- fr/82
Railways, metro and tramways
Closing Date:
20.07.2009 (Tender Closed)
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 20.07.2009, for engineering and construction works in a tunnel which is part of the Lyon transport network. Contact Jean Michel Thenet, Sytral, Lyon Cedex 03, tel +33 472845827, fax +33 472914529, e-mail Visit 29/09.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.05.2012, for delivery, installation and connection of optical-fibre cables for lines A and D of the Lyon metro and for T1, T2 and T3 tramway lines. Contact Sytral, attn M. Bernard Rivalta, Lyon, tel +33 472845827. Visit 20/12.
Ineo Infracom of Dardilly secured the EUR379,177 contract, excluding VAT, for development of fibre optic networks for lines A and D of the Lyon metro and for T1, T2 and T3 tramway lines. Contact Sytral, attn M. Bernard Rivalta, Lyon, tel +33 472845827. Visit -2012. 50/12.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 07.03.2016, for the on-board video protection equipment system. This is to go along line D on the B metro line in Lyon for on-board and ground communication systems. The duration of the contract is 99 months. Contact Sytral, att.n Mrs Annie Guillemot, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284. Visit 08/16.
Periodic indicative notice without call for competition for the extension of the metro line B to Hopitaux Sud in Lyon. The contract is composed of 3 lots. The value of the contract is EUR 152.50 million, excluding VAT. Contact Sytral, Lyon, e-mail Visit and Ref.n. MBPREINFO.44/16.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 26.04.2017, for the extension of the metro line B to Hopitaux Sud in Lyon. The contract is composed of 3 lots: Gc01(excavation by TBM), Gc02 (construction of Hopitaux Lyon Sud station), Gc03 (civil works). The duration of the contract is 57 months for lots Gc01 and Gc02, 53 months for lot Gc03.The value of the contract is EUR 152.50 million, excluding VAT. Contact Sytral, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email Visit Ref.n. 17s0030. 10/17.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 02.10.2017, for the lowering of the infrared sensors on the quay and track’s safety system along the D metro line in Lyon. The value of the contract is EUR 1.91 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 29 months. Contact Sytral, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, email Visit Ref.n. 17s0086. 37/17.
Maia Sonnier from Lyon secured the civil works (Lot GC03),
for the extension of the metro line B to Hopitaux Sud in Lyon. Value of the contract
is EUR4.02 million, excluding VAT. Contact Sytral, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax
+33 478531284, email Visit
Ref.n. 17s0030. 31/18.
The joint venture between Implenia France / Demathieu Bard /
Implenia Suisse from Archamps secured the EUR137.72 million contract, excluding
VAT, for Lot GC01; NGE Genie Civil / NGE Fondations / Guintoli di
Saint-Etienne-du-Gres, from Saint-Etienne-du-Gres secured the EUR17.87 million
contract, excluding VAT, for Lot Gc02,
for the extension of the metro line B to Hopitaux Sud in Lyon. Contact
Sytral, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email Visit
Ref.n. 17s0030. 31/18.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28.03.2019, for
works on tracks, track supports and metal equipment on the extension of the
metro line B to Hopitaux Sud in Lyon (Lot VFN). Duration of the contract is 38
months. Contact Sytral, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email Visit
Ref.n. 19s0015. 11/19.
INEO UTS from Vaulx-en-Velin secured the EUR14.26 million contract,
excluding VAT, for High Tension and traction works for the extension of the
metro line B to Hopitaux Sud in Lyon. Contact Sytral, Lyon, tel +33 472845800,
fax +33 478531284, email
Ref.n. 18s0200. 28/19.
Periodic indicative notice for the general project management for the construction of the West Lyon Express Tramway or TEOL, to be concluded at the end of the preliminary consultation process. The line will be 6.5 - 7 km long, including 3-4 km of tunnel. The line will serve the municipalities of Lyon (arrondissements Lyon 2 and Lyon 5), Sainte Foy-lès-Lyon, Francheville and Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, and will also provide a wider feeder service to the centre of Lyon (connection to the metro) in the west of the city. Click here for bid/tender documents. Contact Sytral Mobilites, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email Visit and Ref.n. API_MOEG_TEOL. 01/24.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 10/03/2025, for a Health and Safety Coordinator (CSPS) for the West Lyon Express Tramway (TEOL) construction. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. During of contract 108 months. Contact Sytral Mobilites, Lyon, tel +33 487555675, email Visit Ref.n. 24M0116. 07/25.
