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Norway, Akershus - no/105


Contract valued EUR414,000 awarded by Norwegian Railway Infrastructure Administration to Norconsult AS of Sandvika to provide technical and detailed plans of tunnels for the joint project E6 road and Dovrebanen, lot Minnesund-Kleverud, which includes one twin-tube 0.6 km-long road tunnel and 3.1 km of single railway tunnel over a 17 km-long alignment in Eidsvoll and Stange municipalities. Objections yet to be heard may increase the number of tunnels required. Railways contact Bjornar Gammelsaeter, tel +47 9165 0244, e-mail gambjo@jbv.no Norconsult contact Jens Petter Henriksen, tel +47 6757 1000, e-mail jph@norconsult.no 47/08. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=294021-2008 47/08.The consultancy contract for the technical foundation development plans of the Dovrebanan project has been awarded to Asplan Viak AS of Sandvika, sandvika@asplanviak.no, value EUR650,000. Statens Vegvesen contact Jan Terje Loitegard, tel +47 8152 2000, e-mail jan.loitegard@vegvesen.no The consultancy contract for the day zones, value EUR1.3 million, has gone to Vianova Plan og Traffik AS of Sandvika, vnpt@vianova.no. SV contact Jarle Kristian Tangen, e-mail jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. 48/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.09.2010, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP1 for 6 km-long Langset-Broehaug section including 0.6 km-long Molalykkja rail tunnel and 0.6 km-long Korlslund road tunnel and southern portal for Ulvin tunnel on Dovre railway. Tender documents will be distributed through a web hotel for which user name and password can be obtained from monica.clemert@jbv.no. Further information, specs and docs can be obtained from Monica Clemert at Dovrebanen Eidsvoll-Hamar in Oslo, tel +47 91655004, time limit 24.08.2010. Contract starts 01.10.2010 for completion 31.12.2017, value range EUR3.71-7.42 million excluding VAT. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Jarle Kristian Tangen at Statens vegvesen in Minnesund, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194796-2010. 27/10. Closing Date: 24.08.2010Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.08.2010, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP2 for 6 km-long Broehaug-Strandlykkja section including 4 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 150 m-long Morstua tunnel on Dovre railway and 2.3 km-long Morskog E6 road tunnel. Contract starts 15.09.2010 for completion 31.12.2017, value range EUR3.71-7.42 million excluding VAT. Contract docs from sources outlined above, time limit 24.08.2010. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194797-2010. 27/10.Closing Date: 31.08.2010Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.08.2010, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP3 for Strandlykkja-Kleverud/Labbdalen with 10 km of E6 road including 700 m-long Espa tunnel, and 5 km of Dovre railway. Contract starts 22.09.2010 for completion 31.12.2017, value range EUR3.71-7.42 million excluding VAT. Contract docs from sources outlined above, time limit 17.08.2010. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194799-2010. 27/10.


Award of contract to Vianova Plan Ogg Trafikk of Sandvika, value EUR6,109,628 excluding VAT, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP1 for 6 km-long Langset-Broehaug section including 0.6 km-long Molalykkja rail tunnel and 0.6 km-long Korlslund road tunnel and southern portal for Ulvin tunnel on Dovre railway. More from tes@vianova.no, tel +47 678170-85, fax -01, and from Jarle Kristian Tangen at Statens vegvesen in Minnesund, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=361642-2010. 49/10.


Award of contract to Cowi AS of Oslo, value EUR6,726,728 excluding VAT, for preparation of tender documents, construction drawings and follow-up as part of engineering design FP3 for Strandlykkja-Kleverud/Labbdalen with 10 km of E6 road including 700 m-long Espa tunnel, and 5 km of Dovre railway. More from kjny@cowi.no and from jarle.tangen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=361643-2010. 49/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.06.2011, for execution of early works on E6-Dovrebanen Brohaug-Strandlykkja including: open cut and portals for E6 Morskog tunnel and Db Ulvin tunnel north; two access tunnels approximately 500 m; intersections between main tunnel and access tunnels including space for a technical building; excavation of 250 m of Ulvin tunnel at each access point; and associated works. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=227963. Further information, specs and docs from Elin Hermanstad Havik Statens vegvesen Region west at Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 18.05.2011. Tender documents available on Internet using password supplied on request to elin.hermanstad.havik@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=120257-2011. 15/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.01.2012, for engineering and construction works on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP2 Brohaug-Strandlykkja including: 5.6 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 2.3 km-long Morskog tunnel; 6.8 km of double track railway with 3.9 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 200 m-long Morstua tunnel; and extensive associated works. Project commences 01.04.2012 for completion 01.09.2016. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=243525. Further information, specs and tender documents from Elin Hermanstad Havik at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail elin.hermanstad.havik@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=363994-2011. 47/11


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.04.2012, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP1 Langset-Brohaug including: 6.3 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 630 m-long Korslund tunnel and portals; 5.2 km of double track railway with 580 m-long Molykkja tunnel and portals; 110 m-long southern portal zone of Ulvin tunnel; and extensive associated works. Project commences 18.05.2012 for completion 01.10.2016. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=247280. Further information, specs and docs from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no who will supply details of the web hotel where tender documents will be distributed and to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=015657-2012. 03/12.


Open invitation to tender, revised deadline 23.04.2012, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP1 Langset-Brohaug including: 6.3 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 630 m-long Korslund tunnel and portals; 5.2 km of double track railway with 580 m-long Molykkja tunnel and portals; 110 m-long southern portal zone of Ulvin tunnel; and extensive associated works. Project commences 18.05.2012 for completion 01.10.2016. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=247280. Further information, specs and docs from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no who will supply details of the web hotel where tender documents will be distributed and to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=056936-2012. 08/12.


