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Estonia, Tallin - ee/12


Closing Date: 22.11.2016 (Tender Closed)

Restricted  invitation to tender, deadline 22.11.2016, for technical concept and economic assessments (WP3)of the FinsEst Link, which is the tunnel between Helsinki and Tallin. The value of the contract is EUR320,000, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be15 months. Further information from https://hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi/hanki. Tenders must be sent to https://hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi/?id=72821&tpk=ee228c3b-77ab-43d0-8999-b9a1c6d4a1ee. Click here for tunnelbuilder archive. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=376828-2016 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=365278-2016. Click here for tunnelbuilder archive. Ref.n. CB505 FinEst Link (Finnish Estonian Transport Link. 43/16.


The Joint Venture Roadplan OÜ from Tartu linn and Stricto Project OÜ from Tallinn secured the EUR647,000 contract, excluding VAT, for the design of tunnels 1a, 2, 3 and 5 for the Ülemiste station. Contact Tallinna Keskkonna- ja Kommunaalamet, attn Karel Saar, Tallinn, tel +372 55540350, email  kommunaal@tallinnlv.ee. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=500609-2021. Ref.n. 239093. 40/21. 


Estonia, Tartu - ee/11


Preannouncement of intention to tender design/build contract for 1.85 km-long, 1.2 m-diameter microtunnelled collector. Details from EIC, Tallinn, fax +372 627 4170. Published in EC Official Journal 2nd May, 2001 and at http://ted.eur-op.eu.int 23/01. Tender notice, deadline 17th September, 2002 for a design/build contract for the K2 tunnel collector. The project includes a 1,850 m-long microtunnel sewer, ID 1200; another sewer, ID 800-1000; secondary chambers; connection to existing outfalls and to existing tunnel connector; etc. Tenders also invited for technical assistance, deadline 19th July, 2002. Visit http://ted.eur-op.eu.int/static/home/en/homepage.ini, OJ S 113, documents 87802- and 87803-2002 or contact AS Tartu Veevärk, Tartu, fax +372 7306240. E-mail Martin Zimmer martin@tartuvesi.ee and Alvo Lokk alvo.lokk@kik.ee. For technical assistance tender, also fax +372 6274170 25/02. Award to Skanska of a €5.5 million design-and-build contract for the tunnel collector K2 which mainly consists of a 1,850 m-long 1,200 ID microtunnel. Visit www.skanska.com 07/03.Rambí¸ll, Hannemann & Hí¸jlund has won a €400,000 contract for engineering for the tunnel collector K2, a 1,850 m-long 1,200 ID microtunnel. Visit www.ramboll.dk 10/03.



Ethiopia, South - et/12


  Invitation for prequalification, deadline 4th November, 2005 for the Halele-Werabesa hydroelectric power project in southern Ethiopia. Stage I of the scheme includes, amongst other structures, a 400 m-long 12 m-diameter river diversion tunnel; a chute spillway of about 250 m; a power intake and a concrete-lined headrace tunnel (diameter 6 m and 365 m in length); a tailrace surge chamber and an invert-lined tailrace tunnel (D-shaped, 8.05 m/7.8 m) of about 5,000 m; an underground powerhouse (length 60 m, width 20 m, height 36 m); and several access tunnels and shafts. Stage II includes, in particular, a power intake and a concrete-lined headrace tunnel (diameter 7.8 m) of about 4,260 m; a 20 m-diameter surge tank; a 295 m-long headrace pressure shaft; a tailrace surge chamber and an invert-lined tailrace tunnel of about 4,090 m; an underground powerhouse (length 71 m, width 22 m, height 37 m); and several access tunnels and shafts. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=165739-2005, OJ S 167, or contact Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO), Procurement Division, Head Office, Ground floor, De Gaulle Square, PO Box 1233, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Tel. +251 1560027, fax +251 1550822 or 1504050. 36/05.


