es/104

M-30 Highway Upgrading

Extensive tunnelling (26 km) is planned to ease congestion on M-30 ring road in Madrid. A total of seven EPB shields will be needed. Six of these would be 15 to 16 m-diameter machines to drive three-lane tunnels namely the east and west tunnels, 3.5 km each, near the Manzanares river; the north and south tunnels, 4 km each, to bypass Avenida de la Ilustracií³n; and the north and south tunnels to bypass the south of the city, 3 km each. The seventh EPB shield would be a around 11 to 12 m in diameter to drive a two-lane 5 km tunnel to connect Avenida de la Ilustracií³n to N-I. Read E-News Weekly 23/2003. 32/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the undergrounding of road N-V, section between the N-V interchange and M-30 in Sepulveda Street. Tender budget: €1.1 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=139594-2003, OJ S 153, or contact Ayuntamiento de Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the undergrounding of the M-30 highway and N-V trunk road in Madrid. Tender value: €1.55 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140603-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the right carriageway on the connection between Paseo Santa Marí­a de la Cabeza and trunk road N-III in Madrid on the M-30 south bypass. Tender value: €997,000. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140539-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the left carriageway on the connection between Paseo Santa Marí­a de la Cabeza and trunk road N-III in Madrid on the M-30 south bypass. Tender budget: €997,000. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140546-2003, OJ S 154, or contact Ayuntamiento de Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the upgrading of the M-30, section from N-V to Castilla Road, west tunnel. Tender budget: €946,000. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140547-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing designing the upgrading of the M-30, section from N-V to Castilla Road, east tunnel. Tender budget: €976,000. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140619-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the new tunel in Pí­o XII Avenue. Tender budget: €1 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140544-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the Ilustracií³n Avenue bypass, south tunnel. Tender budget: €1.2 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140543-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the Ilustracií³n Avenue bypass, north tunnel. Tender budget: €1.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140538-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the undergrounding of section from Portugal Avenue to San Vicente roundabout. Tender budget: €1.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=140535-2003, OJ S 154, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 37/03.Open call for bids, deadline 24th September, 2003 for consulting and technical assistance for designing the extension to the O'Donnell Street tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=143623-2003, OJ S 157, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. More information in E-News Weekly 23/2003. 37/03.Open invitation to tender, deadline 12th November, 2003, for design of specifications, tender documents, work supervision and supply of TBMs to be used for the modernisation of the M-30 motorway in Madrid. Six EPB shield machines will be necessary. Tender value: €241.4 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=168631-2003, OJ S 187, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883570. 41/03.Open call for bids, deadline 12th November, 2003 for design of the connection between Avenida de la Ilustracií³n and Avenida de Ventisquero de la Condesa, with a tunnel under Cardenal Herrera Oria and Fermí­n Caballero avenues. This is part of the upgrading of the M-30. Tender budget: €553,450. Contact http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=168628-2003, OJ S 187, or contact City of Madrid, tel. 34 915883570. 42/03.Open call for bids, deadline 12th November, 2003 for design of connection between the M-30 and N-III (motorway to Valencia). The project will consist in the building of two tunnels, one northbound to connect the Valencia motorway with the M-30 and one southbound. The tunnel will cross Plaza de Conde de Casal and Hermanos Ferní¡ndez Shaw street, which will reduce traffic jams in the area. Tender budget: €837,930. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=168576-2003, OJ S 187, or contact City of Madrid, tel. 34 915883570. 42/03.Two preinformation notices for construction of two tunnels (2,700 m and 2,800 m), and their cross passages, between Praga Bridge and the N-III connection to Valencia. Each tunnel with three 3.5 m-wide lanes plus pavements. Excavation with EPB shields, 15.2 m in diameter. Total thrust: 30,000 tons (300,000 kN). Cutterhead torque: 12,500 mt (125,000 kNm) and minimum installed power of 10,000 kW. Machine with one or two screw conveyors. Double segment erector capable to install the ring in 15 minutes. Estimated cost: €120 to €170 million for each tunnel. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193992-2003, OJ S 216, and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194804-2003, OJ S 217, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Preinformation notice for construction of a 3.5 km tunnel for two carriageways, three 3.5 m-wide lanes for each carriageway, for putting underground the N-V between Aluche and Sepulveda Street. Cut-and-cover method. Estimated cost: €212 to €250 million. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194805-2003, OJ S 217, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Two preinformation notices for construction of two tunnels, 4.5 km each, and their cross passages, to link Maella Roundabout and La Paloma Interchange. Each tunnel with three 3.5 m-wide lanes plus pavements. Excavation with EPB shields, 15.2 m in diameter. Total thrust: 30,000 tons (300,000 kN). Cutterhead torque: 12,500 mt (125,000 kNm) and minimum installed power of 10,000 kW. Machine with one or two screw conveyors. Double segment erector capable to install the ring in 15 minutes. Estimated cost: €210 to €270 million for each tunnel. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193995-2003 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193997-2003, OJ S 216, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Preinformation notice for construction of a 3 km tunnel for two carriageways, five 3.5 m-wide lanes for each carriageway, for putting underground the M-30 between Toledo Bridge and the South Interchange. Cut-and-cover method. Estimated cost: €325 to €350 million. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193996-2003, OJ S 216, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Preinformation notice for construction of a 1.5 km tunnel for two carriageways, three 3.5 m-wide lanes for each carriageway, for putting underground the N-V between Sepulveda Street and Toledo Bridge. Cut-and-cover method. Estimated cost: €225 to €260 million. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194005-2003, OJ S 216, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Preinformation notice for construction of two tunnels, 3.4 km each, for putting underground the M-30 between El Rey Bridge and Toledo Bridge. Carriageway to accomodate five 3.5 m-wide lanes. Estimated cost: €300 to €350 million. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194010-2003, OJ S 216, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Preinformation notice for construction of two tunnels, 2.5 km each, and their cross passages, to connect Ilustracií³n Avenue with the N-I. Each tunnel with three 3.5 m-wide lanes plus pavements. Excavation with EPB shields, 15.2 m in diameter. Total thrust: 30,000 tons (300,000 kN). Cutterhead torque: 12,500 mt (125,000 kNm) and minimum installed power of 10,000 kW. Machine with one or two screw conveyors. Double segment erector capable to install the ring in 15 minutes. Estimated cost: €200 to €250 million. Work start in June 2004. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194011-2003, OJ S 216, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883439 or 3396. 47/03.Preinformation notice for 800 m extension to the O'Donnell tunnel in Madrid under Doctor Esquerdo Street, with two 3 m-wide lanes plus pavements. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220541-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for sinking underground Avenida de Portugal up to San Vicente Roundabout (1,750 m). This will ease connection between Casa de Campo and Distrito de Latina. Access to the San Vicente Roundabout will be in tunnel and tunnels will also allow for coaches to access to the Prí­ncipe Pí­o Interchange. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220556-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for upgrading the connection between the M-30 (La Paloma Interchange) and Pí­o XII Street and Avenida de Burgos. A 800 m tunnel will be constructed to link up Paseo de la Castellana - Chamartí­n to M-30 and slip roads to Avenida de Burgos - Pí­o XII. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220559-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for construction of a 1,100 m two-way cut-and-cover tunnel beneath San Aquilino Street up to the vicinity of the Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid. From there, the tunnel will separate in two branches (one for each direction) to connect with the bus lane of Colmenar Road and N-I. The tunnel of each branch will be TBM-driven and cross-connected. Their cross section will be sufficient to permit traffic of two coaches thereby avoiding traffic interruption in case of breakdown in one of them. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220586-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for upgrading the interchange between N-100 - O'Donnell and M-30. Two underpasses will be constructed, the first being 720 m in length under the M-30 north and the second, 920 m in length, under the M-30 south. Each will accomodate two 3.5 m-wide lanes plus pavements. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220588-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for upgrading the interchange between M-30 and Avenida de América / N-II. Two underpasses will be constructed to connect N-II / M-30 south and M-30 north / N-II. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220589-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for construction of an underpass under Plaza José Marí­a Soler to channel traffic from M-30 north, M-30 south, Gran Ví­a de Hortaleza and Costa Rica. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220590-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for construction of a new 900 m-long three-lane cut-and-cover tunnel to connect Paseo de la Castellana with Pí­o XII Street. The existing tunnel will be renovated for one-way traffic. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220592-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for construction of a subterranean distributor at Ciudad Deportiva del Real Madrid. Cut-and-cover method. There will be two traffic levels and four lanes. Length: 1.2 km, depth: 20 m. The new distributor will connect with the existing roadway and the new one, making possible access by public transport and improving north/south and east/west traffic. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220593-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for connecting Avenida de la Ilustracií³n with Ventisquero de la Condesa Street. The project requires the construction of a connection between El Pilar and M-40 through Ventisquero de la Condesa Street, by means of a 600 m tunnel beneath Avenida del Cardenal Herrera Oria. Three underground car parks will also be built to replace the existing ones that will be affected by the works. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220594-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Preinformation notice for construction of two underpasses under the M-30 to connect directly M-30 north with N-III and N-III with M-30 south. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220595-2003, OJ S 248, or contact City of Madrid, fax +34 915883396. 02/04.Open invitation to tender, deadline 19th July, 2004 for extension of the O'Donnell tunnel. The extension of the O'Donnell tunnel will span 783 m. From late 2005 or early 2006, the lengthened tunnel will start from Menendez Pelayo street, while it now starts in Puerta de la Maternidad, to cross under Doctor Esquerdo up to Piruli. Tender budget: EUR21.8 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=100261-2004, OJ S 119, or contact City Hall, Madrid, fax +34 915883571 or tel. +34 915883570. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 26/2004. 27/04.Open invitation to tender, deadline 30th July, 2004 for work inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination as part of the O'Donnell tunnel extension. Tender budget: EUR25,400. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=096846-2004, OJ S 115, or contact City Hall, Madrid, tel. +34 915883475 or 915883570. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 26/2004. 27/04.Open invitation to tender, deadline 19th July, 2004 for construction of a new tunnel in Pio XII Avenue. The new 823 m-long three-lane tunnel will run parallel to the existing Pio XII tunnel. Its cost amounts to EUR37 million. Time frame for construction: 30 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=100267-2004, OJ S 119, or contact City Hall, Madrid, fax +34 915883571 or tel. +34 915883653. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 26/2004. 27/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd July, 2004 for construction of the right carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / N-III connection, corresponding to the south tunnel of the M-30 south bypass. This 8,344 m section requires 7,212 m of three-lane bored tunnel and 632 m of cut-and-cover tunnel. Tender value: EUR370 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103872-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd July, 2004 for construction of the left carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / N-III connection, corresponding to the north tunnel of the M-30 south bypass. This 8,344 m section requires 7,212 m of three-lane bored tunnel and 632 m of cut-and-cover tunnel. Tender value: EUR292.5 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103849-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 12th August, 2004 for quality control during construction of the left carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / N-III connection, corresponding to the north tunnel of the M-30 south bypass. Tender value: EUR2.9 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104964-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd July, 2004 for construction of an interchange between La Paloma and Pio XII Street / Avenida de Burgos. This 5,508 m section requires a 1,546 m cut-and-cover tunnel and 175 m with conventional means. Tender value: EUR47.8 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103855-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 12th August, 2004 for quality control throughout construction of an interchange between La Paloma and Pio XII Street / Avenida de Burgos. Tender value: EUR478,450. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104988-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd July, 2004 for upgrading of the interchange between the M-30 and N-III. This 4.8 km section requires a 1.4 km cut-and-cover tunnel and 430 m with conventional means. Tender value: EUR161.2 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103833-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 12th August, 2004 for quality control during upgrading of the interchange between the M-30 and N-III. Tender value: EUR1.6 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=104963-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd July, 2004 for upgrading of the interchange between Costa Rica Street and Plaza Jose Maria Soler and the slip roads to the M-30. This 2,078 m section requires 892 m of cut-and-cover tunnel. Tender value: EUR23.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103850-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.Open call for bids, deadline 12th August, 2004 for quality control throughout the upgrading works of the Costa Rica Street and Plaza Jose Maria Soler and the slip roads to the M-30. Tender value: EUR232,750. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105021-2004, OJ S 123, or contact Empresa Municipal Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 28/04.More tenders in E-News Weekly 28/2004. Also read E-News Weekly 23/2003. 28/04.Open invitation to tender, deadline 17th August, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the interchanges between M-30 and Avenida de América / A-2 and between N-100-O'Donnell and M-30. Two underpasses will be constructed to connect N-II / M-30 south and M-30 north / N-II. The interchange between N-100-O'Donnell and M-30 requires two underpasses, 720 m under the M-30 north and 920 m under the M-30 south, each accomodating two 3.5 m-wide lanes. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107776-2004, OJ S 127, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 915883139. 29/04.Open call for bids, deadline 17th August, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the left carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / M-30 connection, corresponding to the north tunnel of the south bypass. This 8,344 m section requires 7,212 m of three-lane bored tunnel and 632 m of cut-and-cover tunnel, divided in two separate tubes. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107697-2004, OJ S 127, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 29/04.Open call for bids, deadline 17th August, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the interchange between the M-30 and N-III. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107672-2004, OJ S 127, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 29/04.Open call for bids, deadline 17th August, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of an interchange between La Paloma and Pio XII Street / Avenida de Burgos and upgrading of the interchange between Costa Rica Street and Plaza Jose Maria Soler and the slip roads to the M-30. The first scheme is 5,508 m in length and requires a 1,546 m cut-and-cover tunnel and 175 m with conventional means. The second is a 2,078 m section including a 892 m of cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107788-2004, OJ S 127, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 29/04.Open call for bids, deadline 12th August, 2004 for quality control during construction of the right carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / N-III connection, corresponding to the south tunnel of the M-30 south bypass. