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Norway, Hordaland - no/114


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.05.2009, for construction of 8.3 km-long Jondal tunnel with cross section T8 on county road 107 with access roads and approximately 4.3 km of feeder roads and exits, and improvement to 3.4 km of existing roads in Jondal and Kvinnherad municipalities. Estimated contract value range EUR56.6 million to EUR67.8 million, duration 36 months. Additional joint contract for electro installations in Jondal and Nordrepoll tunnels. Options invited for three other combinations with tunnel lengths up to 10.9 km. Specs and docs from Einar Kare Hovland at Statens vegvesen in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, fax +47 57655986, e-mail einar.hovland@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=072698-2009 11/09.


Kruse Smith AS secured, in competition with two other bidders, the EUR 82.5 million contract for the construction of Jondal tunnel, length yet to be decided from four options ranging from 8,390 m to 10,400 m. Click here for map. Work starts immediately and will take 3 years. Visit www.vegvesen.no and www.kruse-smith.no. 47/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.08.2011, for M & E engineering design services for electrical and electronics works for Jondal tunnel on Fv 107. Contract value EUR6.4-7.7 million, duration 12 months. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=233541. Further information, specs and docs from Kjartan Lilleby at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, fax +47 57655986, e-mail kjartan.lilleby@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=199308-2011. 26/11.


Norway, Rogaland - no/113


Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.04.2009, for a two-year framework agreement with several operators covering the hire of professional engineering for roads, tunnels, bridges and concrete works in Rogaland county. Value EUR677,000 to EUR903,000. More from Lidvard Skorpa at Statens vegvesen in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, e-mail lidvard.skorpa@vegvesen.no. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=070196-2009 11/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.03.2010, for municipal plan and impact assessment by way of transport systems consultancy services for 14 km of new E39 in Gjesdal and Sandnes municipalities, parts along existing roads and in tunnels. Contact Bjorn Arndal at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 95033506, fax +47 57655986, e-mail bjorn.ardal@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=034729-2010. 05/10.


Contract for municipal plan and impact assessment by way of transport systems consultancy services for 14 km of new E39 Algard-Hove in Gjesdal and Sandnes municipalities, parts along existing roads and in tunnels, awarded to Norconsult AS of Bergen, value EUR520,314 excluding VAT. More from Bjorn Arndal at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 95033506, fax +47 57655986, e-mail bjorn.ardal@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=202332-2010. 28/10.


Norway, Central - no/112


Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.04.2009, for the establishment of a framework agreement for engineering geological services to the three counties More & Romsdal, Sí¸r-Trí¸ndelag and Nord-Trí¸ndelag. Initial contract duration 2 years with option to renew for up to 2 years. The contract includes project surveys; engineering geological field surveys; preparation of reports on tunnel alignments and road lines; construction monitoring; protection works for tunnels and road cuts; rock fall inspections in road cuts, tunnels, and on mountain slopes; tunnel inspections and condition assessments. Deadline for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 30.03.2009. Contact Ina Gressetvold at Statens Vegvesen in Trondheim, tel +47 99232100, e-mail ine.gressetvold@vegvesen.no. Visithttp://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=55956-2009, OJ S 38. 10/09.


