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United Kingdom

United Kingdom, Greater London - uk/52


  Thames Water has awarded AMEC a GBP28 million contract to construct a 4.5 km-long 2.85 m-diameter concrete-lined tunnel will run from an existing shaft at Thames Water's reservoir site in Stoke Newington and join the Ring Main at the New River Head pumping station in Finsbury. The geology will consist of varying ground conditions, ranging from London clay to Thanet sands. AMEC will use a Lovat EPB TBM to tunnel under Highbury and Islington, crossing under six London Underground tunnels, five Network Rail tunnels, a canal tunnel and two major sewers. The contract involves also the sinking of two 50 m-deep launch and reception shafts for the TBM. Detailed design begins immediately with work on site scheduled to start in July this year. Completion is planned for spring 2010. The project forms part of a GBP90 million strategic improvement to the Ring Main, which also includes the construction of a new tunnel from the Honour Oak reservoir in Forest Hill to Brixton. Visit www.lovat.com, www.amec.com and www.thames-water.com 06/07.Morgan Est has been awarded a GBP38 million contract by Thames Water to design, construct and commission a 4.9 km tunnel in south London. The tunnel will extend the Thames Water Ring Main from an existing shaft in Brixton to a new pump out shaft at Honor Oak Reservoir. The tunnelled extension and provision of a new pump out facility at Honour Oak includes associated mechanical, electrical, instrumental, control and automation works. Work on site is due to start in March 2007 and will be completed in March 2010. Visit www.morganest.com and www.thames-water.com 07/07.


United Kingdom, Greater London - uk/51


Negotiated procedure, deadline 12th January, 2006 for design and execution of the widening of approx. 102 km of the M25 London orbital motorway, including in particular maintenance and refurbishment work on the Bell Common and Hatfield tunnels (2 x 450 m and 2 x 1.4 km) and implementing measures in the Dartford tunnels (1,429 m / 1,436 m) to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/54/EC. The estimated construction cost of the widening is approximately GBP1.5 billion. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=211161-2005, OJ S 214, or contact Highways Agency, Dorking, fax +44 1306878123. E-mail M25DBFOPrequal@highways.gsi.gov.uk 46/05.Restricted procedure, deadline 16th January, 2006 for advise and support on all matters relating to the administration and delivery of the M25 DBFO project, during the pre-award procedures before signature of the DBFO contract, including assistance with tender evaluation/negotiation, andpost-award administration of the DBFO contract, including monitoring of the construction, operations and maintenance. The M25 DBFO project includes, among other things, the maintenance and refurbishment work on the Bell Common and Hatfield tunnels (2 x 450 m and 2 x 1.4 km) and implementing measures in the Dartford tunnels (1,429 m / 1,436 m) to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/54/EC. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=235061-2005, OJ S 238, or contact Highways Agency, Dorking, fax +44 1306878123. E-Mail rachel.morley@highways.gsi.gov.uk 52/05-01/06.


Connect Plus (M25) Ltd, Connect Plus House, St Albans Road, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3NP, tel +44 2033868-500, fax -501, e-mail ojeu@connectplusm25.co.uk, has secured the contract for design and execution of the widening of 102 km of the M25 London orbital motorway, including maintenance and refurbishment work on the Bell Common and Hatfield tunnels (2 x 450 m and 2 x 1.4 km) and implementing measures in the Dartford tunnels (1,429 m/1,436 m) to meet the requirements of EU Directive 2004/54/EC. Contract value EUR3.9 bn. Contact Mrs Cate Steele, Highways Agency, Bedford, tel +44 1234796-160, fax -017, e-mail Catherine.steele@highways.gsi.gov.uk Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171733-2009. 28/09.


Invitation to tender by accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 27.07.2009, for provision of a fixed water mist suppression system in both east and west tunnels of the A282 Dartford-Thurrock crossing beneath the River Thames. Scope includes design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning, and extends to supply of water pumping stations, pipework and electronic control systems. Estimated value EUR7.5-10 million, excluding VAT. Contract duration 30 months. Specs and docs from Gay McBride at The Highways Agency in Dorking, RH4 1SZ, tel +44 1306878-472, fax -123, e-mail gay.mcbride@highways.gsi.gov.uk, to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=189546-2009 29/09.


Contract for design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of water mist fire suppression system for both tubes of Dartford-Thurrock road crossing awarded to Fogtec Brandschutz of Koeln, value EUR9.575 million excluding VAT. More from dirk.sprakel@fogtec.com, tel +49 2219622363. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154300-2010. 22/10.


