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Italy, Marche-Umbria - it/116


To complete the Marche-Umbria quadrilateral scheme, missing road links have to be constructed on the SS 76 trunk road linking from east to west Ancona on the Adriatic coast to Perugia in the hinterland, on the SS 77 farther south from Civitanova Marche on the coast to Foligno in the hinterland and on the Fabriano-Camerino north-south foothill link between these two trunk roads. The roads form a quadrilateral, hence the name of the project.Two massive tenders were invited in 2004 to build the missing links. The lowest bidder for the first contract, budgeted at EUR1,174 million, is a consortium between Strabag, CMC and Grandi Lavori Fincosit. The low bid for the second contract, which value is EUR716.8 million, has been submitted by consortium Operae - headed by Baldassini Tognozzi-Pontello and including Guerrino Pivato, Salini-Locatelli and Satrel -, Toto Costruzioni Generali, and consortium Ergon Engineering and Contracting.It is hoped the contract will be signed in March while construction would commence in July 2006 and be completed in 2011. In all, 40 km of tunnel will be built, whereof 15 km by TBM. Visit www.infrastrutturetrasporti.it/sites/quadrilatero_marche_umbria/il%20progetto%20quadrilatero%20no_file/frame.htm 07/06.Lotti & Associati, Ramboll of Denmark and Casinelli Associates secured a EUR941,420 contract for technical, administrative, management and environmental assistance to reinforce the project management of the quadrilateral road scheme. Visit www.quadrilaterospa.it, www.lottiassociati.com, www.ramboll.dk and www.casinelli.net 03/07.The general contractor DIRPA Scarl, consisting of Consorzio Stabile Operae Tecnologie e sistemi integrati di costruzione, Toto SpA and Consorzio Stabile Ergon Engineering e Contracting Scarl, has been awarded two major road building contracts. The EUR135 million contract to construct 8.5 km of the SS 318 from Pianello Valfabbrica includes twin rock tunnels San Gregorio (1,000 m) and Colle Maggio (800 m) and the cut/cover Della Donna (400 m), for completion 2012. The EUR350 million contract to construct 21.5 km of the SS 76 includes 19 tunnels, the longest of which is Golla della Rossa at 3.77 km, for completion 2013. More from tunnelbuilder archive it/116. Visit www.quadrilaterospa.it and www.totospa.it. 09/09.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.01.2011, for the 4,440 m San Benedetto tunnel equipment maintenance on SS685 Tre Valli Umbre, Km. 7+396 - Km. 11+800, Nucleo 5° Tronco 1°, in Norcia municipality, Perugia province. Contract value EUR190,000, duration 365 days after award. Contact ANAS, Umbria Department, Bids and contract Office, Via XX Settembre 33, 06124 Perugia, tel +39 (0)75 57492-14, fax -16, e-mail PG-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/32823. Bid Code n. PG10-15. 51/10.Open invitation to tender, deadline 17.01.2011, for the 4,320 m Forca di Cerro tunnel equipment maintenance on SS685 Tre Valli Umbre, Km. 54+200 - Km. 58+300, Nucleo 5° Tronco 1°, in Spoleto and S.Anatolia di Narco municipalities, Perugia province. Contract value EUR190,000, duration 365 days after award. Contact ANAS, Umbria Department, Bids and contract Office, Via XX Settembre 33, 06124 Perugia, tel +39 (0)75 57492-14, fax -16, e-mail PG-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/32824. Bid Code n. PG10-16. 51/10.


I.T. Srl - Innovazione e Tecnologie (San Pietro al Tanagro - SA) secured the EUR136,145 contract for the 4,320 m Forca di Cerro tunnel equipment maintenance on SS685 Tre Valli Umbre, Km. 54+200 - Km. 58+300, Nucleo 5° Tronco 1°, in Spoleto and S.Anatolia di Narco municipalities, Perugia province. Contact ANAS, Perugia, tel +39 (0)75 57492-14, fax -16. Visit www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/36349. Bid Code n. PG10-16. 08/11. Costruzioni D.O.C. Srl (Napoli) secured the EUR136,294 contract for the 4,440 m San Benedetto tunnel equipment maintenance on SS685 Tre Valli Umbre, Km. 7+396 - Km. 11+800, Nucleo 5° Tronco 1°, in Norcia municipality, Perugia province. Contact ANAS, Perugia, tel +39 (0)75 57492-14, fax -16. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/36348. Bid Code n. PG10-15. 08/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 13.04.2018, for the concrete restoration work of the Cesaronica tunnel (1155 m) on SS685 Tre Valli Umbre. Contract value EUR19.29 million, excluding VAT, duration 224 days.

Contact Anas, Roma, email p.gioe@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=114528-2018.

Bid Code n. PSL 06/18. 13/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07/10/2022, for the SS 685 Delle Tre Valli Umbre alignment rectification and adaptation to Section C2 from Km 41 + 500 to km 51 + 500: Section 1-Adaptation works to Section C2 from km 49 + 300 to km 51 + 500. For tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Contract value is EUR20.77 million, excluding VAT, duration will be 1140 days. Contact Anas, Roma, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=499793-2022. Bid Code n. PSL 03/22. 37/22. 


Italy-Rome: Road tunnel construction work

2022/S 177-499793

Contract notice


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: ANAS S.p.A
Postal address: via Monzambano 10
Town: Roma
NUTS code: IT Italia
Postal code: 00185
Country: Italy
E-mail: appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.stradeanas.it
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address
I.4)Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
I.5)Main activity
Other activity: Realizzazione di infrastrutture stradali.

