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Romania, National - ro/12


Mott MacDonald appointed by Ministry of Public Works to help implement $120 million scheme to upgrade municipal water supply and wastewater infrastructure in fifteen Romanian cities. Visit www.mottmac.com for further details. May 2000.  Studies underway for proposed EU-funded upgrading of water supply and sewerage systems in Iasi and Pascani and rehabilitation of facilities in Timisoara. Consultant's reports due by March, 2001 to be followed by preliminary design and contract documentation preparation. Visit www.halcrow.com July 2000.


TUNN3L JV (Hochtief Infrastructure GmbH and Vinci Constructions Grand Projects) from Glostrup secured the contract n. E100001, Lot CRSH1, covering all underground works required for the branch to Sydhavnen, including the underground civil, structural and building works, E&M installations on the City Circle Line (Cityringen)in Copenhagen. Contact Metroselskabet I/S, attn Carsten Larsen, Copenhagen, tel +45 72424874, email procurement@m.dk. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=127118-2018.



Romania, Hateg - ro/11

Retezat Hydro

$18 million scheme for secondary headrace system between Barbat river and Gura Apelor lake will require 18.6 km tunnel. Client is Renel Power Plant, general contractor TCH Riul Mare Retezat, consultant ISPH Bucuresti. March 1993.



Russia, Rostov-na-Donu - ru/29

Toll road

The city administration of Rostov-na-Donu announced an imminent competition for the 30-year concession agreement for the design, construction and operation of the proposed 2.5 km-long North Tunnel. The new four-lane tunnel, from Chemists Square to Furmanov Street, will be an alternative route south-north, connecting the central business district with the north and north-eastern part of Rostov-na-Donu. The capacity of tunnel will be up to 60,000 vehicles per day. Estimated cost of the project EUR214.57 million (RUB 8.5 bn) for two years design and four years construction. For more, visit http://www.rostov-gorod.ru/upload/iblock/a75/a75cb72e2811035468ee9c55e6763cdd.doc and http://www.rostov-gorod.ru/?ID=1954&SECTION=12850&DETAIL=268065. 02/13


Russia, Saint Petersburg - ru/28

Toll Road

Award of 30-year PPP contract to MSS consortium of VTB/Gazprombank/Astaldi/Ictas, value EUR2.86 billion, for 11.5 km-long segment of high speed north-south toll road including tunnel as part of Western High-Speed Diameter project. Construction to commence early-2012 for three year completion. More from www.vtbcapital.com and www.astaldi.com. 32/11.


Russia, Saint Petersburg - ru/27

Flood protection

Closing Date: 09.09.2010 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.09.2010, for construction of engineering networks and safety systems for the C1 navigation tunnel. Duration of contract one year. EBRD funding. More from D V Savin at Geningconsult in Moscow, tel +7 (095) 93771-80, fax -81. Pre-tender meeting in Saint Petersburg 18.08.2010. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=237195-2010. 32/10.


Russia, Saint Petersburg - ru/26


Prior information notice, published 06.05.2009, for improvement of collection and treatment of wastewater in the northern part of the city of Saint Petersburg, funded by EBRD, EIB and others. Project value EUR187 million. Tender process to commence H2, 2009. Further information from Dmitry Karlik at SUE Vodokanal of St Petersburg, tel/fax +7 812 326 5214, e-mail Karlik_DA@vodokanal.spb.ru. http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=124651-2009.19/09.


Russia, Moscow - ru/25


CSC Geoton of Moscow has purchased a 3.3 m-diametre EPB TBM from Lovat, model RME137SE, to be used to build the 1,800 m-long Gertsevo cable tunnel in the Strogino region of Moscow, beginning at the Gertsevo power substation. The tunnel will be used for 110-220 kV power transmission lines connecting the substation with the Moscow power grid. The TBM will be erecting 1 m-long rings, composed of six trapezoidal prefabricated concrete segments (ID of 3 m and OD of 3.4 m), with grouting through the segments. The anticipated geology along the tunnel alignment is glaciofluvial deposited fine and medium sands as well as loam. The entire alignment is below the water table to a maximum depth of seven metres above the tunnel invert. Lovat is providing technical services for the coordination, design, procurement, segment design and segment plant. The TBM will be ready to bore in January 2007. Visit www.lovat.com 33-34/06.


