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Norway, Rogaland - no/23


Sauda hydro project in conceptual design to include four generating stations: Botnavatn with 3.66 km x 18.5 sq m headrace, 6,000 cu m power cavern, and 280 m surge shaft; Dalvatn Nord with 11.5 km x 25 sq m headrace, 13,500 cu m power cavern, 880 m intake shaft and 190 m surge shaft; Sonna H with 11.23 km x 52 sq m headrace, 12.3 km of transfer tunnels, 1,060 m intake shaft and 550 m surge shaft; and Sonna L with 1.25 km x 90 sq m tailrace and 280 m surge shaft. Geology is clayey schist and granite with phyllites and excavation will be by TBM and drill/blast with rockbolts and shotcrete. Cost is estimated at $330 million and financing is not yet in place. Invitations to tender for engineering design expected October, 2000 and for tunnelling one year later with a view to a start in 2002. Consultants Statkraft Engineering and Groner A/S. Contact Statkraft, fax +47 6757 7988 or Groner, fax +47 247 1606 for more details. February 2000.


Norway, Vestfold - no/22


Open tendering for engineering design service for 13.8 km-long section of railway with 11 km in tunnel. Deadline 31st January, 2000. Fax Jernbahneverket Utbygging at +47 322 75547. January 2000.   Jernbanverket reports that the proposed four tunnels are located on the Vestfold line, 80-100 km south of Drammen, between Porstrum and Larvik. The longest is 5 km and has a 900 m-long twin-track passing point. The remaining excavations are all single-track, 65 sq m section and drill/blast is the recommended method. January 2000.  Single 1.7 km-long x 125 sq m section Frodeaasen tunnel on Vestfold line to be excavated using drill/blast with rockbolts and shotcrete for bid 2001 on 30-month government-financed contract at estimated $60 million. Visit www.norconsult.no 06/01.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 05.01.2011, for UHN-07 Snekkestad contract to construct 2.08 km-long x 133 sq m running tunnel and 430 m open air zone. Site access planned via 318 m-long x 53.3 sq m Snekkestad crosscut tunnel to be constructed some 4.5 km south of Homestrand. Escape tunnel 375 m-long x 24.7 sq m to be driven outwards from main tunnel included. Contract duration 70 months. Further information, specs and docs from Stine Undrum at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 97529310, e-mail unst@jbv.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Invitations to tender or participate will be issued to selected candidates on 10.01.2011. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=357957-2010. 48/10.


Award of two contracts on Vestfold Line, total value EUR176 million, to Skanska Norway. Station contract (UHN-04) is for construction of 2.37 km Station tunnel with 866 m station hall and escape tunnels at 1,000 m intervals. Fiboentreprisen contract UHN-06 is for construction of 1.93 km-long twin-track Fibo tunnel with central crossover. Visit www.jernbaneverken.no. More from Skanska Norway in Oslo, tel +47 4000 6400, or visit www.skanska.no. 42/11.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 02.04.2012, for civil engineering consultancy services involving UFP30 contract for groundwater monitoring on 23 km-long twin-track Farriseidet-Porsgrunn section, which will be substantially in rock tunnels. Contract commences 25.05.2012 for completion 31.12.2017. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=251825. Further information, specs and docs from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 40435349, e-mail oystein.islann@jbv.no to whom tenders or requests to particpate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=076144-2012. 10/12.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 13.04.2012, for railway tunnel construction work on UFP05 Skillingsmyr enterprise on Larvik-Porsgrunn section of Vestfold railway. Contract involves: blasting, securing, pre-injection and follow-up of 3.76 km-long Skillingsmyr tunnel including three crosscuts totalling 990 m; similar works on 590 m-long Oennsasen and 300 m-long Storberget tunnels; and construction of six tunnel entrances and two bridges. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=252782. Further information, specs and docs from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 22455880, e-mail isloys@jbv.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for requests to access documents 05.04.2012. Invitations to tender will be despatched to selected candidates on 27.04.2012. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=087087-2012. 11/12.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline revised from 02.04.2012 to 10.04.2012, for civil engineering consultancy services involving UFP30 contract for groundwater monitoring on 23 km-long twin-track Farriseidet-Porsgrunn section, which will be substantially in rock tunnels. Contract commences 25.05.2012 for completion 31.12.2017. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=251825. Further information, specs and docs from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 40435349, e-mail oystein.islann@jbv.no to whom tenders or requests to particpate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=092093-2012. 12/12.