Ethiopia, Gojeb - et/11


Overall management of 2 x 50 MW first phase awarded by EEPC to Lahmeyer International to include two diversion tunnels for a start in 1999 for commissioning late-2003. March 1999.Invitation to prequalify, deadline 12th April, 2004 for the civil works of lot 2/3 of the Gojeb hydroelectric power project. The required underground works include two 6.8 m-diameter diversion tunnels, 678 m and 740 m in length, and a 540 m-long power tunnel and its 50 m-deep 7 m-inner diameter vertical shaft. Work start of diversion tunnels is June 2005, time frame: 430 days. Work start for the power tunnel: January 2007, time frame: 500 days. Drill/blast method. Primary lining with lattice girders, steel arches, shotcrete, welded mesh, anchoring bolts, spiles and ground treatment. Secondary lining will consist of cast in situ concrete formwork, 20 cm to 75 cm in thickness. All tunnels on the right bank of the Gojeb river. The rocks in the vicinity of the site are from the Oligocene and Miocene and are known as the Trap series. The Trap series is the result of volcanic activity and consists of interlayered lava flows of basalts, andesites, trachytes, rhyolites and pyroclastic rocks. Financing by Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) and European Investment Bank. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=023141-2004, OJ S 27, or contact EEPCO, Purchasing Division, De Gaulle Square, PO Box 1233, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Fax +251 1550822. 10/04.



Fiji, Viti Levu - fj/11


Invitation for registration of interest, deadline 28th July, 2006 for civil construction works of the Nadarivatu hydropower project, including excavation of a 3 m-diameter, 2 km-long tunnel. The project is expected to be implemented between November 2006 and May 2008. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=137214-2006, OJ S 129, or contact MWH New Zealand Ltd, Dunedin, fax +64 34770616. E-mail greg.brown@mwhglobal.com 29/06.Invitation for bids, deadline 14th March, 2008 for civil works (contract MR 77/2007) for the Nadarivatu hydropower project, which includes several structures. Among these, a water conveyance system consists of two options, either a 1,936 m low pressure tunnel, surge/drop shaft, 1,349 m high pressure tunnel and tunnel discharge isolating valve, or a 1,936 m low pressure tunnel, surge chamber, tunnel discharge isolating valve and 1,448 m high pressure penstock. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=279507-2007, OJ S 230, or contact Fiji Electricity Authority, Suva, fax +679 3311882. E-mail tdelairewa@fea.com.fj 49/07.The deadline to bid for the civil works for the Nadarivatu renewable energy project (contract MR77/2007) has been set to 6th May, 2008. The scope of the civil works includes a construction camp, the Korolevu weir on the Sigatoka river, the Nadarivatu water conveyance system, which consists of an intake structure and either conveyance option 1 tunnel comprising a 1,936 m low pressure tunnel, surge/drop shaft, 1,349 m high pressure tunnel and tunnel discharge isolating valve or conveyance option 2 tunnel penstock comprising a 1,936 m low pressure tunnel, surge chamber, tunnel discharge isolating valve and a 1,448 m high pressure penstock. Click fj/11. Contact Fiji Electricity Authority, Mr Tuvitu Delairewa, Private Mail Bag, 2 Marlow Road, Suva, Fiji Islands. Tel. +679 3224185, fax +679 3316773, e-mail TDelairewa@fea.com.fj. Visit www.evalua.com.au/fea/OpenProjectList 14/08.



Finland, Central Finland - fi/32


Closing Date: 16.05.2024 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/05/2024, for the renewal of the superstructure of the Vaajakoski - Lievestuore section (km 383+490-401+350), drainage improvements, bridge repairs, construction of service roads, work in the Ponttovuore tunnel (1421 m) and other works on the Jyvaskyla-Lievestuore railway section (km 379+300-401+350). Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent. An inspection of the construction site will be held on 11 April 2024 at 9.00 a.m.: registration is required no later than 9 April 2024, via email mikko.hamalainen@welado.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/200800-2024. Contact Vaylvirasto, attn Maija Lavapuro, Helsinki, tel +358 295343382, email maija.lavapuro@vayla.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/200800-2024. Ref.n. VAYLA/6496/02.01.01/2023. 14/24.




Finland, Helsinki - fi/31


Closing Date: 18.04.2023 (Tender Closed)

Negotiated procedure with prior call for competition, deadline 18/04/2023, for the consulting services of the tunnel construction project between Länsistamata and Länsiväylä under the Helsinki’s West Port. The twin tube tunnel’s length  will be between 1433 m and 2012 m, depending the option. Click here for tender documents. Contact Helsingin Satama Oy, Helsinki, tel +358 93101621, email Port.Hankinta@portofhelsinki.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=206360-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=184864-2023. 16/23. 



