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Norway, Rogaland - no/205

Trunk roads

Closing Date: 14.03.2014 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 14.03.2014, for civil engineering consultancy services for specification and quality monitoring electrical and other equipment in tunnels with a special focus on metallurgy and corrosion, initially in Region vest at Project Fv47 T-Connection in Rogaland. Contract duration 24 months. Further information, specs and docs from Rune Sandven at Statens vegvesen, Region West in Leikanger, tel +47 90653462, e-mail rune.sandven@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for requests for documents 04.03.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=019754-2014. 04/14.


Norway, Lillehammer - no/204

Trunk roads

Closing Date: 23.01.2014 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.01.2014, for performance based contract for operation and maintenance of 34.548 km of tunnels on trunk roads and 0.144 km of tunnel on municipal road in Oslo municipality. Register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=307034. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 16.01.2014. Contract duration 01.09.2014 to 31.08.2019 with one year optional extension. Further information from Foad Hussein at Statens vegvesen, Region West in Lillehammer, tel +47 81522000, fax +47 41414218, e-mail foad.hussein@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=403501-2013. Ref.n. 2013029224. 49/13.


Mesta AS of Lysaker secured the EUR6.78 million contract, excluding VAT, for performance based contract for operation and maintenance of 34.548 km of tunnels on trunk roads and 0.144 km of tunnel on municipal road in Oslo municipality. Contact Kjersti Roislien at Statens vegvesen, Region West in Lillehammer, tel +47 02030, e-mail firmapost-ost@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=142035-2014. Ref.n. 2013029224. 17/14.


Norway, Sogn og Fjordane - no/203


Prior information notice of landslide prevention project at Bjornbakkane on Fv337 Veitastrondsvegen involving construction of 1,570 m-long Class A tunnel half T5.5/half T8.5 sections, 330 m of road at Bjornbakkane, 550 m of road at Lindeskreda and two dams. Estimated contract value EUR15-18.5 million excluding VAT, duration 30 months. Scheduled date for start of award procedures 20.12.2013. Further information contact Thorleiv Hurthi, Statens vegvesen Region vest, Leikanger, tel +47 81544010, fax +47 57655986, e-mail firmapost-vest@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=321795-2013. 39/13.


Norway, Oslo - no/202


Closing Date: 01.11.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.11.2013, for consultancy support in the preparation of the Concept Study (KVU) for possible Roatunnel on Rv 168, between Griniveien and Sorkedalsveien. Register interest and obtain additional details at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID= 305391. Contact Oslo kommun, Oslo, tel +47 02180. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=314865-2013. Bid Code: 103-BYM-2013. 38/13.


Norway, National - no/201


Closing Date: 21.10.2013 (Tender Closed)

Invitation to tender by negotiated procedure, deadline 21.10.2013, for design, engineering, procurement, manufacturing, installation, assembly, testing, commissioning and maintenance of HVDC electrical interconnector between Norway and the UK – Cable System. Three lots: Lot 1 or Fjord Section – approximately 250 km, including 2.5 km in tunnel. Lot 2 or Mid Section – approximately 260 km route; Lot 3 or UK Section. The NSN interconnector will be the first electricity link between the two countries, will have a capacity of 1,400 MW and will be operational by the end of 2020. Contact National Grid NSN Ltd and Statnett SF, att.n Mark Henderson, Warwick, tel +44 7584204887, e-mail mark.henderson@nationalgrid.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=311358-2013. 38/13.


Awarded the €1.5billions contract for design, engineering, procurement, manufacturing, installation, assembly, testing, commissioning and maintenance of HVDC electrical interconnector between Norway and the UK – Cable System.

The North Sea Network (NSN) Link, the first electricity link between UK and Norway, was contracted to two cable suppliers, Prysmian and Nexans, to deliver the cable needed for the 740 km route.  The converter stations in both UK and Norway will be delivered by ABB

Prysmian will supply and install 950 km of submarine and land cables for the UK and Norwegian North Sea sections of the route.

Nexans will supply the fjord, tunnel and lake sections (lot1), as well as the onshore connection in Norway. They will design and manufacture 500 km of HVDC cables at their Halden plant.

ABB will supply the high voltage direct current converter stations at the UK and Norwegian ends of the link. The contract includes the design, supply and commission of the converter stations using their HVDC Light technology. Contact National Grid NSN Ltd and Statnett SF, att.n Adam Coulson and Jan Erik Skog, Warwick, tel +44 7584204887, e-mail adam.coulson@nationalgrid.com and jan.skog@statnett.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=308836-2015, http://www.statnett.no/, http://media.nationalgrid.com/  and  http://nsninterconnector.com.Ref.n. WS322273034. 41/15.


Norway, South Rogaland - no/200


Closing Date: 04.10.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 04.10.2013, for a two-year framework agreement covering the hire of 1-2 professional construction managers and 2-4 inspection engineers for roads, tunnels, bridges and electrical and concrete works in South Rogaland. Value EUR370,000 to EUR617,000. Register interest and obtain additional details at www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID= 303130. More from Nidunn Sandvik at Statens vegvesen in Leikanger, tel +47 02030, fax +47 57655986, e-mail nidunn.sandvik@vegvesen.no. Time limit for accessing documents 24.09.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=281797-2013. 34/13.