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

PSL 03/22

II.1.2)Main CPV code
45221241 Road tunnel construction work
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.1.4)Short description:

S.S. 685 ”Delle Tre Valli Umbre” - Interventi di Rettifica del tracciato e adeguamento alla Sez. Tipo C2 dal Km 41+500 al km 51+500. Stralcio 1 - Lavori di adeguamento alla Sez. tipo C2 dal km 49+300 al km 51+500 (Cod. SIL: ACNOPG00169; Cod. CUP: F61B21004790001). Appalto avente ad oggetto la progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva nonchè l’esecuzione dei lavori, ai sensi dell’art. 48, comma 5 del D.L. n. 77/2021 (c.d. Nuovo Decreto Semplificazioni 2021), convertito, con modificazioni, nella Legge 29 luglio 2021, n. 108, pubblicata sulla GURI n. 181 del 30 luglio 2021, in deroga a quanto previsto dall'articolo 59, commi 1, 1-bis e 1-ter, del D.lgs. 18 aprile 2016, n. 50 (in seguito Codice), sulla base del Progetto di Fattibilità Tecnica ed Economica (PFTE).

II.1.5)Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 20 767 766.13 EUR
II.1.6)Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45221241 Road tunnel construction work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITI Centro (IT)
NUTS code: ITI21 Perugia
II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

S.S. 685 ”Delle Tre Valli Umbre” - Interventi di Rettifica del tracciato e adeguamento alla Sez. Tipo C2 dal Km 41+500 al km 51+500. Stralcio 1 - Lavori di adeguamento alla Sez. tipo C2 dal km 49+300 al km 51+500 (Cod. SIL: ACNOPG00169; Cod. CUP: F61B21004790001). Appalto avente ad oggetto la progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva nonchè l’esecuzione dei lavori, ai sensi dell’art. 48, comma 5 del D.L. n. 77/2021 (c.d. Nuovo Decreto Semplificazioni 2021), convertito, con modificazioni, nella Legge 29 luglio 2021, n. 108, pubblicata sulla GURI n. 181 del 30 luglio 2021, in deroga a quanto previsto dall'articolo 59, commi 1, 1-bis e 1-ter, del D.lgs. 18 aprile 2016, n. 50 (in seguito Codice), sulla base del Progetto di Fattibilità Tecnica ed Economica (PFTE).

II.2.5)Award criteria
Criteria below
Quality criterion - Name: PREZZO / Weighting: 20
Quality criterion - Name: COMPONENTE QUALITATIVA / Weighting: 80
Price - Weighting: 20
II.2.6)Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 20 767 766.13 EUR
II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in days: 1140
This contract is subject to renewal: no
II.2.10)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11)Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13)Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: yes
Identification of the project:

intervento finanziato con le risorse previste dal PNRR e dal PNC e dai programmi cofinanziati dai fondi strutturali dell’Unione europea al fine di una realizzazione, in maniera spedita ed efficacie.

II.2.14)Additional information

Ai sensi dell'art. 51 del D.lgs. n° 50/2016, si precisa che la mancata suddivisione in lotti è motivata dalla esigenza di attuare gli obiettivi del PNRR al fine di rispettare le milestone di cui al Decreto MEF del 15/07/2021 e di ottenere i finanziamenti necessari alla realizzazione dell’intervento.

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions for participation
III.1.1)Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
List and brief description of conditions:

Si richiedono, con le modalità specificate nel Disciplinare di gara, le dichiarazioni/documentazioni ivi indicate

III.1.2)Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
III.1.3)Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08/02/2023,  for modification of the route and adaptation works to the  C2 Section from km 41+500 to km 51+500, Package II – Adaptation works to Section C2 from km 45+650 to km 49+300 on  SS 685 Delle Tre Valli Umbre. Click here for tender documents. Value of the contract will be EUR20.83 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1036 days. Visit Anas Spa, attn Eng. Alessandro Micheli, Rome, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=731774-2022. Ref. n. PSL07/22. 52/22. 


Italia-Roma: Lavori di costruzione di gallerie stradali

2022/S 250-731774

Bando di gara


Base giuridica:
Direttiva 2014/24/UE

Sezione I: Amministrazione aggiudicatrice

I.1)Denominazione e indirizzi
Denominazione ufficiale: ANAS S.p.A
Indirizzo postale: via Monzambano 10
Città: Roma
Codice NUTS: ITI43 Roma
Codice postale: 00185
Paese: Italia
Persona di contatto: RUP Ing. Alessandro Micheli
E-mail: appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it
Indirizzi Internet:
Indirizzo principale: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it
I documenti di gara sono disponibili per un accesso gratuito, illimitato e diretto presso: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it
Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili presso l'indirizzo sopraindicato
Le offerte o le domande di partecipazione vanno inviate in versione elettronica: https://acquisti.stradeanas.it
Le offerte o le domande di partecipazione vanno inviate all'indirizzo sopraindicato
I.4)Tipo di amministrazione aggiudicatrice
Organismo di diritto pubblico
I.5)Principali settori di attività
Altre attività: Realizzazione di infrastrutture stradali

Sezione II: Oggetto

II.1)Entità dell'appalto

PSL 07/22

Numero di riferimento: CIG 9555682E3B
II.1.2)Codice CPV principale
45221241 Lavori di costruzione di gallerie stradali
II.1.3)Tipo di appalto
II.1.4)Breve descrizione:

S.S. n. 685 ”Delle Tre Valli Umbre” - Interventi di Rettifica del tracciato e adeguamento alla Sez. Tipo C2 dal Km 41+500 al Lm 51+500 Stralcio II – Lavori di adeguamento alla sezione tipo C2 dal Km 45+650 al Km 49+300. Cod. SIL ACNOPG00170 - Codice CUP F11B22001280001

II.1.5)Valore totale stimato
Valore, IVA esclusa: 20 826 959.02 EUR
II.1.6)Informazioni relative ai lotti
Questo appalto è suddiviso in lotti: no
II.2.3)Luogo di esecuzione
Codice NUTS: ITI21 Perugia
Luogo principale di esecuzione:

Provincia di Perugia

II.2.4)Descrizione dell'appalto:

S.S. n. 685 ”Delle Tre Valli Umbre” - Interventi di Rettifica del tracciato e adeguamento alla Sez. Tipo C2 dal Km 41+500 al Lm 51+500 Stralcio II – Lavori di adeguamento alla sezione tipo C2 dal Km 45+650 al Km 49+300. Cod. SIL ACNOPG00170 - Codice CUP F11B22001280001

Appalto avente ad oggetto la progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva nonché l’esecuzione dei lavori, ai sensi dell’art. 48, comma 5 del D.L. n. 77/2021 (c.d. Nuovo Decreto Semplificazioni 2021), convertito, con modificazioni, nella Legge 29 luglio 2021, n. 108, pubblicata sulla GURI n. 181 del 30 luglio 2021, in deroga a quanto previsto dall'articolo 59, commi 1, 1-bis e 1-ter, del D.lgs. 18 aprile 2016, n. 50 (in seguito Codice), sulla base del Progetto di Fattibilità Tecnica ed Economica (PFTE). È altresì previsto il servizio di monitoraggio ambientale in corso d’opera.

II.2.5)Criteri di aggiudicazione
I criteri indicati di seguito
Criterio di qualità - Nome: COMPONENTE QUALITATIVA / Ponderazione: 80
Prezzo - Ponderazione: 20
II.2.6)Valore stimato
Valore, IVA esclusa: 20 826 959.02 EUR
II.2.7)Durata del contratto d'appalto, dell'accordo quadro o del sistema dinamico di acquisizione
Durata in giorni: 1036
Il contratto d'appalto è oggetto di rinnovo: no
II.2.10)Informazioni sulle varianti
Sono autorizzate varianti: no
II.2.11)Informazioni relative alle opzioni
Opzioni: no
II.2.13)Informazioni relative ai fondi dell'Unione europea
L'appalto è connesso ad un progetto e/o programma finanziato da fondi dell'Unione europea: sì
Numero o riferimento del progetto:

Intervento finanziato con le risorse previste dal PNRR e dal PNC e dai programmi cofinanziati dai fondi strutturali dell’Unione europea al fine di una realizzazione spedita ed efficace

II.2.14)Informazioni complementari

Ai sensi dell'art. 51 del D.lgs. n° 50/2016, si precisa che la mancata suddivisione in lotti si motiva in quanto il progetto si configura come unico lotto funzionale.

Sezione III: Informazioni di carattere giuridico, economico, finanziario e tecnico

III.1)Condizioni di partecipazione
III.1.1)Abilitazione all’esercizio dell’attività professionale, inclusi i requisiti relativi all'iscrizione nell'albo professionale o nel registro commerciale
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni:

Si richiedono, con le modalità specificate nel Disciplinare di gara, le dichiarazioni/documentazioni ivi indicate

III.1.2)Capacità economica e finanziaria
Criteri di selezione indicati nei documenti di gara
III.1.3)Capacità professionale e tecnica
Criteri di selezione indicati nei documenti di gara
III.2)Condizioni relative al contratto d'appalto
III.2.2)Condizioni di esecuzione del contratto d'appalto:

L’aggiudicatario deve prestare cauzione definitiva e polizze assicurative costituite ai sensi dell’art. 103 del D.Lgs. n.50/2016 secondo le tempistiche che saranno indicate da ANAS S.p.A. e secondo le modalità di cui ai documenti di gara.

Gli stati di avanzamento lavori (SAL) ed i relativi pagamenti sono definiti negli atti di gara. Ai sensi dell’art. 35, comma 18 del D.Lgs. n.50/2016, è prevista la corresponsione di un’anticipazione fino al 30 % sul valore del contratto di appalto.

III.2.3)Informazioni relative al personale responsabile dell'esecuzione del contratto d'appalto
Obbligo di indicare i nomi e le qualifiche professionali del personale incaricato dell'esecuzione del contratto d'appalto

Sezione IV: Procedura

IV.1.1)Tipo di procedura
Procedura aperta
IV.1.3)Informazioni su un accordo quadro o un sistema dinamico di acquisizione
IV.1.8)Informazioni relative all'accordo sugli appalti pubblici (AAP)
L'appalto è disciplinato dall'accordo sugli appalti pubblici: no
IV.2)Informazioni di carattere amministrativo
IV.2.2)Termine per il ricevimento delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione
Data: 08/02/2023
Ora locale: 12:00
IV.2.3)Data stimata di spedizione ai candidati prescelti degli inviti a presentare offerte o a partecipare
IV.2.4)Lingue utilizzabili per la presentazione delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione:
IV.2.6)Periodo minimo durante il quale l'offerente è vincolato alla propria offerta
Durata in mesi: 6 (dal termine ultimo per il ricevimento delle offerte)
IV.2.7)Modalità di apertura delle offerte
Data: 08/02/2023
Ora locale: 12:00

Data e ora sarà comunicata a tutti i partecipanti secondo le modalità indicate nel disciplinare di gara.