Norway, Hordaland - no/111


Prior information notice for two lots in the Voss Package, national road 13 Ovre Granvin to Voss border at Skjervet and Monshaug to Palmafoss, including two T 8.5 class B tunnels of lengths 1,010 m and 2,100 m. Scheduled date for start of award procedures 15.06.2009. Start of works 05.10.2009 for completion 31.12.2011. Estimated value EUR35-58 million. More from Lars Magnar Roneid at Statens Vegvesen Region Vest in Leikanger, tel +47 8154 4010, fax +47 5765 5986, e-mail lars.roneid@vegvesen.no http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=038096-20098 07/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.09.2009, for development of two roadway lots in Vossapakko, including 4.8 km of open road with associated foot and cycle paths, two 100 m-long bridges, and a 4,020 m-long tunnel with two 60 m portals on the Rv13 Ovre Granvin-Voss border section. Further information, including specs and docs, from Lars Magnar Roneid at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, fax +47 57655986, e-mail firmapost-vest@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190184-2009 29/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.09.2010, for construction work at west portal of E16 Vang tunnel including 110 m culvert under Bergen railway and 40 m of drill/blast T 10.5 tunnelling and associated works as part of Vossapakko K2 part 1 project. Contract commences 04.10.2010 for completion 14.10.2011, approximate value range EUR2.5-7.5 million. Time limit for accessing documents 31.08.2010. Tender inspection in Voss at 12.00h on 10.08.2010. Contact vossapakko@vegvesen.no for access to docs and drawings. Further information, specs and docs from Lars Magnar Roneid at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, fax +47 57655986, e-mail lars.roneid@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=201341-2010. 28/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.09.2011, for construction of 2.33 km-long, T 10.5 Vang tunnel on highway E16 plus 2.11 km of 8.5 m-wide main road, 1.54 km of secondary road, two bridges, two roundabouts, 75 m-long culvert and associated works as part of Vossapakko K2 part 1 project. Contract commences 24.11.2011 for completion 04.12.2013, approximate value range EUR38.2-76.4 million. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=235054. Further information, specs and docs from Lars Magnar Roneid at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, fax +47 57655986, e-mail lars.roneid@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=221893-2011. 28/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26.10.2011, for engineering design of noise reduction measures for proposed 2.33 km-long Vangs tunnel on highway E16 as part of Vossapakko K2 part 1 project. Contract duration three months. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=239322. Further information, specs and docs from Sigmund Gjernes at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 81544010/95440576, e-mail sigmund.gjernes@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=289332-2011. 37/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.02.2013, for delivery and installation of electro, control, communication, ventilation and radio technical equipment in 2.5 km-long Vangs tunnel on highway E16 in Voss municipality. Contract duration six months. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=276162. Further information, specs and docs from Joar Olmheim at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 02030, fax +47 57655986, e-mail joar.olmheim@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for access to documentation 25.01.2013. Tender conference 12.00h on 04.01.2013 at builder’s office in Boemoen. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408187-2012. 52/12.


Norway, Oslo - no/110


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 09.02.2009, for permanent sealing of 1.2 km-long, 3.2 m-diameter VEAS outlet tunnel beneath Majorstua to stop percolation of groundwater and increase external pore pressure. Methodology to be suggested by tenderer. Specs and docs from Ole-Petter Nilsen at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 4160 9145, e-mail olepetter.nilsen@vav.oslo.kommune.no. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=3669-2009 02/09.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 14.12.2009, for additional sealing of a 1.15 km-long section of VEAS tunnel below Majorstua to increase the pore pressure outside the tunnel and make watertight to 50 m water column. Internal pressure will vary between 0 and 20 m water column. Tender contest no 116/2009. Further information, specs and docs from Ole-Petter Nilsen at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 41609145, fax +47 23437241, e-mail olepetter.nilsen@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Tender or requests to participate must be sent to Oslo kommune Vann- og avloepsetanen, Herslebsgt. 5, Kundesenter, 1 etg, N-0561 Oslo, tel +47 02180. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 315337-2009. 47/09.


The award procedure for permanent sealing of 1.2 km-long, 3.2 m-diameter VEAS outlet tunnel beneath Majorstua has been discontinued. Contact Ole-Petter Nilsen at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 4160 9145, e-mail olepetter.nilsen@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=357051-2009. 02/10.


Negotiated procedure to tender, deadline requests for prequalification 23.02.2010, for the delivery of 28 booster fans with silencers for Majorstua tunnel at Oslo. The request includes delivery of grids, as well as installation brackets, vibration cushions made of rubber, and necessary fastener equipment. To register an interest and obtain additional information visit www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=196732. Contract duration four months from award. Contact Linn Fretheim, Konsernanskaffelser at Oslo, tel +47 22084-000, fax -215, e-mail LF@ktpas.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=025452-2010. 06/10.