Award of contract to NCC Construction Norway, value EUR142.4 million, for railway tunnel construction work on Larvik-Porsgrunn section of Vestfold railway involving 4.8 km of running tunnel and 4 km of evacuation tunnel. Construction commences August, 2012 for completion June, 2016. Further information from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 22455880, e-mail isloys@jbv.no or e-mail firmapost@ncc.no. 26/12.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 19.10.2012, for construction of section UFP01 in hilly country between Larvik and Porsgrunn, including 3.67 km-long Martineasen tunnel from Farriseidet to Paulertjonn and two bridges, four smaller bridges, two small tunnels and two wildlife crossings. Contract commences 25.05.2012 for completion 31.12.2017. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=267622. Further information, specs and docs from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 40435349, e-mail isloys@jbv.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=301378-2012. 39/12.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 09.01.2012, for the Storberget contract, one of five substructure contracts on the railway project Farriseidet-Porsgrunn. The contract includes 4,700 m-long main tunnel, 2,650 m parallel escape tunnel, and 1,000 m-long combined cross cut/escape tunnel. Register interest and source additional information at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=245243. Contact Jernbaneverket, att.n Gunnar Gjellan, Tonsberg, tel +47 22455880, fax +47 32275259, e-mail: gjegun@jbv.no. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=385387-2011. Bid code UFP07. 50/11.


NCC Construction As (Oslo) secured the EUR137.4 million contract, excluding VAT, for the Storberget contract, one of five substructure contracts on the Farriseidet-Porsgrunn railway project. The contract mainly consists of one main tunnel of approx. 4,700 m, a parallel escape tunnel of approx. 2,650 m, as well as a combined cross cut/escape tunnel of approx. 1,000 m. Contact Jernbaneverket, att.n Oeystein Islann, Tonsberg, tel +47 40435349. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=305616-2012. Bid code UFP07. 41/12.


Award of contract to Cautus Geo AS of Jessheim, Norway, value EUR450,000 excluding VAT, for civil engineering consultancy services involving UFP30 contract for groundwater monitoring on 23 km-long twin-track Farriseidet-Porsgrunn section, which will be substantially in rock tunnels. Further information from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 40435349, e-mail oystein.islann@jbv.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=373439-2012. 48/12.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 18.01.2013, for railway tunnel construction work on UFP08 Eidanger enterprise on Larvik-Porsgrunn section of Vestfold railway. Contract 201212246, duration 36 months, principally involves execution of 2.080 km-long Eidanger tunnel in Telemark county with 45 m cut/cover, together with 1.34 km-long open section including bridge over Norcem side track. Further information, specs and docs from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Larvik, tel +47 40435349, e-mail isloys@jbv.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Invitations to tender will be despatched to selected candidates on 04.02.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=401888-2012. 51/12.


Award of contract to Veidekke Entreprenor AS of Oslo, value EUR130,171,307, for railway tunnel construction work on UFP05 Skillingsmyr enterprise on Larvik-Porsgrunn section of Vestfold railway. Contract involves: blasting, securing, pre-injection and follow-up of 3.76 km-long Skillingsmyr tunnel including three crosscuts totalling 990 m; similar works on 590 m-long Oennsasen and 300 m-long Storberget tunnels; and construction of six tunnel entrances and two bridges Further information, specs and docs from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 22455880, e-mail isloys@jbv.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=406685-2012. 52/12.