Informazioni relative alle persone ammesse e alla procedura di apertura:

Anas S.p.A. si riserva la facoltà di svolgere tutte le operazioni di gara in sedute riservate come specificato nel Disciplinare.

Sezione VI: Altre informazioni

VI.1)Informazioni relative alla rinnovabilità
Si tratta di un appalto rinnovabile: no
VI.2)Informazioni relative ai flussi di lavoro elettronici
Sarà accettata la fatturazione elettronica
Sarà utilizzato il pagamento elettronico
VI.3)Informazioni complementari:

Si richiama integralmente quanto prescritto al par. VI.3) Informazioni complementari del bando di gara pubblicato sulla GURI n. 152 del 30.12.2022

VI.4)Procedure di ricorso
VI.4.1)Organismo responsabile delle procedure di ricorso
Denominazione ufficiale: Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale territorialmente Competente ai sensi dell’art.120 del D.Lgs. n.104/2010.
Città: Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale territorialmente Competente
Paese: Italia
VI.4.3)Procedure di ricorso
Informazioni dettagliate sui termini di presentazione dei ricorsi:

Entro 30 gg. dalla pubblicazione o dalla notifica o dalla conoscenza certa, acquisita tramite altra forma, dell’atto da impugnare.

VI.5)Data di spedizione del presente avviso:


Italy, Sicily - it/115


Italferr awarded two contracts for soil investigation to the maximum depth of 150 metres (continuous drill cores, shafts, etc.) to characterize the ground for the final design of the Fiumefreddo-Giampilieri railway dualling. Geomerid received a EUR385,000 contract for Area 1 (16.2 km) and SO.RI.GE. a EUR571,000 contract for Area 2 (25.5 km). Visit www.geomerid.it and www.sorige.itThe alignment in design is for the dualling of the Fiumefreddo-Giampilieri section (42,395 m) on the Messina-Siracusa line, consisting of a deviation from the existing line that will require 10 new bored tunnels spanning in total 36,086 m (nearly 85% of the section). From Fiumefreddo (in Catania province), the tunnels will be as follows: Calatabiano (5,687.5 m), Taormina (7,980 m), Letojanni (3,898 m), Forza D'Agrí² (2,435 m), Quartarello (2,816 m), Sciglio (5,681 m), Nizza (510 m), Alí¬ (147 m), Quali (4,199 m) and Scaletta (2,733 m).When the tunnel length is more than 2 km, the tunnels will be twin bores with a single track per tube. If less than this length, then the tunnels will be dual-track single tubes. For single-track tunnels, the internal section will be 41.2 sq m if traditional method are used and 53.85 sq m if mechanised tunnelling is employed. Dual-track tunnels will feature a section of about 76.1 sq m. Read a complete file on the project here (in Italian). Visit www.italferr.it 07/06.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 02/12/2020, for the detailed design and construction of the  Giampilieri- Fiumefreddo railway dualling, lot 1 Fiumefreddo - Taormina/Letojanni, on the Messina-Catania line. Duration of the contract is 3430 days. The value of the contract is EUR682.07 million, excluding VAT, 348.57  million of which is part of the OG4 category. Further information from click here and here. Contact RFI, attn Giuseppe Albanese , Rome, email fa.italiano@rfi.it.  Ref. n. DAC.0152.2020. 41/20.



Open invitation to tender, deadline 04/12/2020, for the detailed design and construction of the  Giampilieri- Fiumefreddo railway dualling, lot 2 Taormina-Giampilieri, on the Messina-Catania line. Duration of the contract is 3920 days. Value of the contract EUR1.11 billion, excluding VAT, 686.43 million of which part of the OG4 category. Further information  from click here and here. Contact RFI, attn Giuseppe Albanese , Rome, email fa.italiano@rfi.it.  Ref. n. DAC.0153.2020. 41/20. 



Postponed from 04/12/2020 to 12/01/2021 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for the detailed design and construction of the  Giampilieri- Fiumefreddo railway dualling, lot 2 Taormina-Giampilieri, on the Messina-Catania line. Duration of the contract is 3920 days. Value of the contract EUR1.11 billion, excluding VAT, 686.43 million of which part of the OG4 category. Further information  from click here and here. Contact RFI, attn Giuseppe Albanese , Rome, email fa.italiano@rfi.it.  Ref. n. DAC.0153.2020. 46/20. 



Awarded to RFI (Gruppo FS Italiane) part of the Joint Venture Webuild SpA (leader) with Impresa Pizzarotti & C SpA and Astaldi SpA and to the designer Joint Venture composed of Rocksoil SpA  with Proger SpA  and Pini Swiss Engineers Srl  is the EUR1.003 bn contract, excluding VAT,  for the detailed design and construction of the  Giampilieri- Fiumefreddo railway, lot 2 Taormina-Giampilieri, on the Messina-Catania line.

Work on the lot includes the construction of a new railway for 28.3 km that will include the civil and related works such as electrification, signalling and communications. It will also include the excavation of two natural single tunnels, six parallel tunnels and seven viaducts. The Taormina-Giampilieri lot will be part of a new line between Messina and Catania that will join the existing one ahead of the Fiumfreddo station, then reconnect it to at the Giampilieri station. Most of the line will be through tunnels and further away from the coast than the existing line. It will include a hub at Fiumefreddo, a new underground station at Taormina, five new open-air stops. The Letojanni station will remain.  Contact RFI, attn Giuseppe Albanese , Rome, email fa.italiano@rfi.it. For further information on the tender click here. Also visit - 

https://www.rfi.it/https://www.webuildgroup.com/en/ and https://www.pizzarotti.it/english/default.aspx. Ref. n. DAC.0153.2020. 11/21. 



Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Gruppo FS Italiane) awarded to the consortium composed of Webuild (leader 70%) and Pizzarotti (30%) the EUR640 million design-and-build contract, safety costs included,  for Fiumefreddo-Taormina/Letojanni Functional Lot 1 - a subsection of the Giampilieri-Fiumefreddo section of the railway.  The lot concerns work along 15 km of the railway between Messina and Catania, from Fiumefreddo to Taormina/Letojanni. It includes an interconnection at Taormina/Letojanni, the dismantling of installations along the existing line between Fiumefreddo and the link with the old line. The latest contract will also involve the construction of an underground station at Taormina, an artificial tunnel at Fiumefreddo, three tunnels at Calatabiano, Letojanni and Taormina, and two viaducts at Fogliarino torrent and the Alcantara viaduct. 

Contact RFI, attn Giuseppe Albanese , Rome, email fa.italiano@rfi.it. Visit https://www.fsnews.it/ and  https://www.webuildgroup.com.  Ref. n. DAC.0152.2020. 25/21. 



The Joint Venture MeCtNord, composed of Webuild and Impresa Pizzarotti & Spa, have contracted to CRCHI, TBM Technology and Anbel the supply of a TBM EPB - 9.36 m diameter- to be used to excavate the 12.5km tunnel for the Giampilieri- Fiumefreddo railway, lot 2 Taormina-Giampilieri, on the Messina-Catania line, Sicily. These tunnels will cross weak rock formations with highly variable characteristics and behaviors along the route, that will require a frequently change to the operating mode, from close mode to open mode.   

Therefore, the TBM will have such characteristics as to be able to efficiently excavate long sections in the rocks, with cutter thrusts and cutter-head revolution speeds higher than the usual range of a standard EPB TBM.  Visit https://www.webuildgroup.com/, https://www.pizzarotti.it/, https://en.crchi.com//, https://www.tbm-technology.com/ and http://www.anbel.com/. 20/23. 



Italy, Campania-Molise - it/114


Open call for bids, deadline 23rd February, 2006 for completion of the Pavoncelli bis hydropower tunnel between the regions of Campania and Molise. The main underground structures to be constructed are as follows: shaft A (12.5 m of diameter and 20 m of depth), Rosalba bis tunnel (section Unití  Irpine, 174.7 m), Vallone Acqua delle Brecce cut-and-cover tunnel, surge tank, Pavoncelli bis tunnel stretch in limestone (90 m), Pavoncelli bis tunnel sections in flysch (1,487.3 m and 2,208.2 m), and Pavoncelli bis tunnel section in clay (4,011 m).The main underground structures to be completed are: Rosalba bis tunnel portion (86.4 m), Pavoncelli bis tunnel section in limestone (304.8 m), Pavoncelli bis tunnel section flooded (200 m), Pavoncelli bis tunnel section in flysch (139.4 m), Pavoncelli bis tunnel section in clay (967.4 m), review of the final section of the Pavoncelli bis tunnel (746.4 m), and shaft C. Tender value: EUR115.6 million. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=01043-2006, OJ S 1, or contact Ministry for infrastructure and transport, Rome, fax +39 0644267533. E-mail sabatelli.commpav@infrastrutturetrasporti.it 05/06.Open call for tenders, deadline 1st June, 2006 for construction management and security coordination for the completion of the Caposele-Conza water tunnel, including completion and upgrading of approx. 2,450 metres of existing tunnels, construction of approx. 8 km of new tunnels, an hydropower plant and external ancillary structures. Click it/114. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=080204-2006, OJ S 76, or contact Commissario Straordinario per la galleria Pavoncelli bis, Rome, fax +39 0644267533. E-mail sabatelli.commpav@infrastrutturetrasporti.it 19/06.Condotte is the leader of a JV, including SELI, Faver and DEC, that secured a EUR106.7 million contract for executive design and construction works to complete the Pavoncelli bis water tunnel between the regions of Campania and Molise, as part of the Sele Calore aqueduct. Click it/114 for details. Visit www.condotte.com and www.selitunnel.com 38/06.


Faver Spa (Bari) secured the EUR10.8 million contract for the technical monitoring, emergency works, maintenance and failure works for the main system aqueduct, and also refurbishment works of some stretches of Pavoncelli tunnel, belonging at Aqueduct Sele-Calore. Lot Centro Nord. Contact Alessio Alfonso Chimenti, Acquedotto Pugliese Spa, Bari, tel +39 0805723491, fax +39 0805723018, e-mail segreteria@acquisti.aqp.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=334516-2009 and www.faver.net. 51/09.


Prior information notice for tender to construct a 10 km-long, 3.5 m-diameter parallel tunnel with 200 m-long connections to century-old Pavoncelli water tunnel in municipalities of Caposele, Theory and Conza della Campania as part of new Acquedotto Pugliese. Existing tunnel in limestone, flysch and clay-shales was severely damaged in 1980 Irpinia earthquake. Estimated duration of contract 1,825 days, value EUR100-150 million. Further information from Ing Michele Paradiso at Commissario Delegado in Bari, tel +39 0805-968263, fax -563888, e-mail pavoncelli@gmail.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=099161-2010. 14/10.