Open invitation to tender, deadline 31-/01/2025, for assistance to the Client in relation to environmental aspects for the construction of the West Lyon Express Tramway or TEOL. The line will be 6.5 - 7 km long, including 3-4 km of tunnel. Click here for bid/tender documents. Value of contract EUR300,000, excluding VAT. During of contract 96 months. Contact Sytral Mobilites, attn Bruno Bernard, Lyon, tel +33 472845800, fax +33 478531284, email Visit and Ref.n. 24M0119. 04/25.
- fr/81
Eiffage TP of Neuilly sur Marne secured bid n. ESP080038, value EUR1.8 million, for ventilation works in Telegraphe - Porte des Lilas interstation on Paris metro Line 11. PAR.EN.GE (Rungis) secured bid ESP080039, value EUR1.5 million, for ventilation works in Republique - Goncourt interstation on Paris metro Line 11. For more contact Mr Philippe Coutault, RATP, Paris, tel +33 15877-1465, fax -1381, e-mail Visit and 20/09.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 03.10.2013, for studies coordination and general management for metro Line 11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier, including a new 6 km tunnel. Contact RATP, att.n Melanie Spanuolo, Paris, tel +33 158771242, fax +33 158769368, e-mail Visit 38/13.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 22.01.2014, for a second geotechnical report on the 6.5 km metro Line 11 extension from Mairie des Lilas to Rosny-Bois-Perrier. Contact RATP, tel +33 158774495, fax +33 158774645, e-mail Visit 52/13.
The JV Systra/Artelia Ville et Transport/Richez & Associes (Paris Cedex 15), secured the EUR14,125,090 contract, excluding VAT, for project management of traditional tunnel, underground stations and related structures for metro Line 11 extension to the east. Contact RATP, Paris Cedex 12, tel +33 15876942, fax +33 158769368, e-mail Visit 041983-2014. Ref.n. MOP/HA 13-0092. 07/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 19.03.2014, for design, supply and installation of grilles for ventilation and smoke extraction in metro tunnels at Paris. Duration of contract 36 months from award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770687, e-mail Visit Ref. n. GDI 14-0042. 10/14
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 14.04.2014, for safety and health coordination for metro Line 11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier and refurbishment of existing stations. The 96 months contract is composed of 4 lots. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158786183, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 14-0002-MOP. 12/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 16.06.2014, for management assistance for interfaces definition and management for metro Line 11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier, including a new 6 km-long tunnel. Contact RATP, att.n Sophie Mendy, Fontenay-sous-Bois, tel +33 158769421, fax +33 158769368, e-mail Visit 21/14.
Four lots awarded on safety and health coordination for metro Line 11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier and refurbishment of existing stations. Conpas Coordination SAS of Charenton-le-Pont secured Lot 1(MOP-14-095) for upgrading of existing tunnels and stations and Lot 3 (MOP-14-0099) for construction of a viaduct and the elevated Londeau Domus station; Degouy Coordination SPS - SARL Cossec of Lognes secured Lot 2 (MOP-14-0098) for excavation by TBM of tunnel between Liberte and La Boissiere stations and four stations; BECS SARL of Boulogne-Billancourt secured Lot 4 (MOP-14-0100) for maintenance and DIRIF buildings. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158786183, e-mail Visit Ref.n. 14-0002-MOP. 36/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 18.06.2015, for construction of shafts and geotechnical exploration tunnel at Calmette prior to extension of Line 11 at Paris. Contract duration 11 months from award. Contact RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769379, fax +33 158769589, e-mail Visit Ref. MOP/HA 15-0091. 23/15.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 25.09.2015, for the planning, management and coordination (OPC) and for the overall coordination of the extension for metro line 11 to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris. Contract terms will be 96 months from the award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, email Log in, OJ S 172. Rif.n. MOP / HA 15-0141. 37/15.