Sweco PM Oy from Helsinki secured the contract for the consulting services for the tunnel construction project between Länsistamata and Länsiväylä under Helsinki’s West Port. The twin tube tunnel’s length  will be between 1433 m and 2012 m. Contact Helsingin Satama Oy, Helsinki, tel +358 93101621, email Port.Hankinta@portofhelsinki.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=481527-2023. 32/23. 


Finland, Helsinki-Uusimaa - fi/30

Sea-water-powered heating system

Helen Ltd. invites interested suppliers to enrol in the market dialogue on the Sea Water Heat Recovery Project (Baltic Sea) procurement preparation phase. Each candidate is requested to enrol by 09/12/2021 at 13h00 (local time in Finland, UTC+2) by sending an email with the title: "Sea Water Heat Recovery System" to the address riikka.olkkonen@helen.fi

The Sea Water Heat Recovery Project concept aims for year-round district heating production with industrial-sized heat pump plant, a 17 km long sea water intake tunnel to be driven with TBM and a maximum 9 km sea water discharge tunnel to be performed using drilling & blast. Please click here for the TED link.

Contact Helen Ltd, attn Riikka Olkkonen, Helsinki, tel +358 401835922, email riikka.olkkonen@helen.fi. 49/21. 

Finland-Helsinki: Marine installations

2021/S 237-623070

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:

Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses

Official name: Helen Ltd.
National registration number: 2630573-4
Postal address: Kampinkuja 2
Town: Helsinki
NUTS code: FI1B1 Helsinki-Uusimaa
Postal code: 00100
Country: Finland
Contact person: Riikka Olkkonen
E-mail: riikka.olkkonen@helen.fi
Telephone: +358 401835922
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.helen.fi/index.html


Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

I.4)Type of the contracting authority

Other type: Limited company

I.5)Main activity

Other activity: Gas and heat production, transfer and distribution

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement


Project Alliance for Sea Water Heat Recovery (Baltic Sea)

II.1.2)Main CPV code

45244100 Marine installations

II.1.3)Type of contract


II.1.4)Short description:

The purpose of this market dialogue (EU prior information notice) is for Helen Ltd. to activate the dialogue regarding the project alliance for Sea Water Heat Recovery System and scan the willingness of the suppliers to participate in the EU procurement of the project. In addition, Helen Ltd. will develop the project and it's implementation format together with the potential suppliers, and seeks for feedback regarding the implementation model of the procurement procedure, especially on the amount of the potential tenderer consortia.

Market dialogue as a method is recommended by the Public Procurement Act to map solutions on the market for specifying and developing the procurement.

This market dialogue (EU prior information notice) is neither actual EU procurement notification nor request for quotation. This market dialogue will be executed to serve as a preparation phase of the actual procurement.

The market dialogue (EU prior information notice) and given responses are not binding to either of the parties (client & supplier). By executing this market dialogue, Helen Ltd. will not commit to execute the actual procurement.

II.1.5)Estimated total value

II.1.6)Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no


II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)

45221246 Undersea tunnel construction work

71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services

43123000 Tunnelling machinery

72224000 Project management consultancy services

45000000 Construction work

II.2.3)Place of performance

NUTS code: FI1B1 Helsinki-Uusimaa

Main site or place of performance:

Helsinki, Finland & Baltic Sea

II.2.4)Description of the procurement:


Helen Ltd. as the Contracting Authority has been conducting a preliminary feasibility study during 2020-2021 on different alternatives for sea water heat recovery. Drivers for the project are Helen's carbon neutrality goals and decision to mainly replace fossil-based production with non-combustion-based energy sources, such as various waste and environmental heat sources.

The Sea Water Heat Recovery Project concept aims for year-round district heating production with industrial-sized heat pump plant, a long sea water intake tunnel and a shorter sea water discharge tunnel. Starting point for the design is 300-500 MW district heating output. Location for heat pump equipment is planned to be in Helen Ltd.’s Salmisaari power plant area in Helsinki, Finland.