The JV Veidekke Entreprenor (60%) and Hochtief Solutions (40%) secured the EUR210 million contract, excluding VAT, for engineering and construction works on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP2 Brohaug-Strandlykkja including: 5.6 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 2.3 km-long Morskog tunnel; 6.8 km of double track railway with 3.9 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 200 m-long Morstua tunnel; and extensive associated works. Work will commence in April, 2012. The new road will be completed in October, 2014 and the new dual-track railway in autumn, 2015. Visit www.e6-dovrebanen.no/Prosjektet, www.veidekke.no and www.hochtief-solutions.com/htsol_en/pdfservice/9066. 13/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.07.2012, for supply of impulse ventilators to Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels, all of which have two shafts. Project commences 03.10.2012 for completion 15.11.2013. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=258921. Further information, specs and tender documents from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=169090-2012. 22/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.07.2012, for supply of light fittings, lamps and fasteners to E6 Korslund, Morskog and Espa twin-tube road tunnels. Project commences 02.10.2012 for completion 16.12.2013. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=258810. Further information, specs and tender documents from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=169091-2012. 22/12.


Award of contract FP1 Langset-Brohaug to Alpine Bau GmbH of Austria, value EUR174 million excluding VAT, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen including: 6.3 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 630 m-long Korslund tunnel and portals; 5.2 km of double track railway with 580 m-long Molykkja tunnel and portals; 110 m-long southern portal zone of Ulvin tunnel; and extensive associated works. Further information from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193535-2012. 25/12.


Award of contract FP2 Brohaug-Strandlykkja to JV Veidekke Hochtief ANS of Oslo, value EUR209.5 million excluding VAT, for engineering and construction works on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, including: 5.6 km of four-lane E6 highway with 2 x 2.3 km-long Morskog tunnel; 6.8 km of double track railway with 3.9 km-long Ulvin tunnel and 200 m-long Morstua tunnel; and extensive associated works. Further information from Elin Hermanstad Havik at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail elin.hermanstad.havik@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=193532-2012. 25/12.


Energima As (Oslo) secured the EUR978,864 contract, excluding VAT, for supply of impulse ventilators to Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels, all of which have two shafts. Project commences 03.10.2012 for completion 15.11.2013. Further information from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349569-2012 and www.energima.no. 45/12.


Multilux AS of Telemark secured the EUR1,124,476 contract, excluding VAT, for supply of light fittings, lamps and fasteners to E6 Korslund, Morskog and Espa twin-tube road tunnels. Project commences 02.10.2012 for completion 16.12.2013. Further information from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 90662548, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=349568-2012 and www.multilux.no. 45/12.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.03.2013, for electrical engineering installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Project commences 14.05.2013 for completion 24.11.2014. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=281457. Further information, specs and docs from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to SV Trondheimsveien 612, Postboks 3, 2092 Minnesund, Norway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=047495-2013. 07/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.03.2013, for control, regulation and monitoring installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Project commences 14.05.2013 for completion 24.11.2014. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=281419. Further information, specs and docs from Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to SV Trondheimsveien 612, Postboks 3, 2092 Minnesund, Norway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=047494-2013. 07/13.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.07.2013, for engineering services in connection with the rehabilitation of the tunnels Follotunnelen (903 m), Smiehagen (892 m) and Nordbytunnelen (3,850 m) on E6. Further information and to register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=294673. Contact Statens vegvesen Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171733 -2013. 22/13.


Aventi Technology AS of Oslo secured the contract for control, regulation and monitoring installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Contact Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172619-2013. 22/13.


Oneco Samferdsel AS of Grimstad secured the contract for electrical engineering installation work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP4 Langset-Labbdalen including: 21 km of four-lane E6 highway with Korslund, Morskog and Espa tunnels. Contact Jo Henning Thori at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, e-mail jo.thori@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=172618-2013. 22/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.10.2013, for construction work on joint project E6-Dovrebanen, lot FP1 Langset-Brohaug, Part 2, estimated value EUR124 million. Project commences 15.11.2013 for completion 01.11.2016. Project history at tunnelbuilder archive no/105. Register interest and obtain additional information at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=303381. Further information, specs and docs from Kaare Nordsjo at Statens vegvesen Region west in Lillehammer, tel +47 98204217, e-mail kaare.nordsjo@vegvesen.no who will supply details of the web hotel opening 30.08.2013 where tender documents will be distributed, and to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for accessing documents 27.09.2013. Tender conference 10.00h on 11.09.2013 at project office in Eidsvoll. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=286245-2013. 35/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.09.2015, for the renovation and upgrading of the 903 m-long Follo Tunnel at E6 in Akershus. Value of contract EUR10.14-14.65 million, excluding VAT, duration 12 months from award. Electronic access to information: https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/134152. Contact Statens vegvesen, Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=241640-2015. Ref.n. 2015055853. 29/15. 


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.01.2016, for the upgrading of electrical systems in the 903 m-long Follo Tunnel on the E6 in Akershus. The contract includes new ventilators, replacing all electrical equipment in the tunnel, replacing cable bridges, establishing new lane signals, delivery and assembly of different signs and new installations in the new technical room. Value of contract EUR4.88-7.59 million, excluding VAT, duration from 29.03.2016 to 30.04.2017. For electronic access to information use https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/138088. Or contact Statens vegvesen, Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=414208-2015. Ref.n. 15/208615. 48/15.