Award of contract to Skanska Norge AS of Oslo for construction of section UFP01 in hilly country between Larvik and Porsgrunn, including 3.67 km-long Martineasen tunnel from Farriseidet to Paulertjonn and two bridges, four smaller bridges, two small tunnels and two wildlife crossings. Further information from Oystein Islann at Jernbaneverket in Tonsberg, tel +47 40435349, e-mail isloys@jbv.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=275022-2013. 33/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 09.01.2014, for EK1 contract for construction of 7 km-long stretch of four-lane E18 Bommestad-Sky motorway with two long mountain tunnels with concrete portals and waterproofing and associated works. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=307043. Further information, specs, docs and details of tender conference from Grethe Bodholt at Statens vegvesen Region soer in Arendal, tel +47 90725786, e-mail grethe.bodholt@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit




Award of EK1 contract to Skanska Norge of Oslo for construction of 7 km-long stretch of four-lane E18 Bommestad-Sky motorway with two long mountain tunnels with concrete portals and waterproofing and associated works. Further information from Grethe Bodholt at Statens vegvesen Region soer in Arendal, tel +47 90725786, e-mail grethe.bodholt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=080600-2014. 11/14.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 01.09.2014, for UFP-14 emergency lighting for both sides of the main tunnel and for one side of the escape tunnels on 23 km-long twin-track Farriseidet-Porsgrunn section. Range value EUR3.6-6.0 million, excluding VAT. Contract commences 01.01.2015 for completion 01.01.2019. Register interest at http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=126964&B=JERNBANEVERKET. Contact Alexander Grinvoll Brorson at Jernbaneverket in Oslo, tel +47 22455000, e-mail broale@jbv.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=211166-2014. Ref. n. 201402540. 26/14.


Swarco Norge at Oslo secured EUR4,072,545 contract, excluding VAT, for UFP-14 emergency lighting for both sides of the main tunnel and for one side of the escape tunnels on 23 km-long twin-track Farriseidet-Porsgrunn section. Contact Alexander Grinvoll Brorson at Jernbaneverket in Oslo, tel +47 22455000, e-mail broale@jbv.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193424-2015. Ref. n. 201402540. 24/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.10.2016, for delivery of road and tunnel lighting with light sources on the E18 Bommestad-Sky in Larvik municipality. The 7 km road includes two tunnels 2.8 km and 1.3 km long and there is also a  bridge which is approx. 520 m long. Further information can be sought by electronic access https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/147547. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Southern Region, attn Thomas Kirkhus, Arendal, tel +47 02030, e-mail thomas.kirkhus@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=313616-2016. Ref.n. 16/9559. 37/16.


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 17/12/2018, for a new railway to be built between Nykirke and Barkåker on the Vestfold line. The project consists of 14 km of new double tracks. The stretch will have two bridges, four tunnels (a total of 5.3 km), a new station at Skoppum and three escape tunnels. This contract includes all railway systems, except signalling installations. For bid documents click here  where tenders must be sent. Contact Bane NOR SF, attn Alexander Grinvoll Brorson, Hamar, email Alexander.Grinvoll.Brorson@banenor.no. For further information click here.

Ref.n. 201800181. 46/18.


The Joint Venture Salini Impregilo (51%, leader) and  Impresa Pizzarotti & C (49%) won the EUR 388 million contract from Bane NOR to upgrade a 13.6-km section of a rail line between the towns of Nykirke and Barkaker south of Oslo. The contract set to be completed by 2022. The JV is to design and build a double-track line, including two bridges, three tunnels and a station near the town of Skoppum. Contact Bane NOR SF, attn Alexander Grinvoll Brorson, Hamar, email Alexander.Grinvoll.Brorson@banenor.no.

Visit https://www.salini-impregilo.com/en/ and https://www.pizzarotti.it/.

Ref.n. 201800181. 41/19.


Salini Impregilo from Milan secured the EUR 359.69 million (NOK3.67 billion) contract, excluding VAT, for a new railway to be built between Nykirke and Barkaker on the Vestfold line. The project consists of 13.6 km of new double track. The stretch will have two bridges, four tunnels (a total of 5.3 km), a new station at Skoppum and three escape tunnels. A concrete tunnel is being planned under E-18 at Kopstadveien, to the west of Sletterødåsen, and a rock and concrete tunnel between Skaug and Viulsrød. The UNB01 contract concerns civil works for the entire stretch.