Contract for sealing 1.15 km of the VEAS tunnel below Majorstua awarded to Skanska Norge AS of Oslo, value EUR8.84 million excluding VAT. More from Skanska, tel +47 92851367, fax +47 23271741, e-mail sissel.dieseth@skanska.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=346800-2010. 47/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.03.2012, for a four-year framework agreement with a single ventilation operator in connection with maintenance and smaller upgrading/installations for the tunnel from Oslo to Slemmestad. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=248952. Contact VEAS, attn Stale Lybekk, Slemmestad, tel +47 98208600, e-mail veas@veas.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=037830-2012. 06/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.09.2012, for a four-year framework agreement with an electro contractor in connection with maintenance and smaller upgrading/installations for the tunnel from Oslo to Slemmestad. Contract commences 01.11.2012 until 30.10.2016, value EUR538,000. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=263082. Contact VEAS, attn Stale Lybekk, Slemmestad, tel +47 98208610, e-mail sl@veas.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=219934-2012. 28/12.


Norway, Narvik - no/108


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 12.12.2008, for hire of project manager and construction manager for upgrading of Ofotbanen for Norwegian profile P407 in avalanche shelters, tunnels and cuttings. Contract duration 15.01.2009 to 31.12.2011 with options. Specs and docs from Lisbeth Smedbraten at Jernbaneverket Oslo, tel +47 9165 5041, e-mail lis@jbv.no. 47/08. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=302267-2008


Norway, Lillehammer - no/107


Two-year contract, value EUR945,000, for geological inspection of road tunnels in the Statens Vegvesen East Region awarded to Multiconsult AS of Skoyen, Oslo, e-mail oslo@multiconsult.no. 47/08. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=301513-2008


Norway, Sor-Trondelag - no/106

E6 Motorway

 Prior information notice of construction work on 5 km of four-lane E6 motorway at Trondheim and 5 km of four-lane E6 motorway at Stjordal. Work at Trondheim includes EUR68 million concrete tunnel for prequalification 2008, EUR97 million rock tunnel to be published Spring 2009, and EUR11.4 million electro tunnel to be published 2012. Work at Stjordal includes EUR14 million Tang concrete tunnel to be published early Summer 2009. Award procedures start 12.12.2008. Contact Harald Johnsen, tel +47 9151 2885, e-mail harald.johnsen@vegvesen.no 47/08. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=296050-2008 47/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.02.2009, for building condition survey prior to commencement of construction work for three tunnel portals, 2 km of two-lane tunnel and ramp tunnels, as part of E6 Nidelv bridge project. Contact Arnstein Mehlum at Statens Vegvesen, tel +47 9132 0842, e-mail arnstein.mehlum@vegvesen.no to whom tenders and requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=334769-2008 52/08.Four-year contract for construction management of the E6 Trondheim-Stjordal motorway section awarded to Prosjekt-og teknologiledelse AS of Flatasen, Norway who will encounter difficult ground conditions, deep building pit, moving houses and concrete tunnels. Statens Vegvesen contact Harald Johnsen at Molde, tel +47 9151 2885, e-mail harald.johnsen@vegvesen.no. 08/09.


Contract for architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services in densely built-up areas of Nyhavna, Mollenberg, Kuhaugen and Strindheim in Trondheim awarded to Multiconsult AS, Sluppenvegen 23, N-7486 Trondheim, Norway, tel +47 725669-00, fax -20, e-mail trondheim@multiconsult.no. A 2 km-long two-lane tunnel and ramp tunnels, together with three portals and a road trough are to be excavated using drill/blast techniques. More from Arnstein Mehlum at Statens vegvesen in Trondheim, tel +47 91320842, e-mail arnstein.mehlum@vegvesen.no http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=084184-2009 13/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.08.2009, for third construction stage of E6 motorway Vaernes-Havnekrysset including 450 m-long continuous concrete structure to provide tunnel beneath Vaernes airport runway and taxiway in Stjordal municipality. Contract starts 20.09.2009 for completion 01.10.2011, value EUR9.6-10.8 million (excluding VAT). Further information, specs and docs from Odd Kare Myren at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 74122132, e-mail odd.myren@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=130218-2009 20/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.10.2009, for engineering design services and construction of Tangtunnelen, part of the main road project E6 Trondheim-Stjordal, section Vaernes-Havnekrysset, comprising a 495 m-long concrete construction of which 350 m is four-lane tunnel. Contract value EUR13.2-13.75 million, duration 20.11.2009 to 01.09.2011. Further information from Lars Bjorgaard at Statens vegvesen Region midt, Fylkehuset in Molde, tel +47 91339511, e-mail lars.bjorgaard@vegvesen.no Tenders or requests to participate should be sent to SV at N-7500 Stjordal, attn Lars Bjorgaard. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185867-2009 28/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.10.2009, for construction of twin-tube 2.14 km-long T9.5 profile Strindheim rock tunnel with 140 m-long concrete extension and two T7 profile ramp tunnels totalling 840 m with 90 m of concrete extension. All ramp tunnels have low cover and will require roof reinforcement and cautious blasting. The works are part of E6 European road Trondheim-Stjordal, Trondheim section. For more information contact Amstein Mehlum at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 91320842, e-mail amstein.mehlum@vegvesen.no Tenders or requests to participate should be sent to SV at N-7042 Trondheim, att Amstein Mehlum. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=185868-2009 28/09.