Connect Plus (M25) Ltd, Connect Plus House, St Albans Road, South Mimms, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3NP, teléfono: +44 2033868-500, fax: -501, correo electrónico: ojeu@connectplusm25.co.uk, han conseguido el contrato para el diseño y ejecución de la ampliación de 102 Km de la autopista de circunvalación M25 de Londres, incluyendo los trabajos de mantenimiento y renovación del Bell Common y los túneles Hatfield (2 x 450 m y 2 x 1.4 Km) e implementación de medidas en el túnel Dartford (1,429 m/1,436 m) para cumplir los requisitos de la Directiva 2004/54/EC de la Unión Europea. El valor del contrato es de 3,9 millones de euros. Contacte con Mrs Cate Steele, Highways Agency, Bedford, teléfono: +44 1234796-160, fax: -017, correo electrónico: Catherine.steele@highways.gsi.gov.uk. Visite http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171733-2009. 28/09.


United Kingdom, Sussex - uk/50


Periodic information notice, deadline 25th August, 2005 for design and construction of the Brighton and Hove wastewater treatment project, including mainly a wastewater treatment works and sludge recycling centre at Peacehaven, a new 11 km underground sewer from Black Rock in Brighton to the new waste treatment works, a new 2.5 km-long sea outfall at Friars' Bay (Peacehaven), two underground pumping stations at Marine Drive in Brighton and Portobello waste treatment works at Telscombe Cliffs, and underground shafts at Brighton Marina. The 11 km tunnel would be 2.4 m in diameter and constructed using TBMs between 45 m and 7 m below ground level. The TBMs would construct the new sewer in four distinct phases: from Ovingdean shaft to Portobello pumping station, from Ovingdean shaft to Marine Drive pumping station, from the new wastewater treatment works site to Portobello pumping station and from the new wastewater treatment works site to Friars' Bay. Geology is chalk. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=142017-2005, OJ S 142, or contact Southern Water, Worthing, fax +44 2903272047. E-mail james.may@southernwater.co.uk. Also visit www.southernwater.co.uk. Read E-News Weekly 31/2004. 33-34/05.


United Kingdom, Northeast Kent - uk/49


Costain and Black & Veatch secured a contract to design and construct the Margate and Broadstairs wastewater treatment scheme to serve Margate and Broadstairs, to include major alterations to existing headworks, tunnelling, large diameter pipelines, a new stormwater outfall and associated marine works. The project includes 2.85 km of tunnel, 2.74 m ID, a 600 m outfall, 1.8 m diameter, pipejacked rail crossings, and six shafts, 7 to 15 m diameter up to 30 m in depth. The tunnel will be bored by a Lovat TBM owned by Costain to cut through chalk. Tunnelling to start in the summer of 2005. Visit www.southerwater.co.uk, www.costain.com and www.bv.com 21/05.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 16.06.2017, for the 2nd phase of the Thanet Sewers ground water protection scheme. The AMP 6 (Asset Management Programme 6) works will address potential defects in the 29km sewer system principally in Ramsgate and Broadstairs catchment areas. Works will include sealing or lining of tunnels, restoring the integrity of the sewer system, and where necessary, providing additional storage. The duration of the contract is until the 31/07/2019. Contact Southern Water Services Ltd, Worthing, tel +44 1903274444, email simon.palmer@southernwater.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194386-2017. 21/17.


United Kingdom, London - uk/48


Restricted procedure, deadline 14th October, 2004 for refurbishment consultancy services for the 1,705 m Rotherhithe tunnel under the Thames in London. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141363-2004, OJ S 163, or contact Transport for London, London, fax +44 2070279861. E-mail lilianwong@streetmanagement.org.uk 36/04.Mott McDonald scooped a GBP1.5 million contract for refurbishment consultancy services for the 1,705 m Rotherhithe tunnel under the Thames in London. The company will review and advise on the existing tunnel structure, mechanical services, electrical services and communications systems. Visit www.mottmac.com 15/06.