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=108659-2004, OJ S 128, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 91 5883139. 29/04.Open call for bids, deadline 17th August, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the right carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / M-30 connection, corresponding to the south tunnel of the south bypass. This 8,344 m section requires 7,212 m of three-lane bored tunnel and 632 m of cut-and-cover tunnel, divided in two separate tubes. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=117419-2004, OJ S 137, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 915883139. 31-32/04.Open call for bids, deadline 20th September, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the connection between Tetuan district and the M-30, section Sor Angela de la Cruz-Marques de Viana, including a 1.284 m tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=131107-2004, OJ S 151, or contact City of Madrid, Madrid, tel. +34 915883475 or 3653. 35/04.Open call for bids, deadline 20th September, 2004 for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of a new 823 m tunnel in Pio XII Avenue. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=131101-2004, OJ S 151, or contact City of Madrid, Madrid, tel. +34 915883475 or 3653. 35/04.Municipal agency Madrid Calle 30 has awarded to Necso and Ferrovial Agroman the construction of the north tunnel on the south bypass. The contract is worth EUR331.4 million. Visit www.necso.es and www.ferrovial.es 37/04.The south tunnel on the south bypass will be constructed by a JV beween FCC and ACS Dragados for EUR410.3 million. Visit www.fcc.es and www.grupoacs.com 37/04.The south bypass is a three-lane infrastructure totalling 8,344 m divided in two tunnels, of which 7,212 m to be built by 15 m-diameter TBMs and 632 m in cut-and-cover. Sinking of the shafts for the TBMs starts immediately. Construction will last 30 months. Both tunnels, one in each direction, of the so-called south bypass, will allow drivers to avoid the A-3 connection. 37/04.Sacyr Vallehermoso will build for EUR170.7 million and in 24 months the improvements of the connection to the A-3. This is a 4.8 km section, whereof 1.4 km in cut-and-cover and 430 m using conventional means. Visit www.gruposyv.com 37/04.Corsan-Corviam is to improve for EUR50 million La Paloma Interchange. The 5,508 m section requires to excavate 1,546 m in cut-and-cover and 175 m using conventional means. Visit www.corsan-corviam.es 37/04.Another JV set up by Construcciones Sando and Ploder will build the connections to Costa Rica and Jose Maria Soler in 14 months at a cost of EUR24.3 million. This section is 2,078 m in length and includes 892 m of cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit www.sando.net and www.ploder.es 37/04.Aldesa Construcciones has been selected to modernise in 14.5 months the connection with Avenida de América for EUR23 million. Two underpasses are needed to link up the N-II with the M-30 south and the M-30 north with the N-II. Visit www.aldesaconstrucciones.es 37/04.Construction is to start simultaneously on all the sections from September 2004 to conclude between November 2005 and spring 2007. Visit www.urbanismo.munimadrid.es/ 37/04.Comsa will build the extension of the O'Donnell tunnel in Madrid, for EUR25.3 million and a time frame of 18 months. The existing O'Donnell avoids to cross at grade Doctor Esquerdo street and is one of the main ways to get out of Madrid. The existing tunnel, 500 m in length, will be lengthened to 1.3 km and its new entrance will be located near Retiro Park. The cut-and-cover method will be used. Visit www.comsa.com 42/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th December, 2004 for construction of a 2 x 700 m tunnel linking Ilustracion and Ventisquero de la Condesa avenues. Each bore will carry two 3.5 m-wide lanes. Cut-and-cover and Belgian tunnelling methods. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=187466-2004, OJ S 218, or contact Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Madrid, fax +34 915883571. 47/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 4th January, 2005 for construction of a tunnel with entrances and exits in Embajadores Street, El Planetario Avenue and the M-30 / M-40 bypass to permit direct connection with the A-4 and all M-40's movements. In addition, there are two junctions (entry and exit) to link the M-30 with the south end of Embajadores Street. The total length is 5.8 km, whereof 2,460 m of cut-and-cover tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR143.8 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203999-2004, OJ S 237, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 47/2004. 51-52/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 19th January, 2005 for inspection, monitoring and safety and health coordination throughout construction of the connection between Embajadores Street and the M-40. Estimated cost: EUR2.8 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203301-2004, OJ S 236, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es 51-52/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 19th January, 2005 for quality control throughout construction of the connection between Embajadores Street and the M-40. Estimated cost: EUR1.4 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=203312-2004, OJ S 236, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es 51-52/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th March, 2005 for sinking underground the Rey Bridge-Portugal Avenue interchange between Paseo del Marques de Monistrol and Segovia Bridge. The northbound inner carriageway is 2,887.5 m in length while the southbound outer carriageway has a length of 2,910.6 m. It is a cut-and-cover tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR403.7 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=014886-2005, OJ S 16, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. Also visit www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/Monistrol-Pte%20Segovia/Monistrol-Pte%20Segovia-Memoria.pdf to read a technical report on the project.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th March, 2005 for sinking underground the M-30 between Segovia Bridge and San Isidro Bridge (2.5 km). The route totals 5,797.9 m, whereof 2,887.5 m for the inner carriageway and 2,910.4 m for the outer carriageway. Also a 622.5 m stretch of the A-5 will be sunk underground. It is a cut-and-cover tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR264.8 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=014888-2005, OJ S 16, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. Also visit www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/PteSegovia-SanIsidro/Pte%20segovia-San%20Isidro-Memoria.pdf to read a technical report on the project. 05/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 14th March, 2005 for inspection, monitoring and safety and health coordination during construction of the M-30 cut-and-cover tunnel between Segovia Bridge and San Isidro Bridge (2.5 km). Estimated cost: EUR4.5 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=018719-2005, OJ S 19, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. 05/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th March, 2005 for sinking underground the M-30 between San Isidro Bridge and Praga Bridge. The inner carriageway spans 1,404.76 m while the outer carriageway spans 1,397.36 m. It is a cut-and-cover tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR242.4 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=014894-2005, OJ S 16, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. Also visit www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/San%20Isidro-Praga/San%20Isidro-Praga-Memoria.pdf to read a technical report on the project. 05/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th March, 2005 for sinking underground the M-30 between Praga Bridge and the south interchange. The inner carriageway is 1,940.73 m long and the outer carriageway is 1,914.50 m long. It is a cut-and-cover tunnel. Estimated cost: EUR246.7 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=014885-2005, OJ S 16, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. Also visit www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/Pte%20Praga-Nudo%20Sur/Pte%20Praga-NudoSur-Memoria.pdf to read a technical report on the project. 05/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 9th March, 2005 for sinking underground Portugal Avenue between Paseo de Extremadura and the M-30. It is a 1,305 m cut-and-cover tunnel to carry two carriageways, each with four 3.5 m-wide lanes, 0.75 m-wide shoulders and 1 m-wide pavements. The three-lane access ramps to the cut-and-cover tunnel also carry a single-lane exit tunnel to Parque de Atracciones and Casa de Campo (642.3 m) and an entrance tunnel from Paseo de Extremadura and downtown Madrid (490.8 m). Estimated cost: EUR176.9 million. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=014890-2005, OJ S 16, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. Also visit www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/Avda%20Portugal/Avda%20portugal-Memoria.pdf to read a technical report on the project. 05/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 14th March, 2005 for inspection, monitoring and safety and health coordination during construction of the Portugal Avenue cut-and-cover tunnel between Paseo de Extremadura and the M-30. Estimated cost: EUR3.6 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=018716-2005, OJ S 19, or contact Madrid Calle 30, Madrid, fax +34 917213265. E-mail madridcalle30juridic@munimadrid.es. 05/05.Open call for bids, deadline 11th April, 2005 for construction of the Ciudad Deportiva underground distributor. It is an undergound distributor ring under the former sport precinct of the Real Madrid, which consists of a rectangular road link, approximately 1,100 m in length, with three traffic lanes, as well as a lane to access to the future car parks. This ring will include five accesses to channel traffic from the M-30 west and south, the M-607 to Colmenar, Sinesio Delgado street, Monforte de Lemos and Pio XII avenues, the north and south sectors of Paseo de la Castellana, the A-1 Madrid-Burgos and the M-11. The project also includes a tunnel specially designed to channel public transport traffic with the A-1 and M-607. This tunnel will carry two lanes, one for each direction, running under Monforte de Lemos and Sinesio Delgado until Paseo de la Castellana, where it will branch off in two separate tunnels, one towards Plaza de Castilla and the other to Chamartin station. Construction will presumably commence in the middle of the year and last 30 months. Tender estimate: EUR106.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=037270-2005, OJ S 39, or contact City of Madrid, tel. +34 915883570 / 71 or 915883475. 09/05.Geoteyco and Eurocontrol secured a EUR2.8 million contract for quality control throughout construction of the right carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / N-III connection, corresponding to the south tunnel of the M-30 south bypass. Visit www.geoteyco.es and www.eurocontrol.es 10/05.A EUR3.5 million contract has been awarded to Intemac and Ginprosa for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the left carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / M-30 connection, corresponding to the north tunnel of the south bypass. Visit www.intemac.es 10/05.Eptisa and Euroestudios secured a EUR2.4 million contract for quality control during construction of the left carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / N-III connection, corresponding to the north tunnel of the M-30 south bypass. Visit www.eptisainternacional.es and www.euroestudios.es 10/05.Aepo and Iberinsa secured a EUR3.3 million contract for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the left carriageway on the Paseo de Santa Maria de la Cabeza / M-30 connection, corresponding to the south tunnel of the south bypass. Visit www.aepo.es and www.iberinsa.es 10/05.Euroconsult secured a EUR1.3 million contract for quality control during construction of the interchange between the M-30 and N-III. Visit www.euroconsult.es 10/05.Typsa and Ausurinsa secured a EUR2.4 million for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the interchange between the M-30 and N-III. Visit www.typsa.es and www.asurinsa.com 10/05.Eurocontrol and Icaes secured a EUR185,500 for quality control throughout the upgrading works of the Costa Rica Street and Plaza Jose Maria Soler and the slip roads to the M-30. Visit www.eurocontrol.es and www.icaes.es 10/05.Inocsa secured a EUR1.9 million for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of an interchange between La Paloma and Pio XII Street / Avenida de Burgos and upgrading of the interchange between Costa Rica Street and Plaza Jose Maria Soler and the slip roads to the M-30. Visit www.inocsa.es 10/05.Proser secured a EUR1.7 million contract for inspection, monitoring and health and safety coordination during construction of the interchange between M-30 and Avenida de America / A-2 and between N-100-O'Donnell and M-30. Visit www.proser.es 10/05.Geocisa secured a EUR421,000 contract for quality control throughout construction of an interchange between La Paloma and Pio XII Street / Avenida de Burgos. Visit www.geocisa.com 10/05.Open call for bids, deadline 28th April, 2005 for inspection, monitoring as well as health and safety coordination during construction of the Ciudad Deportiva underground distributor. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=049285-2005, OJ S 51, or contact Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Madrid, tel. +34 915883475 or 915883570. Click es/104. 12/05.The City of Madrid has awarded to Sacyr a 24-month contract to build the tunnel which will connect Tetuan district with the M-30, for EUR69.15 million. The 1.35 km tunnel will start at Sor Angela de la Sor street, at the intersection between Infante Mercedes and Bravo Murillo streets to then cross the latter at great depth to avoid affecting Line 1 of the metro. Then, the tunnel passes beneath Marques de Vina street and Agustin Rodriguez Sahagun Park to end at the crossroads with Camino del Chorrillo. It is a 16 m-wide tunnel to be built using slurry walls. In addition to the tunnel, the contract also includes the construction of three car parks, with decks above or below the new roadway. Visit www.gruposyv.com 13/05.The City of Madrid has shared between six contractors contracts worth EUR1,245 million to put underground the six kilometres of the west section of the M-30 and 1.3 km on Avenida de Portugal. Work will commence in April and last 24 months.Sacyr secured a EUR166.3 million for the undergrounding of Avenida de Portugal between Paseo de Extremadura and the M-30. A 1,305 m-long cut-and-cover tunnel for a dual carriageway, a single-lane exit tunnel to Parque de Atracciones and Casa de Campo (642.3 m) and an entrance tunnel from Paseo de Extremadura and downtown Madrid (490.8 m) will be built. Visit www.sacyr.com 14/05.Dragados will underground the Rey Bridge-Avenida de Portugal interchange between Paseo del Marques de Monistrol and Segovia Bridge. The northbound inner carriageway is 2,887.5 m in length while the southbound outer carriageway has a length of 2,910.6 m. The contract is worth EUR371.7 million. Visit www.grupoacs.com 14/05.Ferrovial-Agroman and Compania de Obras Castillejos will underground the M-30 between Segovia Bridge and San Isidro Bridge (2.5 km). The route totals 5,797.9 m, whereof 2,887.5 m for the inner carriageway and 2,910.4 m for the outer carriageway. Also a 622.5 m stretch of the A-5 will be sunk underground. The contract totals EUR247.3 million. Visit www.ferrovial.com and www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/PteSegovia-SanIsidro/Pte%20segovia-San%20Isidro-Memoria.pdf 14/05.Necso will take underground the M-30 between San Isidro Bridge and Praga Bridge. The inner carriageway spans 1,404.76 m while the outer carriageway spans 1,397.36 m. The length of the entrance and exit interchanges is 3,560.72 m. The dualling of the main tunnel under Toledo Bridge is 955.97 m. Contract value: EUR227.8 million. Visit www.necso.es and www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/San%20Isidro-Praga/San%20Isidro-Praga-Memoria.pdf 14/05.FCC will sink underground the M-30 between Praga Bridge and the south interchange. The inner carriageway is 1,940.73 m long and the outer carriageway is 1,914.50 m long. The length of the entrance and exit interchanges is 3,795 m. The dualling of the main tunnels for integration in the south bypass is 1,182 m. Contract value: EUR231.8 million. Visit www.fcc.es and www.madridcamina.org/GruposTrabajo/M-30/Proyectos/Pte%20Praga-Nudo%20Sur/Pte%20Praga-NudoSur-Memoria.pdf 14/05.The City of Madrid has awarded to OHL the construction of a traffic disbributor tunnel under the four towers under construction on the site of what was before the Real Madrid sporting area. The project is budgeted at EUR114.2 million. OHL will build in 30 months the main tunnel, which will consist of a rectangle connected to 12 secondary tunnels for entries, exits and public transport usage. Five entries are planned, with one more envisaged in the future, and five exits together with a branch for public transport. The main tunnel is 1.1 km in length, with 450 m-long sections on the longest sides of the rectangle, orientated to the north-south direction almost parallel to Paseo de la Castellana. They will carry three lanes and a merging lane while the two shortest sides of this rectangle road will accommodate a unique lane. In addition, a four-lane perpendicular carriageway will cross the distributor (two lanes per direction), with access to the car park. Visit www.ohl.es 30/05.AEPO, Sener and Iberinsa secured a EUR2.9 million contract for inspection, monitoring and safety and health coordination during construction of the Portugal Avenue cut-and-cover tunnel between Paseo de Extremadura and the M-30. Visit www.aepo.es, www.sener.es and www.iberinsa.es 44/05.Ingenierí­a Bí¡sica and Incoydesa secured a EUR3.4 million contract for inspection, monitoring and safety and health coordination during the undergrounding of the M-30 between Segovia Bridge and San Isidro Bridge (2.5 km). Visit www.incoydesa.com 44/05.