Contract to construct 2.14 km-long Strindheim tunnel with 840 m of ramps and 230 m of concrete extensions awarded to Skanska, value EUR85 million. For more project history, visit tunnelbuilder archive no/106 or contact amstein.mehlum@vegvesen.no. 49/09.


Contract, value EUR6.6 million excluding VAT, for construction of E6 Vaernes-Havnekrysset section in vicinity of Vaernes and Tang tunnels awarded to Grunnarbeid AS of Ranheim, tel +47 73575000, e-mail firmapost@grunnarbeid.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=331269-2010. 45/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.12.2011, for detailed engineering design, supply and installation of electrical system in twin-tube 2.14 km-long T9.5 profile Strindheim rock tunnel and open areas. For more information, specs and docs contact Jo Forren at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 90130083, e-mail jo.forren@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=313436-2011. 41/11.


Award of turnkey contract, value EUR10.36 million excluding VAT, to Kb-Elteknik of Ry, Denmark www.kb-elteknik.dk for detailed engineering design, supply and installation of electrical system in twin-tube 2.14 km-long T9.5 profile Strindheim rock tunnel and open areas. For more information, contact Jo Forren at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 74122000, e-mail jo.forren@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=056020-2012. 08/12.


Kb-Elteknik (Ry) secured the EUR10.31 million contract, VAT not included, for detailed engineering design, supply and installation of electrical system in twin-tube 2.14 km-long T9.5 profile Strindheim rock tunnel and open areas. Contact Jo Forren at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 74122000, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=056020-2012 and www.kb-elteknik.dk. 13/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.09.2013, for consulting and engineering services for preparation of complete zoning plan for 22.9 km-long E6 extension between Ranheim and Vaernes including three tunnels totalling 7.3 km of the route. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=299093. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 23.08.2013. Further information, specs and docs from Stein Brembu at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 48039306, e-mail stein.brembu@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=220869-2013. 27/13.


Open invitation to tender, revised deadline 19.09.2013, for consulting and engineering services for preparation of complete zoning plan for 22.9 km-long E6 extension between Ranheim and Vaernes including three tunnels totalling 7.3 km of the route. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=299093. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 23.08.2013. Further information, specs and docs from Stein Brembu at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 48039306, e-mail stein.brembu@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=227537-2013. 28/13.


Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 27/06/2017, for the E6 Soknedal project, lot Vindasliene-Korporalsbrua. The contract involves the construction of the 3.6 km Soknedal tunnel (profile T10.5)and the completion and installation of electrical works,  the construction of a new 2.9 km road as part of the E6 in with a two level interchange south of Soknedal centre, a 1.7 km local road system with 2 bridges as well as retaining walls. Value of the contract is EUR95.94 million, excluding VAT. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Middle Region, Molde, attn  Idar Lillebo, tel +47 90020552, email idar.lillebo@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053237-2017,  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171112-2017,  


. Ref.n. 16/175120. 21/17.


Prior information notice with call for competition, deadline 11/12/2017, for the preparation of a development plan, engineering design services, construction and possibly maintenance and operation of 22.9 km-long E6 extension between Ranheim and Vaernes including three tunnels totalling 7.3 km of the route. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent. Value contract EUR367.22 million (NOK4.0 bn) contract, excluding VAT. Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Freddie Fosse, Kristiansand, tel +47 40435140, email freddie.fosse@nyeveier.no. For further tender information please click here. 45/17.