United Kingdom, Surrey - uk/47


  Negotiated procedure, deadline 7th May, 2004 for design and build of a high voltage electricity cable tunnel between Beddington and Rowdown 400 kV substations. Route length of approximately 10 km. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=046754-2004, OJ S 54, or contact National Grid Company, Leeds, fax +44 1132908074/5. E-mail shelagh.graham@uk.ngrid.com or visit www.nationalgrid.com 14/04.Preinformation notice for design, manufacture, install, test and commission of a high voltage electricity cable tunnel between the 400 kV Beddington and Rowdown substations. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=128363-2004, OJ S 148, or contact National Grid Company, Leeds, fax +44 1132908074/5. E-mail slegagh.graham@uk.ngrid.com 35/04.Morgan Est has signed a GBP60 million contract with National Grid for the design, build and commission of a new 10 km cable tunnel between Beddington and Rowdown in the London Boroughs of Sutton and Bromley respectively. It is expected that the work will begin no earlier than August this year with the design work starting immediately. The project is due to be completed in January 2011. Visit www.morganest.com 06/06.Kellogg, Brown and Root will be in charge of the design, project and site management for the construction of the 10 km-long high voltage electricity cable tunnel between Beddington and Rowdown substations. Click uk/47. Visit www.halliburton.com/kbr 16/06.


United Kingdom, Belfast - uk/46


  Construction of 10.5 km of tunnelled sewer is planned through the Belfast Catchment Area. The GBP100 million seven-year plan is designed to modernise Belfast's ageing sewerage system. It aims to improve the current sewerage system and reduce the pollutant load on the River Lagan and its tributaries by 85%. The exact route of the 4 m-diameter tunnel through the city centre is still to be finalised, and will be influenced by the geology, availability of sites for tunnel shafts and other logistical constraints. It will snake its way through the city centre from Glenmachan Street near the M1 to a pumping station at Belfast Wastewater Treatment Works in Duncrue Street near the M2. Also included is 19 km of new sewers, 26 stormwater tanks and the repair of 800 sewers.In July 2003, a consortium of Atkins and Amec was awarded the commission to provide project management and construction services for this project. The entire project will take almost seven years to complete and work will start before this summer, with tunnelling work planned to start 18 months later. Visit www.atkinsglobal.com and www.amec.com 09/04.Prior information notice for design and construction of civil, mechanical and electrical/instrumentation works including approximately 10.4 km of tunnelled sewers with diameters ranging from 1.2 to 4 m within the Belfast urban area. Start of work scheduled for January 2006. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=111862-2004, OJ S 131, or contact Department for regional development of Northern Ireland, Belfast, fax +44 2890354822. E-mail devadmin@waterni.gov.uk 30/04.Restricted procedure, deadline 6th October, 2004 for design and construction of civil, mechanical, electrical/instrumentation works, including approximately 9.5 km of tunnelled sewers with diameters ranging from 1.5 m to 4 m, access shafts, a terminal pumping station shaft, a storm screening facility, an outfall, and a new storm tank. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=142161-2004, OJ S 164, or contact Department for Regional Development for Northern Ireland, Belfast, fax +442890354822. E-mail malcom.brassey@atkinsglobal.com 36/04.Northern Ireland Water Service has awarded the stormwater management works contract, a three-year, GBP91.8 million scheme to upgrade Belfast's sewerage system, to Morgan Est and Farrans Construction. The scope of the contract includes the design, construction, testing and commissioning of 3.8 km 4 m ID tunnel (segmental) to be constructed using an EPB Lovat TBM in one drive; 3.8 km 2.4 m ID tunnel (segmental) to be constructed using an EPB Lovat TBM in several drives (main drive of 2.6 km, plus four connecting tunnels ranging in length from 160 m to 470 m); 1.3 km 1.95 m ID tunnel (pipejack) to be constructed using an EPB Lovat TBM (six drives), 170 m to 290 m in length; and 0.53 km 1.5 m ID tunnel (pipejack) to be constructed using either EPB or slurry TBM (two drives). Visit www.lovat.comThe contract, under the city centre to the Duncrue wastewater treatment works, also involves the construction of 20 segmental shafts for tunnel/sewer access varying in size from 6 m to 17.5 m up to 30 m deep, six bored shafts for side entry access to sewer, 1.6 m ID 12 to 30 m to invert level; a pumping station shaft, 37 m ID 36 m deep (the proposed construction technique is diaphragm wall down to rockhead, excavation and SCL lining in sandstone); a 16 cu m/sec pumping station housed inside a 40 m-diameter underground structure; a 18 cu m/sec stormwater screens facility (drum type); a 18 cu m/sec outfall diffuser structure; two stormwater tanks providing 6,000 cu m storage capacity; and ten connections to ex overflow structures. Visit www.morganest.com, www.farrans.com and www.waterni.gov.ukThe ground conditions consist of drift deposits (sleech, alluvial clay and glacial till) overlying Sherwood sandstone. Sub vertical dyke intrusions of dolerite exist within the sandstone. Majority of tunnelling work will be carried out within the glacial till, with some lengths of the 4 m and 2.4 m tunnels encountering sandstone.The modernisation of the city's sewerage system, which supports 250,000 people in the greater Belfast area, will result in improvements to both the water quality of the River Lagan and other watercourses. Flooding within Belfast city will also be reduced. Morgan Est is due to start work on the project this month and will take three years to complete. The engineer and planning supervisor is Atkins. The designer for the JV is Underground Professional Services and WDR & RT Taggart. Visit www.atkins.com and www.wdr-rt-taggart.com 37/06.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 02.09.2009, for development of the East Belfast Drainage Area Study from interceptor sewer to outfall, including appraisal of 4 km-long interceptor trunk sewer and study of new storm outfall location. Two-year contract, commencing 01.12.2009. Site investigations, hydraulic modelling, tunnelling, geotechnical and process engineering will be employed to draft a business plan for the project. Further information, specs and docs from Seamus McLoughney at E C Harris in Belfast BT1 4GB, tel +44 28904462-10, fax -11, e-mail seamus.mcloughney@echarris.com to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=202146-2009 30/09.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 19.03.2010, for strategic investigations and preparation of business case for refurbishment of Glenmachan pumping station and rising main. Options include tunnelling. Contract commencement 03.05.2010 for completion 30.04.2012, estimated value EUR1.15-1.725 million. Further information from Keith Haslett, e-mail keith.haslett@niwater.com, and specs and docs from Willie Scott, e-mail devadmin@niwater.com at Northern Ireland Water in Belfast, tel +44 2890741166, fax +44 2890354828. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=038919-2010. 06/10.