Spain, Galicia - es/102


Open call for bids, deadline 11th July, 2003 for technical assistance to the early design of the Porrií±o-Vigo motorway section. Approximate length is 9.5 km and a twin 2.65 km tunnel accommodating three lanes is required to cross the mountain ridge which separates the Louro and Lagares river basins. Tender budget: €390.660. Time frame for completion: 12 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=085776-2003, OJ S 95, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 91 5978536 or 915978470. E-mail randujar@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 22/03.Open call for tenders, deadline 18th November, 2005 for project design for the safety equipment of the Folgoso tunnels (2,561 m / 2,551 m) on highway A-52 in Pontevedra province. These tunnels opened in 1998. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194511-2005, OJ S 197, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915978579 or 915978470. E-mail asanchez@mfom.es and cpublic@mfom.es 42/05.Getinsa and Gabinete de Control y Proyectos received a EUR317,000 contract for project design for the safety equipment of the Folgoso tunnels (2,561 m / 2,551 m) on highway A-52 in Pontevedra province. Visit www.getinsa.es 18/06.


Spain, Basque Country - es/100

High Speed Railway

Open call for bids, deadline 13th March, 2003 for consulting and assistance to the design of the Legutiano-Escoriatza section of the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastií¡n high speed link. There is in particular a 4.6 km tunnel. Tender value: €1.2 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=022076-2003, OJ S 27, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 08/03.Open call for bids, deadline 26th April, 2004 for design and build contract for sections Arrazua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano (7.8 km) and Legutiano-Escoriatza (7.4 km) of the high speed line between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian in Alava province. Includes the Luko tunnel (961 m) and the Albertia tunnel (4.9 km). Tender budget for design: EUR2.15 million, time frame: six months. Tender budget for construction: EUR278.7 million, time frame: 46 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040295-2004, OJ S 47, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 12/04.Open call for bids, deadline 26th April, 2004 for design and build contract for sections Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa (3.4 km), Lemoa-Galdakao (5.4 km) and Galdakao-Basauri (3.6 km) of the high speed line between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian in Biscay province. There are four tunnels in Ganzelai (1,359 m), San Roman (735 m), Galdakao (1,792 m) and Zaratamo (2,716 m). Tender budget for design: EUR1.6 million, time frame: six months. Tender budget for construction: EUR185 million, time frame: 38 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040296-2004, OJ S 47, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 12/04.Open call for bids, deadline 26th April, 2004 for design and build contract for sections Hernialde-Zizurkil (5.8 km), Zizurkil-Urnieta (7.2 km) and Urnieta-Hernani (5.4 km) of the high speed line between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian in Guipuzcoa province. There are five tunnels in Anoeta (1,260 m), Inura (2,467 m), Andoain (1,706 m), Aduna (4,540 m) and Hernani (2,635 m). Tender budget for design: EUR2.8 million, time frame: eight months. Tender budget for construction: EUR343.7 million, time frame: 36 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040297-2004, OJ S 47, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 12/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd April, 2004 for construction management for section Mondragon-Bilbao of the high speed line between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. Tender budget: EUR11.9 million, time frame: 60 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=040512-2004, OJ S 47, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 12/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd April, 2004 for construction management for section Vitoria-Mondragon of the high speed line between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. Tender budget: EUR11.8 million, time frame: 55 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=es&docid=040545-2004, OJ S 47, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 12/04.Open call for bids, deadline 23rd April, 2004 for construction management for section Hernialde-Bidasoa river of the high speed line between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. Tender budget: EUR9.4 million, time frame: 60 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=es&docid=041280-2004, OJ S 48, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 12/04.Open call for bids, deadline 30th October, 2004 for design of the Aramaio-Mondragon section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line. Tender budget: 600,000 euros. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163936-2004, OJ S 192, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 42/04.Open call for bids, deadline 5th November, 2004 for design of 7.4 km Legutiano-Escoriatza section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line. This section includes the 4.6 km Albertia tunnel. Tender budget: EUR1.25 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163917-2004, OJ S 192, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 42/04.Open call for bids, deadline 5th November, 2004 for design of the 5.6 km Escoriatza-Aramaio section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line. Tender budget: EUR1 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=164800-2004, OJ S 193, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 42/04.Open call for bids, deadline 5th November, 2004 for design of the 7.8 km Arruzaua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line. Tender budget: EUR900,000. This section includes the 961 m Luko tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=164801-2004, OJ S 193, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 42/04.Open call for bids, deadline 5th November, 2004 for construction supervision services for the Vitoria-Bilbao section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line. Tender budget: EUR2.5 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=164738-2004, OJ S 193, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 42/04.Sener and Ineco secured a EUR1.6 million contract for construction supervision services for the Vitoria-Bilbao section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line. Visit www.sener.es and www.ineco.es 02/05.Saitec will design the 7.8 km Arruzaua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. Contract value: EUR643,500. This section includes the 961 m Luko tunnel. Visit www.saitec.es 03/05.Proser will design the 7.4 km Legutiano-Escoriatza section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. Contract value: EUR912,550. This section includes the 4.6 km Albertia tunnel. Visit www.proser.es 03/05.Proser will design the 7.4 km Legutiano-Escoriatza section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line, which includes the 4.6 km Albertia tunnel. Visit www.proser.es 05/05.Synconsult secured a EUR633.600 million contract to design section Escoriatza-Aramaio on the Y-shaped high speed line which will link Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. The 5.6 km section includes four tunnels totalling 3,366 m. 11/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 7th April, 2005 for construction of section Ordizia-Itsasondo in Gipuzkoa province. This section includes a 3 km tunnel approximately. Tender estimate: EUR55 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=045076-2005, OJ S 47, or contact the Basque government, San Sebastian, fax +34 945019742 or 945019787. E-mail transyop@ej-gv.es 12/05.A JV of Vigiconsult, Euroconsult and ICYE secured a EUR491,700 contract to design section Abadino-Durango on the so-called Y line, the high speed railway between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. This 3.5 km section includes two tunnels for a total length of 1,488 m. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.vigiconsult.com and www.euroconsult.es 22/05AEPO and S.M.D. pocketed a EUR873,300 contract to design section Amorebieta/Etxano-Amorebieta/Etxano on the same line. This 5.1 km section includes four tunnels, for a total length of 1,575 m. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.aepo.es 22/05.Idom and Geoconsult Espaí±a secured a EUR798,400 contract to design section Durango-Amorebieta/Etxano (4.6 km) on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line, which includes three tunnels totalling 2,295 m. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.idom.es and www.geoconsult.es 23/05.Euroestudios secured a EUR619.800 contract to design section Lemoa-Galdakao (5.4 km) on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line, which includes a 1,792 m tunnel. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.euroestudios.es 23/05.Intraesa and Noega Ingenieros secured a EUR542,300 contract to design section Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa (3.4 km) on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line, which includes three tunnels totalling 2,394 m. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.intraesa.com 23/05.Ayesa secured a EUR493,450 contract to design section Galdakao-Basauri (3.6 km) on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line, which includes a 2,716 m tunnel. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.ayesa.es 23/05.Eptisa secured a EUR820,500 contract to design the 4.4 km Mondragon-Elorrio section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian line, including a 3,168 m tunnel. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 10/2005. Visit www.eptisa.es 24/05.Open call for tenders, deadline 16th February, 2006 for safety and health coordination during construction of the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=09024-2006, OJ S 8, or contact ADIF, fax +34 917005751. 05/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 12th April, 2006 for work supervision during construction of section Arrazua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano (7.8 km) on the high speed link between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. This section includes the 960 m-long Luko tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053725-2006, OJ S 51, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 13/06.ADIF, the authority responsible for managing the construction of high speed lines, has awarded the first contract on the line that will connect the three capitals of the Basque autonomous region (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Bilbao and San Sebastian) to a JV of Tecsa and Altuna y Uria, for EUR34.3 million and a construction period of 24 months. It is the 5.2 km-long Arrazua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano section which includes a 139 m underpass beneath the Vitoria-Gasteiz-Eibar motorway and the 970 m-long 95 sq m Luko tunnel. Visit www.adif.es, www.tecsa.es and www.altunayuria.com 15/06.Periodic notice for work control of section Mondragon-Elorrio (4.4 km), which includes a 3,168 m tunnel. This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074706-2006, OJ S 71, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 17/06. Periodic notice for work control of section Abadino-Durango (3.5 km), which includes a 1,488 m tunnel. This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074707-2006, OJ S 71, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 17/06. Periodic notice for work control of section Lemoa-Galdakao (5.4 km), which includes a 1,792 m tunnel. This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074708-2006, OJ S 71, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 17/06. Periodic notice for work control of section Arrazua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano (7.8 km), which includes the Luko tunnel (961 m). This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074709-2006, OJ S 71, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 17/06. Periodic notice for work control of section Legutiano-Escoriatza (7.4 km), which includes the Albertia tunnel (4.6 km). This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074711-2006, OJ S 71, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 17/06. Periodic notice for work control of section Durango-Amorebieta/Etxano (4.6 km), which includes three tunnels for a total length of 2,295 metres. This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=074712-2006, OJ S 71, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 17/06.Periodic notice for work control of section Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa (3.4 km), which includes three tunnels totalling 2,400 metres. This periodic notice is a call for tenders which objective is to reduce the time for receipt of bids. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=075664-2006, OJ S 72, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 19/06.Prointec and Cipsa Consulpal bagged a EUR945,800 contract for safety and health coordination during construction of the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. Visit www.prointec.es and www.cipsaconsulpal.es 24/06.Saitec has won a EUR1.6 million contract for work supervision during construction of section Arrazua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano (7.8 km) on the high speed link between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. This section includes the 960 m-long Luko tunnel. Visit www.saitec.es 24/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 25th August, 2006 for work supervision for the 7.4 km Legutiano-Escoriatza section, subsections I and II on the Basque high speed link between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. The section includes the 4.6 km Albertia tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=152911-2006, OJ S 142, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 33-34/06Open call for bids, deadline 13th November, 2006 for construction supervision of section Abadino-Durango on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 3,520 m section includes two tunnels: Eguskiza, 664 m and Mendigain, 960 m. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=209611-2006, OJ S 197, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. 43/06.Open call for bids, deadline 13th November, 2006 for construction supervision of section Mondragon-Elorrio on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 4,440 m section includes two tunnels: Karraskain, 410 m and Udalaitz, 3,160 m. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=209609-2006, OJ S 197, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. 43/06.Open call for bids, deadline 13th November, 2006 for construction of the Legutiano-Escoriatza section, subsection I on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. The main structure on this 5 km section is the first 2.7 kilometres of the Albertia tunnel, which totals 4.8 km. It is a twin bored tunnel, 57 sq m for each tube. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=210177-2006, OJ S 198, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 44/06.Open call for bids, deadline 27th November, 2006 for construction of the Legutiano-Escoriatza section, subsection II on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. The main structure on this 2.4 km section is the final 2.1 kilometres of the Albertia tunnel. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=210202-2006, OJ S 198, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 44/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 5th December, 2006 for work supervision for sections Eskoriatza-Aramaio and Aramaio-Mondragon on the Y-shaped high speed line between the three Basque capitals (Bilbao, Vitoria and San Sebastian). The first section is 5,580 m long and includes four tunnels: Uruburu 1 (474.7 m), Uruburu 2 (460.1 m), Mazmela, (384.3 m), and Induspe (2,224 m). The Aramaio-Mondragon section is 3,386 m long and includes the 550 m-long Achetarri tunnel. The route is for a double high speed track, IUC gauge. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=215174-2006, OJ S 202, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 91 7005751. 45/06.Open call for bids, deadline 11th December, 2006 for construction of the Mondragon-Elorrio section on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 4,440 m section includes two tunnels: Karraskain, 410 m and Udalaitz, 3,160 m. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=215828-2006, OJ S 203, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 45/06.Open call for bids, deadline 11th December, 2006 for construction of the Abadino-Durango section on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 3,520 m section includes two tunnels: Eguskiza, 664 m and Mendigain, 960 m. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=215829-2006, OJ S 203, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 45/06.Typsa secured a EUR4.2 million contract for site supervision and work management for the 7.4 km Legutiano-Escoriatza section, subsections I and II on the Basque high speed link between Vitoria, Bilbao and San Sebastian. The section includes the 4.8 km Albertia tunnel. Visit www.typsa.es 51-52/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 19th February, 2007 for construction of the 5.6 km Escoriatza-Aramaio section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed link. This section includes the Uruburu 1, Uruburu 2, Mazmela and Induspe twin-track tunnels, with respective length of 475 m, 460 m, 384 m and 2,224 m and cross section of 85 sq m. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=4101-2007, OJ S 4, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 03/07.A EUR65 million contract has been awarded to a JV of Comsa and Cycasa to build the 5 km-long subsection I on the Legutiano-Escoriatza section in Alava province. Construction will take 46 months. This subsection includes the first 2.7 kilometres of the Albertia twin bored tunnel, which totals 4.8 km and has a 57 sq m cross section. Visit www.comsa.com and www.cycasa.com 03/07.A JV between Ferrovial Agroman and Fonorte has been awarded a EUR65.7 million contract to build the 2.4 km-long subsection II on the Legutiano-Escoriatza section in Alava province. Construction will take 45 months. The subsection includes the final 2.1 kilometres of the Albertia tunnel. Visit www.ferrovial.com and www.fonorte.com 03/07.Euroconsult and ICYF pocketed a EUR3.8 million contract for site supervision of section Mondragon-Elorrio on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 4,440 m section includes two tunnels: Karraskain, 410 m and Udalaitz, 3,160 m. Visit www.euroconsult.es 07/07.Eurocontrol and Compaí±í­a Vasca de Ingenierí­a signed a EUR2.4 million contract for construction supervision of the 3,520 m-long Abadií±o-Durango section on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. The section includes the Eguskiza and Mendigain tunnels, respectively 664 m and 960 m long. Read E-News Weekly 41/2006. Visit www.eurocontrol.es 09/07.Eptisa pocketed a EUR3.3 million contract for work supervision for the Eskoriatza-Aramaio and Aramaio-Mondragon sections on the Y-shaped high speed line between the three Basque capitals (Bilbao, Vitoria and San Sebastian). The first section is 5,580 m long and includes four tunnels: Uruburu 1 (474.7 m), Uruburu 2 (460.1 m), Mazmela, (384.3 m), and Induspe (2,224 m). The Aramaio-Mondragon section is 3,386 m long and includes the 550 m-long Achetarri tunnel. Visit www.eptisa.es 09/07.Construction of the Abadií±o-Durango section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line has been commissioned to a JV formed by Construcciones Moyua, Construcciones y Promociones Balzola, and Azvi, each with 33.33%. The contract totals EUR50.7 million. This 3,520 m section includes the Eguskiza and Mendigain tunnels, of 664 m and 960 m respectively. Visit www.moyua.com, www.balzola.com and www.azvi.es 11/07.Obras Subterraneas secured a EUR69.7 million contract to build the Mondragon-Elorrio section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 4,440 m section includes the Karraskain and Udalaitz tunnels, of 410 m and 3,160 m respectively. Visit www.obrassubterraneas.es 11/07.ADIF, the high speed railway administration, awarded Acciona Infraestructuras and Excavaciones Viuda de Sainz a EUR80.9 million contract to build the Eskoriatza-Aramaio section on the high speed link in the Basque Country. The JV pledged to complete construction in 29 months. This 5.58 km section includes a 2,224 m twin-track tunnel. Visit www.acciona.es 15/07.Periodic notice which is a call for tenders aimed at reducing the time for bid submission for construction supervision of the Ordizia-Itsasondo section in Gipuzkoa province. This section includes a 2.8 km tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=94534-2007, OJ S 77, or contact Red Ferroviaria Vasca, Bilbao, fax +34 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 19/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 19th June, 2007 for construction supervision of the Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa and Amorebieta/Etxano-Amorebieta/Etxano section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. The 3,449 m-long Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa includes three tunnels (Ganzelai, 1,365 m; San Roman, 727 m; and Marrageruena, 326 m). The 5 km Amorebieta/Etxano-Amorebieta/Etxano includes four tunnels (Arteako, 330 m; Orranpe, 505 m; Erribaso, 330 m; and Arizbakarro, 385 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103583-2007, OJ S 84, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005771. 19/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 3rd July, 2007 for construction of the 3.4 km Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa high speed rail section in Biscay province. This section includes the Ganzelai, San Romí¡n and Morrageruena tunnels, respective lengths of 1,365 m, 727 m and 326 m and cross-section of 85 sq m for the first and third tunnels and 95 sq m for the San Romí¡n tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=111747-2007, OJ S 91, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 20/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 4th June, 2007 for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the Lemoa-Galdakao and Galdakao-Basauri high speed rail sections in Biscay province. The 5.4 km Lemoa-Galdakao section includes the 1,820 m-long Galdakao tunnel. The 3.6 km Galdakao-Basauri section includes a 2,728 m-long tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105790-2007, OJ S 86, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 21/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 4th June, 2007 for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the Durango-Amorebieta/Etxano high speed rail section in Biscay province. The 4.6 km section includes four mined tunnels: San Andres (703 m), Urzelai (661 m), Olabarrie I (481 m), Olabarrie II (409 m) and the Olabarrie cut-and-cover tunnel (172 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105787-2007, OJ S 86, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 21/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 16th August, 2007 for construction of the 4.6 km-long Durango-Amorebieta/Etxano section, including four mined tunnels: San Andres (703 m, 100 sq m), Urzelai (661 m, 95 sq m) and Olabarrie I and II (481 m and 409 m, 85 sq m), and the Olabarrie cut-and-cover tunnel (172 m) between the last two. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=160500-2007, OJ S 131, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 29/07.Open call for bids, deadline 18th September, 2007 for construction of the 5.4 km Lemoa-Galdakao section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed link. This section includes the 1,827 m-long Galdakao bored tunnel and the 230 m-long Galdakao cut-and-cover tunnel, each 85 square metres in cross-section. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=183739-2007, OJ S 148, or contact ADIF, fax +34 917005751. 33/07.Periodic notice, no deadline specified, being a call for competition aiming at reducing time limits for the receipt of tenders for design of the Mondragon-Bergara-Elorrio section on the new Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. This 4,440 m section includes two tunnels: Karraskain (410 m) and Udalaitz (3,160 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=162510-2007 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=162509-2007, OJ S 132, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. E-mail mjmoro@adif.es 34/07.Open call for bids, deadline 8th October, 2007 for construction of the Ordizia-Itsasondo section in Gipuzkoa province. This section includes a 2.8 km tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=195748-2007, OJ S 157, or contact Basque government and Red ferroviaria vasca, Bilbao, fax +34 945019451 and 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 35/07.Euroestudios and Fulcrum teamed up to get a EUR4.3 million contract for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the Lemoa-Galdakao and Galdakao-Basauri high speed rail sections in Biscay province. The 5.4 km Lemoa-Galdakao section includes the 1,820 m-long Galdakao tunnel. The 3.6 km Galdakao-Basauri section includes a 2,728 m-long tunnel. Visit www.euroestudios.es and www.fulcrum.es 35/07.Ayesa and Azierta Ingenieria secured a EUR4.3 million contract for site supervision of the Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa and Amorebieta/Etxano-Amorebieta/Etxano section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line. The 3,449 m-long Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa includes three tunnels (Ganzelai, 1,365 m; San Roman, 727 m; and Marrageruena, 326 m). The 5 km Amorebieta/Etxano-Amorebieta/Etxano includes four tunnels (Arteako, 330 m; Orranpe, 505 m; Erribaso, 330 m; and Arizbakarro, 385 m). Visit www.ayesa.es and www.geoteyco.es 35/07.Paymacotas and Apia XXI have been awarded a EUR4.3 million contract for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the Durango-Amorebieta/Etxano high speed rail section in Biscay province. The 4.6 km section includes four mined tunnels: San Andres (703 m), Urzelai (661 m), Olabarrie I (481 m), Olabarrie II (409 m) and the Olabarrie cut-and-cover tunnel (172 m). Visit www.paymacotas.com and www.apiaxxi.es 35/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 30th October, 2007 for site supervision and work control during construction of the Ordizia-Itsasondo section of the high speed line. This 2,859 m-long section runs almost fully in tunnel (2,814 metres). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=221722-2007, OJ S 181, or contact Euskal Trenbide Sarea-Red Ferroviaria Vasca, Bilbao, fax +34 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 40/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 12th November, 2007 for construction of the 3.5 km Galdakao-Basauri section in Biscay province, including the 2,728 m-long 85 sq m Zaratamo tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=242863-2007, OJ S 200, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 43/07.ADIF has awarded the 4.6 km Durango-Amorebieta/Etxano section on the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian high speed line to a joint venture formed by Ví­as y Construcciones (75%) and Nortíºnel (25%). The contract is worth EUR70 million and the time frame totals 30 months. The section includes several tunnels: San Andres (703 m), Urzelai (661 m), Olabarrie I and II (481 and 409 m respectively) and, between these two, the 172 m Olabarrie cut-and-cover tunnel. The cross-section is 100 sq m for the San Andres tunnel, 95 sq m for the Urzelai tunnel and 85 sq m for the Olabarrie tunnels. Visit www.vias.es and www.nortunel.com 44/07.Construction of the 5.03 km Amorebieta/Etxano-Amorebieta/Etxano section has been awarded to a joint venture of Construcciones y Promociones Balzola, Construcciones Moyua, and AZVI for an amount of EUR68 million and a time frame of 27 months. The project includes two bored tunnels: Arteako (330 m) and Orranpe (505 m) and two cut-and-cover tunnels: Erribaso (330 m) and Arizbakarra (385 m). Visit www.balzola.com, www.moyua.com and www.azvi.es 44/07.Construction of the Amorebieta/Etxano-Lemoa section has been commissioned to a joint venture formed by Urazca Construcciones and Corsí¡n Corviam, for a cost of EUR45 million and a time frame of 26 months. This 3.45 km section includes the Ganzelai, San Romí¡n and Marrageruena tunnels, respectively 1,365 m, 725 m and 326 m long. Visit www.urazca.com and www.corsan-corviam.es 44/07.A consortium led by Construcciones Ortiz will build the Lemoa-Galdakao section for EUR69 million. This 5.4 km section includes the 1,827 m-long Galdakao bored tunnel and the 230 m-long Galdakao cut-and-cover tunnel, each 85 square metres in cross-section. Visit www.grupoortiz.com 44/07.FCC, Construcciones Olabarri, Guihor Estructuras de Hormigí³n, and Construcciones Donosti scooped a EUR50.5 million contract to construct the 2,859 m Ordizia-Itsasondo section in Gipuzkoa province. This section includes a 2.8 km tunnel (98% of the route). Time frame for construction is 27 months. Visit www.fcc.es, www.olabarri.com and www.codosa.com 50-51/07.ACS, through its affiliate Dragados in partnership with Iza Obras y Promociones, will be responsible for the construction of the 3.53 km Galdakao-Basauri section in Biscay province. Their contract is worth EUR49.4 million and includes the construction of the 2.72 km Zaratamo tunnel. Visit www.dragados.com 02/08.Periodic notice, deadline unspecified, which is a call for tenders with the objective of reducing the time for receipt of bids, for design of the 5.4 km Urnieta-Hernani section, including the 2,638 m Urnieta tunnel and the 815 m Hernani tunnel. Both will be single bore tunnels with a cross section of 95 square metres. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=285494-2007, OJ S 234, or contact Red Ferroviaria Vasca, Bilbao, fax +34 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 03/08.Open call for tenders, deadline 3th March, 2008 for design of the Urnieta-Hernani section in Gipuzkoa province, including the 2,638 m 95 sq m Urnieta single bored tunnel and the 815 m 95 sq Hernani tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=20675-2008, OJ S 16, or contact ETS-RFV, Bilbao, fax +34 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 06/08.Open call for tenders, deadline 3th March, 2008 for design of the Hernani-Astigarraga section in Gipuzkoa province, including Tunnel 3.3, a 700 m 95 sq m single bored tunnel, and the 230 m 95 sq m single bored Loyola tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=20673-2008, OJ S 16, or contact ETS-RFV, Bilbao, fax +34 946572601. E-mail ets@ets-rfv.es 06/08.Eptisa landed a EUR1.2 million contract for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the Ordizia-Itsasondo section of the high speed line. This 2,859 m-long section runs almost fully in tunnel (2,814 metres). Visit www.eptisa.es 07/08.Sener scooped a EUR1.3 million contract to design the 5.4 km Urnieta-Hernani section, including the 2,638 m tunnel and the 815 m Hernani tunnel. Each tunnel is a dual-track tunnel, featuring a 95 sq m cross-section. Visit www.sener.es 25/08.Fulcrum will design the Hernani-Astigarraga section in Gipuzkoa province, including Tunnel 3.3, a 700 m 95 sq m single bored tunnel, and the 230 m 95 sq m single bore Loyola tunnel. The contract is worth EUR2.8 million. Visit www.fulcrum.es 25/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.03.2009, for construction of 2,159 m section of high speed railway at Beasain entirely in tunnels and viaducts. Estimated value EUR40.8 million, duration 35 months. Specs and docs from Cianoplan, tel +34 944-231520, fax -316895. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Comision Central de Contratacion in Vitoria-Gasteiz, tel +34 94501-8931, fax -9018, www.contratacion.info Enquiries to Department of Transport and Public Works in Vitoria, tel +34 94501-8931, fax -9018. For full construction history of this project see tunnelbuilder archive es/100. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=034391-2009. 06/09.