Contact Bane NOR SF, attn Alexander Grinvoll Brorson, Hamar, email Alexander.Grinvoll.Brorson@banenor.no. For bid/tender documents please click here.

Ref.n. 201800183. 42/19.


NRC Bane AS from Kjeller secured the EUR85.35 million (NOK842.50 million) contract, excluding VAT, for a new railway to be built between Nykirke and Barkåker on the Vestfold line. The project consists of 14 km of new double tracks. The stretch will have two bridges, four tunnels (a total of 5.3 km), a new station at Skoppum and three escape tunnels. This contract includes all railway systems, except signalling installations. Contact Bane NOR SF, attn Alexander Grinvoll Brorson, Hamar, email Alexander.Grinvoll.Brorson@banenor.no. For tender information please click here .Ref.n. 201800181. 03/20.


Norway, More & Romsdal - no/21


Proposed 7.8 km-long drill/blast subsea road tunnel with 2/3 lanes with arched cross-sections of 44 sq m and 64 sq m in gneiss and quartz scheduled to commence construction in 2001. Support by rockbolts and shotcrete. More information from www.vegvesen.no November 1999.Open invitation to tender, deadline 19th April, 2004 for construction of lot 05 of the Eiksund connection on state road 653 comprising the 7,780 m Eiksund subsea tunnel and 900 m of access roads. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=032729-2004, OJ S 37, or contact Statens vegvesen, Alesund, fax +47 70175076. E-mail oddbjorn.pladsen@vegvesen.no or svein.skeide@vegvesen.no 10/04.Mesta won a NOK378 million contract to build the 7,765 m-long Eiksund tunnel in More & Romsdal county. It will be the world's deepest subsea road tunnel ever built, at -287 m below sea level. The Eiksund tunnel is a bidirectional two- and three-lane tunnel with maximum gradients of 9.6% on the Eika side and 7.6% on the mainland side. Drill/blast method. Eiksundsambandet is a 14,480 m crossing that will link the Hareid, Herí¸y, Sande and Ulstein municipal districts on Hareid island to the Eika island by the 405 m Eiksund bridge, followed by the Eiksund tunnel, then an at grade section, the Sí¸rheimsstranda-Hovdevatnet tunnel (1.160 m), another surface stretch and the Aasen tunnel (630 m) prior to connecting with the E39 motorway in í˜rsta/Volda on the mainland. Opening of the tunnel is planned in December 2007. Visit www.mesta.no 18/04.Open call for bids, deadline 9th June, 2005 for contract 07 Helgehorn and Morkaaes tunnels in Orsta and Volda municipalities, as part of the Eiksund crossing on classified road 653. This contract comprises of the construction of 2 tunnels, approx. 1,162 and 600 m long. Both tunnels to feature T8.5 profile (width 8.5 m) with a normal blasting cross section of 62.3 sq m. The Morkaaes tunnel (the shortest of the two) will be built first. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=073763-2005, OJ S 76, or contact Statens vegvesen, Molde, fax +47 71274101 or 70175076. E-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no 17/05.Mesta is the lowest bidder (NOK85 million) to construct the Helgehorn and Morkas tunnels in Orsta and Volda municipalities, as part of the Eiksund crossing on classified road 653. The other bidders are Volda Maskin (NOK91 million) and Leonhard Nilsen & Sonner (NOK105 million). The contract includes two tunnels, approximate lengths 1,162 and 600 m, excavated section 62.3 sq m. 31-32/05.Open call for bids, deadline 7th July, 2006 for delivery of booster fans for three tunnels (lengths: 630 m, 1,160 m and 7,765 m) on the Eiksund fixed link on road Rv 653. Click no/21. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=099940-2006, OJ S 93, or contact Statens vegvesen Region central, Molde, fax +47 71274101 or 70175076. E-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no or helene.andreassen@vegvesen.no 21/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 19th September, 2006 for electrical installations for the Eiksund tunnel (7,765 m), Helgehorn tunnel (1,162 m) and Morkaas tunnel (600 m), all single-tube tunnels, on national road 653. Click here. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=150934-2006, OJ S 140, or contact Statens vegvesen Region central, Molde, fax +47 71274101 or 70175076. E-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no or sylvi.sater@vegvesen.no 31-32/06.OFAS tunnel pocketed a NOK3.1 million contract for delivery of booster fans for three tunnels (lengths: 630 m, 1,160 m and 7,765 m) on the Eiksund fixed link on road Rv 653. Click no/21 and here. Read E-News Weekly 38/2006. 42/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 22nd August, 2007 for delivery, assembly, commissioning, training and documentation of the radio equipment for the tunnels of the Eiksund crossing on national road Rv 653, including the 7,770 m Eiksund tunnel, the 1,160 m Helgehorn tunnel and the 630 m Morkaí¥s tunnel. Click here. Read E-News Weekly 38/2006. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163861-2007, OJ S 133, or contact Statens vegvesen Region central, Molde, fax +47 71274101 or 57655986. E-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no or torn.hellebo@vegvesen.no 31/07.