VVB Engineering Ltd from Oslo secured the EUR6.82 million contract, including 25% VAT, for the upgrading of electrical systems in the 903 m-long Follo Tunnel on the E6 in Akershus. The contract includes new ventilators, the replacement of all electrical equipment in the tunnel, replacement of cable bridges, establishing new lane signals, delivery and assembly of different signs and new installations in the new technical room. For electronic access to information use https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/138088. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, e-mail thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=126772-2016. Ref.n. 15/208615. 15/16.


The Swedish  part of Skanska group has signed the EUR41 million contract with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration for the renovation of the two-bore Nordby tunnel (3,850 m) with two lanes in each direction and of the Smiehagen tunnel (892 m) with two lanes running in one direction, on the E6 in Akershus, Norway. Construction is to start in August and the project is due for completion in February 2019. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration,  Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, email thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://www.skanska.com/.




Open invitation to tender, dedline 29.05.2017, for the renovation of the two-bore Nordby tunnel (3,850 m) with two lanes in each direction and of the Smiehagen tunnel (892 m) with two lanes running in one direction, on the E6 in Akershus, Norway. Value contract EUR26.75 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 17 months. Further information at https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/153428. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration,  Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, email thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=144089-2017 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=151677-2017. 32/17.


Marthinsen & Duvholt AS from  Sandefjord secured the EUR39.36 million contract, excluding VAT, for the renovation of the two-bore Nordby tunnel (3,850 m) with two lanes in each direction and of the Smiehagen tunnel (892 m) with two lanes running in one direction, on the E6 in Akershus, Norway. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration,  Region East, att.n Thomas Kalleberg, Lillehammer, tel +47 91677999, email thomas.kalleberg@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=450558-2017.



Norway, Fredrikstad - no/104

Classified road

Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.01.2009, for control engineer services contract for EUR76 million Fredrikstad Classified road 108 New Krakeroy connection including toll tunnel, planned to open in summer 2010. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=294513-2008 Specs and docs from Tor Stabbetorp, tel +47 9755 2652, e-mail tor.stabbetorp@vegvesen.no 46/08.Dimco of Fredrikstad secured contract for control engineer services for EUR76 million Fredrikstad Classified road 108, New Krakeroy connection including toll tunnel, planned to open in summer 2010. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=055275-2009. 11/09.


Norway, Troms - no/103


Open invitation to tender, deadline 3rd December, 2008 for construction of a 2,675 m tunnel (Norwegian profile T8.5) on road Rv 858, section Larseng-Vikran in Troms county in northern Norway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=263122-2008, OJ S 198, or contact Statens vegvesen, Tromsí¸, fax +47 77617666. E-mail karetu@vegvesen.no 42/08.Contract awarded to Mesta www.mesta.no for delivery, assembly and commissioning of electrical, monitoring and control installations in 660 m-long, 9.5 m-wide Vadfoss tunnel on 3.8 km-long Eklund-Sannidal section of national highway 38 to Kragero under construction by Haehre Entreprenor www.akh.no/entreprenor.htm since late-2007. Vegvesen contact Jolanta Kroczak, tel +47 8154 8000, e-mail firmapost-sor@vegvesen.no 45/08.


Contract for construction of 2.675 km-long tunnel with T8.5 section and associated works on Rv 858 Larseng-Vikran awarded to Mesta Entreprenor AS, Postboks 5133, N-1503 Moss, Norway, tel +47 05200, value EUR23.4 million. Visit www.mesta.no. More from Kare Tune or Torbjorn Jorgensen at Statens vegvesen in Tromso, tel +47 06640, e-mail kare.tune@vegvesen.no http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=084173-200913/09.


Norway, Nordland - no/102


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21st July, 2008 for engineering design services for the 24,360 m stretch Holand-Sommarset, of which 11,680 m in tunnel, on national road Rv 78 Holand-Leirosen, also called Toven tunnel with adjoining roads. A total of approx. 35 km of roads shall be constructed. The project includes three tunnels of 230 m, 750 m and 10,700 m respectively. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=145214-2008, OJ S 108, or contact Statens vegvesen Region north, Mosjí¸en, fax +47 75171322. E-mail anne-lise.sather@vegvesen.no 24/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 25th June, 2008 for design of the Holand-Leirosen section on national road Rv 78. This 35 km section includes three tunnels: Toven (10.7 km), Bergsnevsaksla (750 m) and í…sen (230 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=122661-2008, OJ S 90, or contact Statens vegvesen Region north, Mosjí¸en, tel. +47 75113454 or 91585041. E-mail hallgeir.skog@vegvesen.no 26/08.Contracts have been awarded by national roads administration Statens Vegvesen for restoration of the 20 year-old 3.52 km-long Ellingsoy and 4.22 km-long Valderoy road tunnels on national road Rv 658 as follows: supply of 40 booster fans, EUR485,000, Bemel Norge AS; construction by night of 15 niches and installation of new water protection and technical equipment, EUR23 million, Skanska Norge AS; Electrical installation, EUR4.8 million, Kraftmontasje AS tel +47 7118 3800. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=278907-2008 Vegvesen contact ole.birkeland@vegvesen.no 44/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 24.02.2009, for delivery, installation, commissioning, training and documentation of radio engineering equipment for the 3.52 km-long Ellingsoy and the 4.22 km-long Valderoy tunnels on RV 658 road in Alesund and Giske municipalities as part of the ongoing upgrade. Contract commencement 17.03.2009 for completion 10.09.2009. Further information, specs and docs from Ole Kristian Birkeland at Statens Vegvesen, tel +47 9096 8712, e-mail ole.birkeland@vegvesen.no. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=010472-2009 03/09.Prior information notice of start of award procedures on 25.05.2009 for construction of 10.7 km-long Toven tunnel and associated works including two connection roads and 3 km of highway on National Road 78 Brattlia-Leirosen. Contract value approximately EUR55-78 million. More from Anne-Lise Sather at Statens Vegvesen, tel +47 7511 2455, e-mail anne-lise.sather@vegvesen.no. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=030434-2009 06/09.