Spain, Madrid-Valladolid - es/56

High Speed Railway

  Open invitation to tender, deadline 10th September, 2001, for design of Fuencarral-Canto Blanco section of Madrid-Miraflores route including 1.5 km cut and cover tunnel. First of five similar contracts. Visit www.gif.es 34/01. Open invitation to tender, deadline 12th September, 2001, for geotechnical evaluation of Madrid-Valladolid line tunnels, including one 9 km-long, three totalling 1 km, and a 1.5 km-long cut and cover. Contact www.gif.es 37/01. Open invitation to tender, deadline 24th October, 2001, for consultancy services for Madrid-Avila high speed railway, including tunnels. Contact Ministry of Construction, fax +34 91 5631574 or visit www.gif.es 42/01. Design and work supervision contract of the Fuencarral-Canto Blanco section including a 1.5 km cut-and-cover tunnel to a jv of Paymacotas, Esteyco and Icyf for €2.9 million. Visit www.gif.es 47/01. Consulting and assistance for geotechnical studies on the Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real section awarded to a jv of Ingeotec and Mayasa for €501,000. Includes the San Pedro tunnel, a 9 km twin tube. Visit www.gif.es 48/01. Open call for bids, deadline 16th January, 2003 for construction of the 7 km Canto Blanco-Tres Cantos section, including 3 cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 1 km. Tender value €45.4 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190325-2002, OJ S 239, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 51/02. Invitation to tender imminent further to government approval of the construction of the Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real section, north of Madrid. This requires the San Pedro twin tunnel, approximately 9,5 km in length. Tender value: €310.3 million, of which €150.7 million for the east tunnel and €159.6 million for the west tunnel. Time frame for construction: 42 months. 18/03.Open call for bids, deadline 20th June, 2003 for construction of the west tunnel, 9.5 km in length, on section Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real. The project includes civil works and equipment for the west tunnel and civil works for the south portal common to the two tracks. Tender value: €159.6 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=077509-2003, OJ S 87, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 20/03.Open call for bids, deadline 20th June, 2003 for construction of the east tunnel, 9.5 km in length, on section Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real. The project includes civil works and equipment for the east tunnel, the connecting galleries to the west tunnel and civil works for the north portal common to the two tracks. Tender value: €150.8 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=078412-2003, OJ S 88, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 20/03.OHL has secured a €137.6 million contract to build the west tube of the San Pedro tunnels between Colmenar Viejo and Soto del Real, north of Madrid. A TBM will be used to drive this 9.5 km 8.75 m-diameter tunnel. The contract also includes tunnel equipment (safety, lighting, communication and control) and building of the south portal. Completion at fall 2006. Visit www.ohl.es 39/03.Construction of the east tube, of the same length, has been commissioned to a JV of midsize contractors including Construcciones Sí¡nchez Domí­nguez, Construcciones Paraí±o SA (Copasa), Aldesa Construcciones and Tableros y Puentes SA (Tapusa) for €130 million. The contract also includes tunnel equipment (safety, lighting, communication and control), building of the cross passages to the west tube and the north portal. 39/03.Open call for bids, deadline 8th January, 2004 for technical and environmental management during construction of several sections of the Madrid-Valladolid high speed line, among which Fuencarral-Canto Blanco, Canto Blanco-Tres Cantos and Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real. Fuencarral-Canto Blanco includes a 1.5 km cut-and-cover tunnel, Canto Blanco-Tres Cantos requires 1 km of cut-and-cover tunnels and Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real includes the San Pedro tunnel (2 x 9.5 km). Tender value: €9 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=208815-2003, OJ S 234, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 50/03.Open call for bids, deadline 12th March, 2004 for design and assistance to work control for the urban integration of the high speed line in Valladolid. The line will run underground, requiring a south-north tunnel starting near a viaduct at Daniel del Olmo Street to link up with the Renedo Road, north of the city, and a new underground station in Campo Grande. Tender budget: EUR2.3 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=024945-2004, OJ S 28, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 09/04.Ineco won a EUR5.4 million contract for technical and environmental management during construction of several sections of the Madrid-Valladolid high speed line, among which the Fuencarral-Canto Blanco, Canto Blanco-Tres Cantos and Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real sections. Fuencarral-Canto Blanco includes a 1.5 km cut-and-cover tunnel, Canto Blanco-Tres Cantos requires 1 km of cut-and-cover tunnels and Colmenar Viejo-Soto del Real includes the 2 x 9.5 km San Pedro tunnel. Visit www.ineco.es 10/04.Ineco has secured a EUR1.6 million contract for the design and assistance to work control for the urban integration of the high speed line in Valladolid. The line will run underground, requiring a south-north tunnel starting near a viaduct at Daniel del Olmo Street to link up with the Renedo Road, north of the city, and a new underground station in Campo Grande. Visit www.ineco.es 31-32/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 28th August, 2007 for work to equip the 9.4 km-long Colmejar Viejo-Soto del Real section, including all outfit (ventilation, fire extinguishing, civil protection and safety, and electrical equipment) in the 2 x 8,759 m-long San Pedro tunnels. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161959-2007, OJ S 132, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 29/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 3rd September, 2007 for construction of the 5.44 km section Duero River-Pinar de Antequera tunnel, including a 2 x 1,057 m-long cut-and-cover tunnel, one for IUC gauge trains and one for Spanish gauge trains. Read E-News Weekly 12/2007, 16/2006 & 5/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=182519-2007, OJ S 147, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 32/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 25th October, 2007 for construction of the east bypass railway for freight trains in Valladolid on the Madrid-Valladolid high speed line. This is a 17.5 km Spanish gauge line, starting at chainage 242.9 on the Madrid-Hendaya line and finishing at chainage 258.4 on the same line. It is mainly a surface line, except two kilometres between chainages 3.9 and 5.9 in Pinar del Jalí³n, San Cristí³bal industrial park and Cerro de San Cristí³bal. The cut-and-cover method will be used. Read E-News Weekly 5/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=221177-2007, OJ S 181, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 40/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 5th November, 2007 for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the east bypass railway for freight trains in Valladolid on the Madrid-Valladolid high speed line. The 17.5 km line includes a 2 km cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=228141-2007, OJ S 187, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 41/07.ADIF awarded the construction and equipment of the 5.44 km section between the Duero River and the Pinar de Antequera tunnel, including a 2 x 1,057 m-long cut-and-cover tunnel, one for IUC gauge trains and one for Spanish gauge trains, to Corsí¡n-Corviam, Begar and Zarzuela. The contract is worth EUR76.2 million. Visit www.corsan-corviam.es, www.begar.es and www.zarzuelasa.com 41/07.OHL (50%), Aldesa Construcciones (14%), Construcciones Sando (14%), Copasa (14%) and Tapusa (8%) landed a EUR60 million contract to equip the 9.4 km-long Colmejar Viejo-Soto del Real section, including all outfit (ventilation, fire extinguishing, civil protection and safety, and electrical equipment) in the 2 x 8,759 m-long San Pedro tunnels. Visit www.ohl.es, www.aldesaconstrucciones.es, www.sando.net, www.copasa.es and www.tapusa.es 45/07.Idom Internacional bagged a EUR2.4 million contract for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the east bypass railway for freight trains in Valladolid on the Madrid-Valladolid high speed line. The 17.5 km line includes a 2 km cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit www.idom.es 52/07-01/08.The Ministry of development has awarded the construction of the east bypass railway for freight trains in Valladolid to FCC and its affiliate Convensa. The contract is worth EUR108.2 million. The project forms part of the Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid high speed line, which opened on 22nd December, 2007. Construction will take 27 months until early 2011. Basically, the bypass is 17.5 km long and its path runs in majority parallel to Valladolid's outer ring road. It travels at grade for most of the length, except two kilometres in Pinar del Jalon, San Cristobal industrial park and Cerro de San Cristobal, running mainly in a cut-and-cover tunnel. Visit www.fcc.es 03/08.Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd April, 2008 for design of the 4,680 m cross city high speed tunnel and the new Campo Grande underground station in Valladolid. The Madrid-Valladolid high speed line entered in service in December 2007 but the bullet trains enter Valladolid at grade using the conventional tracks. Click here. Read E-News Weekly 5/2006, 49/2005, 38/2003 & 49/2002. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=79012-2008, OJ S 58, or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 14/08.Intecsa-Inarsa scooped a EUR4.2 million contract to design the 4,680 m cross-city high speed tunnel and the new Campo Grande underground station in Valladolid. Visit www.intecsa-inarsa.es 24/08.Intecsa-Inarsa has been awarded a EUR4.2 million design contract for the 4,680 m cross city high speed tunnel and the new Campo Grande underground station in Valladolid. The Madrid-Valladolid high speed line entered in service in December 2007 but trains still use the conventional surface tracks within the city. Visit www.intecsa-inarsa.es 27/08.