United Kingdom, Liverpool - uk/45


Restricted procedure, deadline 19th September, 2003 for renovation of the 3,237 m-long Mersey Queensway tunnel, consisting in the construction of seven emergency escape facilities including provision and installation of associated mechanical and electrical services. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=139228-2003, OJ S 153, or contact Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority, fax +44 1512550610. 36/03.Mott MacDonald have secured a GBP252,000 contract for consultancy services as part of the construction of seven additional emergency escapes to the 3,237 m-long Mersey Queensway tunnel. Visit www.mottmac.com 08/04.Amalgamated Construction has secured a GBP6.8 million contract for renovation of the 3,237 m-long Mersey Queensway tunnel, consisting in the construction of seven emergency escape facilities including provision and installation of associated mechanical and electrical services. Visit www.amco-construction.co.uk 15/04.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 11.12.2009, for wall cladding in the 3,237 m-long Mersey Queensway tunnel in Liverpool. Contract duration 01.03.2010 - 02.03.2011. Further information from Peter Bishop at Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority in Liverpool, e-mail peter.bishop@merseytunnels.co.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=305578-2009. 46/09.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 16.08.2010, for revision of fire suppression system in 2 x 2.25 km-long, two-lane Kingsway tunnels beneath River Mersey between Liverpool and Wallasey. Contract duration 12 months, value range EUR4.8-5.4 million. Further information, specs and docs from Adeola Kehinde at MITA in Liverpool, tel +44 1513304540, e-mail adeola.kehinde@merseytravel.gov.uk to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=205899-2010. 28/10.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 22.11.2010, for architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services framework agreement, lot 8, tunnel engineering consultancy. Contract duration 48 months, value range EUR55,000-EUR5.5 million excluding VAT. Online prequalification, information, specs and docs at Merseytravel, www.thechest.nwce.gov.uk, where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Contact point is Gary Evans, gary.evans@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=318038-2010. 43/10.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 22.11.2010 delayed until 29.11.2010, for architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services framework agreement, lot 8, tunnel engineering consultancy. Contract duration 48 months, value range EUR55,000-EUR5.5 million excluding VAT. Online prequalification, information, specs and docs at Merseytravel, www.thechest.nwce.gov.uk, where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Contact point is Gary Evans, gary.evans@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=323594-2010. 44/10.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 05.09.2011, for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of CO and NOx monitoring equipment for Mersey tunnels. One-year warranty followed by five years support. Value range EUR285,000-EUR860,000, excluding VAT. Online prequalification, information, specs and docs at Merseytravel, www.thechest.nwce.gov.uk, where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Contact point is tender@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=244583-2011. 31/11.