Mostotrest JSC secured a $2 billion contract for the construction of the second and third sections of Kurortny Prospect double route running around Sochi. The second stage of the construction of a secondary road along Kurortnyi avenue in Sochi from Zemlyanichnaya Street to the Sochi river includes the construction of a four-lane highway (two lanes in each direction) with a total length of more than 5.5 km, which will include 13 bridges, pathways and flyovers with a total length of 4.8 km in both directions as well as three intersections on different levels and six tunnels with a total length of more than 4 km. The third stage of the construction of a secondary road along Kurortnyi avenue from the Sochi river to the Psahe river includes the construction of a 5.3 km long road, which will include two interchanges at different levels, a bridge and a flyover with a total length of 1.2 km in both directions as well as six tunnels with a total length of more than 5.8 km. Duration of the works 38 months. Visit http://mostotrest.ru/en/. 47/10.


Russia, Saint Petersburg - ru/24


Invitation to tender, deadline 14th March, 2006 for completion of navigation opening C1 and tunnel in St Petersburg. The tunnel is for a 2 x 3-lane highway i.e. a total of six traffic lanes. The site is about 15 km to the west of St Petersburg as part of the 24.5 km-long flood protection barrier being constructed for the city. It is a 1.2 km structure, to be built with reinforced concrete boxes in the dry at the site of a future navigation channel. Construction commenced seven years ago but was stopped. About 60% of these boxes are already built, the remaining ones and all the joints have to be done. The existing boxes have to be rehabilitated. The channel will then be flooded once the tunnel is finished. Halcrow is designer and Royal Haskoning of the Netherlands is the project manager. Click here to know more about the project. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=034487-2006, OJ S 31, or contact Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Infrastructure (Rosstroy), tel. +7 4959808210, fax + 7 4959808211, or Geningconsult, tel. +7 4959377180, fax +7 4959377181. 08/06.


Russia, Saint Petersburg - ru/23


Sistema Gals has won the tender to design the Orlovsky toll tunnel under the river Neva in St. Petersburg. The contract has a value of RUR57.2 million. The project includes two tunnels, each 1.6 km long, between Orlovskaya Ulitsa and Piskaryov Prospekt. A 24-hour traffic connection across the Neva will aim to ease traffic congestion around the centre and to allow more time to open the bridges for navigation. The cost of the project is estimated between RUR9.7 and RUR11.2 billion. Tenders for construction are awaited in 2006. Read E-News Weekly 15/2005. 48/05.Open call for bids with prequalification, deadline 30th November, 2007 for the design, construction, financing and operation of the approx. 940 m-long Orlovski road tunnel under the Neva river, Smolnaya and Sverdlovskaya embankments in St. Petersburg. The tunnel starts on the left bank in the central part of the city near Orlovskaya Street, crosses the Neva between Liteiny and Bolsheohtinsky bridges and exits between Piskarevsky Avenue and Shosse Revolutsii. The concession term for this PPP project will be 30 years starting from the concession agreement signature date. The successful bidder is expected to be announced on 9th June, 2008. Project advisors are Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, the World Bank, Mott MacDonald and the Research and Design Institute of Regional Development and Transportation. Contact person for acceptance and keeping records of the incoming mail and for dispatch of replies and notices: Yulia Evgenjevna Dulskaya, senior specialist expert at the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, tel. +7 495 6269944, e-mail milovaaa@mintrans.ru. Contact persons at ZSD JSC to perform management and technical functions on behalf of the bid evaluation committee: Igor Alexandrovich Lukjanov and Evgenia Vitaljevna Khoroshavia, tel. +7 812 3803850, fax +7 812 3803851, e-mail office@wsd.spb.ru. Visit www.orlovtunnel.ru for more or e-mail office@orlovtunnel.ru. Read E-News Weekly 20/2007, 15/2005, 13/2004 & 32/2003. 39/07.


Revised schedule for bid procedure for 940 m-long Orlovski road tunnel beneath Neva river published at www.orlovtunnel.ru announces new bid deadline of 03.06.2009 with selection of successful bidder by 03.07.2009. Further details from office@orlovtunnel.com. For full background to this much delayed DBOT project visit tunnelbuilder archive ru/23 and see bid evaluation details at www.gov.spb.ru. 18/09.


Russia, Moscow - ru/22


  2 x 1,505 m Silver forest tunnel under construction in Moscow by Mosmetrostroy using the Herrenknecht TBM previously used for the Lefortovo tunnel. It is a 2,600 t, 63 m-long mixshield, outer diameter 14.2 m, total installed main drive power of 3,200 kW + 315 kW for central cutter wheel, total installed power of 5,196 kVA and maximum thrust force of 120,000 kN. Geology is sand (nearly 600 m), then shifting to clay with inclusions of limestone and rocks up to 1 m. Concrete lining rings consisting of eight segments plus key, each ring is 2,000 m in width. Separation plant and slurry pipes by MS of France. Length of tunnel already excavated to date is 1,238 m with expected breakthrough date on first tunnel scheduled for 15th March. Visit www.herrenknecht.com, www.m-s.fr and www.metrostroy.ru 07/05.