Spain, Galicia - es/45

High Speed Railway

Open invitations to tender for engineering design of three sections of the high-speed railway line planned through the region, deadlines 23rd January, 2001 to 9th February, 2001. Fax Ministerio de Fomento at +34 91 597 9342 or visit www.gif.es 05/01. Open invitation to tender, deadline 31st July, 2001, for design of railway line to include tunnels. Contact Ministry of Works, Madrid, fax +34 91 5979341. Visit www.boe.es 28/01. Tenders imminent for the Variante de Bregua on the La Coruña-Santiago de Compostela section of the high speed train in Galicia that will connect together Ferrol, La Coruña, Santiago, Pontevedra, Vigo, and the Portuguese border. There will be a 2,834 m-long double-track tunnel. Tender value will be €63 million with a time frame for construction of 28 months. 10/02. Open tendering, deadline 1st April, 2002 for the work supervision of the Variante de Bregua on the La Coruña-Santiago de Compostela section of the high speed train. Includes a 2,834 m-long double-track tunnel. Tender value of €2.3 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 45, document 35365-2002 or contact ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979341/2/3. 11/02. Open tendering, deadline 20th May, 2002 for the construction of the Bregua variant between Boedo and Uxes on the La Coruña-Santiago de Compostela high speed link. Includes a 2.8 km-long double-track tunnel. Tender value of €63 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/ojs/en/frame.htm, OJ S 77, document 59846-2002 or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915631574. 18/02. Call for tenders imminent further to government approval of the 7.7 km Portela-Portas subsection of the Ferrol-La Coruña-Santiago-Pontevedra-Vigo-Portuguese border high speed line. Includes the 4 km Lantaño tunnel. Cost of €77.6 million and construction time of 34 months. Visit www.gif.es 23/02. Call for tenders imminent further to government approval of the 7.2 km Variante de Ordes on the Santiago-La Coruña line. Includes two tunnels, 446 m and 570 metres in length. Cost of €54.5 million and construction time of three years. Already 20% of the 64.4 km line is under construction. Visit www.gif.es 24/02. Award to Euroconsult of the Variante de Bregua work supervision on the La Coruña-Santiago de Compostela section of the high speed train. Includes a 2.8 km double-track tunnel. Contract value of €1.5 million. 26/02. Open call for bids, deadline 22nd July, 2002 for construction of section 1 Portela-Portas of the Variante de Portas in Pontevedra. The 4 km Lantaño tunnel will be built on this section. Tender value €77.6 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/static/home/en/homepage.ini, OJ S 122, document 94905-2002 or contact ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979942 or +34 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es and cpublic@mfom.es 27/02. Open call for bids, deadline 25th July, 2002 for construction of the Variante de Ordes in La Coruña. Tender value €54.5 million. Includes two tunnels, 446 m and 570 m. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/static/home/en/homepage.ini, OJ S 124, document 96614-2002 or contact ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979942 or +34 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es and cpublic@mfom.es 28/02. Two open call for bids, deadline 28th August, 2002 for work supervision. First is for the Portela-Portas section, including a 4 km tunnel. Tender value €2.7 million. Second is for the Ordes variant, including two tunnels totalling approximately 1 km. Tender value €2.6 million. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=112289-2002 and http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=112297-2002, OJ S 142, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979942 or +34 915979342. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es and cpublic@mfom.es 31/02. Award by the ministry of development to a jv of Sacyr, Construcciones Paraño and Cavosa of a €54.3 million contract to build the Bregua bypass between La Coruña and Santiago de Compostela including a single 2,834 m-long double-track tunnel. Drill/blast excavation. Visit www.sacyr.com and www.cavosa.es. E-mail marubio@mfom.es 40/02. Award to a joint venture of Aldesa Construcciones, Obras Subterráneas, Dicaminos, and Tableros y Puentes of a €58.7 million contract to build the Portelas-Portas section of the Variante de Portas in Pontevedra, including the 4 km Lantaño tunnel. E-mail marubio@mfom.es 41/02. OHL and its subsidiary Guinovart & Obras y Servicios Hispania have scooped a €46.8 million contract to dual the 7.2 km Oroso-Ordes section in La Coruña, known as Variante de Ordes. Two tunnels will be required, 446 m and 570 m in length. Time frame for construction 30 months. Visit www.ohl.es 45/02. Award to Norcontrol of a €1.8 million contract for work control and supervision of the Portela-Portas section in Pontevedra. Includes the 4 km Lantaño tunnel. Visit www.gif.es 48/02. Public inquiry is open for the León-Ponferrada high speed rail section. The inquiry is based on option 1 from the draft design study undertaken by Iberinsa. This 112.4 km-long option has an estimated cost of €573.7 million. Ten tunnels will be necessary, the longest of which being 3.4 km in length. 13/03. The Ministry of development has requested the environment impact study to the Ministry of environment for the Vigo-Pontevedra high speed section. Option 2 has been selected, 27.7 km in length for an estimated budget of €293.1 million. There are 11 km of tunnels on the alignment. There will be one tunnel under the Vigo-Pontevedra highway, two 5,910 m-long one-track tunnels near A Madroa, a 1,225 m tunnel in Redondela, another two tunnels prior to arriving in Arcade (2,155 m and 925 m) and a 720 m tunnel at the exit of Arcade. 13/03. Open call for bids, deadline 3rd June, 2003 for engineering for section Cerceda-Meirama (8 km) on the high speed train link in Galicia, including two tunnels (190 m and 1,770 m). Tender value: €966,000. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=076913-2003, OJ S 86, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es 20/03. Open call for bids, deadline 30th June, 2003 for construction of the Queixas bypass on section Santiago-La Coruña. Length is 6.1 km, whereof a 2,140 m double-track tunnel. Tender budget: €43.9 million. Time frame for construction: 32 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087065-2003, OJ S 97, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es and cpublic@mfom.es 22/03. Open call for bids, deadline 30th June, 2003 for construction of the Portas-Vilagarcía bypass, section II. The length is 6.6 km, whereof the El Pousadoiro double-track tunnel (2,355 m). Tender budget: €43.9 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087070-2003, OJ S 97, or contatc Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es and cpublic@mfom.es 22/03. Open call for bids, deadline 30th July, 2003 for consultancy and assistance during work control and supervision of section Portas-Vilagarcía de Arousa on the Portas bypass in Pontevedra province. This section includes the Pousadoiro tunnel, 2,355 m in length, for a double track. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=109945-2003, OJ S 122, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 8470. E-mail cpublic@mfom.es 28/03. A €590,950 contract has been awarded to Ginprosa for assistance to the design of the Cerceda-Meirama section of the high speed train in La Coruña province. This section includes two tunnels, 190 m and 1,770 m in length. 32/03. The ministry of development has awarded to Intecsa-Inarsa the design of the Meirama-Bregua section of the high speed line that will link Ferrol, La Coruña, Santiago, Pontevedra, Vigo and the Portuguese border. Includes a 3,390 m tunnel. Budget estimated at €71.5 million. Design will take 12 months. Visit www.intecsa-inarsa.es 35/03. A JV of Aldesa Construcciones, Dicaminos, Tableros y Puentes, and Obras Subterráneas has won a contract to build the Queixas bypass, 6.1 km in length, including a 2,140 m-long 13.3 m-wide single-tube double-track tunnel. Contract value: €33.4 million. Time frame for construction: 32 months. The Queixas bypass is part of the Santiago-La Coruña high speed link. Visit www.aldesaconstrucciones.es and www.obrassubterraneas.es 42/03. Coprosa in JV with Construcciones Sánchez Domínguez have secured a €52.8 million contract to build the second section of the 6.6 km Portas bypass. This section between Portas and Vilagarcía de Arousa includes the 2,355 m-long dual-track Pousadoiro tunnel. Time frame for construction: 28 months. The Portas bypass is part of the Santiago-Vigo high speed rail link. Visit www.coprosa.es 42/03. GPO Ingeniería has secured a €1.2 million contract for work supervision and construction management of the Queixas bypass, which includes a 2,140 m-long 13.3 m-wide dual-track tunnel. Visit www.gpo.es 46/03. Open call for bids, deadline 6th February, 2004 for design and construction of subsection Silleda (Dornelas)-Vedra (6.4 km) and Vedra-Boqueixon (6.9 km) on section Lalin-Santiago. There are six tunnels: O Portino (600 m), O Curro (870 m), Castro (475 m), Caldelas (623 m), O Reboredo (810 m) and Ardilleiro (725 m). Tender budget: 174.4 million euros. Time frame: 36 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=000484-2004, OJ S 1, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. 03/04. Open call for bids, deadline 28th January, 2004 for design and construction of subsections Amoeiro-Maside (6.3 km) and Maside-Carballino (5.8 km) on section Ourense-Lalin. There are three tunnels: the first is 1,140 m in length, Mundin (1,112 m) and Os Palleiros (360 m). Tender budget: 154 million euros. Time frame: 24 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=001270-2004, OJ S 2, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. Open call for bids, deadline 28th January, 2004 for design and construction of subsections Carballino-O Irixo (6.7 km) and O Irixo-Lalin (6.5 km) on section Ourense-Lalin. There are three tunnels: Piteira (2,135 m), Barro (1,494 m) and Outeiro (2,866 m). Tender budget: 196.5 million euros. Time frame: 34 months. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=003056-2004, OJ S 4, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. For other tunnels tendered, read E-News Weekly 3/2004. 03/04. Open call for bids, deadline 26th February, 2004 for design of the Das Maceiras-Redondela section in Pontevedra province. This 4 km section includes a 1,225 m tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=016390-2004, OJ S 19, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 8470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 07/04. Open call for bids, deadline 26th February, 2004 for design of the Redondela-Soutomaior section in Pontevedra province. This 3.5 km section includes a 2,155 m tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=016364-2004, OJ S 19, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 8470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 07/04. Open call for bids, deadline 26th February, 2004 for design of the Vigo-Das Maceiras section in Pontevedra province. This 9 km section includes a 5,910 m twin bore tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=017269-2004, OJ S 20, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 8470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 07/04. Open call for bids, deadline 4th March, 2004 for design of the Uxes-Pocomaco section in La Coruña province. This 4.3 km section includes two tunnels, 320 m in length and 1,850 m under Mount do Espinle. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=020232-2004, OJ S 23, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 8470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es. Read E-News Weekly 34/2003. More tunnels tendered in E-News Weekly 7/2004. 07/04. Corsan-Corviam has pocketed a EUR90.8 million contract to build the 6.4 km Ourense-Amoeiro section of the Ourense-Santiago line. Includes two tunnels, 679 m and 4,062 m in length. Visit www.corsan-corviam.es 11/04. OHL secured a EUR57.4 million contract for the design and construction of subsection Boqueixon-Santiago de Compostela. This 5.84 km stretch runs entirely in La Coruna province and requires the building of two tunnels in Marrozos (1,260 m) and Santiago (620 m). Visit www.ohl.es 11/04. Construction management and work control of the Ourense-Lalin line goes to Getinsa, for EUR7.6 million. Visit www.getinsa.es 11/04. FCC and Comsa have won a EUR117.8 million contract for the design and construction of subsection Amoeiro-Maside-Carballino (12.1 km) on section Ourense-Lalín, including three tunnels totalling 3.6 km (1,140 m, 1,112 m and 360 m). Time frame for design: six months. Time frame for construction: 21 months. Visit www.fcc.es and www.comsa.com 12/04. Sacyr Vallehermoso, Cavosa and Obras y Servicios de Galicia y Asturias won a EUR115.7 million contract for the design and construction of subsection Carballino-O Irixo-Lalin (13.2 km) on section Ourense-Lalin, including three tunnels totalling 6.5 km (2,135 m, 1,494 m and 2,866 m). Visit www.sacyr.com and www.cavosa.es 12/04. Construction management of section Lalin-Santiago has been awarded to a JV between Idom Internacional and Geocontrol. Subsection Lalin (Baxan)-Lalin (Anzo)-Silleda (Carboeiro), 14.4 km in length, includes five tunnels for a total of 4,725 m (810 m, 1,215 m, 490 m, 790 m and 1,420 m). Subsection Silleda (Dornelas)-Vedra-Boqueixon, 13.3 km in length, includes six tunnels totalling 4,103 m. Subsection Boqueixon-Santiago incorporates two tunnels, 1.2 km and 620 m in length. There are also tunnels on subsection Silleda (Carboeiro)-Silleda (Dornelas). Read E-News Weekly 3/2004. Visit www.idom.es and www.geocontrol.es 12/04. Dragados and Tecsa won a EUR109.5 million contract to design and build subsection Silleda (Dornelas)-Vedra (6.4 km) and Vedra-Boqueixon (6.9 km) on section Lalin-Santiago. There are six tunnels in O Portino (600 m), O Curro (870 m), Castro (475 m), Caldelas (623 m), O Reboredo (810 m) and Ardilleiro (725 m). Visit www.dragados.com 16/04. Payma Cotas has been apppointed designer of the 4.3 km Uxes-Pocomaco section in La Coruna province, which includes two tunnels, 320 m and 1,850 m in length. Contract value: EUR448,900. Visit www.paymacotas.com 24/04. Typsa won a EUR829,190 contract for the design of the 9 km Vigo-Das Maceiras section in Pontevedra province. The section includes a 2 x 5,910 m-long single-track tunnel. Visit www.typsa.es 24/04. Proser won a EUR408,760 contract to design the 3.5 km Redondela-Soutomaior of the high speed line in Pontevedra province. This 3.5 km section includes a 2,155 m tunnel. Visit www.proser.es 26/04. GPO Ingenieria secured a EUR430,900 contrac to to design the 4 km Das Maceiras-Redondela section in Pontevedra province, including the 1,225 m A Madroa tunnel. Visit www.gpo.es 26/04. Open call for bids, deadline 19th August, 2004 for design of the Lalin (Baxan)-Lalin (Anzo)-Silleda (Carboeiro) section, 14.4 km in length, which includes five tunnels for a total of 4,725 m (810 m, 1,215 m, 490 m, 790 m and 1,420 m). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=107740-2004, OJ S 127, or contact GIF, Madrid, fax +34 913198535. This is a rebid further to the decision of the Ministry of public works to cancel a previous design and build tender and to invite tenders separately for design and construction. 29/04. Apia XXI will design the 7.5 km Puebla San Julian bypass, on the Orense-Monforte-Lugo high speed line. The contract is worth EUR1 million. There will be a 570 m tunnel under Mount Castelvelo and a 1,520 m tunnel under Mounts Chaia and Porqueiro. Subscribe to E-News Weekly 19/2003. Visit www.apiaxxi.es 41/04. Apia XXI has secured a EUR1.3 million contract to design section Lalin (Baxan)-Lalin (Anzo)-Silleda (Carboeiro) on the Ourense-Santiago line. This 14.4 km section includes five tunnels (810 m, 1,215 m, 490 m, 790 m and 1,420 m). Visit www.apiaxxi.es 42/04. Open call for bids, deadline 7th February, 2005 for construction of section Ordes-Queixas (3.9 km), which includes two tunnels totalling 1 km. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=221251-2004, OJ S 255, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 02/05. Open call for bids, deadline 24th January, 2005 for work control and supervision during construction of section Ordes-Queixas (3.9 km), which includes two tunnels totalling 1 km. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=213102-2004, OJ S 247, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 02/05. Norcontrol secured a EUR972,500 contract for work control and management of the 3.9 km Ordes-Queixas section, including two tunnels for a total length of 1 km. Visit www.norcontrol.es 16/05. Corsan-Corviam and Copasa won a EUR28.4 million contract for construction of the 4,298 m Ordes-Queixas section, which includes two twin-track tunnels (233 m and 1.023 m). This section connects the Ordes and Queixas bypasses. Visit www.corsan-corviam.es 21/05. Open call for tenders, deadline 11th August, 2005 for construction management of section Cerceda-Meirama (8 km) in La Coruna province. This section includes two tunnels, 190 m and 1,770 m. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=125922-2005, OJ S 127, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. 28/05. Open call for tenders, deadline 5th September, 2005 for work control and inspection during construction of section Meirama-Bregua, including a 3,390 km tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=137814-2005, OJ S 139, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. 30/05. Open call for bids, deadline 8th September, 2005 for construction of the 9 km Lalin (Baxan)-Lalin (Anzo) section. This section includes three tunnels: A Pena (810 m), Vilar do Xestal (1.215 m) and Anzo (540 m). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148601-2005, OJ S 149 or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 35/05. Open call for bids, deadline 8th September, 2005 for construction of the 5.3 km Lalin (Anzo)-Silleda (Carboeiro) section. This section includes two tunnels, 790 m and 1,420 m in length. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=148592-2005, OJ S 149 or contact ADIF, Madrid, fax +34 917005751. 35/05. Open call for bids, deadline 19th September, 2005 for construction of the 5 km Meirama-Bregua section. This section includes a 3,469 m tunnel. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=152716-2005, OJ S 153 or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 35/05. Open call for bids, deadline 28th September, 2005 for construction of the 8.1 km Cerceda-Meirama section. This section includes two tunnels, 1,735 m and 180 m. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=155729-2005, OJ S 156, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 36/05. A consortium including Sacyr (35%), its affiliate Cavosa (30%), and GEA 21 (35%) will build section Meirama-Bregua on the high speed line in La Coruna province, for EUR75.65 million. The project will convert an existing non-electrified single-track section into a dual track suitable for high speed. The new alignment spans 5.34 km, whereof 88% represents a tunnel and a viaduct. The 3.47 km Meirama tunnel under Mounts Xalo will have two emergency exits (three galleries), advanced safety equipment and plates on the tracks to facilitate the driving with rescue vehicles. Visit www.gruposyv.com, www.cavosa.es and www.gea21.es 44/05. In addition, ADIF awarded contracts worth EUR187.4 million for the construction of sections Lalin (Baxan)-Lalin (Anzo) and Lalin (Anzo)-Silleda (Carboeiro), two sections on the Ourense-Santiago high speed connection. The first bidding process had been cancelled by the ministry of public works to separate design and construction in different contracts. The first section, 9 km in length, will be built by Ferrovial Agroman. It includes three tunnels: A Pena (810 m), Vilar do Xestal (1.215 m) and Anzo (540 m). Visit www.ferrovial.com 44/05. The second section between Lalin (Anzo) and Silleda (Carboeiro), 5.3 km in length, has been awarded to Comsa. It includes two tunnels, 790 m and 1,420 m in length. Visit www.comsa.com 44/05. GPO secured a EUR1.6 million contract for work control and inspection of the 8.1 km Cerceda-Meirama section in La Coruna province, which includes two tunnels (1,735 m and 180 m). Visit www.gpo.es 47/05. Apia XXI secured a EUR1.4 million contract for the work control and inspection during construction of section Meirama-Bregua, including a 3,390 km tunnel. Visit www.apiaxxi.es 48/05. Ferrovial Agroman will construct, for EUR53.4 million, section Cerceda-Meirama (8.1 km) in La Coruna province. This section includes two tunnels, 1,735 m and 180 m in length. Visit www.ferrovial.com 03/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 23rd February, 2006 for construction of the Uxes-Pocomaco section (4.3 km) in La Coruna province, including two tunnels, 1,880 m and 490 m long. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=08578-2006, OJ S 8, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 o 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es 05/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 4th April, 2006 for control and work supervision during construction of sections Uxes-Pocomaco and Pocomaco-San-Cristobal in La Coruna province. Section Uxes-Pocomaco includes two tunnels (1,880 m and 490 m) while section Pocomaco-San-Cristobal has two (387 m and 282 m). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=045618-2006, OJ S 43, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es 11/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 10th May, 2006 for design of the Vilargarcia de Arousa-Catoira section (8.3 km) of the Atlantic coast high speed line in Pontevedra province, including three tunnels (1,320 m, 950 m and 490 m). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=077756-2006, OJ S 74, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 18/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 10th May, 2006 for design of the Rialino-Padron section (8.7 km) of the Atlantic coast high speed line in La Coruna province, including one tunnel (1,700 m). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=077730-2006, OJ S 74, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 18/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 27th June, 2006 for safety equipment in a 2,140 m double-track tunnel on the Queixas bypass and in two tunnels totalling 1 km on the Ordes-Queixas bypass on the Santiago-La Coruna high speed link. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105901-2006, OJ S 99, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es 23/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 10th July, 2006 for work control and supervision during installation of the safety equipment in a 2,140 m double-track tunnel on the Queixas bypass and in two tunnels totalling 1 km on the Ordes-Queixas bypass on the Santiago-La Coruna high speed link. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=116842-2006, OJ S 109, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 25/06. ACS, through its affiliated companies Dragados and Tecsa, has bagged a EUR51.11 million contract for the construction of section Uxes-Pocomaco on the Atlantic corridor, the high speed link which will connect La Coruna, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra and the Portuguese border. This is the first section, 4,346 metres in length, of the two on the 8 km Uxes-La Coruna railway bypass, which will connect the Bregua bypass with La Coruna San Cristobal station. The section includes two tunnels, 490 metres and 1.8 km long. Visit www.dragados.com and www.tecsa.es 27/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 25th September, 2006 for supervision of construction works of the Vigo-Das Maceiras section (9 km) on the Atlantic coast high speed link between La Coruna and Vigo. This section includes the 2 x 6 km Das Maceiras tunnel under Mount A Madroa. Both tubes will lie 30 metres apart and be cross connected every 250 metres. Read E-News Weekly 46/2004. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167256-2006, OJ S 155, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 91 5979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 35/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 27th September, 2006 for construction of the Redondela-Soutomaior section (3.5 km) on the Atlantic coast high speed link between La Coruna and Vigo. This section includes a 2,155 m tunnel in Arcade. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=168630-2006, OJ S 156, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 91 5979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 35/06. AEPO signed a EUR806,000 contract to design the Vilargarcia de Arousa-Catoira section (8.3 km) of the Atlantic coast high speed line in Pontevedra province, including three tunnels (1,320 m, 950 m and 490 m). Visit www.aepo.es 39/06. Inocsa pocketed a EUR660,000 contract to design the Rialino-Padron section (8.7 km) of the Atlantic coast high speed line in La Coruna province, including one tunnel (1,700 m). Visit www.inocsa.es 39/06. GPO received a EUR1.6 million contract to control and supervise the construction of sections Uxes-Pocomaco and Pocomaco-San-Cristobal in La Coruna province. Section Uxes-Pocomaco includes two tunnels (1,880 m and 490 m) and section Pocomaco-San-Cristobal has two as well (387 m and 282 m). Visit www.gpo.es 41/06. The bidding process for supervision of construction works of the 3.5 km Redondela-Soutomaior section on the Atlantic coast high speed link between La Coruna and Vigo has been cancelled. This section includes a 2,155 m tunnel in Arcade. 41/06. Dimetronic won a EUR5 million contract for safety equipment in a 2,140 m double-track tunnel on the Queixas bypass and in two tunnels totalling 1 km on the Ordes-Queixas bypass on the Santiago-La Coruna high speed link. Visit www.dimetronic.es 44/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 20th November, 2006 for work control and supervision during construction of the 9 km Vigo-Das Maceiras section on the Atlantic coast high speed link between La Coruna and Vigo. This section includes the 2 x 6 km Das Maceiras tunnel under Mount A Madroa. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=212891-2006, OJ S 200, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 91 5979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 45/06. Open call for tenders, deadline 18th December, 2006 for construction of the 2,540 m-long Soutomaior-Vilaboa section on the Atlantic coast high speed line, including the Xesteira tunnel (782 m), the Pontesampaio tunnel (176 m) and a 243 m cut-and-cover tunnel to cross the N-550 in Arcade. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=231655-2006, OJ S 216, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 and 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es and cpublic@fomento.es 50/06. Open call for bids, deadline 23rd January, 2007 for construction of the Redondela-Soutomaior section in Pontevedra province. This 3.5 km section includes the 2,155 m-long Arcade tunnel. This is a re-bid. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=256552-2006, OJ S 240, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@mfom.es or cpublic@mfom.es 01-02/07. Ferrovial Agroman and Obras Subterraneas pocketed a EUR78 million contract to build the Puebla de San Julian railway bypass on the new Orense-Monforte-Lugo high speed line in Lugo province. The section includes three tunnels, of 300 m, 520 m y 1.450 m respectively. Visit www.ferrovial.es and www.obrassubterraneas.es 01-02/07. FCC and Acciona Infraestructuras secured a EUR157.9 million contract to build the Vigo-Das Maceiras section on the Atlantic coast high speed line. This 7,123 m-long section runs from the intersection of the railway with Buenos Aires Avenue in Vigo up to Das Maceiras valley in Redondela. A 6 km tunnel will be built, consisting of two single-track bores built 30 metres apart and connected to each other by safety cross passages every 250 metres. Visite www.fcc.es y www.acciona.es 01-02/07. Applus Norcontrol secured a EUR159,352 contract for site supervision during installation of the safety equipment in a 2,140 m double-track tunnel on the Queixas bypass and in two tunnels totalling 1 km on the Ordes-Queixas bypass on the Santiago-La Coruna high speed link. Visit www.appluscorp.com 03/07. Sener and Geoconsult España secured a EUR3.1 million contract for site supervision during construction of the 9 km Vigo-Das Maceiras section on the Atlantic coast high speed link between La Coruna and Vigo. This section includes the 2 x 6 km Das Maceiras tunnel under Mount A Madroa. Visit www.sener.es and www.geoconsult.es 03/07. Ineco pocketed a EUR1.7 million contract for site supervision during construction of the Puebla de San Julian railway bypass on the new Orense-Monforte-Lugo high speed line in Lugo province. The section includes three tunnels of 300 m, 520 m and 1,450 m respectively. Read E-News Weekly 44/2006. Visit www.ineco.es 03/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 20th February, 2007 for construction of the Das Maceiras-Redondela section on the Atlantic coast high speed line from Ferrol to the Portuguese border through La Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra and Vigo. This 3,922 m-long subsection, in Pontevedra province, requires to construct the 1,220 m-long 88 sq m twin-track Novelle tunnel and cut-and-cover tunnels in Sampaio de Abajo and Anselle de Abajo, 100 m and 60 m in length. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=18199-2007, OJ S 16, or contact Ministry of public works, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 o 915979938. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 06/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 16th April, 2007 for on-site supervision and work control during construction of the 2.5 km Soutomaior-Vilaboa section on the Atlantic coast high speed line, including the Xesteira tunnel (782 m), the Pontesampaio tunnel (176 m) and a 243 m cut-and-cover tunnel to cross the N-550 in Arcade. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=50463-2007, OJ S 41, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 and 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es and cpublic@fomento.es 12/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 8th May, 2007 for work control and on-site supervision on the Atlantic coast high speed link between Vigo and Pontevedra for the 3.9 km Das Maceiras-Redondela section, including the 1.2 km Novelle tunnel and cut-and-cover tunnels in Sampaio de Abajo and Anselle de Abajo, 100 m and 60 m in length, and for the 3.5 km Redondela-Soutomaior section, including a 2,155 m tunnel in Arcade. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=70472-2007, OJ S 57, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 14/07. Comsa bagged a EUR34.1 million contract to construct the 2,540 m-long Soutomaior-Vilaboa section on the Atlantic coast high speed line, including the 782 m Xesteira tunnel, the 176 m Pontesampaio tunnel and a 243 m cut-and-cover tunnel to cross the N-550 in Arcade. Visit www.comsa.com 22/07. Construction of the 3.9 km Das Maceiras-Redondela section on the Atlantic coast high speed line from Ferrol to the Portuguese border through La Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra and Vigo has been awarded to Vias y Construcciones and Corsan-Corviam. This EUR39.9 million subsection includes the 1,220 m-long 88 sq m twin-track Novelle tunnel and cut-and-cover tunnels in Sampaio de Abajo and Anselle de Abajo, 100 m and 60 m in length. Visit www.vias.es and www.corsan-corviam.es 23-24/07. A EUR37.8 million contract has been awarded to Copasa and Tableros y Puentes to construct the Redondela-Soutomaior section in Pontevedra province. This 3.5 km section includes the 2,155 m-long Arcade tunnel. Visit www.copasa.es and www.tapusa.es 23-24/07. Saitec pocketed a EUR2.3 million contract for on-site supervision and work control during construction of the 2.5 km Soutomaior-Vilaboa section on the Atlantic coast high speed line, including the Xesteira tunnel (782 m), the Pontesampaio tunnel (176 m) and a 243 m cut-and-cover tunnel to cross the N-550 in Arcade. Visit www.saitec.es 27-28/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 4th September, 2007 for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the 6.2 km Cerponzons-Portela section on the Atlantic coast high speed line in Pontevedra province. This section includes the 1.3 km San Amaro tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=167802-2007, OJ S 136, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es and cpublic@fomento.es 30/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 6th September, 2007 for construction of the 6.2 km Cerponzons-Portela section on the Atlantic coast high speed line in Pontevedra province, including the 1.3 km San Amaro tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=174770-2007, OJ S 141, or contact Ministry of Development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 5978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es and cpublic@fomento.es 31/07. Typsa signed a EUR3 million contract for supervision of construction works on the Das Maceiras-Redondela and Redondela-Soutomaior sections, respectively 3.9 km and 3.5 km long, on the Atlantic coast high speed link between La Coruna and Vigo. The first section includes the 1.2 km Novelle tunnel and cut-and-cover tunnels in Sampaio de Abajo and Anselle de Abajo, 100 m and 60 m in length. The second section includes the 2,155 m Arcade tunnel. Visit www.typsa.es 31/07. Open call for bids, deadline 13th September, 2007 for design of the safety and telecommunication equipment for the Vilagarcía de Arousa-Padrón section on the Atlantic coast high speed link. The Vilagarcía de Arousa-Catoira subsection includes three tunnels, of 1,320, 950 and 490 metres in length. The A Vacariza-Rialiño subsection includes two tunnels, of 300 and 650 metres in length. The Rialiño-Padrón subsection includes a 1.7 km tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=184135-2007, OJ S 148, or contact ADIF, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 33/07. Enmacosa secured a EUR2 million contract for site supervision and work inspection during construction of the 6.2 km Cerponzons-Portela section on the Atlantic coast high speed line in Pontevedra province. This section includes the 1.3 km San Amaro tunnel. Visit www.enmacosa.com 45/07. Ardanuy scooped a EUR374,500 contract to design the safety and telecommunication equipment for the Vilagarcía de Arousa-Padrón section on the Atlantic coast high speed link. The Vilagarcía de Arousa-Catoira subsection includes three tunnels, of 1,320, 950 and 490 metres in length. The A Vacariza-Rialiño subsection includes two tunnels, of 300 and 650 metres in length. The Rialiño-Padrón subsection includes a 1.7 km tunnel. Visit www.ardanuy.com 47/07. Open call for tenders, deadline 14th March, 2008 for construction of the 8.6 km Rialiño-Padrón section on the Atlantic coast high speed line. This section includes the 1,460 m-long 85 sq m Bustelo tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=46794-2008, OJ S 34, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 09/08. Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd April, 2008 for construction of the Vilagarcia de Arousa-Catoira section in Pontevedra province on the Atlantic coast high speed link. This 8.3 km section includes the 1,970 m Quinteiro tunnel, the 1,335 m Valicobas tunnel, the 625 m Abalo tunnel and the 560 m Outeiro cut-and-cover tunnel. All will accommodate two tracks and feature a minimum cross-section of 85 square metres. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=74297-2008, OJ S 55, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 14/08. Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd April, 2008 for construction of the A Vacariza-Rialiño section in La Coruña province on the Atlantic coast high speed link. This 8 km section includes the 372 m Monte Ceán tunnel and the 866 m Monte Pozas tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=74296-2008, OJ S 55, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 14/08. Open call for tenders, deadline 13th May, 2008 for construction supervision of the 8 km A Vacariza-Rialiño and 8.6 km Rialiño-Padrón sections in La Coruña province on the Atlantic coast high speed link. This includes the 372 m Monte Ceán tunnel, the 866 m Monte Pozas tunnel and the 1,460 m Bustelo tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=78663-2008, OJ S 58, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 14/08. Open invitation to tender, deadline 12th June, 2008 for execution of works to install the safety systems on the Cerceda-Meirama-Bregua section. The 8.1 km Cerceda-Meirama section includes two tunnels (1,735 m and 180 m) and the 5 km Meirama-Bregua section includes a 3,469 m tunnel. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105360-2008, OJ S 78, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 18-19/08. Open invitation to tender, deadline 17th June, 2008 for work management during installation of the safety systems on the Cerceda-Meirama-Bregua section on the Atlantic coast high speed line. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=110301-2008, OJ S 81, or contact Ministry of development, Madrid, fax +34 915979342 or 915978470. E-mail vrpascual@fomento.es or cpublic@fomento.es 19/08. The Ministry of development has awarded a joint venture of FCC and Convensa the construction of the A Vacariza-Rialiño section, in La Coruña province, at a price of EUR91.4 million and a time frame for execution of 36 months. This 8 km section forms part of the Atlantic coast line that goes from Ferrol to the border with Portugal. Of particular interest are the Monte Cean and Monte Pozas tunnels, 372 and 866 m in length respectively. Visit www.fcc.es 29/08. The Ministry of development has awarded a joint venture of Acciona Infraestructuras and Obras Subterraneas the construction of the Vilagarcia de Arousa-Catoira section, in Pontevedra province, at a contractual price of EUR126.4 million and a time period for execution of 36 months. This 8.3 km section forms part of the Atlantic coast high speed line from Ferrol to the Portuguese border. The project includes the construction of several tunnels: Quinteiro (1,970 m), Valicobas (1,335 m), Abalo (625 m) and a cut-and-cover tunnel in Outeiro (560 m), all of them being dual-track tunnels. The new line abandons the route followed by the current line, which runs along the Arousa estuary and the Vilagarcia urban area, to adopt an hinterland path across the hills of Monte Xiabre to connect with the Ulla river. South of Vilagarcia de Arousa, it connects with the Portas railway bypass, which is going to be put in service soon, and in the north with a viaduct on the Ulla river, which will be awarded soon. Visit www.acciona-infraestructuras.es and www.obrassubterraneas.es 29/08. Ferrovial Agroman scooped a EUR82.1 million construction contract for the 8.6 km Rialiño-Padrón section on the Atlantic coast high speed line. This section includes the 1,460 m-long 85 sq m Bustelo tunnel. Visit www.ferrovial.es 31/08.Ineco pocketed a EUR2.9 million contract for construction supervision of the 8 km A Vacariza-Riali?o and 8.6 km Riali?o-Padr?n sections in La Coru?a province on the Atlantic coast high speed link. This includes the 372 m Monte Ce?n tunnel, the 866 m Monte Pozas tunnel and the 1,460 m Bustelo tunnel. Visit www.ineco.es 34-35/08.