Contract for installation of radio system in Rv658 Ellingsoy-Valderoy tunnel in Alesund/Giske municipality awarded to T Connect AS of Oslo, tel+47 81500112, visit www.nortrade.com. More from Ole Kristian Birkeland +at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 90968712, e-mail ole.birkeland@vegvesen.no http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=146887-200923/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.11.2009, for construction of 13.5 km of dual carriageway from Brattlia in Drevja to Leirosen, part of the new Rv 78 between the E6 in the east and Rv 17 in the west, including the 10.6 km-long Toven tunnel. Site survey 15.11.2009. Further information, specs and docs from Steinar Livik at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 75114835/92064393, e-mail steinar.livik@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=240598-2009. 36/09.


Additional information for construction of 13.5 km of dual carriageway from Brattlia in Drevja to Leirosen, part of the new Rv 78, including the Toven tunnel: site survey on 15.09.2009 (09:00) instead of 15.11.2009. A meeting about the site survey will be held on Wednesday 16th September (08:30). Contact Steinar Livik at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 75114835/92064393, e-mail steinar.livik@vegvesen.no http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=241542-2009. 38/09.


Award of contract to Haehre entreprenor AS of Vikersund, value EUR72.15 million excluding VAT, for 13.5 km-long Brattlia-Leirosen lot of Rv 78 Holand-Leirosen including 10.6 km-long Toven tunnel and associated works. More from Steinar Livik at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 75114835/92064393, e-mail steinar.livik@vegvesen.no. Visithttp://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053649-2010. 08/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.05.2011, for construction of 12.6 km of new County road 78 Halsoya-Leirosen, lot Holand-Bratlia with four bridges, four portals, two tunnels 230 m-long and 720 m-long and associated works. More information, specs and docs from Alf Harald Barosen at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 75114838/41664742, e-mail alf.barosen@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=223500. Time limit for accessing documents 28.04.2011. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=067259-2011. 09/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.04.2012, for remediation of 3.7 km-long Umskard tunnel in Rana municipality, to remove frost heave and damage caused by ice. More information, specs and docs from Ivar Iversen of Veg Helgeland at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 99106073, e-mail ivar.iversen@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=251110. Tender meeting 12.00h on 12.03.2012 in Svortdalen office of SV at Mo. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=065346-2012. 09/12.


Award of contract to Haere Entreprenor of Billingstad, Norway for construction of 12.6 km of new County road 78 Halsoya-Leirosen, lot Holand-Bratlia with four bridges, four portals, two tunnels 230 m-long and 720 m-long and associated works. More information from Alf Harald Barosen at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 41664742, e-mail alf.barosen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=101748-2012. 14/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.03.2013, for electrical installation work on three tunnels: Toven (10.7 km-long); Bergsnev 710 m-long); and Asen (200 m-long) as part of construction of new County road 78 Halsoya-Leirosen. More information, specs and docs from Kjell Arne Bekkevold at Statens vegvesen Region nord in Mosjoen, tel +47 75114842, e-mail kjell.bekkevold@vegvesen.no. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent attention Drew Jacobson at SV, tel +47 90831695. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=278967. Bid meeting at noon on 31.01.2013 at Fru Haugens Hotel in Mosjoen. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=028843-2013. 05/13.



Norway, Troms - no/101


Open invitation to tender, deadline 5th August, 2008 for construction of the 1.7 km Lian tunnel on county road Fv 15 between Dale and Alvestad on Grytí¸ya, just outside Harstad. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=143747-2008, OJ S 107, or contact Statens vegvesen Region north, Harstad, tel. +47 95079205 or 77617093. E-mail paal-eirik.pedersen@vegvesen.no 24/08.Invitation to tender, deadline 25.11.2008, for Tender 01 preliminary works for the 17.2 km-long Kvivsvegen E39 motorway project in Hornindal and Volda municipalities with four tunnels totalling 9.3 km, the longest of which is the 6.5 km-long Kvivs tunnel. The remaining tunnels are 1.6 km-long, 170 m-long, and 1.125 km-long. Contract 01 has a duration of 17 months. Site survey at 12.00 on 29.10.2008, meeting at Statens vegvesen office in Fyrde, Volda. Overall project is scheduled for completion 2012, and tunnelling contracts will be announced later. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=es&docid=270308-2008 OJ S203 Contact Dagfinn Rotevatn, tel +47 90 62 94 56, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no More at www.vegvesen.no 43/08.


Contract 1, value EUR3.81 million excluding VAT, for preparation work for the E39 Kvivs and Kalvatn tunnels awarded to K A Aurstad AS of Orsta, tel +47 95195159, fax +47 70047151, e-mail petter@ka-aurstad.no. More from Dagfinn Rotevatn at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 90629456, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=145657-2009 23/09.


Invitation to tender, deadline 05.08.2009 using dynamic purchasing system for 7.33 km-long E39 Kvivsvegen contract 03 road and tunnels Kalvatn-Geitvika including Kalvoss (1.6 km), Damfoss (170 m) and Fyrdsberg (1.125 km) tunnels to be mined from Geitvika end. More from Svein Skeide at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Austefjord, tel +47 91633624, fax +47 71274101, e-mail sveinskeide@vegvesen.no. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161934-2009. 25/09.