Acciona Construccion SA from Alcobendas secured the EUR385.88 million (NOK4.2 bn) contract, excluding VAT, for the preparation of a development plan, engineering design services, construction and possibly maintenance and operation of 22.9 km-long E6 extension between Ranheim and Vaernes including three tunnels totalling 7.3 km of the route. Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Freddie Fosse, Kristiansand, tel +47 40435140, email freddie.fosse@nyeveier.no. For further tender information please click here . 41/18.


Ramudden AS from Vinterbro secured the EUR1.74 million (NOK20 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the delivery of equipment and services for seeing to traffic safety after the cancellation of the turnkey contract for the stretch E6 Ranheim - Vaernes.  

Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Ruben Ramsland, Kristiansand, email ruben.ramsland@nyeveier.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=492879-2023. 33/23. 


Awarded the contracts for minor works on the E6 Ranheim-Værnes project until the general contract work can commence with new contractors after the conclusion of the turnkey contract. Work mainly consists of the completion of limited assignments that have already been started and are considered time-critical.  

  • Brodrene Bjerkeli AS from Stjordal secured the EUR4.79 million (NOK55 million) contract, excluding VAT, for greenwall including Hoybybekken (Lot 1) and EUR1.57 million (NOK18 million) contract, excluding VAT, for the Helltunnelen - Guideways for electrical and completion of water and sewage systems (Lot2). 
  • Grunnarbeid Entreprenor AS from Ranheim secured the EUR521,885 (NOK6 million) contract, excluding VAT, for Leistad to Væretunnell - Completion of water pipelines (Lot 3) and the EUR 95,897 (NOK1.10 million) contract, excluding VAT, for Forbord culvert - Wastewater pipelines (Lot4). 

Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Ruben Ramsland, Kristiansand, email ruben.ramsland@nyeveier.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=618561-2023. 41/23. 



Negotiated procedure with prior publication of a call for competition, deadline 25/01/2024, for the engineering design services and the construction of the E6 between Ranheim and Sveberg. The contract includes completion of a four-lane motorway from Ranheim to Sveberg for 110 km/h. The stretch is approx. 12.5 km long, divided between 10.8 km roads in open air and the 1.7km Vaere tunnel. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR194 million (NOK2.20 bn), excluding VAT. Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Ruben Ramsland, Kristiansand, tel +47 47972727, email ruben.ramsland@nyeveier.no. Visit  https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/765610-2023. 51/23.



The three contractors AF Gruppen Norge AS, Veidekke Entreprenør AS and Hæhre Entreprenør AS have been invited to make offers for the E6 between Ranheim and Sveberg in Trøndelag. 

The project consultant, Rambøll Norge AS, will be transported to the general contractor after the competition has ended, and there are therefore no qualification requirements for design references in the competition.  

E6 Ranheim-Sveberg is part of the section E6 Ranheim-Værnes. The latter stretch was split in two after Nye Veier ended its collaboration with the Spanish contractor Acciona last summer. The competition that is currently underway thus includes completion of the approx. 15 km stretch between Ranheim and Sveberg with the 1.7km Vaere tunnel.

The contract will be based on NS8407 – Total contract with target price. A negotiation phase will be carried out to determine the final work description and target price after the general contractor has been selected. The contract size is estimated at EUR194 million (NOK2.20 bn), excluding VAT. It is expected that the offer phase, which is now starting, will last until the middle of June, and that the contract can be signed at the beginning of July. Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Ruben Ramsland, Kristiansand, tel +47 47972727, email ruben.ramsland@nyeveier.no. Visit https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no. 09/24.



Haehre Entreprenor AS have secured the EUR 194 million (NOK2.20 bn) contract, excluding VAT, to provide the engineering design services and  construction of the E6 between Ranheim and Sveberg in Trondelag. The contract includes completion of a four-lane motorway from Ranheim to Sveberg for 110 km/h. The stretch is approx. 12.5 km long, divided between 10.8 km roads in open air and the 1.7km Vaere tunnel. Contact Nye Veier AS, attn Magne Ramlo, Kristiansand, tel +47 926 92 010, email magne.ramlo@nyeveier.no. Visit https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no. 25/24. 