The JV Parenge/Keller Fondations Speciales/GEOS Ingenieurs Conseils in Antony secured the contract for construction of shafts and a geotechnical exploration tunnel at Calmette prior to extension of Line 11 in Paris. Contract duration 11 months from award. Contact RATP in Paris, tel +33 158769379, fax +33 158769589, e-mail Visit Ref. MOP15-0146. 46/15.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 02.02.2016, for the upgrading of the existing metro Line 11 and its stations, following the extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris. The contract is composed of two lots for stations 7 and 6. Duration of the contract is 19 months from the award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, email Log in Rif.n. MOP/HA 16-0001. 02/16.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 08.07.2016, for the upgrading of Goncourt station on the existing metro Line 11, includes construction of two additional entrances and utility rooms, part of the extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris (Lot 83). Duration of the contract is 28 months. Further information from Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, email Visit and Ref.n. DHA_2016MOP9854. 24/16.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 15.07.2016, for the upgrading of Belleville station on the existing metro Line 11 with the construction of two additional entrances and utility rooms, part of the extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris (Lot 84). Duration of the contract is 24 months. Further information from Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, email Visit Ref.n. DHA_2016MOP9854. 25/16.
The award procedure has been cancelled for the upgrading of Goncourt station on the existing metro Line 11. This included the construction of two additional entrances and utility rooms, which is part of the extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris (Lot 83). Further information from Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770195, fax +33 158769468, email Visit Ref.n. DHA_2016MOP9854. 25/16.
Razel-Bec of Orsay secured the EUR 72,30 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the 1.6km tunnel, Rosny-Bois-Perrier station, power sub station and ancillary works for the Line11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris (Lot GC 02). Further information from Contact RATP, Paris, attn Faty Komara, email Visit Ref.n. MOP/HA - 15-0074. 36/16.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline
05.11.2018, for low power works on the 6.5 km metro Line 11 extension from
Mairie des Lilas to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris. The duration of the contract will
be 48 months. For bid documents,
where tenders must be sent. Contact RATP, attn. Lucie Desjardins, Paris, email Visit
Ref.n. DHA_2018MOP13410. 41/18.
The consortium composed by NGE CIVIL (Saint-Etienne-du-Gres,
F), Demathieu et Bard Construction (Montigny-les-Metz, F), Pizzarotti (Parma,
I), Implenia (Wallisellen, CH), GTS (Saint-Priest, F) and Franki Foundations
(Saintes, B) secured the EUR267.14 million contract, excluding VAT, for the
Line11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris (Lot GC 01). The contract
includes the construction of a 3km-long tunnel (diameter 7.95m), four
underground stations (depth 20-25 m) and 3 ventilation building. Contact RATP,
Paris, attn Faty Komara, email
Ref.n. MOP/HA - 15-0073. 35/16.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 15/05/2020, for the installation, overhaul and maintenance of site ventilation on the metro Line 11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris. The duration of the contract will be 42 months. For tender documents, where tenders must be sent.
Contact RATP, attn Faty Komara, Paris, email For further tender information please click here.Ref.n. DHA_2019MOP14923. 16/20.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 06/11/2020, for the HVAC (Heating-Ventilation-Air Conditioning), plumbing and smoke extraction works of the four underground stations on the metro Line 11 extension to Rosny-Bois-Perrier in Paris. The duration of the contract will be 44 months. For tender documents, where tenders must be sent. Contact RATP, attn Faty Komara, Paris, email For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. DHA_2018MOP12602. 44/20.
Innovation partnership, deadline 24/04/2023, for the industrialized renewal of the ballast and sleepers of the railway and wheeled underground lines in Paris.
The massive natural ageing of metro network equipment requires its maintenance to be industrialised in order to meet the high level of safety required for rail traffic. Faced with this challenge, RATP wishes to innovate its practices by significantly mechanising its maintenance methods and significantly increasing its production yields without altering the availability time of the installations for IDF mobilité.
This innovation partnership will make it possible to meet three major objectives:
- Eliminate the use of combustion engines on these sites;
- Mechanize ballast and sleeper renewal operations for legacy maintenance with a target output of 6 km/year for the rail metro and 2.5 km/year for the rubber metro;
- To extend the methodology for the renewal of ballast and sleepers on rail-bound lines to tyre-bound metro lines.
The present consultation aims at selecting the 3 holders of the contracts of the innovation partnership. (rules for the award of the three partnership contracts in article 14 of the Special Rules of the Consultation)
Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR130 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 150 months. Contact RATP, attn Jean Cattelin, Paris, tel +33 664057032, email Visit Ref.n. DHA_2023GDI19260. 12/23.