Invitation to tender by dynamic purchasing system, deadline 13.10.2009, for Tender 02 Kvivstunnelen on E39 Kvivsvegen for construction of 8.13 km-long section of road including 6.54 km-long Kvivs tunnel, profile T8.5. Contract duration 32 months. Site inspection 09.09.2009 at midday from SV office at Fyrde in Volda municipality. Specs and docs from Jan Ole Sekkeseter in Austefjorden, tel +47 90406756, fax +47 71274101, e-mail jan.sekkeseter@vegvesen.no. Further information from Svein Skeide, tel +47 91633624, fax +47 71274101, e-mail sveinskeide@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=238084-2009. 35/09.


Contract 03 for road and tunnels Kalvatn-Geitvika on E39 Kvivsvegen awarded to Mesta AS, N-1503 Moss, value EUR28.72 million excluding VAT. This contract is for 7.33 km of main road, and includes Kalvass tunnel (1,600 m), Damfoss tunnel (170 m) and Fyrdsberg tunnel (1,125 m). More from Oddbjorn Pladsen at Statens vegvesen in Molde, tel +47 81544040, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=301533-2009. 45/09.


Skanska has secured the EUR40 million contract to construct the 8.13 km section of road on the E39 between the counties of Mí¸re og Romsdal and Sogn og Fjordane in western Norway, including the 6.54 km-long Kvivs tunnel. The project will commence immediately and the road is scheduled to open for traffic in June, 2012. For further information, contact Geir Linge, communications manager at Skanska in Norway, tel +47 92 25 11 25. Visit www.skanska.com. 50/09.


Contract for 8.13 km of road construction on E39 Kvivsvegen including 6.54 km-long Kvivs tunnel confirmed awarded to Skanska Norge AS, Drammensveien 60, 0107 Oslo, tel +47 92251014, value NOK338,175,268 excluding VAT. More from Oddbjorn Pladsen at Statens vegvesen in Molde, tel +47 81544040, fax +47 71274101, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=003907-2010. 02/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.11.2010, for E39 Lovikneset-Arset tender 01 blasting and mass haulage of material from road improvement, including two cuttings for Hjaraberg tunnel with length of 3.48 km and cuttings for 230 m-long Arsett tunnel. New 5 km-long road and 900 m-long bypass also to be constructed. More information, specs and docs from Rolf Stormo at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 97594190, fax +47 71274101, e-mail rolf.stormo@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Contract starts 01.12.2010 for completion 01.05.2012. Tender inspection 13.10.2010 at site office in Fyrde, Austefjord. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=285988-2010. 39/10.


Open invitation to tender for electrical and electronic works in E39 tunnels Kvivs (6,563 m), Kalva (1,627 m), Damfoss (218 m), Fyrdsberg (1,182 m) and Arset (230 m). Contract starts 01.04.2011 for completion 09.07.2012. Further information from Tom Hellebo at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger tel +47 57655827/90059076, e-mail tom.hellebo@vegvesen.no. Specs and docs from Helene Andreassen in Alesund tel +47 70175053, e-mail helene.andreassen@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=336484-2010. 46/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.01.2011, for ventilators (directional control valves) for three tunnels under construction on E39 Kvivsvegen between Volda and Grodas. Further information from Gunnar Lotsberg at Statens vegvesen Region vest in Leikanger, tel +47 95191941, fax +47 57655986, e-mail gunnar.lotsberg@vegvesen.no. Specs and docs from Doffin, tel +47 22111105, www.doffin.no. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Oddbjorn Pladsen at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 90692429, fax +47 71274101, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no quoting tenderm07. For E39 project history visit tunnelbuilder archive no/101. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=350433-2010. 47/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.03.2011, for construction of E39 Lovikneset-Arset tender 02 road and tunnels including new 3.455 km-long T9.5 profile Hjartaberg tunnel and enlargement of 230 m-long Arset tunnel. Further information from Svein Skeide at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Austefjorden, tel +47 91633624, e-mail sveinskeide@vegvesen.no. Specs and docs at www.doffin.no. Tenders or requests to participate to Oddbjorn Pladsen at Alesund office, tel +47 90692429, e-mail oddbjorn.pladsen@vegvesen.no. Tender inspection on 01.03.2011 at SV Fyrde office. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=053364-2011. 07/11.


Contract for E39 Kvivsvegen tender 06 electric, control and radio technical installations in five tunnels awarded to E.ON ES Kraftmontasje AS of Vestnes, value EUR4,986,000 excluding VAT. More from Oddbjorn Pladsen at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 81544040, e-mail firmapost@vegvesen.no. Full project history at tunnelbuilder archive no/101. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=117478-2011. 15/11.


Award of contract to Leonhard Nilsen and Sonner AS of Risoyhamn for construction of E39 Lovikneset-Arset tender 02 road and tunnels including new 3.455 km-long T9.5 profile Hjartaberg tunnel and enlargement of 230 m-long Arset tunnel. Further information from Oddbjorn Pladsen at Molde office, tel +47 81544040, fax +47 71274101, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=171801-2011. 22/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.08.2012, for tender 03 electrical, control and radiotechnical installations along E39 Lovikneset-Arset including 2.5 km of open air highway, new 3.455 km-long T9.5 profile Hjartaberg tunnel, and 230 m-long Arset tunnel. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=259914. Further information from Terje Adolfsen at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 92480012, e-mail terje.adolfsen@vegvesen.no. Specs and docs at www.doffin.no. Site survey and tender conference at 12.00 on 21.06.2012 at SV site office in Fyrde, Volda municipality. Tenders or requests to participate to Svein Skeide at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Alesund, tel +47 97594190, e-mail sveinskeide@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=184771-2012. 24/12.