Switzerland, Uetliberg - ch/24

Zurich Motorway

  Tenders called for Uetliberg (4,340 m) and Eggrain (500 m) by Zurich Canton Tiefbauamt. Eggrain will have maximum cross-section of 136 m2 with support by pipe spiles and sprayed concrete. May 1999.Twin 4.4 km three-lane tunnels at 34 m separation with crosscuts every 300 m, every third wide enough for car turning. 3.3 km rock section may utilise 15 m-diameter TBM. 330 m cut-and-cover, 770 m soft ground. Major box section beneath Reppisch river will house crossover and services. Designed by Amberg Consulting Engineers, e-mail amberg@amberg.ch for details. August 1999.   Construction of twin-tube 4.4 km x 145 sq m Uetliberg tunnel in hard sandstone and soft marls as part of Zurich western bypass to commence Spring, 2001. Value $590 million financed 80% by Swiss State and 20% Canton of Zurich. Visit www.amberg.ch October 2000.  Breakthrough of pilot tunnel 20th February, 2003. Reaming to 14.2/14.4 m-diameter commenced using Wirth TBE. Cutters on this model displace radially on a spiral, requiring 8-10 rotations of cutterhead for 20 cm advance. For a full technical description click here. Visit www.wirth-europe.com and www.amberg.ch 19/03.



Thailand, Bangkok - th/12

Metro Blue Line

Bangkok Transit System received first $87 million to commence construction of 23.7 km Green Line. North and south sections of Blue Line scheduled for completion 2003. NATM consultant: Geoconsult E-mail office@gcs.co.at contact F L Jansky. Nov 1998.   $650 million 10 km-long twin-tube 5.7 m-diameter south section with nine stations under construction by jv of Bilfinger & Berger, Ch Karnchang, Kumagai Gumi and Tokyu Construction and will use two Herrenknecht EPBs ex-Taipei and two new Kawasaki machines. The Herrenknechts will start in July 1999 from Queen Sirikit station and will bore 4.8 km to Hua Lamphong station by mid-2001. The Kawasaki machines will start from the Rama IX station and drive 3.4 km to Queen Sirikit. Precast segmental concrete lining comprising 1.2 m-wide rings of five segments and key with hydrophilic gaskets. Rates of 15 m/machine/24h day are expected in the homogeneous, low-abrasive, boulderless clay. Principal design engineer Maunsell Asia. $770 million 10 km-long north section of similar dimensions with another nine stations under construction by ION jv comprising Italian-Thai, Obayashi and Nishimatsu using four dual-mode open/EPB machines from Kawasaki. Two machines launched from Ratchada station box early-1999 and two from Thiam Ruam Mit station box in April, 1999. Diaphragm walling and core excavation of station boxes is well underway along the route and will be completed ahead of each TBM arrival. Main consultant Ove Arup, sub-consultant for tunnels Geoconsult. Handover scheduled for 2002. June 1999.   First TBMs commissioned for 11 km Bangsue-Lat Phrao-Depot northern section of planned 20.5 km MRTA Blue Line by ION joint venture under $1 billion contract. 9 km of 6 m-diameter twin-bore tunnels and 9 stations designed by Arup Transport. ION comprises Italian Thai, Obayashi and Nishimatsu. Planned southern section of line will extend via Bon Kai to Hua Lum Pong station. August 1999.   Bilfinger & Berger reports completion of 190,000 sq m of diaphragm walls up to 1.2 m-thick for the stations using special equipment in restricted working heights. Foundation levels of stations up to 46 m below ground, with centre columns resting on 1.8 m-diameter piles, 70 m-deep. Dewatering avoided because of fears of settlement. Jet grouting employed to strengthen ground around TBM launch and reception positions and at pump sumps and adits between main tunnels and intervention shafts. Visit www.bilfingerberger.de for further information. October 1999.   SNC-Lavalin awarded three-year, $150 million lump-sum contract in joint venture with Ch Karnchang of Bangkok for the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of trackwork and power systems for the whole 20 km-long metro system. More details at www.snc-lavalin.com November 1999.Total length of eight twin tunnels connecting stations is almost 15 km. Four 6.3 m-diameter EPBs have been used: two launched from Phra Ram 9 station in May/June, 1999; and two from Queen Sirikit National Convention Center station in Sept/Oct, 1999. By April, 2000 nine of the sixteen drives were completed with a peak advance of 35 m/day, erecting 1.2 m-wide, 30 cm-thick, 5 + 1 concrete segment rings. Visit www.bilfingerberger.de and www.herrenknecht.com August 2000.   BMCL Co, a subsidiary of Ch Karnchang, together with Mitsubishi Electric and Alstom, to raise funds for provision of services under its 25-year MRTA contract for the 20 km-long subway being built from Hua Lamphong to Bang Sue, opening end-2002. Visit www.alstom.com 15/01.   CKSL consortium, comprising Ch Karnchang and SNC Lavalin, has completed laying 1 km of track from Rama IX maintenance centre to Thiem Ruam Mitr station. The 60 km tracklaying contract from Bang Sue to Hua Lamphong is progressing at 50 m/day for completion May, 2002. Visit www.snc-lavalin.com 40/01.   MRTA planning 13.8 km-long extension of metro from Hua Lamphong to Bang Khae, beneath Ratanakosin Island. Soft loan sought from JBIC, with 0.75% interest, 10 year grace period, and repayments over 40 years. Economic internal rate of return for extension is 14%. 44/01.  Phase I of a 8.7 km blue Line extension from Hua Lamphong to Bang Wa is awaiting approval by the Committee for the Management of Land Traffic (CMLT). The project includes 4.9 km of tunnels and four underground stations. The MRTA has completed the preliminary design. Project to be implemented under design/build contract. A single tunnel will be located in east Bangkok while a twin tunnel will be built in the west side in Thonburi. The line will cross underground the Chao Phraya river at Pak Khlong Talart. Visit www.mrta.or.th 04/02.