- fr/80
Metro and Railways
JV Yvroud-Sdel Contrôle Commande in Saint Jean de Maurienne (F) secured bid ESP080085, value EUR24.7 million, for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation for metro lines and RER railways in Paris. For more contact Mr Philippe Coutault, RATP, Paris, tel +33 15877-1465, fax -1381, e-mail Visit, and 20/09.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 15.02.2010, for low tension cabling of ventilation and smoke systems, phones, alarms, and fan controls, Lot 22, on the metro and RER lines in Paris. Contract duration 36 months. Contact Eric Vliegen at RATP in Fontenay-sous-Bois, tel +33 158770951, fax +33 158769592, e-mail Send offers to RATP, LAC VJ61, bureau 7008, bâtiment Jorasses, 12 avenue du Val de Fontenay, att.n M2E/HA, 94724 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex. 03/10.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 19.10.2012, for grouting work in tunnels and infrastructure on the Metro Rail (14 lines), RER (A and B lines) and Orlyval railway systems in Paris. Contract duration 48 months after award. Contact RATP, att.n Philippe Godeneche, Paris, tel +33 158769403, fax +33 158769453, e-mail Bid Code GDI HA 12-0107. Visit 39/12.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 11.01.2013, for replacement of security lighting (baes) by blocks of new generation autonomous lighting in RER stations and in metro lines 1, 10, 11, 12 stations and tunnels. Duration of contract 26 months. Further information from Franck Meynier, RATP, Fontenay sous Bois, tel +33 3158770993, fax +33 3158771546, e-mail to whom tenders must be sent. Visit 50/12.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 31.01.2013, for maintenance and repair of firefighting systems on RATP lines, including RER and metro stations, and tunnels in Ile de France. Contract duration 36 months. Contact RATP, att.n Norah Boufadene, Parigi, tel +33 158769743, fax +33 158772613, e-mail Visit Bid Code n. AFF 12-0140 - M2E. 02/13.
DEF (Detection Electronique Francaise) of Massy secured the contract for maintenance and repair of firefighting systems on RATP lines, including RER and metro stations, and tunnels in Ile de France. Contact RATP, att.n Sophia Jaffar Bandjee, Paris, tel +33 158771436, fax +33 158772613, Visit
Bid Code n. AFF 12-0140 - M2E. 45/13.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 01.07.2014, for the inventory of existing power lines, lot TP02, as part of the Auber underground railway station refurbishment, Line RER A in Paris. Contract duration 11 months from award. Contact RATP, att.n Octave Icard, Paris, tel +33 158769753, fax +33 158769468
e-mail Visit Ref.n. MOP HA 14-0050. 25/14
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 22.10.2014, for project management during asbestos removal, lot PI02, as part of Auber underground railway station refurbishment, Line RER A in Paris. Contract duration 39 months from award. Contact RATP, att.n Octave Icard, Fontenay-sous-Bois, tel +33 158769753, fax +33 158769468, e-mail Visit Ref.n. MOP HA 14-0131. 41/14.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 10.11.2014, for ballasted track renewal on the 14 km-long underground section between La Defence and Nation stations, Line RER A in Paris. The contract includes removing and installation of speed control equipment from 2016 to 2018. Contact RATP, Paris. Visit Ref.n OA14-0987. 42/14.
Colas Rail of Maisons-Laffitte secured the contract for refurbishment of eleven motorized ventilation hatches in the tunnels of metro and RER lines in Paris. Contact RATP in Paris, tel +33 158770687, e-mail Visit Ref.n. GDI 14-0261. 02/15.
EGIS/TACIT JV at Montreuil secured the EUR188,640 contract, excluding VAT, for project management during asbestos removal, lot PI02, as part of Auber underground railway station refurbishment, Line RER A in Paris. Contact RATP, att.n Octave Icard, Paris, tel +33 158769753, fax +33 158769468, e-mail Visit Ref.n. MOP HA 14-0131. 07/15.
Negotiated Procedure, deadline 25.09.2015, for maintenance of capital self-contained emergency lighting units (BAES) in the stations and in the tunnels of the lines 3, 13 and 14 of the Paris metro. The contract is divided into two lots. Duration is 12 months from the award. Contact RATP, Susan Canelas-Drezet, Paris, tel +33 158770629, email Log in, OJ S 172. Ref. GDI HAS 15-0193. 37/15.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 17.12.2015, for the renewal of Scribe 1 and 2 smoke extract fans, as part of Auber 1222 project for the improvement of safety of the Auber underground railway station on Line RER A in Paris. Contract duration 18 months from award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770687, email Visit Ref.n. GDI-HA15-0311. 49/15.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 18.03.2016, for sealing injections and waterproofing of infrastructures on the metro and RER lines in Paris. The contract duration is 36 months. For further information contact RATP, attn Annabelle Gauthrin, Paris, tel +33 158771634, e-mail Visit Ref.n. DHA_2016M2E7641. 09/16.