Prior information notice for tender to construct a 10 km-long, 3.5 m-diameter parallel tunnel with 200 m-long connections to century-old Pavoncelli water tunnel in municipalities of Caposele, Theory and Conza della Campania as part of new Acquedotto Pugliese. Existing tunnel in limestone, flysch and clay-shales was severely damaged in 1980 Irpinia earthquake. Latest estimated duration of contract 1,645 days, value EUR117,359,719 excluding VAT. Project profile at https://sites.google.com/site/pavoncellisbis. Further information from Ing Michele Paradiso at Commissario Delegado in Bari, tel +39 0805-968263, fax -563888, e-mail pavoncelli@gmail.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=163577-2011. 21/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 08.09.2011, for construction of a 10 km-long, 3.5 m-diameter parallel tunnel with 200 m-long connections to century-old Pavoncelli water tunnel in municipalities of Caposele, Theory and Conza della Campania as part of new Acquedotto Pugliese. Existing tunnel in limestone, flysch and clay-shales was severely damaged in 1980 Irpinia earthquake. Latest estimated duration of contract 1,645 days, value EUR117,359,719 excluding VAT. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents 15.07.2011. Project profile at https://sites.google.com/site/pavoncellisbis. Further information from Ing Michele Paradiso at Commissario Delegado in Bari, tel +39 0805-968263, fax -563888, e-mail pavoncelli@gmail.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=175122-2011. 23/11.


Award of contract value EUR110,980,515 excluding VAT to ATI Vianini Lavori of Roma, tel +39 06374922-42, fax –06, e-mail gare@vianinigroup.it, for construction of a 10 km-long, 3.5 m-diameter parallel tunnel with 200 m-long connections to century-old Pavoncelli water tunnel in municipalities of Caposele, Theory and Conza della Campania as part of new Acquedotto Pugliese. Existing tunnel in limestone, flysch and clay-shales was severely damaged in 1980 Irpinia earthquake. Further information from Ing Michele Paradiso at Commissario Delegado in Bari, tel +39 0805-968263, fax –563888, e-mail pavoncelli@gmail.com. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=139186-2012. 18/12.


Italy, Sicily - it/113

Gas Pipe

  Negotiated procedure, deadline 14th November, 2005 for construction of a 1,200 mm nominal diameter methane gas pipe in Messina province, including in particular a first 3.2 km section comprising of a 1.7 km 4.3 m ID pedestrian tunnel under Monte Cataresi, a second 5 km section comprising of a 1.4 km 4.3 m ID pedestrian tunnel in Poggio Scudeddaro, a 900 m 2.4 m ID microtunnel in Piano di Comi and a 1 km 2.4 m ID microtunnel in Monte Castelluccio. The tunnel will be bored using a TBM and lined with precast concrete segments. The microtunnels will be bored using a full-section double-shield TBM and lined with pipejacked elements. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=205284-2005, OJ S 208, or contact SNAM Rete Gas, San Donato Milanese, fax +39 0252038511. E-mail carlo.gnemmi@snamretegas.it 45/05.


Italy, Abruzzo - it/112


Restricted procedure, deadline 26th October, 2005 for construction of about 17 km of water ducts, including two tunnels for a total length of 4 km. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=169835-2005, OJ S 171, or contact Ruzzo Reti, Teramo, fax +39 0861246834. E-mail info@ruzzoreti.com 37/05.Condotte d'Acqua and Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni (CCC) will build the Ruzzo dal Gran Sasso aqueduct on Teramo side, including two tunnels totalling four kilometres. The contract is worth EUR25.7 million. Visit www.condottespa.it and www.ccc-acam.it 01-02/07.


Italy, Puglia-Campania - it/111


Open call for bids, deadline 8th June, 2005 for detailed design and construction for the dualling of a 12.9 km section on the Caserta-Foggia line, between km 29+150 and 42+035. This section includes six bored tunnels: Castello dello Schiavo (826 m), Montenero (254 m), Cretarossa (421.5 m), Caprariccia (426.5 m), Cervellino (1,042.1 m) and Lamia (2,403 m). All twin-track single-tube tunnels. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=056693-2005, OJ S 59, or contact Italferr, Rome, fax +39 0649752445. E-mail a.putaturo@italferr.it 14/05.


Italy, Umbria - it/110


Consortium Uniter, formed by companies from the Catania and Parma provinces (Tecnis, Bosco Aldo, Cogip, Ing. Pavesi, Silmar, Sipa, Sigenco and Foglia), secured a EUR128 million contract to construct the Civitavecchia-Orte-Terni-Rieti expressway, in its section from San Carlo in Terni province to the Lazio region border. This 10.6 km section includes two tunnels in Valnerina (3,505 m) and Tescino (1,576.5 m). Subscribe to E-News 26/2004. Visit www.tecnis.it 13/05.The 10,432 m section of the Civitavecchia-Orte-Terni-Rieti expressway between San Carlo in Terni province and the Lazio region border, awarded to consortium Uniter, includes three single bored tunnels: Tescino (1,546.5 m), Valnerina (3,497.61 m) and on the slip road to Valnerina (348.6 m). Diameters range from 12 to 14 m. The tunnels mainly cross the carnelian formation or the massive limestone formation, both of the Jurassic. The carnelian formation comprises of stratified flint-bearing limestone in 20-40 cm strata consisting of a generally hazel mass, while the massive limestone is thickly and indistinctly bedded (several metres), generally white. Excavation by hydraulic hammer and drill/blast. Support with HEB steel arches and sprayed concrete. The contract is still not signed. Time frame for construction is 850 days. Click it/110 and subscribe to E-News 26/2004. Visit www.tecnis.it 18/05.