17 kilometres of intake tunnel construction is conceived to be carried out with TBM (tunnel boring machine) technology. Other tunnel construction works such as maximum of 9 kilometres of a discharge tunnel are likely to be performed using drilling & exploding method.

The project comprises of two parts: 1. Sea Water Heat Recovery System and 2. Salmisaari Heat Pump Plant. This EU prior information notice focuses on the Sea Water Heat Recovery System.

Preliminary commissioning of the Sea Water Heat Recovery System is the year 2029.


Project Alliancing is considered as a project delivery method for Sea Water Heat Recovery System due to the complexity and cooperation requirements of the project.

Helen Ltd.'s main target in this procurement is to find a first-class project alliance group covering all needed sectors to execute the Sea Water Heat Recovery System part of the project. The second part (Salmisaari Heat Pump Plant) is preliminary planned to form an option of this procurement.

Helen Ltd. has done preparations for the procurement to be performed as a consortium where project alliance partners would consist of Helen Ltd., construction partner, TBM partner and engineering consultant partner. Project alliance would then cover all following sectors:

- Sea water system process design and optimization

- Engineering, procurement, and construction works regarding blasting and


- Project management

- Coordination

- Planning and execution of the necessary equipment

Helen Ltd. aims to find and indent the critical partners to the project alliance without a delay.

Helen Ltd. will develop the project and its delivery method together with the potential suppliers, and seeks for feedback regarding the procurement procedure, especially the amount of the potential tenderer consortia.


In actual procurement phase after the market dialogue, Competitive Dialogue (CD) is chosen as the procurement procedure.

II.2.14)Additional information

II.3)Estimated date of publication of contract notice:


Section IV: Procedure


IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3)Additional information:


With this EU prior information notice, Helen Ltd. invites interested suppliers to enroll in the market dialogue on the procurement preparation phase. Each candidate is requested to enroll by Thursday 9th of December at 13:00 o'clock (local time in Finland, UTC+2) by sending an email with the title: "Sea Water Heat Recovery System" to the address:


Helen Ltd. is familiar with the tight schedule for market dialogue enrollments and preparations, but Helen Ltd. wishes to complete market dialogues in 2021 to keep the schedule for procurement preparations.

Each candidate is requested to provide following information in the enrollment email:

- Company's official name + VAT code

- Contact person with contact details

- Participants' names and email addresses

- List of 1-6 reference projects in excel form with the following info:

- Name of the project

- Short description of the scope the candidate company has been responsible for.

E.g. project type such as rock construction, infrastructure construction,

engineering and process design, TBM

- Project execution model + agreement type

- Supplier candidate’s role in project.

- Scope complexity

- Project key figures such as contractual euros (or other currency), cubic meters

or power output

- Commissioning year

All material is requested to be provided in Finnish or in English language.

Candidate may choose the dialogue discussion language between Finnish and English.

Suppliers may enroll to the market dialogue as a consortium consisting of all alliance parties despite Helen Ltd., as a joint venture (e.g. JV formed by two suppliers and covering the tasks of one or more alliance parties) or a single company. Helen Ltd. will choose maximum of eight (8) participants to join the market dialogue. The selection will be based on candidate's relevant experience and enrollment sequence.

Helen Ltd. appreciates if the candidate is experienced e.g. in engineering and project management of tunnel and civil infrastructure construction, power plant construction or similar field. References are preferably from the fields of blasting, power plant construction, rock structure design, process design, construction work in underground spaces or other similar works. In addition, experience in projects carried out with project alliance model and outstanding safety achievements are highly valued.

Helen Ltd. will send the material and invitation to market dialogue discussion to the selected suppliers by 10th of December 2021.

Information collected with this market dialogue (EU prior information notice) will be utilized in developing and planning this procurement. However, the information collected will be comprised confidential outside this project. Participating in the market dialogue (or passing the dialogue) will not have any influence on the success possibilities of the possible actual EU procurement process.

The dialogue discussions will be organized between Wednesday 15th and Friday 17th of December 2021. Discussions will last one (1) hour per candidate and are scheduled between 09:00 - 16:00 o'clock (local time in Finland UTC+2). Exact times will be agreed with each selected candidate. The particularized agenda and the program for the dialogue discussion will be shared with the selected candidates after the enrollment period has closed. Dialogue discussions will be organized as online meetings via Teams (Helen Ltd. will send the invitations).