NCF Reseau has awarded VINCI Construction – through its subsidiaries VINCI Construction France (lead company), VINCI Construction Grands Projets, Dodin Campenon Bernard, Soletanche Bachy France and Botte Fondations, in a joint venture with Spie Batignolles TPCI and Spie Fondations – the contract to build the new La Defense station and the adjacent tunnels.
The works, amounting to €496m, are part of the extension of RER line E towards the west of Paris (Eole). The works will start in the summer of 2016 and will continue for 61 months.
The operation covers building the new La Defense station under the CNIT dome and 1 km of tunnels, a 40m-deep and 15m-diameter shaft and a large number of underground pedestrian corridors enabling connections between the RER E and A lines, the L and U lines of the Transilien and the T2 Tramway. For further information visit and 14/16.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 20.04.2016, for electrical installations of low voltage lighting reinforcement in tunnels on Line RER A in Paris (Lot 12). Contract duration is 28 months from award. Contact RATP, Paris. Visit Ref.n. DHA_2016MOP9324. 15/16.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 18.11.2016, for waterproofing check on the RER extension towards West in Paris (the Eole project). Duration of the contract is 48 months from award. Further information from SNCF Reseau, att.n Irene Fernandez, Paris, tel +33 170983498, e-mail Tenders must be sent to SNCF Reseau, attn Gesell Joel, Paris, tel +33 153949859. Visit Ref.n. EOLE MOA-2015-008. 43/16.
Negotiated procedure, deadline 10.02.2017, for the study, delivery and installation of fire-fighting safety systems in the stations for the metro lines 3 and 3B in Paris. The contract is composed of two lots involving 12 stations (Lot 1) and 9 stations (Lot 2). The duration of the contract is 36 months from the award. Contact RATP, Paris, tel +33 158770629, email Tender to be sent to Visit Ref. DHA_2016GDI10519. 04/17.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 31.07.2017, for the installation of systems contributing to fire safety on the RER extension towards the West in Paris (the Eole project). The duration of the contract will be 84 months. For further information please contact SNCF Reseau, att.n Michel Bogacz, Paris, tel +33 171187893, email and Tenders must be sent to SNCF Reseau, attn Koch-Isambert Sylvie, Paris, tel +33 171187893, email Visit Ref.n. 2016-029. 28/17.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 12.04.2018, for
the upgrading works of the ventilation chambers on the metro and RER lines in
Further information from
where offers have to be sent. The contract duration is 36 months. Contact
RATP, attn Nathalie Delamalmaison,
Paris, tel +33 158783102, email
Ref.n. DHA_2018MOP12682. 13/18.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 23.11.2018, for the SSI equipment
maintenance on the RATP network in Paris. Further information from
where offers have to be sent. The 4 lots contract duration is 48
months. Contact RATP, Paris, email
Ref.n. DHA 2018M2E13358. 43/18.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 06/12/2019, for high current electrical work for Low Voltage (LV) installations, part of lighting renewal on the RER’s A, B and D lines in Paris and Ile de France:
La Défense / Charles De Gaulle - Etoile 4347 m, Charles De Gaulle - Etoile: Auber 2414 m, Châtelet-les-Halles / Gare de Lyon 2597 m and Vincennes / Val de Fontenay 2388 m + 265 m for RER A; Gare du Nord / Châtelet-les-Halles 2272 m for RER B; Châtelet-les-Halles / Gare de Lyon 1100 m for RER D. Contract duration 60 months. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent and here. Contact RATP, attn Laurence Cregut, Parigi, email Ref.n. DHA_2019GDI15000. 48/19.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/05/2020, for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation and smoke extracting system in tunnels on RATPS network (metro, railway and tramway). Contract duration will be 84 months. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent and here. Contact RATP, attn Pauline Lepesqueux, Paris, email Ref.n. DHA_2020GDI15518. 19/20.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 13/07/2020, for a road-rail vehicle and a trailer intended for the transport of catenary equipment within the maintenance works on the RER lines, part of the RATP network (catenaries and tunnel). Contract duration will be 56 months. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent and here. Contact RATP, attn Laure Forcheron , Paris, tel +33 621033064, email Ref.n. DHA-2019GDI14907. 26/20.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 22/03/2021, for infiltrations treatment and lining repair in stations, tunnels and corridors on the metro and RER lines in Ile de France. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent and here. The value of the contract is EUR4.80 million. The contract duration will be 36 months. Contact RATP, attn Yann Morvan, Paris, tel +33 158769846, email Ref.n. DHA-2020GDI16035. 07/21.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 28/05/2020, for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation and smoke extracting system in tunnels on RATPS network (metro, railway and tramway). Contract duration will be 84 months. For tender documents please click here where tenders must be sent. Contact RAPT, attn Frederic Grando, Paris, email Ref.n. DHA_2020GDI15518. 12/21.