United Kingdom

United Kingdom, Channel Tunnel Rail Link - uk/21

Section 2 London

This section will run for 39 km from Southfleet Junction to Ebbsfleet and under the River Thames to West Thurrock and Dagenham from where it will be in tunnels 19 km long to London St Pancras. Design work commissioned by Union Railways North for tunnels under the Thames and east London and acquisition of land and underground rights are proceeding, all under a $440 million contract for preliminary works. Construction starts in mid-2001 with completion in 2007. June 1999.   Union Railways proposes to compensate landowners for subterranean rights of way by paying a guaranteed minimum of $850 each to avoid protracted negotiations. October 1999.   Invitation to qualify for list of contractors for 40 km of 7.8 m-diameter soft ground tunnels with 5 x 35 m-deep x 200-300 sq m ventilation structures. Five separate contracts: from King’s Cross station in central London to Stratford east of the city 2 x 7.5 km tubes requiring two TBMs and including two ventilation structures; construction of 1 km-long Stratford station 54 m-wide at 18 m depth; from Stratford to Barrington Road 2 x 4.7 km tubes requiring two TBMs and including two ventilation structures; from Barrington Road to Ripple Lane 2 x 5.3 km tubes using two TBMs and including a ventilation structure and a cut-and-cover section; and the twin-tube 2.5 km Thames tunnel between Swanscombe and Thurrock requiring a single TBM. Depositions should include details of the machines to be used. The first preferred contractors announcement in January, 1998 nominated Tracklink, a jv of Mowlem, Holzmann and Besix for Contract 210 London Tunnels West, and a jv of Nuttall, Wayss & Freytag and Kier for Contract 250 London Tunnels East. This programme was aborted by the government in favour of a two-stage approach that resulted in the North Downs tunnel and Kent stretch of the new line being built first. More information from www.ctrl.co.uk December 1999.   First contract awarded to AMEC Civil Engineering for preliminary works including three pipejack tunnels for electricity and gas main diversions, commencing January, 2000 value $1.6 million. Information from PXJESSEL@ctrl.co.uk January 2000.   The major construction companies have been invited to a London briefing on 29th February to outline the civil engineering contracts that will make up Section 2 of the CTRL between Southfleet in north Kent and St Pancras in central London. CTRL developer Union Railways and project manager and designer Rail Link Engineering will unveil the contract packages on which design work is well advanced and invitations to tender will be issued this summer. Work is scheduled to begin in mid-2001 for commissioning 2007. More from PXRAVENS@ctrl.co.uk March 2000.   Prequalification underway for supply of 26,700 rings comprising 9+1 segments with i.d. 7.15 m, thickness 35 cm, length 1.5 m and 700 rings comprising 7+1 segments with i.d. 6 m, thickness 30 cm. Contact through PXJESSEL@ctrl.co.uk March 2000. Rail Link Engineering announced that 12 organisations have been invited to tender for five contracts worth $900 million for 20 km of tunnels from St Pancras station, through east London, and under the Thames river into North Kent. Contract awards scheduled early 2001 with construction commencing mid-year. Contract 220 from St Pancras to Stratford: Balfour Beatty/Amec; Miller/Dumez GTM/B&M; Nishimatsu/Kvaerner; Necso/Galliford. Contract 230 Stratford Box: Carillion/Bachy Soletanche; Mowlem/Bouygues/Besix; Kvaerner; Necso/Galliford. Contract 240 from Stratford to Barrington Road: Balfour Beatty/Amec; Campenon Bernard SGE; Nishimatsu/Kvaerner; Costain/Skanska/Bachy Soletanche. Contract 250 Barrington Road to Ripple Lane: Nuttall/Wayss & Freytag/Kier; Miller/Dumez/B&M; Hochtief/Murphy; Costain/Skanska/Bachy Soletanche. Contract 320 Thames tunnels: Nuttall/Wayss & Freytag/Kier; Campenon Bernard SGE; Hochtief/Murphy; Mowlem/Bouygues/Besix. Information from PXRAVENS@ctrl.co.uk May 2000. Union Railways reports value of contracts as: contract 220, $280 million; contract 230, $135 million; contract 240, $170 million; contract 250, $143 million. Contact PXJESSEL@ctrl.co.uk May 2000.Tenders issued for CTRL contract 103 for civil works to build new tracks for CTRL and connections to West Coast and East Coast main lines to the north of Kings Cross and St Pancras stations, including realignment of the Midland main line and construction of new tunnels for Thameslink 2000 project. Four organisations will bid: Kier/Nuttall; Tracklink (Mowlem/Bouyges/Besix); Alfred McAlpine/Amec; and Hochtief/Norwest Holst. Contract award Spring, 2001 with work commencing six months later. Client is Union Railways (North) Ltd. Visit www.ctrl.co.uk August 2000. Prequalification underway for contract 105 for Union Railways at St Pancras to include deck extension of station and train shed, and refurbishment of station including Thameslink tunnels. For documents fax +44 (0)207 681 5546 or visit www.ctrl.co.uk November 2000. Contractor prequalification announced for design/construct contract 310, Thames to Dagenham as: Balfour Beatty; Eurolink (Miller/Dumez GTM/B&M); Hochtief/Norwest Holst; Necso/Galliford; Tracklink (Mowlem/Bouyges/Besix); and Alfred McAlpine/Amec. Preferred bidder will be announced late-2001 with site open Spring, 2002. Visit www.ctrl.co.uk and www.balfourbeatty.com 03/01. CTRL Shortlist AnnouncedUnion Railways (North) Ltd has announced the shortlisted tenderers for five contracts worth over $750 million to construct major elements of Section 2 of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL). The contracts include 20 km of tunnels that will carry the CTRL from north Kent under the Thames and through east London into St Pancras Station.The shortlisted organisations for each contract are:Contract 220 - West London Portal (edge of Kings Cross Railway Lands) to Stratford Box: Balfour Beatty Group Ltd/Amec Capital Projects Ltd; Nishimatsu Construction Co Ltd/Skanska Construction UK Ltd.Contract 230 - Stratford Box: Tracklink (J Mowlem and Co PLC/Bouygues SA/Besix SA); Skanska Construction UK Ltd.Contract 240 - Stratford to Barrington Road, Little Ilford: Nishimatsu Construction Co Ltd/Skanska Construction UK Ltd; Costain Ltd/Skanska Construction UK Ltd/Bachy Soletanche Ltd.Contract 250 - Barrington Road, Little Ilford, to Ripple Lane, Dagenham: Edmund Nuttall Ltd/Wayss & Freytag AG/Kier Construction Ltd; Hochtief AG/J Murphy & Sons Ltd.Contract 320 - Thames Tunnels including northern and southern approaches from Swanscombe to Thurrock: Edmund Nuttall Ltd/Wayss & Freytag AG/Kier Construction Ltd; Hochtief AG/J Murphy & Sons Ltd.Preferred bidders for C230 and C320 are scheduled to be announced later this month (January) with the three remaining contracts awarded in February. All are scheduled to start on site in mid-2001. 03/01.Shortlist for contract 103 to be awarded Spring, 2001 are Kier/Edmund Nuttall and Hochtief/Norwest Holst. Work involves new tracks, connections and realignment together with new tunnels for Thameslink. Visit www.hochtief.de 04/01. Award of contract 230 for Stratford station box to Skanska/Nishimatsu/Cementation, value $150 million. Contract 320 including 2.5 km-long Thames twin-tube bored tunnels awarded to Hochtief/Murphy, value $185 million. Visit www.ctrl.co.uk 07/01. Latest contracts awarded:Contract 135 (St Pancras - Highways and Utilities) - approx. value £11.5 million, let to Edmund Nuttall Ltd; Contract 220 (Stratford to West London Portal) - approx. value £145 million, let to Nishimatsu/Cementation Skanska; Contract 240 (Stratford to Barrington Road) - approx. value £125 million, let to Costain/Skanska/Bachy Soletanche; Contract 250 (Ripple Lane to Barrington Road) - approx. value £115 million, let to Edmund Nuttall/Wayss & Freytag/Kier. More from www.ctrl.co.uk 09/01. Announcement of 8.1 m-diameter TBM orders as follows: contract 220 (Nishimatsu, Skanska) Stratford to Kings Cross, two Kawasaki dual mode EPBs; contract 240 (Costain, Bachy Soletanche) Barrington Road to Stratford, two Wirth EPBs; contract 250 (Nuttall, W&F, Kier) Ripple Lane to Barrington Road, two Lovat dual mode EPB/Open; contract 320 (Hochtief, Murphy) Thames Tunnels, two Herrenknecht Mixshields. Machine deliveries start May, 2002. Visit www.ctrl.co.uk 27/01. Tunnelling on Contract 240 of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) project was halted as engineers investigated the appearance of a huge crater across several gardens along the tunnel route. The collapse of old water wells built in the 1860s is believed to be the most likely cause of the landslip, which forced 50 people to evacuate their houses in Stratford, east London on 8th February. All but two of the households were allowed back on 10th February. The 10 m-deep crater happened more than a day after a 120 m-long TBM - nicknamed Hudson - boring a 8 m-wide tunnel passed below the houses on Lavender Street. The tunnel remained intact. A joint venture involving Costain, Skanska and Bachy Soletanche was awarded a £125 million contract for the section between Stratford and Barrington Road and started work last November. The tunnel is the first of two being bored at 85 metres per week by the 1,100-tonne machine carving through chalk, sand and London clay. A second TBM, named Brunel, is working in conjunction with Hudson. The tunnelling work, 20 m below the surface, is pending the outcome of an inquiry. Hundreds of tonnes of concrete were poured into the 10 m-wide hole. Officials said they knew of the wells but residents accused London and Continental Railways (LCR) of ignoring their warnings. The £5.2 billion CTRL is being constructed in two sections. Work on the 74 km stretch from the Channel tunnel entrance to Fawkham Junction in North Kent began in October 1998. It is now 92% complete and should open next year. The second phase - 39 km between Southfleet, North Kent, and the terminal at St Pancras - got under way in July 2001 and is more than a third finished. Visit www.ctrl.co.uk. 08/03. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has given the go-ahead for tunnelling to restart on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link west to east tunnel between Stratford and Barrington Road (contract C240). Digging work resumed on 30th April after a ground collapse damaged homes and swallowed gardens in Lavender Street, Stratford (east London) last 8th February. The decision has triggered protests from residents who say they have yet to receive any credible explanation as to why the first collapse happened, or guarantees that there will not be a recurrence.In a letter, the HSE says that "further anomalies in the ground ahead of the down line and up line tunnels cannot be ruled out" and adds "We recognise that there is no technique available for reliably determining the location of each and every significant anomaly that may be in this area". The HSE has told the contractors to improve testing and monitoring procedures and to be ready with "emergency procedures in the event of any sudden collapse of ground".The area being tunnelled is dotted with underground wells and streams. There are also believed to be a number of unexploded bombs from the second world war. Work on the 4.5 km stretch of tunnel in Stratford may be especially risky because the plan is now for one EPB tunnelling machine to overtake the other. Previously they were set so that one was always 50 metres behind to avoid too much ground disruption at the same point. One Wirth TBM is still underneath Lavender Street, where the ground collapse occurred. The other machine, which is the first to be reactivated, is 150 metres away, beneath the car park of a warehouse. The machine involved in February's ground collapse is expected to be reactivated in mid-May. 19/03.Second breakthrough completed 2.5 km-long Thames tunnel 50 days ahead of schedule. Hochtief-Murphy jv 8.15 m-diameter Herrenknecht TBM negotiated water-bearing alluvium, terrace gravels and chalk at rates up to 170 m/week at up to 40 m below surface of river. Total 560,000 cu m excavated in two tunnels. Visit www.herrenknecht.com 42/03.Nishimatsu-Cementation Skanska jv has passed the 5 km mark on the 7.5 km-long Stratford tunnels of Contract 220, from which 1.6 million t will be excavated to breakthrough in early-2004. Visit www.ctrl.co.uk 42/03.


United States

United States, Washington D.C - us/109

Combined sewer overflow

DC Water (District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority) has issued notice to proceed to the CBNA-Halmar Clean Rivers Joint Venture comprising CBNA (a US based subsidiary of Bouygues Construction) and Halmar International for the design-build contract for the Potomac River Tunnel. The tunnel is a project part of DC Water’s USD 2.99bn (EUR 2.76 bn) Clean rivers project designed to control combined sewer overflows and to improve water quality in the Potomac River in Washington D.C. The contract value is USD 819 million (EUR 757.13 million).  The main tunnel, which is 5.5 miles (8.9 km) long and approximately 100 feet (30 m) deep with internal diameter of 18 feet (5.5 m), will cross variable geological conditions (clay, alluvium, hard rock) and will pass close to Washington D.C's iconic monuments. It will require the use of two TBMs customized specifically for these soil conditions. Ancillary structures comprise of 9 shafts, adits connecting to the main tunnel, and near surface structures which link the new infrastructure to the existing sewage system. Visit https://www.bouygues.com/ and https://www.dcwater.com/. 49/23.  


United States, Virginia - us/92


A joint venture between Skanska Infrastructure Development and Macquarie Group worth US$2.1 Billion was approved by Virginia Department of Transport to build a new Midtown Tunnel and to rehabilitate the existing Midtown tunnel in Virginia. The tunnels cross the main channel of the Elizabeth River in the South Hampton Roads area of Virginia, linking the cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk. For more information please click here and here 49/11