Prior information notice for environmental mapping for the Technical upgrade of the Selvag tunnel (1069 m) on Fv653. Click here for bid/tender documents. Value of the contract will be EUR11.26 million (NOK130 million), excluding VAT.  Estimated date of publication of a contract notice within this procedure: 01/09/2024. Contact More og Romsdal Fylkeskommune, attn Arnt Ove Hol, Molde, tel +47 71258000, fax +47 71258721, email arnt.ove.hol@mrfylke.no. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/304323-2024. Ref.n. 2024/14192. 21/24. 



Norway, Slattum - no/20


Plans and consultation documents issued for 2.6 km tunnel as part of proposed new road. More information from www.vegvesen.no November 1999.  Negotiated contract deadline of 6th December, 1999 for bids to construct 940 m tunnel. Fax Jernbahnverket, Norwegian State Railways +47 725 72600. December 1999.


Norway, Trondheim - no/19


Negotiated contract deadline of 6th December, 1999 for bids to construct 940 m tunnel. Fax Jernbahnverket, Norwegian State Railways +47 725 72600. December 1999.   Invitations to tender underway for widening of 33 tunnels, ranging from 40 m to 100 m in length, on 700 km-long Trondheim-Bodo railway line. Work expected to start June, 2001. Fax +47 725 72602 or visit www.jernbaneverket.no 13/01.


Norway, Bragernes - no/18


2.3 km connection under construction by Selmer suffered fire emergency on 29th June, 1999 with 200 m completed. August 1999.Selmer reports 2.3 km-long, 70.5 sq m excavated section main tunnel well advanced in porphyry and basalt, with 200 m remaining to hole through. Work proceeding on 300 m-long x 35 sq m escape tunnel and 370 m-long ventilation drift to connect with proposed 180 m-deep x 4 m-diameter raise bored shaft. Water ingress sealed by large-scale grouting using Craelius truck-mounted unit to inject a planned 2,370 t of cement. Support will comprise 13,000 x 3 m-long Orsta Stahl rockbolts set in epoxy resin together with 4,770 sq m of shotcrete. All drilling for blasting, rockbolts and grouting by Atlas Copco Boomer 353S and anfo charging by Dyno truck. Unique new radio-controlled ventilation system automatically adjusts fan speed to air quality. Visit www.selmer.no and www.atlascopco.com Sept 2000.