Yvroud from Aiton secured the EUR 19.72 million contract, excluding VAT, for study, delivery, installation and maintenance of tunnel ventilation and smoke extracting systems in tunnels on the RATPS network (metro, railway and tramway). Click here for further information on the tender. Contact RATP, attn Frederic Grando, Paris, email Ref.n. DHA_2020GDI15518. 14/21.
Spirale SA from Palaiseau have secured the EUR4.80 million contract, excluding VAT, for infiltration treatment and lining repair in stations, tunnels and corridors on the metro and RER lines in Ile de France. Contact RATP, attn Yann Morvan, Paris, tel +33 158769846, email Visit Ref.n. DHA-2020GDI16035. 01/22.
France-Le Bourget-du-Lac: Topographical services
Contract notice – utilities
Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU
Section I: Contracting entity
I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS
National registration number: 43955695200026
Postal address: savoie Technolac - bâtiment Homère - 13 allée du Lac de Constance - bP 281
Town: Le Bourget-du-Lac
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
Postal code: 73375
Country: France
Telephone: +33 479685650
Fax: +33 479685683
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
I.6)Main activity
Railway services
Section II: Object
II.1)Scope of the procurement
contrôle extérieur topographique du tunnel de base
Reference number: s57
II.1.2)Main CPV code
71351810 Topographical services
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 6 000 000.00 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
71351810 Topographical services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FRK27 Savoie
NUTS code: ITC1 Piemonte
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 6 000 000.00 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 96
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 02/09/2022
Local time: 12:00
IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Italian, French
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:
Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition, deadline 19/09/2023, for the design and execution of secondary civil engineering works and equipment (railway and non-railway) necessary for the commissioning of the cross-border section of the new Lyon-Turin railway line - scheduled for 31/12/2032. The contract also includes the design and implementation of maintenance for at least seven years following its commissioning. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR2.93 bn, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 255months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Chambery, tel +33 479685650, fax +33 479685683, email Visit
Open invitation to tender, deadline 13/12/2023, for geotechnical investigations as part of the construction of the new passenger building of the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne international station. This will also include a new lane for the 9C operational construction site of the new Turin-Lyon railway line. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR 137,230 excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 15 months. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Chambery, tel +33 479685650, email Visit and Ref.n. MT30. 47/23.
Technosol from Bron secured the EUR89,100 contract, excluding VAT, for geotechnical investigations as part of the construction of the new passenger building of the Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne international station. This will also include a new lane for the 9C operational construction site of the new Turin-Lyon railway line. Contact Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS, Chambery, tel +33 479685650, email Visit Ref.n. MT30. 18/24.
The Joint Venture ERI/Siemens di Fontenay-sous-Bois secured the EUR 6.12 million contract, excluding VAT, for Renewal of the Fire Safety System and adaptation of the Security Public Address System in the La Defense Station at Paris. Contact RATP, attn Mounira Soilihy, Paris, tel +33 634044852, email
Visit Ref.n. DHA_2023GDI19292. 27/24.
Negotiated with prior publication of a call for competition, deadline 05/12/2024, for infiltration treatments and lining repair in stations, tunnels and corridors on the RAPT’s metro and RER lines in Ile de France. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. The contract duration will be 1825 days. Contact RATP, attn Imed Barkallah, Paris, tel +33 1 58771607, email Visit Ref.n. DHA_2024GDI20490. 45/24.