Norway, Hordaland & Rogaland - no/199


Closing Date: 02.09.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 02.09.2013, for replacement of co-axial cable, laying of fibre-optic cable and establishing a number of new technical buildings, equipment and components for 13 tunnels in Rogaland and 3 tunnels in Hordaland. Register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=300959. Duration of contract from 28.10.2013 to 01.03.2014. Further information, specs and docs from Bjorn Arild Fossaen, Statens vegvesen West Region, Haugesund, tel +47 40690700, e-mail bjorn.fossaen@vegvesen.no, to whom tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 28.8.2013. A tender conference will be held on 15.08.2013 at 09.00h, Lagardsveien 80, Stavanger, Norway. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=239039-2013. 29/13.


Award of contract to One Nordic Kraftmontasje AS of Vestnes, Norway, value EUR5.7 million including 25 percent VAT, for replacement of co-axial cable, laying of fibre-optic cable and establishing a number of new technical buildings, equipment and components for 13 tunnels in Rogaland and three tunnels in Hordaland. Further information from Bjorn Arild Fossaen, Statens vegvesen West Region, Haugesund, tel +47 40690700, e-mail bjorn.fossaen@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=406864-2013. 49/13.


Norway, More & Romsdal - no/198


Closing Date: 16.09.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 16.09.2013, for cleaning of 32 Romsdal tunnels: 15 situated on national roads and 17 on county roads. Duration of contract 01.01.2014 to 31.08.2018. Register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=299569. Further information from Statens vegvesen, Region central in Molde, tel +47 71274269, e-mail anmodning@vegvesen.no. Tender meeting at County Building in Molde, at 10.00 hours on 21.08.2013. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=231149-2013. 28/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.12.2013, for tunnel and rock fall protection in tunnel and in open air at national and county roads in Molde, Fraena, Eide, Aukra, Midsund, Vestnes, Rauma, parts of Nesset, parts of Gjemnes, parts of Averoy, parts of Norddal, parts of Orskog and parts of Lesja municipalities. The contract involves 1,067 km of Romsdal roads with 17  tunnels:  five tunnels situated on national roads and 12 on county roads. The Vagstrand tunnel on E136 will open autumn 2014 and will be included in the contractual works from 2015. Duration of contract 01.04.2014 to 31.08.2018, with option of one more year. Register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=300021. Further information from Statens vegvesen, Region central in Molde, tel +47 71274269, e-mail ingrid.ilestad@vegvesen.no. Tender meeting at County Building in Molde, at 10.00 h on 20.11.2013. NT Ref: 309642. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=374962-2013. 45/13.


Award of Lot 1, Romsdal tunnel and rock support contract to Hans Johnny Hogas AS of Mo I Rana, value EUR1.42 million excluding VAT. Overall contract is for tunnel and rock fall protection in tunnel and in open air at national and county roads in Molde, Fraena, Eide, Aukra, Midsund, Vestnes, Rauma, parts of Nesset, parts of Gjemnes, parts of Averoy, parts of Norddal, parts of Orskog and parts of Lesja municipalities. The contract involves 1,067 km of Romsdal roads with 17 tunnels: five tunnels situated on national roads and 12 on county roads. The Vagstrand tunnel on E136 will open autumn 2014 and will be included in the contractual works from 2015. Duration of contract 01.04.2014 to 31.08.2018, with option of one more year. Further information from Statens vegvesen, Region central in Molde, tel +47 71274269, e-mail ingrid.ilestad@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102331-2014. 13/14.


Award of Lot 1, Romsdal tunnel and rock support contract to Hans Johnny Hogas AS of Mo I Rana, value EUR1.42 million excluding VAT. Overall contract is for tunnel and rock fall protection in tunnel and in open air at national and county roads in Molde, Fraena, Eide, Aukra, Midsund, Vestnes, Rauma, parts of Nesset, parts of Gjemnes, parts of Averoy, parts of Norddal, parts of Orskog and parts of Lesja municipalities. The contract involves 1,067 km of Romsdal roads with 17 tunnels: five tunnels situated on national roads and 12 on county roads. The Vagstrand tunnel on E136 will open autumn 2014 and will be included in the contractual works from 2015. Duration of contract 01.04.2014 to 31.08.2018, with option of one more year. Further information from Statens vegvesen, Region central in Molde, tel +47 71274269, e-mail ingrid.ilestad@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=102331-2014. 13/14.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 21.04.2016, for the operation and maintenance contract for electrical installations on national and county roads, in the Nordmore and Romsdal  districts. The contract includes  36 tunnels with electrical installations. The duration of the contract is from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2021. For electronic access to information go to https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/141245. For further information contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region Mid-Norway, att.n Ole Pedro Myklebostad, Molde, tel +47 02030, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no. Tender meeting in Molde, at 12.00 hours on 16.03.2016. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=77143-2016. Ref.n. 15/221143. 10/16.