The JV Visco D.&R. Snc/Alfieri Impianti Sas (SA) secured the EUR2.6 million contract for equipment refurbishment in San Pellegrino tunnel (2 x 1,085 m) on SS 675 Umbro Laziale (Raccordo Terni-Orte) from km 60,787 to km 61,863 in Terni province. Visit www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/9691. Code bid: PG08/43. 39/09.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 15.12.2016, for a framework agreement about tunnel equipment upgrading on the E45 Orte-Cesena. The E45 is composed of the SS 675 Umbro Laziale in Umbria and Lazio and SS 3 bis Tiberina in Emilia Romagna, Toscana  and Umbria. The value of the contract is EUR40 million, excluding VAT. Contact Anas Spa, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224, e-mail v.dambrosio@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=402465-2016 e a http://www.stradeanas.it/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/91789. Ref.n. DG 60-16. 46/16.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 15.12.2016, for a framework agreement for delivery and installation of Smart Road technological equipment on the E45-E55 Orte-Mestre. The E45 is composed of the SS 675 Umbro Laziale in Umbria and Lazio and SS 3 bis Tiberina in Emilia Romagna, Toscana  and Umbria. The E55 is composed of the SS 3 bis Tiberina in Emilia Romagna, SS 16 Adriatica in Emilia Romagna and SS 309 Romea in Emilia Romagna and Veneto. Value of the contract is EUR30 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 30 months. Contact Anas Spa, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224, e-mail v.dambrosio@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=402473-2016 and https://acquisti.stradeanas.it/esop/toolkit/opportunity/opportunityDetail.do?opportunityId=4462&oppList=CURRENT. Ref.n. DG 65/16. 46/16.


The JV between Enel Sole Srl/Carlini Signal Srl/Alpiq Intec Italia SpA secured the EUR40 million, excluding VAT, framework agreement for tunnel equipment upgrading on the E45 Orte-Cesena. Contact Anas Spa, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224, email v.dambrosio@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194823-2018 . Ref.n. DG 60-16. 18/18.


Italy, Palermo - it/109


  Italferr awarded to SIS, Sintagma and Geodata the tender to build the Palermo-Orleans-Carini railway dualling in Sicily. SIS is a company jointly owned by Sacyr Vallehermoso (60%) and Inc general contractor SpA and Sipal (40%). The contract is worth EUR665 million. The project, known as Passante ferroviario, requires to double the Palermo Centrale-Carini line, improve stations or sink underground several of these (Tommasso Natale, Vespri, Palazzo di Giustizia, Lolli, Notarbartolo). The sections which must be dualled are Palermo Centrale-Bivio Oreto-Orleans-Notarbartolo-Belgio-Cardillo-Isola delle Femmine-Carini, Palermo Centrale-Brancaccio and Brancaccio-Bivio Oreto. On the 19 km line, 8 km will be built underground to cross the city of Palermo. Out of these, 1.22 km will be driven using a 9.3 m-diameter mixshield TBM in sands and calcareous sands. The remaining 6.8 km will be built using the cut-and-cover method. Time frame for construction: five years and two months. Subscribe to 24/2003. Visit www.gruposyv.com 49/04.Systra, Ineco, Lombardi-Reico Ingegneria and Technical secured a EUR6 million contract for the preliminary project, safety recommendations, environmental impact study, geological and geotechnical surveying and testing, as part of the Oreto-Notarbartolo section of the light rail in Palermo. This 7 km section runs fully underground and includes ten stops (Svincolo Oreto, Oreto Sud, Oreto Nord, Piazza Giulio Cesare, Piazza Borsa, Teatro Massimo, Politeama, Via Archimede, Piazza Alberigo Gentili and Stazione Notarbartolo). Click it/109. Visit www.systra.com 28/05.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/01/2021, for the final construction of the GN1D tunnel and for the Lolli and Giustizia stops, which is part of the electrified doubling of the Palermo Centrale - Carini railway section, known as Passante ferroviario. The value of the contract is EUR17.72 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 900 days. Contact RFI SpA, attn Giuseppe Albanese, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.pa@pec.rfi.it. For further information on the tender click here and here Ref.n. DAC.0182.2020. 48/20. 



The deadline of the open invitation to tender for the final construction of the GN1D tunnel and for the Lolli and Giustizia stops, which is part of the electrified doubling of the Palermo Centrale - Carini railway section, known as Passante ferroviario, has been postponed from 20/01/2021 to 01/02/2021. The value of the contract is EUR17.72 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 900 days. Contact RFI SpA, attn Giuseppe Albanese, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.pa@pec.rfi.it. For further information on the tender click here .  Ref.n. DAC.0182.2020. 50/20. 



The JV Europea 92 SpA/Cipa SpA secured the EUR 17,68 million contract, excluding VAT,  for the final construction of the GN1D tunnel and for the Lolli and Giustizia stops, which is part of the electrified doubling of the Palermo Centrale - Carini railway section, known as Passante ferroviario. Duration of the contract will be 780 days. Contact RFI SpA, attn Giuseppe Albanese, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.pa@pec.rfi.it. For further information visit  https://www.rfi.it and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=450195-2021.  Ref.n. DAC.0182.2020. 18/21.  