In case dialogue discussion is not possible with one selected candidate, Helen Ltd. may share the project dialogue material and questions via email.

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact:

Mr. Saku-Matti Mäki

Helen Ltd.


+358 40 7527045


Mr. Juho Tella

Boost Brothers Ltd.


+358 40 5804668

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:



Competitive negotiated procedure, deadline 20/04/2022, for the construction of Helen Ltd's Sea Water System Project Alliance (Sea Water Heat Recovery Project) at Helsinki-Baltic Sea involving a heat pump plant, a 17 km long sea water intake tunnel to be driven with TBM and a maximum 9 km sea water discharge tunnel to be performed using drilling&blast. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. Value of the contract is EUR450 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 85 months. Contact Helen Ltd, attn Riikka Olkkonen, Helsinki, tel +358 96171, email riikka.olkkonen@helen.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=166937-2022. Ref.n. 389511.  13/22. 


Finland-Helsinki: Marine installations

2022/S 063-166937

Contract notice – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Helen Ltd
National registration number: 2630573-4
Postal address: Kampinkuja 2
Town: Helsinki
NUTS code: FI1B Helsinki-Uusimaa
Postal code: 00100
Country: Finland
Contact person: Riikka Olkkonen
E-mail: riikka.olkkonen@helen.fi
Telephone: +358 96171
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.helen.fi/index.html
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/helen?id=389511&tpk=1dadab0e-d9c6-4b2a-8b26-d2f3f8462d78
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/helen?id=389511&tpk=1dadab0e-d9c6-4b2a-8b26-d2f3f8462d78
I.6)Main activity
Production, transport and distribution of gas and heat

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Helen Ltd's Sea Water System Project Alliance (Sea Water Heat Recovery Project)

Reference number: EU Prior information notice 375827
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45244100 Marine installations
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

In this procurement, Helen Ltd (later "Contracting Authority") is seeking a construction company as an excellent alliance partner for implementing the sea water system part of the Contracting Authority's Sea Water Heat Recovery Project. The project consists of two parts: 1. Sea Water System, and 2. Salmisaari Heat Pump Plant.

This project alliance procurement concerns the part 1: Sea Water System only but excavation works related to the part 2 will be included to this procurement as an option.

The project alliance scope covers all necessary work for the full completion of the Sea Water System. The preliminary technical scope covers e.g. process planning and optimization of the Sea Water System part of the Sea Water Heat Recovery Project, construction and excavation on urban industrial area in Helsinki as well as tunneling under the Baltic Sea, project management and coordination, procurement as well as design and implementation of the required equipment.

The preliminary plan for the excavation method of water intake and discharge tunnels is to use the tunnel boring (TBM) technology together with drill & blast method.

The target year for commissioning is 2029 but commissioning may be partly possible already earlier.

In this procurement, the Contracting Authority is targeting to ensure the preconditions of smooth cooperation and success for the execution and duration of the Alliance. The Contracting Authority is looking for the winning candidate with best preconditions to achieve truly excellent results in an Alliance together with the Contracting Authority. Therefore, the competitive negotiated procedure is emphasized as workshops, similarly to the Australian alliance model. The Contracting Authority appreciates Tenderer Candidate's alliance experience and experience in projects similar to the project in question.

This procurement is not divided into lots as chosen procurement model will enable project implementation in a tight time schedule and deliver significant synergies.

The Contracting Authority may offer supply chain financing possibility to the awarded Tenderer on a later phase of this procurement. Main benefits of the supply chain financing to the Tenderer would then be for example improving cash flow, intensification in working capital and improving revenue percent of return on investment (ROCE). By joining the supply chain financing program, the Tenderer would have a possibility for significant improvement on payment terms. Contracting Authority's partner in supply chain financing is a trusted and reputable Nordic financing services group.