Norway, Akershus - no/105


Contract valued EUR414,000 awarded by Norwegian Railway Infrastructure Administration to Norconsult AS of Sandvika to provide technical and detailed plans of tunnels for the joint project E6 road and Dovrebanen, lot Minnesund-Kleverud, which includes one twin-tube 0.6 km-long road tunnel and 3.1 km of single railway tunnel over a 17 km-long alignment in Eidsvoll and Stange municipalities. Objections yet to be heard may increase the number of tunnels required. Railways contact Bjornar Gammelsaeter, tel +47 9165 0244, e-mail gambjo@jbv.no Norconsult contact Jens Petter Henriksen, tel +47 6757 1000, e-mail jph@norconsult.no 47/08. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=294021-2008 47/08.The consultancy contract for the technical foundation development plans of the Dovrebanan project has been awarded to Asplan Viak AS of Sandvika, sandvika@asplanviak.no, value EUR650,000. Statens Vegvesen contact Jan Terje Loitegard, tel +47 8152 2000, e-mail jan.loitegard@vegvesen.no The consultancy contract for the day zones, value EUR1.3 million, has gone to Vianova Plan og Traffik AS of Sandvika, vnpt@vianova.no. SV contact Jarle Kristian Tangen, e-mail jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. 48/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.09.2010, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP1 for 6 km-long Langset-Broehaug section including 0.6 km-long Molalykkja rail tunnel and 0.6 km-long Korlslund road tunnel and southern portal for Ulvin tunnel on Dovre railway. Tender documents will be distributed through a web hotel for which user name and password can be obtained from monica.clemert@jbv.no. Further information, specs and docs can be obtained from Monica Clemert at Dovrebanen Eidsvoll-Hamar in Oslo, tel +47 91655004, time limit 24.08.2010. Contract starts 01.10.2010 for completion 31.12.2017, value range EUR3.71-7.42 million excluding VAT. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Jarle Kristian Tangen at Statens vegvesen in Minnesund, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194796-2010. 27/10. Closing Date: 24.08.2010Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.08.2010, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP2 for 6 km-long Broehaug-Strandlykkja section including 4 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 150 m-long Morstua tunnel on Dovre railway and 2.3 km-long Morskog E6 road tunnel. Contract starts 15.09.2010 for completion 31.12.2017, value range EUR3.71-7.42 million excluding VAT. Contract docs from sources outlined above, time limit 24.08.2010. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194797-2010. 27/10.Closing Date: 31.08.2010Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.08.2010, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP3 for Strandlykkja-Kleverud/Labbdalen with 10 km of E6 road including 700 m-long Espa tunnel, and 5 km of Dovre railway. Contract starts 22.09.2010 for completion 31.12.2017, value range EUR3.71-7.42 million excluding VAT. Contract docs from sources outlined above, time limit 17.08.2010. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194799-2010. 27/10.


Award of contract to Vianova Plan Ogg Trafikk of Sandvika, value EUR6,109,628 excluding VAT, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP1 for 6 km-long Langset-Broehaug section including 0.6 km-long Molalykkja rail tunnel and 0.6 km-long Korlslund road tunnel and southern portal for Ulvin tunnel on Dovre railway. More from tes@vianova.no, tel +47 678170-85, fax -01, and from Jarle Kristian Tangen at Statens vegvesen in Minnesund, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=361642-2010. 49/10.


Award of contract to Cowi AS of Oslo, value EUR6,726,728 excluding VAT, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP3 for Strandlykkja-Kleverud/Labbdalen with 10 km of E6 road including 700 m-long Espa tunnel, and 5 km of Dovre railway. More from kjny@cowi.no and from jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=361643-2010. 49/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.06.2011, for execution of early works on E6-Dovrebanen Brohaug-Strandlykkja including: open cut and portals for E6 Morskog tunnel and Db Ulvin tunnel north; two access tunnels approximately 500 m; intersections between main tunnel and access tunnels including space for a technical building; excavation of 250 m of Ulvin tunnel at each access point; and associated works. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=227963. Further information, specs and docs from Elin Hermanstad Havik Statens vegvesen Region west at Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 18.05.2011. Tender documents available on Internet using password supplied on request to elin.hermanstad.havik@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=120257-2011. 15/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.01.2012, for engineering and construction works on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP2 Brohaug-Strandlykkja including: 5.6 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 2.3 km-long Morskog tunnel; 6.8 km of double track railway with 3.9 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 200 m-long Morstua tunnel; and extensive associated works. Project commences 01.04.2012 for completion 01.09.2016. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=243525. Further information, specs and tender documents from Elin Hermanstad Havik at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail elin.hermanstad.havik@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=363994-2011. 47/11