Contract for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of CO and NOx monitoring equipment for Mersey tunnels, value EUR285,000 excluding VAT, awarded to Applied Industrial Systems Ltd of Chiswick, London, tel +44 2087472130, e-mail simonb@applied.co.uk. More from Merseytravel, tender@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=096904-2012. 13/12.


Restricted procedure, deadline 15.05.2013, for M & E framework for planned major engineering capital schemes in the Mersey tunnels. Estimated contract value EUR47.16 million excluding VAT, duration four years. Contact Merseytravel, Liverpool at http://www.thechest.nwce.gov.uk/. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=119683-2013. Bid Code PROC 0127. 19/13.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 14.06.2013, for supply and installation of a replacement SCADA system in the Kingsway and Queensway road tunnels under the River Mersey. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 04.06.2013. Contract duration four years, value range EUR1.77-4.14 million, excluding VAT. Contact Merseytravel in Liverpool, website http://www.thechest.nwce.gov.uk/. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=156926-2013. 20/13.


Peek Traffic Ltd of Basingstoke secured the EUR631,058 contract, excluding VAT, for Automatic Incident Detection System in Mersey tunnels. Contact Merseytravel, att.n Mrs Sue Moss, Liverpool, tel +44 1513301380, e-mail tender@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=179001-2013. Bid Code PROC100. 23/13.


Merseytravel awarded the consultancy services multi-party framework agreement in the following areas: Tunnels; Rail; Marine-Naval Architecture; Marine-Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Civil and Structural Engineering; Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Architectural; Transport; Quantity Surveying; Safety, Quality and Environment; Programme/Project Management; Highways Infrastructure; Building Surveying; Business Case Development; PR, Campaigning and Engagement. Click here for the details. Contract duration four years, value EUR343.62 million, excluding VAT. Contact Merseytravel, attn Faye Roan, Liverpool, e-mail tender@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=191585-2015. 23/15.


Jackson Fire & Security Ltd from Mold secured the EUR 62,933.01 contract, excluding VAT, for maintenance of fire alarms, intruder alarms and gas suppression systems in the Queensway (3.2km) and Kingsway (2.2km) road tunnels under the River Mersey connecting Liverpool to the Wirral Peninsula. For electronic access to information http://www.the-chest.org.uk. Or contact Merseytravel, Liverpool,  tel +44 0000000000, e-mail tender@merseytravel.gov.uk.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=126437-2016. 15/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.10.2017, for the replacement of the existing Lane Control Signs (LCS) and Vehicle Management Signs (VMS) and the respective systems, in the Queensway (3.2km) and Kingsway (2.2km) road tunnels under the River Mersey. Contract duration is 18 months, value EUR1.06 million, excluding VAT. For further information http://www.thechest.nwce.gov.uk/ where tenders have to be sent. Contact Merseytravel, Liverpool, email tender@merseytravel.gov.uk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=362578-2017. Ref.n. DN297055. 38/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11/06/2020, for the replacement of the existing Public Address Voice Alarm System in the Mersey tunnels, the 1.8km twin tube Kingsway tunnel and the 3.2km single bore Queensway tunnel.

The contract duration is  from 05/08/2020 to 03/02/2025.  The value of the contract is EUR 661,997.50 (GBP581,000),  excluding VAT. For tender documents please visit  www.the-chest.org.uk where tenders have to be sent. Contact Merseytravel, Liverpool, tel +44 1513301111, email tender@liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk.

For further tender information please click here and here. Ref.n. DN476124. 20/20.


Morson Projects Ltd from Greater Manchester secured the EUR723,139.73 (GBP654,110.35) contract,  excluding VAT, for the replacement of the redundant and obsolete public address voice alarm systems in the Mersey tunnels: the 1.8km twin tube Kingsway tunnel and the 3.2km single bore Queensway tunnel. Contact Merseytravel, Liverpool, tel +44 1513301111, email tender@liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk. For further tender information please click here  Ref.n. DN476124. 01/21.