Open invitation to tender, deadline 03/02/2023, for the construction of the Lazio stop, Section B of the Palermo Railway Bypass. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR 42.57 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 1180 days. Contact RFI SpA, attn Alessio Sammartino, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.pa@pec.rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=672751-2022.  Ref.n. DAC.0223.2022. 48/22.  



Manelli Impresa SpA di Monopoli (BA) secured the EUR41.15 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of the Lazio stop, Section B of the Palermo Railway Bypass. Contact RFI SpA, attn Alessio Sammartino, Rome, email rfi-ad-dac.pa@pec.rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=583023-2023.  Ref.n. DAC.0223.2022. 39/23.  


Open invitation to tender, deadline 31/01/2024, for the final construction of the Lolli and Papireto stops, and of the safety equipment in the Orleans-Notarbartolo tunnel, Section A of the Palermo Railway Bypass. Click here for tender documents and where tenders must be sent. The value of the contract is EUR 18.52 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract will be 820 days. Contact RFI SpA, attn Luca Lancieri, Rome, email l.lancieri@rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=764697-2023.  Ref.n. DAC.0277.2023. 51/23.  



Italy, Campania - it/108


Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 15th September, 2004 for construction of a bypass to road SS 212 between Pietrelcina connection and San Marco dei Cavoti Interchange in Benevento province, Campania region. Includes four single bored two-way tunnels in Cerzone (955 m), San Pietro (285.5 m), Fuciello (568 m) and Monteleone (1,421 m) and two single-tube cut-and-cover tunnels in Regio Tratturo (1,450 m) and Toppo Tre Valloni (396 m). Carriageway width: 10.5 m for two lanes. The bored tunnels are to be built in clay. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=123882-2004, OJ S 144, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. Visit www.stradeanas.it 35/04.Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 22nd December, 2004 for construction of the Cascano ring road (1.6 km), including a 1 km tunnel approximately. It is a dual-lane two-way tunnel, carriageway width 7.5 m. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=194836-2004, OJ S 226, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. 51-52/04.Consorzio Ravennate, Uniland Scarl and Rillo Costruzioni secured a EUR126.6 million contract to build a road bypass to the SS 212 between Pietrelcina junction and San Marco dei Cavoti interchange in Benevento province, Campania region. This 41.3 km project includes four bidirectional single bored tunnels in Cerzone (955 m), San Pietro (285.5 m), Fuciello (568 m) and Monteleone (1,421 m) and two single-tube cut-and-cover tunnels in Regio Tratturo (1,450 m) and Toppo Tre Valloni (396 m). The carriageway width is 10.5 m for two lanes. The bored tunnels are to be built in clay. Visit www.consrav.net 33-34/05.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.12.2011, for maintenance of monitoring equipment in 3.2 km-long Limina tunnel, on SS 682, in Reggio Calabria province. Contract value EUR450,000, duration one year. Contact ANAS SpA, Calabria Road Dept, Bids and contracts office, Catanzaro, tel +39 0 961 531011, fax +39 0 961 725106, e-mail CZGareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid Code n.CZ2011/28. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/45972. 48/11.


Italy, Sicily - it/107


Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 29th July, 2004 for final design and environment impact study for the Agrigento-Caltanisseta link on SS 640 in Porto Empedocle, section from km 44 to A19 interchange. Includes two twin-tube tunnels, one bored and the second to be built between diaphragm walls, for a total length of 2 x 2 km. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=105079-2004, OJ S 124, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. 29/04.The eight bidders for widening to four lanes road SS 640 in Porto Empedocle, a project worth EUR448 million and including a 4 km tunnel, two tunnels comprised between 600 and 700 m, two shorter tunnels and a few cut-and-cover tunnels, are Impregilo; Pizzarotti; Condotte; a joint venture of CMC and CCC; a joint venture of Todini and Maltauro; consortium Operae (Baldassini Tognozzi-Pontello and other Tuscan contractors); consortium SIS (Sacyr, INC and Sipal); and a team of consortium Uniter (formed by contractors based in Catania and Parma provinces: Tecnis, Bosco Aldo, Cogip, Ing. Pavesi, Silmar, Sipa, Sigenco and Foglia) and Ergon Engineering and Contracting (CO.ES.TRA., Inso and the Etruria consortium). The final design and environmental study was commissioned to a JV of Technital, Delta Ingegneria, Infratec, Progin and SIS. Click it/107. Read E-News Weekly 8/2006. Visit www.technital.it, www.deltaingegneria.it, www.infratecsrl.it and www.progin.it 39/07.


Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 28.07.2009, for refurbishment of 28 km section from km 44 to A19 interchange on SS640 Porto Empedocle, in Caltanissetta and Enna provinces. Contract value EUR787.5 million, of which EUR229.4 million for tunnel. Contact ANAS SpA Direzione Generale, Via Monzambano, 10, attn Responsabile del Procedimento Dott. Ing. Massimiliano Fidenzi, I-00185 Rome, tel +39 (0)6490326, fax +39 (0)644462009, e-mail r.memoli@stradeanas.it. Bid n. PA-12/09. http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=192482-2009 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=198035-2009. 30/09.


The JV C.M.C. Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti (Ravenna), C.C.C. Societí  Cooperativa (Bologna) and Tecnis SpA (Tremestieri Etneo, CT) secured the contract for refurbishment of 28 km-long section from km 44 to A19 interchange on SS640 Porto Empedocle, in Caltanissetta and Enna provinces. Contract value EUR990 million, of which EUR229.4 million for tunnel. Contract duration 1,550 days. Bid code n. PA-12/09. Visit www.stradeanas.it/. 16/10.