Award of contract to Bemer Nord AS of Oslo, value EUR349,000 excluding VAT, for procurement of three directional control valves for three tunnels under construction on new E39 Kvivsvegen between Volda and Grodas. More from Oddbjorn Pladsen at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molda, tel +47 81544040, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=240528-2012. 31/12.


Kbelectrotech of Ry secured the EUR2.14 million contract, VAT not included, for tender 03 electrical, control and radiotechnical installations along E39 Lovikneset-Arset including 2.5 km of open air highway, new 3.455 km-long T9.5 profile Hjartaberg tunnel, and 230 m-long Arset tunnel. Further information from Kristen Leganger at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 81544040, fax +47 71274101, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=365812-2012. 47/12.


Norway, Mí¸re & Romsdal - no/100


Open invitation to tender, deadline 1st July, 2008 for procurement of 40 booster fans for the 3,520 m Ellingsí¸y tunnel and the 4,222 m Valderí¸y tunnel. Both are subsea tunnels leading to the í…lesund airport on road Rv 658. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=136009-2008, OJ S 101, or contact Statens vegvesen Region Central, Molde, fax +47 70175044. E-mail ole.birkeland@vegvesen.no 23/08.Skanska is the low bidder at NOK197.1 million to rehabilitate the 3,520 m Ellingsí¸y tunnel and the 4,222 m Valderí¸y tunnel in í…lesund, ahead of Mesta (NOK211.7 million) and Veidekke with NOK260.3 million. The tunnels opened in 1989. Work will take place at night, starting in September for a period of 12-17 months. New waterproofing and frost protection will be installed and new technical installations will be installed. Also, 15 niches will be built. Visit www.skanska.com 25/08.The tender for the electromechanical works has attracted four bidders - NSI (NOK39.6 million), Mesta (NOK48.5 million), Siemens (NOK41.2 million) and Kraftmontasje (NOK39.9 million). The works consists of the demolition of existing cable racks with accompanying cables and lighting equipment. The main works will be carried out at night and the tunnels will be totally closed for traffic. Fourty booster fans have to be installed in the tunnels. Visit www.nsias.no 25/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.12.2008 for 2,675 m of 8.5 m-wide two-lane tunnel and associated works and installations on road Rv 858 Larseng-Vikran connection in Troms county. Tender conference and site viewing on 29.10.2008 in Tromso. Contact Kare B Tune, tel +47 771 8665, e-mail karetu@vegvesen.no 43/08.Bemel Norge (Oslo) scooped a 4,141,000 NOK contract for procurement of 40 booster fans for the 3,520 m Ellingsí¸y tunnel and the 4,222 m Valderí¸y tunnel. Both are subsea tunnels leading to the í…lesund airport on road Rv 658. 45/08. Kraftmontasje (Vestnes) scooped a 41,100,166 NOK contract for the electromechanical works in the 3,520 m Ellingsí¸y tunnel and the 4,222 m Valderí¸y tunnel. The works consists of the demolition of existing cable racks with accompanying cables and lighting equipment. The main works will be carried out at night and the tunnels will be totally closed for traffic. 45/08.Skanska scooped a NOK197.1 million contract to rehabilitate the 3,520 m Ellingsí¸y tunnel and the 4,222 m Valderí¸y tunnel in í…lesund. New waterproofing and frost protection will be installed and new technical installations will be installed. Also, 15 niches will be built. The main works shall be carried out between 18:00-06:30 and the tunnels will be totally closed for traffic.Visit www.skanska.com 43/08.Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.03.2009, for renovation of 5.086 km-long Freifjord tunnel on National Road 70 in Gjemnes and Kristiansund municipalities, including support, water/frost protection and electrical. Tunnel is three-lane on slopes and two-lane at base. Work to be carried out in evenings and at night whilst tunnel is in use. Contract commencement 03.08.2009 for completion 17.12.2010. Site survey 08.01.2009 at 11.00h. Specs and docs from Jon Magne Frisvoll at Statens Vegvesen, tel +47 9134 6384, e-mail jon.frisvoll@vegvesen.no to whom tenders and requests to participate should be addressed. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=334755-2008 52/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.06.2010, for construction of 700 m-long E39 Hoegsett tunnel and 970 m-long Eikrem tunnel on county road 70, with 2 km of adjoining roads and associated structures in Gjemnes and Tingvoll municipalities. Contract starts 22.09.2010 for completion 07.07.2012. Site survey at 10.00 on 20.04.2010 at Batnfjordsoera office in Gjemnes municipality. Further information, specs and docs from Odd Arild Lindseth at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Fylkeshuset, tel +47 91346383, fax +47 71274101, e-mail odd.lindseth@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=108340-2010. 15/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 05.07.2010, for engineering services including construction planning, engineering design, electro installations and general consultancy during implementation stage of Oppdoelsstranda tunnel in Sundall municipality. Further information, specs and docs from Jon Magne Frisvoll at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 91346384, e-mail jon.frisvoll@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154021-2010. 21/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.12.2010, for delivery, assembly, connection, commissioning and start-up of radio equipment for 5.086 km-long single-tube Freifjord tunnel on national road 70 in Gjemnes and Kristiansund municipalities. Further information, specs and docs from Odd Myrvang at Statens vegesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 95224516, e-mail odd.myrvang@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=316650-2010. 43/10.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.05.2011, for construction of 7.43 km-long Oppdoelsstranda tunnel on Rv 70 from Sunndalsora to Modalan in Sundall municipality with 400 m-long cross gallery and adjoining roads. Register interest at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=222606. Further information, specs and docs from Jon Magne Frisvoll at Statens vegvesen Region midt in Molde, tel +47 91346384, e-mail jon.frisvoll@vegvesen.no to whom tenders or requests to participate should be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=091633-2011. 12/11.