United Kingdom, Glendoe - uk/44

Hydro Electricity

  Invitation to prequalify, deadline 15th August, 2003 for design and construction of the Glendoe hydro power scheme near Fort Augustus in north Scotland. Potential tenderers are invited to prequalify separately for civil works and mechanical & electrical works. Underground structures in the project include a power station in underground cavern close to the south east corner of the Loch Ness, a 8.5 km unpressurized aqueduct tunnel and a 8.5 km headrace pressure tunnel. Tunnels around 4 m in diameter. Aggressive hard rock with high quartz content. Hard rock TBM excavation and/or drill/blast. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=119024-2003, OJ S 132, or contact Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), Perth, fax +44 1738456255. E-mail grant.mcpherson@scottish-southern.co.uk. More info in E-News Weekly 20/2003. 30/03.The two civil contractors shortlisted by Scottish & Southern Energy for the final tender stage are Morgan EST / Skanska and Hochtief. A decision on the successful M&E tenderers is due shortly. The client is looking for submissions of a complete design and build contract with the M&E suppliers combining with one of the two remaining civil contractors. Contract award will hopefully occur in late 2004. The Glendoe hydro power scheme near Fort Augustus in north Scotland includes a power station in underground cavern close to the south east corner of the Loch Ness, a 8.5 km unpressurized aqueduct tunnel and a 8.5 km headrace pressure tunnel. Tunnel diameter will be 4 m approximately. Visit www.scottish-southern.co.uk 25/04.Hochtief is the preferred contractor selected by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) for the civil engineering works of the Glendoe hydro power scheme in north Scotland. The scheme will be situated on the western edge of the Monadhliath mountains, east of Fort Augustus, and will involve the construction of a 35 m-high 1,000 m-long dam at the head of Glen Tarff, the building of the power station in a cavern deep inside Borlum Hill on the shore of Loch Ness, a 8.5 km unpressurised aqueduct tunnel and a 8.5 km headrace pressure tunnel. Tunnel diameter is 4 m approximately. The Scottish Executive gave its go-ahead to the project on 28th July, 2005. The Glendoe scheme will generate up to 100 MW of electricity. The overall cost is expected to be around GBP140 million. Full construction will start in the spring of 2006. The new scheme is likely to be generating electricity commercially from the winter of 2008/09. Visit www.hochtief.de, www.scottish-southern.co.uk and www.scotland.gov.uk 33-34/05.Poyry has been awarded an engineering contract by the Hochtief Glendoe joint venture for the detailed design and construction support of the new Glendoe hydropower scheme in Scotland. The total value of the contract is approximately EUR5 million. The contract is covering all engineering services for access roads, tunnels, dam, powerhouse cavern and intake structures. The Glendoe hydropower scheme comprises a catchment area with 19 intakes, a 35 m-high concrete-faced rockfill dam, a deep cavern powerhouse on the shore of Loch Ness and two 8.5 km tunnels. The construction phase has already started and is estimated to last over three years. The commissioning of the hydropower plant is envisaged to take place in autumn of 2008. Click uk/44. Visit www.poyry.com 27/06.


United Kingdom, Lewes - uk/43


  Southern Water will submit a planning application to East Sussex County Council this month and, subject to receiving the necessary consents and permissions, the Black and Veatch/Costain JV will begin construction of a £14 million tunnel in November 2003 with the scheme due for completion in March 2005. The tunnel, measuring 1.2 m in diameter, is a major new scheme to upgrade the sewerage system in Lewes and improve river water quality in the River Ouse, Winterbourne Stream and Upper Pells. It will be able to hold almost two million litres of stormwater during heavy rain, stopping overflows into the watercourses as currently happens. The proposed tunnel will also alleviate localised flooding from sewers to homes in Talbot Terrace and Friar's Walk.The scheme will mainly comprise the northern tunnel, a 700 m-long, 1.2 m-diameter tunnel built from the junction of North Street/Brook Street to Pinwell Road Pumping Station; the southern tunnel, a 450 m-long, 1.2 m-diameter tunnel built from the playing fields of Western Road County Primary School, west of Southover High Street to Pinwell Road Pumping Station; a 300 m-long pipeline from St Pancras Road to the eastern edge of Western Road County Primary School's playing fields; six tunnel access shafts constructed at Brook Street car park, Eastgate Street, Court Road, Pinwell Road, Garden Street and the Western Road County Primary School car park, off Southover High Street; new underground pumping stations at Pinwell Road and Court Road and increasing the size of existing sewers in Offham Road, the Paddock Sports Ground, Talbot Terrace, Pelham Terrace and Brook Street to alleviate sewer flooding in the locality. Visit www.southernwater.co.uk 26/03.