Norway, Buskerud - no/17


  Five tunnels totalling 3.8 km and excavated volume of 253,000 m3 under construction in sandstone with some syenite to duallise E18 south of Drammen towards Kristiansand. Contractor AF Spesialprosjekt using Atlas Copco 353 drillrigs with Bever Control achieving 22 rounds/week apiece including all rockbolt drilling. Orsta bolts and shotcreting with steel fibre using Meyco equipment. May 1999.Open call for tenders, deadline 17th January, 2005 for construction planning and engineering design for the 4 km Frydenhaug-Eik section of highway E18, including a 1.8 km-long 9.5 m-wide single-tube tunnel parallel to the existing Kleivene tunnel and emergency exit tunnels for a total length of approximately 650 m. Geology is mostly solid rock and granite. Drill/blast method with a combination of rock bolts and shotcrete for support. For frost and water insulation, the inside of the tunnel will be covered with a lining of concrete elements. Loaders and dumper trucks for mucking-out. Planned construction period from early 2006 to late 2007. Estimated cost of all road section is NOK645 million (2004 value). Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=197597-2004, OJ S 229, or contact Statens vegvesen, Arendal, fax +47 32210161. E-mail sor@vegvesen.no 49/04.Open call for tenders, deadline 10th January, 2006 for construction of section Frydenhaug-Eik on the E18, contract north. A new southbound lane from Bangeloakka to Kobbervikdalen will be constructed, including the new Kleivene tunnel. The single-tube tunnel is 1,880 m long and will carry two lanes. Southbound traffic will use the new tunnel while northbound traffic will use the old tunnel. The tunnel width is 9.5 m. The geology is porphyric stone (50 m) and granite. The excavation method will be drilling and blasting. Bolts and shotcrete with steel fibres will be used for support. In unstable areas, steel arches may also be used. Loaders and dumper trucks for rock haulage. The excavation start is scheduled for 15th March, 2006 for completion in December 2007. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=206228-2005, OJ S 209, or contact Statens vegvesen Region south, Drammen, fax +47 32210161. E-mail roakje@vegvesen.no 47/05.With NOK227 million, Mesta is the low bidder for the Freydenhaug-Eik section of the E18. This is NOK48 million less than Veidekke (NOK275.5 million). Then follow NCC Construction (NOK281.2 million) and Skanska (NOK283.6 million). The project includes the 1,880 m-long Kleivene single-tube tunnel. Click no/17 for more. Visit www.mesta.no 14/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 14th June, 2006 for engineering services for the construction of a new motorway bridge, the new Kleivene tunnel (1,880 m) and connecting roads, and Ovre Sund bridge. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082435-2006, OJ S 78, or contact Statens vegvesen Region south, Arendal, fax +47 32210161. E-mail bjorn.kleppesto@vegvesen.no 18/06.


Norway, Hitra-Froya - no/16

Strait Crossing

  5.3 km-long connection under construction by Selmer for Statens Vegvesen between the islands of Hitra and Froya located west of Trondheim to complete all-weather link to mainland. Development of 55 m2 two-lane single tube from both portals using two Atlas Copco 353S-1838 drillrigs equipped with Bever Control which handle all face, probehole and rockbolt holes. Maximum advance in each heading 110 m/week in predominantly gneissic rocks with a few bands of limestone/marble. 3.6 km subsea at maximum depth 150 m. 8,000 cement-grouted rebar spiles installed over the crown in umbrellas with 2-3 m overlap in poor ground which comprises 3 % of alignment. 10,000 m2 shotcrete and 250 linear m of concrete lining expected, together with 200 linear m of floor concrete. 120,000 m of probeholes drilled to date. Work commenced February, 1998 from Froya portal using slurry explosives under wet conditions and March, 1998 from Hitra using Anfo under dryer conditions. There is an overall cost balance between the two types of explosive: slurry is more expensive but less noxious so requires less ventilation and offers faster re-entry. There is no detectable difference in their relative blasting efficiencies. May 1999.


Prior information notice for the renovation of the 5.3 km long submarine Froya tunnel on the county road Fv714 between Hitra and Froya municipality. The tunnel was opened for traffic in year 2000. The largest gradient is 10% and the bottom point is 164 m below sea level. The tunnel has one tunnel carriageway with tunnel profile T8 with one traffic lane in each direction.  Estimated date of publication of contract notice: 15/11/2022. The tender value is expected to be between EUR 33.83-43.50 million (NOK 350 - 450 million). Contact Trondelag fylkeskommune, attn Roar Kvam, Steinkjer, email roakv@trondelagfylke.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=592711-2022. Ref.n. 202240563. 43/22. 