Norway, Nordland - no/99


Open invitation to tender, deadline 17th July, 2008 for construction of a new 6 km road from Rí¸vik to Strí¸msnes (Rv 80) in Fauske municipality, whereof approx. 2,000 m is in tunnel with Norwegian profile profile T10.5. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=136006-2008, OJ S 101, or contact Statens vegvesen Region north, Bodí¸, tel. +47 75552879 / 95893792 or 75586527 / 97433003. E-mail firmapost-nord@vegvesen.no or lillian.hakstad@vegvesen.no 23/08.


Norway, Mí¸re & Romsdal - no/98


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26th June, 2008 for construction of a 1,920 m rockfall protection tunnel, Norwegian profile T5.5, and connecting roads of approx. 450 metres between Bjí¸rke and Leira on county road Rv 41 in í˜rsta municipality. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=126091-2008, OJ S 92, or contact Statens vegvesen Region central, Molde, fax +47 71274101 or 70175044. E-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no or lars.brautehaug@vegvesen.no 21/08.Mesta secured a NOK89.9 million contract to construct a 1,920 m-long tunnel which will give protection from rock falls with a T5.5 profile and the connecting roads of approx. 450 m between Bjí¸rke and Leira on county road 41 in í˜rsta municipality. Visit www.mesta.no 42/08.


Open invitation to tender using dynamic purchasing system, deadline 02.09.2009, for Contract 03 electrical installation work in 1.93 km-long Leira tunnel and 600 m of open road on Fv41 Bjorke-Leira. Contract starts 01.02.2010 for completion 05.05.2010. Specs and docs from Helene Andreassen at Statens vegvesen Region midt, tel +47 701750-53, fax -44, e-mail helene.andreassen@vegvesen.no. Tenders or requests to participate to Lars Brautehaug at same tel/fax numbers, e-mail lars.brautehaug@vegvesen.no. Site survey at 11.00 on 25.06.2009 at SV office, Fyrde, Austefjord. 25/09. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=161935-2009


Contract 03 for electrical installation in 1.93 km-long Leira tunnel on Fv 41 Bjorke-Leira section and associated 600 m road awarded to E.ON ES Kraftmontasje, N-6390 Vestnes, value EUR 963,555 excluding VAT. Tunnel installations will be carried out by Mestra Entreprenor AS. More from Oddbjorn Pladsen at Statens vegvesen in Molde, tel +47 81544040, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=301529-2009. 45/09.


Norway, Oslo - no/97


Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 30th May, 2008 for construction of the new Midgardsormen sewage system along Akerselva and at Bjí¸rvika to Gamlebyen in Oslo. The pipeline will go into a rock and soft soil tunnel to Bekkelaget treatment plant where a pump station will be constructed. The present contract will be built using microtunnelling in soft clay (approx. 2,500 m long, 2,000 mm inner diameter), with launch and reception shafts, and drilling (500-600 mm inner diameter). The project will mainly be 8-15 mm deep. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=103258-2008, OJ S 76, or contact Oslo Kommune, Oslo, fax +47 23437241. E-mail erik.bjoranesset@vav.oslo.kommune.no 17/08.Negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 26th May, 2008 for soil investigations for the Midgardsormen project. Click no/97. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=108946-2008, OJ S 80, or contact Oslo Kommune, Oslo, fax +47 23437241. E-mail erik.bjoranesset@vav.oslo.kommune.no 19/08.Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 15th September, 2008 for construction of the Midgardsormen project. A 2 km rock tunnel with a cross-section of 25 sq m will be built from Gamlebyen to Bekkelaget treatment plant. A shaft down to a level of approx. 12 m will be constructed in Gamlebyen. An access tunnel will be bored at Bekkelaget to the upper and lower levels, -14 m and +5 m respectively, pumping station and shafts which connect the new and old facilities. An approx. 1 km long outlet tunnel with a cross-section 25 sq m is to be built from the treatment plant at Bekkelaget. This contract starts where the microtunnelling contract, published in April, ends. Click no/97. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=175338-2008, OJ S 131, or contact Oslo Kommune, Oslo, fax +47 23437241. E-mail kjell.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no 29/08.The awarding procedure for construction of the Midgardsormen project has been discontinued. For more information contact Kjell L. Brevik at Oslo Kommune, e-mail kjell.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no, fax +47 23437241. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=it&docid=005025-2009, GU S 5. 04/09


Prior information notice by Oslo Kommune for resumption of awards procedure for intended construction of Midgardsormen preclusive sewage plant for central parts of Oslo during period 01.09.2009-30.06.2014 at total development cost of EUR106million. Project, which includes 3 km of rock tunnels with associated ramps and shafts, will be divided into lots to be described in specific announcements starting after 01.04.2009. For background to this project visit tunnelbuilder archive no/97. For more information contact Kjell Brevik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 91679527, fax +47 23437241, e-mail kjel.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no. 1 http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=088347-2009 14/09.


Award of contract to Kristian Olimb AS of Rade, tel +47 69281700, for 1.8 km of microtunnelling and pipejacking, 600 mm to 2,500 mm-diameter, in Oslo centre for Midgardsormen, value EUR23 million excluding VAT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=240066-2009. 36/09.


Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 21.01.2010, for sinking S9 shaft in Gamlebyen district, cross-section 6.5 m x 12 m, through 12 m of uncompacted soil and into rock. Work to be carried out between May and November, 2010. Specs and docs from Kjell Brevik at Oslo Kommune, e-mail kjell.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no, fax +47 23437401 to whom tenders or requests to participate should be addressed. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=348311-2009. 51/09.


Prior information notice of expected start of award procedures on 01.12.2010 for Lot A1, sub-project A of Midgardsormen sewerage system which involves blasting of 2 km-long x 25 sq m section transfer tunnel between Gamlebyen and Bekkelaget districts and new 900 m-long outlet tunnel and associated works at Bekkelaget. Scheduled works start date 01.05.2011 for completion 31.12.2013. More from Kjell Brevik at Oslo Kommune, fax +47 23437241. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=004250-2010. 02/10.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 16.08.2010, for sub-project A, Gamlebyen-Bekkelaget of Midgardsormen sewerage project comprising 2.0 km-long x 25 sq m rock tunnel with access tunnel at Bekkelaget pumping station. Further information, specs and docs from Kjell Brevik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 234374-16, fax -01, e-mail kjell.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Contract starts 04.01.2011 for completion 30.06.2013, estimated value EUR33.4 million. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194776-2010. 27/10.


Veidekke Entreprenor AS of Skoyen, Oslo has been awarded the contract, value EUR2.43 million excluding VAT, for the establishment of shaft S9 at Midgardsormen sewerage project. Further information from Kjell Brevik at Oslo Kommune, fax +47 234374-01, e-mail kjell.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=197106-2010. 27/10.


Award of contract to Veidekke Entreprenor A/S of Oslo, value EUR29.9 million excluding VAT, for sub-project A Gamlebyen-Bekkelaget section of Midgardsormen sewerage project comprising 2.0 km-long x 25 sq m rock tunnel with access tunnel, pump station and shafts at Bekkelaget and 1 km-long discharge tunnel. Further information from Kjell Brevik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 234374-16, fax -01, e-mail kjell.brevik@vav.oslo.kommune.no and Neal Nordahl at Veidekke, tel +47 21055029, e-mail neal.nordahl@veidekke.no. Estimated contract completion date 30.06.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=011591-2011. 02/11.


Invitation to prequalify using restricted procedure, deadline 16.01.2014, for expansion of Bekkelaget treatment plant comprising 250 m-long transfer tunnel, 800 m-long access tunnel, six rock halls, technical room and 50 m-long ventilation tunnel. Start of works mid-2014. Register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=312959. Further information, specs and docs from Lars Gautvik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 02180, internet address www.vann-op-avlopsetaten.oslo.kommune.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=425627-2013. 51/13.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 25.02.2014, for procurement of Fjell construction-management contract within the UBRA Project - Expansion of Bekkelaget Sewage Treatment Plant. The planned construction periods for the Fjell contract are the 2014–2016 summers. Further information, specs and docs from Lars E. Gautvik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 02180, e-mail postmottak@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=033598-2014. Ref.n. 204/2013. 06/14.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 04.03.2014, for procurement of Fjell engineering geology contract within the UBRA Project - Expansion of Bekkelaget Sewage Treatment Plant comprising six caverns, access transport and ventilation tunnels totalling 465,000 cu m of rock excavation. The planned construction periods for the Fjell contract are the 2014–2016 summers. Further information, specs and docs from Laila Olafsen at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 02180, e-mail postmottak@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=038738-2014. Ref.n. 205/2013. 06/14.


Invitation to tender using negotiated procedure, deadline 23.04.2014, for construction-management contract for expansion of Bekkelaget Sewage Treatment Plant with six extra rock halls, access, transport and ventilation tunnels. Contract starting 01.07.2014 for completion 31.12.2018, value EUR5.4-6.0 million. Further information, specs and docs from Benedicte Kjorsvik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 02180, e-mail postmottak@vav.oslo.kommune.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=096314-2014. 13/14.


OEC Consulting AS of Lysaker secured the EUR7.35 million contract, excluding VAT for project management and AF Advansia AS at Lysaker secured the EUR3.68 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction management for expansion of Bekkelaget Sewage Treatment Plant. Contact Benedicte Kjorsvik at Oslo Kommune, tel +47 02180, e-mail postmottak@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=286808-2014. 34/14.


Sweco Norge AS from Oslo and Golder Associates AS from Drammen secured the EUR9.37 million framework agreement contract for geological consultancy and engineering design for the Oslo Municipality Water and Sewage Administration's projects and department. Contact Oslo Municipality Water and Sewage Administration, attn Ingebjorg Rogelstand, Oslo, tel +47 23440396, email ingebjorg.rogelstad@vav.oslo.kommune.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=402416-2018.

Ref.n. 163/2017. 38/18.


Norway, South Trí¸ndelag - no/96


Open call for tenders, deadline 4th April, 2008 for preliminary design for a new 1.1 km 10.1 sq m drinking water tunnel below Vikí¥sen in Trondheim municipality, connecting Vikelvdalen and Fortuna. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=32059-2008, OJ S 24, or contact Trondheim kommune, Trondheim, fax +47 72542651 or 72597070. E-mail halvard.kierulf@trondheim.kommune.no or oivind.ligard@ptl.no 07/08.


Prequalification for negotiated invitation to tender, deadline 17.03.2016, for detailed engineering design services for the Vikasen Water Tunnel.  Duration of the contract is from 01.10.2016 to 31.12.2017. Contact Trondheim Municipality, att.n Elisabeth Nordskag, Trondheim, tel  +47 72540000, e-mail elisabeth.nordskag@trondheim.kommune.no. For electronic access to information https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/140604.Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=55441-2016 . Ref.n. 92320569. 07/16.