Please note that in order for the Tenderer Candidate to be considered as an eligible candidate and invited to the negotiations referred to in section II.2.9 the Tenderer shall in writing confirm that it, or its owners, ultimate beneficiaries, subcontractors, affiliates or their respective officers, directors or representatives is not subject of any trade sanctions (including but not limited to trade embargoes, asset blocking/freezing, and other financial restrictions, foreign trade controls, export controls) imposed under any law, regulation, decree, ordinance or legally binding order, rule or requirement of the United Nations or under the laws of the European Union, any EU Member State, United Kingdom, the United States of America, or Switzerland, or other European country (hereinafter referred to as “Sanctioned Person and / or Entity”).

Please further note that the Contracting Authority will investigate (during the procurement phase) whether the Tenderer Candidate is considered as a Sanctioned Persons and / or Entity. In the event it is discovered that the Tenderer Candidate / Tenderer is considered as a Sanctioned Person and / or Entity, the Tenderer will not be awarded in this procurement and / or chosen as a Tenderer Candidate.

For more detailed information and time schedule, please see appendices of this EU Procurement Notification.

II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 450 000 000.00 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45221246 Undersea tunnel construction work
45000000 Construction work
43123000 Tunnelling machinery
71240000 Architectural, engineering and planning services
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: FI1B Helsinki-Uusimaa
Main site or place of performance:

Helsinki, Finland and Baltic Sea


Helen have awarded to YIT (50%, Finland) and ACCIONA (50%, Spain), the EUR400 million contract for a tunnel system in a seawater heat recovery project in Salmisaari, Helsinki. The contract includes design and development of the project, which involves the use of a TBM to build an approximately 17Km undersea tunnel. The tunnel will transport up to 50m3/second of seawater at 2 degrees Celsius, from 70 meters deep in the Baltic Sea, for use in the district heating system of the Finnish capital.

This system will help supply domestic hot water and heating (as well as cooling in summer), in which the heat or thermal energy will be produced in the production plant and distributed through a network of urban pipelines.

The work will start with a development phase expected to last until autumn 2024, for which a contract will be signed. Afterwards a decision will be made on if alliance will move on to the implementation phase, which will take about five years.  Visit https://www.helen.fi , https://www.acciona.com  and https://www.yitgroup.com/ . 27/22.


Finland, Helsinki -Western Finland - fi/29


Ralf Ajalin Oy from Bollsta secured the EUR3.71 million contract, excluding VAT, for  the renewal of the water and heat insulation in the Marjanmaki (1240 m), Lemunmaki (720 m) and Lavianmaki (580 m) railway tunnels between Saloo and Karjaa on the Helsinki–Turku line. Contact Liikennevirasto, attn Erkki Makela, Helsinki, tel +358 295343822, email erkki.makela@liikennevirasto.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=309449-2018.

Ref.n. LIVI/8673/02.01.01/2017. 30/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17/05/2024, for the improving of the drainage in the Marjanmaki (1240 m) tunnels between Saloo and Karjaa on the Helsinki -Turku line. Click here for bid documents and where tenders must be sent.  Contact Liikennevirasto, attn Erkki Makela, Helsinki, tel +358 295343822, email erkki.makela@liikennevirasto.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/224003-2024. Ref.n. VAYLA/2351/02.01.01/2024. 16/24. 



Postponed to 20/05/2024 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the improving of the drainage in the Marjanmaki (1240 m) tunnels between Saloo and Karjaa on the Helsinki -Turku line. Click here for bid/tender documents and where tenders must be sent.  Contact Liikennevirasto, attn Erkki Makela, Helsinki, tel +358 295343822, email erkki.makela@liikennevirasto.fi. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/273145-2024 and https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/262394-2024. Ref.n. VAYLA/2351/02.01.01/2024. 19/24. 



Finland, South and Western Finland - fi/28


Closing Date: 03.04.2018 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.04.2018, for maintenance services for telematics systems on the public road network, tunnel included, in the Southwest of Finland. The duration of the contract is from 01/05/2018 to 31/12/2020. Tenders must be submitted electronically via https://hanki.tarjouspalvelu.fi/hanki?id=176440&tpk=b91de2cd-b184-4e3f-8964-008c1257c75a.

Contact Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, attn Mika Anttila, Kouvola, tel +358 295029333, email mika.anttila@ely-keskus.fi. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=094027-2018. Ref.n. KASELY/178/2018. 10/18.