Channel Tunnel
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Marine railway
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 15.05.2009, for eight lots of mechanical and electrical installation, repair and maintenance services for the three tunnels forming the Eurotunnel Concession in France and UK. Contract duration 36 months, with option for 1-2 years extension. Specs and docs from Christine Berquez at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321006-962, fax -547, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. 17/09.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 29.05.2009, for supply and installation of fire detection and extinction systems for railway tunnels in 7 lots. Contact Nicolas Beaugrand at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 32100-6169, fax -4349, e-mail 21/09.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure for repair of concrete cracks and waterproofing in 150 km of tunnels and 500 linked structures, repairs to concrete for 6,000 sq m of track bed in the two running tunnels, and maintenance of road and water drainage network at French terminal. Contract duration 36 months. Further information from Christine Berquez at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321006-962, fax -547, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit 37/09.
Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 09.11.2009, for the supply and installation of civils infrastructure at the Eurotunnel Freight and Tourist Terminal entrances. Estimated value EUR4 million, excluding VAT. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 04.11.2009. Further information, specifications and additional documents from Sarah Stickland at Davis Langdon LLP, MidCity Place, 71 High Holborn, UK-London WC1V 6QS, tel +44 2070617766, fax +44 8700486839, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit 42/09.
Negotiated procedure, deadline 16.11.2009, for repair and modifications to the fibre optic network and associated low current copper cables on the Eurotunnel site. Contract duration 36 months. Contact Eurotunnel, BP 69, Christine Berquez, F-62904 Coquelles Cedex, tel +33 321006-962, fax -547, e-mail Visit 43/09.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 08.03.2010, for three-year maintenance, repair and installation contract for the Eurotunnel concession in France, UK and three tunnels. Further information, specs and docs from Christine Berquez at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321006-962, fax -547, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit 06/10.
The Rodio Fogtec Spie Acis Za Betting (Freyming Merlebach) jv secured six contracts for supply and installation of fire detection and extinction systems (Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) to be installed in railway tunnels. Visit, The company Resirep (Sorbiers, F), tel +33 675082571, e-mail: secured the civil engineering contract Lot 7. Contact Nicolas Beaugrand at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 32100-6169, fax -4349, e-mail Visit 13/10.
Contracts for repairs at Channel Tunnel: lot 1, concrete crack repair and treatment in tunnels awarded to Concrete Repair Ltd of London; lot 3a, maintenance of roads and signalling equipment awarded to Eurovia Pas de Calais of Mazingarbe; lot 3b, maintenance of drainage network awarded to Envinord of Armentieres. More from Christine Berquez at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321006-962, fax -547, e-mail Visit 33/10.
Awarding procedure for lot 2, repair of railways concrete in the Channel Tunnel, has been discontinued. More from Christine Berquez at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321006-962, fax -547, e-mail Visit 34/10.
Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 28.01.2011, for major tunnel ventilation system maintenance at two large stations, in France and UK. Each of the four main ventilation fans will be removed for overhaul, test and reinstallation. Further information, specs and docs from Keith Seddon or Tracy MacDonald at Eurotunnel in Folkestone, UK, tel +44 13032827-64, fax -91, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Tenders can be submitted in one or more lots. Visit 02/11.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 06.04.2011, for supply of composite insulators for railway catenary system in Channel Tunnel. Supply voltage 25 KV. Further information, specs and docs from Gerard Lecouffe at France Manche in Coquelles, tel +33 321004-850, fax -349, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 12/11.
Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 29.04.2011, for six lots of preventive and corrective maintenance of fire detection systems on French and English sides of Channel tunnel. Contract duration 36 months. Further information, specs and docs from Peggy Gouverneur at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 3210043-28, fax -49, e-mail to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit 15/11.
Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 14.09.2012, for replacement of programmable logic controllers (PLC) on Eurotunnel concession (sites FR and UK + tunnels). The bid is comprises seven lots, whose number can be adjusted according to the economic and technical constraints. Further information from Christine Berquez at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, France, tel +33 321006962, e-mail Visit 29/12.
Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 14.12.2012, for design, manufacture and installation of replacement of hot-box and binding brake detectors in two lots on Eurotunnel running tunnels. Contract commences 01.03.2013 for completion 01.04.2014. Further information from Gerard Lecouffe at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, France, tel +33 328365814, e-mail Visit 49/12.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 24.05.2013, for rail replacement works in Eurotunnel. Duration of contract from 01.09.2013 to 30.06.2016. Contact Mrs Peggy Gouverneur, Eurotunnel, Coquelles, tel +33 321004328, e-mail Visit 20/13.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 19.08.2013, for assistance for Channel Tunnel and Terminal Track Maintenance Grinding. Duration of contract from 01.01.2014 to 31.10.2016. Contact Mrs Karine Dekerck, Eurotunnel, Coquelles, tel +33 321004758, e-mail Visit 31/13.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 10.10.2013, for maintenance, repair and installation services for buildings and the three tunnels forming the Eurotunnel Concession in France and UK. The bid is composed of 7 lots. Contract duration from 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2017. Contact Eurotunnel, att.n Dorothee Ducloy, Coquelles, tel +33 321006512, e-mail Visit 38/13.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 11.10.2013, for signalling assistance associated with rail replacement in the running tunnels. Contract duration from 01.12.2013 to 31.03.2016. Contact Eurotunnel, att.n Peggy Gouverneur, Coquelles, tel +33 321004328, e-mail Visit 40/13.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 07.02.2014, for maintenance of railway equipment terminals FR and UK and two tunnels-Channel fixed link services. Contract duration from 01.08.2014 to 31.07.2017. Contact Isabelle Pawlak at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321004301, e-mail Visit 05/14.
Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 23.05.2014, for replacement of Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) on the Engineering Management System (EMS) on the Eurotunnel concession (FR and UK sites + tunnels). The bid comprises three lots. Duration of contract from 01.10.2014 to 30.09.2016. Further information from Isabelle Lefranc at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, France, tel +33 321006496, e-mail Visit 20/14.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 31.10.2014, for repair and maintenance of concrete in 150 km of tunnels and 535 technical rooms under the Channel, 32 engineering works (bridges, ramps and supports) in France and 22 engineering works (bridges, ramps and supports) in England. The contract comprises two lots: lot 1 for French side and lot 2 for UK side. Contract duration from 01.07.2015 to 30.06.2018. Further information from Veronique Delahaye, Coquelles, tel +33 321006960, e-mail Visit 42/14.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 10.12.2014, for renovation of 10 km of the catenary network in the both Eurotunnel railway tunnels (North and South). Duration of contract from 01.03.2015 to 31.12.2015. Contact Eurotunnel, attn Peggy Gouverneur, Coquelles, tel +33 321004328, e-mail Visit 48/14.
Awarded to an unspecified company lot 1, value of the contract is EUR843,212, for the repair and maintenance of Eurotunnel's concrete structures on the French side of the channel tunnel. Contact Eurotunnel, Coquelles, tel +33 0321006512, e-mail Visit 07/16.
Invitation to tender using a negotiated procedure, deadline 26.09.2016, for the delivery of high voltage cable (75 km of 25 kV coaxial cable 400 mm2 cu) to run through railway tunnels which are part of the Channel tunnel. The duration of the contract is from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2018. For further information please contact Émilie Havet at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, France, tel +33 321004506, e-mail Visit 37/16.
Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 10.10.2016, for the installation and connection of high voltage cable (75 km of 25 kV coaxial cable 400 mm2 cu) to run through railway tunnels which are part of the Channel tunnel. The duration of the contract is from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2018. For further information please contact Sabrina Gambart at Eurotunnel in Coquelles, France, tel +33 321004351, e-mail Visit 39/16.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 23.06.2017, for the supply of 75 km of coaxial cable to reinforce the 25 kV single-phase electric traction network within the railway tunnels. The contract duration is from 01/08/2017 to 31/12/2018. For further information contact Eurotunnel, Coquelles, tel +33 321004506, email Visit 24/17.
Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 28.02.2018, for the replacement of fire detection equipment in the railway and service tunnels of the Channel Tunnel. Duration of the contract is 36 months. For further information www.gerard.lecouffe@eurotunnel and Tunnel service where tenders should be sent. Contact Eurotunnel in Coquelles, tel +33 321004814, email Visit
Silec cable from Montereau-Fault-Yonne secured the EUR9.06 million contract, excluding VAT, for the supply of 75 km of coaxial cable to reinforce the 25 kV single-phase electric traction network within the railway tunnels. For further information please contact Eurotunnel, Coquelles, tel +33 321004506, email Visit
The contract for the installation and connection of high voltage cable (75 km of 25 kV coaxial cable 400 mm2 cu) to run through railway tunnels which are part of the Channel tunnel has been awarded. Contact Eurotunnel in Coquelles, France, tel +33 321006000, email For tender documents click here. 46/19.