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.04.2012, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP1 Langset-Brohaug including: 6.3 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 630 m-long Korslund tunnel and portals; 5.2 km of double track railway with 580 m-long Molykkja tunnel and portals; 110 m-long southern portal zone of Ulvin tunnel; and extensive associated works. Project commences 18.05.2012 for completion 01.10.2016. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=247280. Further information, specs and docs from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no who will supply details of the web hotel where tender documents will be distributed and to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=015657-2012. 03/12.


Open invitation to tender, revised deadline 23.04.2012, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP1 Langset-Brohaug including: 6.3 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 630 m-long Korslund tunnel and portals; 5.2 km of double track railway with 580 m-long Molykkja tunnel and portals; 110 m-long southern portal zone of Ulvin tunnel; and extensive associated works. Project commences 18.05.2012 for completion 01.10.2016. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=247280. Further information, specs and docs from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no who will supply details of the web hotel where tender documents will be distributed and to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=056936-2012. 08/12.


The JV Veidekke Entreprenor (60%) and Hochtief Solutions (40%) secured the EUR210 million contract, excluding VAT, for engineering and construction works on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP2 Brohaug-Strandlykkja including: 5.6 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 2.3 km-long Morskog tunnel; 6.8 km of double track railway with 3.9 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 200 m-long Morstua tunnel; and extensive associated works. Work will commence in April, 2012. The new road will be completed in October, 2014 and the new dual-track railway in autumn, 2015. Visit www.e6-dovrebanen.no/Prosjektet, www.veidekke.no and www.hochtief-solutions.com/htsol_en/pdfservice/9066. 13/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.07.2012, for supply of impulse ventilators to Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels, all of which have two shafts. Project commences 03.10.2012 for completion 15.11.2013. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=258921. Further information, specs and tender documents from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=169090-2012. 22/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.07.2012, for supply of light fittings, lamps and fasteners to E6 Korslund, Morskog and Espa twin-tube road tunnels. Project commences 02.10.2012 for completion 16.12.2013. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=258810. Further information, specs and tender documents from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=169091-2012. 22/12.


Award of contract FP1 Langset-Brohaug to Alpine Bau GmbH of Austria, value EUR174 million excluding VAT, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen including: 6.3 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 630 m-long Korslund tunnel and portals; 5.2 km of double track railway with 580 m-long Molykkja tunnel and portals; 110 m-long southern portal zone of Ulvin tunnel; and extensive associated works. Further information from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193535-2012. 25/12.


Award of contract FP2 Brohaug-Strandlykkja to JV Veidekke Hochtief ANS of Oslo, value EUR209.5 million excluding VAT, for engineering and construction works on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, including: 5.6 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 2.3 km-long Morskog tunnel; 6.8 km of double track railway with 3.9 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 200 m-long Morstua tunnel; and extensive associated works. Further information from Elin Hermanstad Havik at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail elin.hermanstad.havik@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193532-2012. 25/12.


Energima As (Oslo) secured the EUR978,864 contract, excluding VAT, for supply of impulse ventilators to Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels, all of which have two shafts. Project commences 03.10.2012 for completion 15.11.2013. Further information from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349569-2012 and www.energima.no. 45/12.


Multilux AS of Telemark secured the EUR1,124,476 contract, excluding VAT, for supply of light fittings, lamps and fasteners to E6 Korslund, Morskog and Espa twin-tube road tunnels. Project commences 02.10.2012 for completion 16.12.2013. Further information from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349568-2012 and www.multilux.no. 45/12.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.03.2013, for electrical engineering installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Project commences 14.05.2013 for completion 24.11.2014. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=281457. Further information, specs and docs from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to SV Trondheimsveien 612, Postboks 3, 2092 Minnesund, Norway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=047495-2013. 07/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.03.2013, for control, regulation and monitoring installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Project commences 14.05.2013 for completion 24.11.2014. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=281419. Further information, specs and docs from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to SV Trondheimsveien 612, Postboks 3, 2092 Minnesund, Norway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=047494-2013. 07/13.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.07.2013, for engineering services in connection with the rehabilitation of the tunnels Follotunnelen (903 m), Smiehagen (892 m) and Nordbytunnelen (3,850 m) on E6. Further information and to register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=294673. Contact Statens vegvesen Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171733 -2013. 22/13.