Caverion Norge AS from Alesund secured the EUR6.67 million contract, excluding VAT, for the operation and maintenance contract for electrical installations on national and county roads, in the Nordmore and Romsdal  districts. The contract includes  36 tunnels needing the electrical installations. For electronic access to information go to https://kgv.doffin.no/ctm/Supplier/Documents/Folder/141245. For further information contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region Mid-Norway, att.n Ole Pedro Myklebostad, Molde, tel +47 02030, e-mail firmapost-midt@vegvesen.no.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=370053-2016. Ref.n. 15/221143. 43/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 26/01/2021, for the purchase of Construction Manager Services for the 2.6 km Lerstad tunnel on the 4.3 km E136 Breivika - Lerstad  in Alesund. For bid documents click here where tenders must be sent. Duration contract from 01/05/2021 to 01/05/2025. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Trude Krohn Brandt, Lillehammer, tel +99 791501, email trude.brandt@vegvesen.no. For further on the TED tender, please click here Ref. 20/239712. 03/21. 



Competitive procedure with negotiation, deadline 20/06/2023, for the construction of new 3.3 km, 4 lanes road (E136) from Breivika to Lerstad,  including a 2.6 km two-lane tunnel. For bid/tender documents click here, where tenders must be sent. End of contract 16/06/2027. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Kristine Hamre, Moss,  email kristine.hamre@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=293528-2023. Ref. 23/89143. 20/23.  


NCC Norge AS secured the approximately EUR131.36 million (NOK1.48 bn) contract for the construction of new E136 section - 3.3 km long and with 4 lanes -  from Breivika to Lerstad,  including a 2.6 km two-lane tunnel. Contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Kristine Hamre, Moss,  email kristine.hamre@vegvesen.no. Visit https://www.bypakkealesund.no/, https://www.ncc.no/ and https://www.vegvesen.no . Ref. 23/89143. 02/24.  


Norway, West Hordaland - no/197


Closing Date: 10.09.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.09.2013, for the upgrading of emergency network stage 3 cable installations and some technical buildings in 47 tunnels in Hordaland. Duration of contract nine months. Further information, specs and docs from Kathrine Lahlum at Statens vegvesen Region west, Leikanger, tel +47 95055252, fax +47 57655986, e-mail kathrine.lahlum@vegvesen.no. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 06.09.2013. Tender conference at 11.00h on 22.08.2013 at SV Fyllingsdalen, Norway. Contact http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=231123-2013. 28/13.


Norway, Hordaland - no/196


Closing Date: 28.08.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.08.2013, for the upgrading of E16 Stavenes tunnel (2,771 m) between Vaksdal and Trengereid in Vaksdal municipality. Duration of contract from 16.09.2013 to 23.05.2014. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 26.08.2013. A tender conference will be held at 06.08.2013 at Camillas Kro, Dalekvam, Norway. Register interest at http://www.doffin.no/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=299784. Further information, specs and docs from Hans Myklatun at Statens vegvesen Region west, Leikanger, tel +47 41495668, e-mail hans.myklatun@vegvesen.no. Contact http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=229396-2013. 28/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 15.9.2018, for the upgrading of electrical and technical control installations, site and construction engineering as well as traffic management in the Sætre (720 m), Bjørkhaug (558 m) and Arnanipa (2.133 m) tunnels on the E16. The contract includes an option for asphalt work in 2 of the tunnels. A tender conference will be held on 15.8.2018 at 12:00 at Sandeide site office, Marinevegen 2, Fyllingsdalenin Bergen. For electronic access to information http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=215686&B=VEGVESEN where offers should be sent.  Contact the Norwegian Public Roads  Administration,attn Alf Holdhus, Oslo, tel +47 95080345, email  alf.holdhus@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=293132-2018. Ref.n. 17/218511. 29/18.


Postponed from 15.09.2018 to 18.09.2018 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the upgrading of electrical and technical control installations, site and construction engineering as well as traffic management in the Sætre (720 m), Bjørkhaug (558 m) and Arnanipa (2.133 m) tunnels on the E16. The contract includes an option for asphalt/tarmac work in 2 of the tunnels. For electronic access to information http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=215686&B=VEGVESEN where offers should be sent.  Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration,attn Alf Holdhus, Oslo, tel +47 95080345, email alf.holdhus@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=375996-2018.

Ref.n. 17/218511. 35/18


Risa AS from Nærbo secured the EUR23.31 million contract (NOK226.78 million), excluding VAT, for the upgrading of electrical and technical control installations, site and construction engineering as well as traffic management in the Sætre (720 m), Bjørkhaug (558 m) and Arnanipa (2.133 m) tunnels on the E16. The contract includes an option for asphalt work in 2 of the tunnels. Contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, attn Alf Holdhus, Oslo, tel +47 95080345, email alf.holdhus@vegvesen.no. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=027674-2019.

Ref.n. 17/218511. 03/19.