Norway-Steinkjer: Road tunnel construction work

2022/S 207-592711

Prior information notice

This notice is for prior information only


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Trøndelag fylkeskommune
National registration number: 817920632
Postal address: Seilmakergata 2
NUTS code: NO Norge
Postal code: 7725
Country: Norway
Contact person: Roar Kvam
E-mail: roakv@trondelagfylke.no
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/188729833.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.trondelagfylke.no/
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
National or federal agency/office
I.5)Main activity
General public services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Renovation work for the Frøya tunnel

Reference number: 202240563
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45221241 Road tunnel construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

Trøndelag County shall renovate the Frøya tunnel for meeting the requirement given in the Tunnel Safety Regulation. 

II.1.5)Estimated total value
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45262300 Concrete work
45232100 Ancillary works for water pipelines
45233141 Road-maintenance works
45310000 Electrical installation work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: NO060 Trøndelag
II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

The Frøya tunnel is an approx. 5.3 km long submarine tunnel at fv. (County road) 714 between Hitra and Frøya municipality. The tunnel was opened for traffic in year 2000. The largest gradient is 10% and the bottom point is 164 m below sea level. The tunnel has one tunnel carriageway with tunnel profile T8 with one traffic lane in each direction. Average annual daily traffic/AADT in 2021 was 2125. The tunnel is classified as B in accordance with manual N500.

Main work in the contract:

- Removal of the current tunnel cloth in the entire tunnel.

- Renovation of rock protection by the use of water chiselling, bolts and new shotcrete work when needed.

- The establishment of shotcrete arches when water protection is needed.

- The establishment of shelters.

- The establishment of guardrails on both sides with conduits behind.

- The establishment of fire water pipelines behind the guardrail on one side.

- The renovation of the roadway.

- The construction of two new technical buildings in new rock chambers.

- The extension of two new technical buildings in open air zones.

- The establishment of a complete, new technical plant that includes cable ladders and lighting, ventilation, emergency stations, evacuation lights, cameras and closing points.

- The removal of all existing technical equipment.

The work shall be carried out as evening/night work with two convoys in each direction before midnight.

The contract shall be carried out as an execution contract and the tender contest will be published in November. The tender value is expected to be between NOK 350 and 450 million.

II.2.14)Additional information
II.3)Estimated date of publication of contract notice:

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3)Additional information:
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/02/2023, for the renovation of the 5.3 km long submarine Froya tunnel on the county road Fv714 between Hitra and Froya municipalities. The tunnel was opened for traffic in the year 2000. The largest gradient is 10% and the bottom point is 164 m below sea level. The tunnel has one tunnel carriageway with tunnel profile T8 with one traffic lane in each direction.  For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Duration of contract from 20/02/2023 to 06/12/2024. Contact Trondelag fylkeskommune, attn Roar Kvam, Steinkjer, email roakv@trondelagfylke.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=051426-2023 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=707344-2022. Ref.n. 202243424. 05/23. 


Norway, Bomlafjord - no/15

Road Tunnel

7.82 km tunnel under fjord descending to 260 m below sea level between Sveio and Foyno and two connecting suspension bridges crossing the straits. Tunnel construction commenced in 1997 for completion 2001. Contractor Selmer ASA for Norwegian Public Roads Administration in Hordaland. Cost £125 million (1997). February 1999.SV and NCC report completion of the 7.8 km-long tunnel six months ahead of schedule, having driven from both ends, SV from the mainland and NCC from the island of Foyno. Visit www.ncc.no and www.sv.no June 2000.


Norway, Aakrafjord - no/14


7.74 km tunnel being constructed by Statkraft Anlegg from portals at Saevareid and Teigerland. Nov 1998.