Aventi Technology AS of Oslo secured the contract for control, regulation and monitoring installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Contact Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172619-2013. 22/13.


Oneco Samferdsel AS of Grimstad secured the contract for electrical engineering installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Contact Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172618-2013. 22/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.10.2013, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP1 Langset-Brohaug, Part 2, estimated value EUR124 million. Project commences 15.11.2013 for completion 01.11.2016. Project history at tunnelbuilder archive no/105. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=303381. Further information, specs and docs from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 98204217, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no who will supply details of the web hotel opening 30.08.2013 where tender documents will be distributed, and to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 27.09.2013. Tender conference 10.00h on 11.09.2013 at project office in Eidsvoll. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=286245-2013. 35/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.09.2015, for the renovation and upgrading of the 903 m-long Follo Tunnel at E6 in Akershus. Value of contract EUR10.14-14.65 million, excluding VAT, duration 12 months from award. Electronic access to information: https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/134152. Contact Statens vegvesen, Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=241640-2015. Ref.n. 2015055853. 29/15. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.01.2016, for the upgrading of electrical systems in the 903 m-long Follo Tunnel on the E6 in Akershus. The contract includes new ventilators, replacing all electrical equipment in the tunnel, replacing cable bridges, establishing new lane signals, delivery and assembly of different signs and new installations in the new technical room. Value of contract EUR4.88-7.59 million, excluding VAT, duration from 29.03.2016 to 30.04.2017. For electronic access to information use https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/138088. Or contact Statens vegvesen, Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=414208-2015. Ref.n. 15/208615. 48/15.


VVB Engineering Ltd from Oslo secured the EUR6.82 million contract, including 25% VAT, for the upgrading of electrical systems in the 903 m-long Follo Tunnel on the E6 in Akershus. The contract includes new ventilators, the replacement of all electrical equipment in the tunnel, replacement of cable bridges, establishing new lane signals, delivery and assembly of different signs and new installations in the new technical room. For electronic access to information use https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/138088. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=126772-2016. Ref.n. 15/208615. 15/16.


The Swedish  part of Skanska group has signed the EUR41 million contract with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for the renovation of the two-bore Nordby tunnel (3,850 m) with two lanes in each direction and of the Smiehagen tunnel (892 m) with two lanes running in one direction, on the E6 in Akershus, Norway. Construction is to start in August and the project is due for completion in February 2019. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration,  Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, email thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://www.skanska.com/.




Open invitation to tender, dedline 29.05.2017, for the renovation of the two-bore Nordby tunnel (3,850 m) with two lanes in each direction and of the Smiehagen tunnel (892 m) with two lanes running in one direction, on the E6 in Akershus, Norway. Value contract EUR26.75 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 17 months. Further information at https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/153428. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration,  Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, email thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=144089-2017 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=151677-2017. 32/17.


Marthinsen & Duvholt AS from  Sandefjord secured the EUR39.36 million contract, excluding VAT, for the renovation of the two-bore Nordby tunnel (3,850 m) with two lanes in each direction and of the Smiehagen tunnel (892 m) with two lanes running in one direction, on the E6 in Akershus, Norway. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration,  Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, email thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=450558-2017.



Norway, Fredrikstad - no/104

Classified road

Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.01.2009, for control engineer services contract for EUR76 million Fredrikstad Classified road 108 New Krakeroy connection including toll tunnel, planned to open in summer 2010. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=294513-2008 Specs and docs from Tor Stabbetorp, tel +47 9755 2652, e-mail tor.stabbetorp@vegvesen.no 46/08.Dimco of Fredrikstad secured contract for control engineer services for EUR76 million Fredrikstad Classified road 108, New Krakeroy connection including toll tunnel, planned to open in summer 2010. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=055275-2009. 11/09.

