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Italy, Marche - it/126


Public works concession, deadline 16th November, 2007 for design, construction and operation of a 6.7 km road connection between Ancona harbour and motorway A-14 and road SS 16. The project includes the Palombella tunnel (north tube, 1,077.89 m / south tube, 1,078.77 m), which is a chain of cut-and-cover-bored- cut-and-cover-bored-cut-and-cover sections, and the Ghettarello tunnel (north tube, 3,095 m / south tube, 3,168 m). Read E-News Weekly 14/2005. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154179-2007, OJ S 126, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 0644464413. E-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it 30/07.ANAS, the Italian national road administration, has declared in the public interest on 23rd April, 2008 a proposal submitted by a joint venture formed by Impregilo (leader, with a 47% share), Astaldi (24%), Pizzarotti (18%) and Itinera (11%) as concessionaire of the project finance initiative for the construction and management of the road link between the Port of Ancona and motorway A14 and the Adriatica national road SS 16. The project value amounts to approx. EUR580 million. The 30-year concession contract will be awarded further to an invitation to tender in negotiated procedure, in which the concessionaire will take advantage of a pre-emptive right. The new road consists of a double carriageway road extending for approx. 11 km, of which 8 km is main road network and the remaining section road links. The alignment, extending mainly underground, includes the construction of approx. 4 km of twin-bore tunnels and two viaducts of a global length of approx. 1.6 km. The duration of the works, including the design phase and tests, is expected to be of 72 months. Click it/126. Visit www.impregilo.it, www.astaldi.com, www.pizzarotti.it and www.itinera-spa.it 19/08.


Italy, Sicily - it/125


Public works concession, deadline 16th November, 2007 for design, construction and operation of a road link from the connection of road SS 514 Chiaramente with road SS 115 to the connection of road SS 194 Ragusana with road SS 114. The south carriageway Ragusa-Catania includes 13 bored tunnels for a total length of 5,983 metres, the longest of which is 1,045 metres in length, and four cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 1,822 metres, the longest of which spans 669 metres. The north carriageway Catania-Ragusa includes also 13 bored tunnels for a total length of 6,247 metres, the longest of which is 1,012 metres in length, and five cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 1,361 metres, the longest of which spans 488 metres. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154180-2007, OJ S 126, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 0644464413. E-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it 30/07.ANAS, the Italian road administration, has declared in the public interest on 23rd April, 2008 a proposal submitted by Silec, Egis Projects, Maltauro Consorzio Stabile and Tecnis for the design, construction and operation of a toll road link from the connection of road SS 514 Chiaramonte with road SS 115 to the connection of road SS 194 Ragusana with road SS 114. The next stage is the approval of the project by the CIPE (interministerial committee for economic planning) and then tenders will be invited to choose a concessionaire but the group of companies will have a preemption right. The south carriageway Ragusa-Catania includes 13 bored tunnels for a total length of 5,983 metres, the longest of which is 1,045 metres in length, and four cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 1,822 metres. The north carriageway Catania-Ragusa includes also 13 bored tunnels for a total length of 6,247 metres, the longest of which is 1,012 metres in length, and five cut-and-cover tunnels totalling 1,361 metres. Visit www.silec.it, www.egis-projects.com, www.gruppomaltauro.it and www.tecnis.it 18/08.


Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 27.05.2010, to identify two best bids for concession for design, construction and operation of a four-lane road link from SS 514 Chiaramonte, SS 115 junction to SS 194 Ragusana, SS 114 junction. Promoter is JV Silec SpA/Egis Project SA/Stable Maltauro Consortium (Impresa Costruzioni Giuseppe Maltauro S.p.A)/Tecnis SpA. Contract value EUR1.5 billion, excluding VAT. Concession period 39 years and 5 months. Contact Ing Antonio Mazzeo, Anas SpA, Rome, tel +39 06 490326/06 44464445, fax +39 06 4456224/06 44462009, e-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it and c.ruggeri@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=091892-2010 and http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/19118. Bid code: DG03-10. 16/10.


Italy, Molise, Campania and Lazio - it/124


Public works concession, deadline 16th November, 2007 for design, construction and operation of a road connection between San Vittorio interchange on motorway A-1 and Campobasso. The project includes the following bored tunnels: Nunziata (1,860 m), Vallecupa (780 m), Pietradonata (335 m), Sant'Angelo I (2,120 m), Castelpetroso (540 m), Monteverde (east carriageway, 443 m), Busso (east carriageway, 160 m) and Lama Bianca (east carriageway, 827 m). There is also one cut-and-cover tunnel for protection against rockfalls in San Vito (250 m). Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=154177-2007, OJ S 126, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 0644464413. E-mail dir.projectfinancing@stradeanas.it 30/07.


Italy, Naples - it/123


Open call for tenders, deadline 5th September, 2007 for construction of the 1,288 m-long Secondigliano-Di Vittorio section of the Naples metro to enable joint operation of trains travelling on the Naples-Giugliano-Aversa line operated by Metrocampania Nordest and Line 1 of the metro. Civil works include a false tunnel in Secondigliano station; Secondigliano station; a mined tunnel between Secondigliano and Di Vittorio stations; Di Vittorio station, and its associated connecting tunnels, shafts and cavern; ventilation, surge and emergency chambers; other ancillary works; and the geotechnical monitoring. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=158681-2007, OJ S 129, or contact Metrocampania Nordest, Naples, fax +39 0817897294. E-mail seg.investimenti@metrocampanianordest.it 29/07.The invitation to tender to construct the 1,288 m-long Secondigliano-Di Vittorio section of the Naples metro to enable joint operation of trains travelling on the Naples-Giugliano-Aversa line operated by Metrocampania Nordest and Line 1 of the metro has been cancelled. Click it/123. 36/07.Open call for tenders, deadline 12th December, 2007 for construction of the 1,288 m-long Secondigliano-Di Vittorio section of the Naples metro to enable joint operation of trains travelling on the Naples-Giugliano-Aversa line operated by Metrocampania Nordest and Line 1 of the metro. Civil works include a false tunnel in Secondigliano station; Secondigliano station; a mined tunnel between Secondigliano and Di Vittorio stations; Di Vittorio station, and its associated connecting tunnels, shafts and cavern; ventilation, surge and emergency chambers; other ancillary works; and the geotechnical monitoring. This is a re-bid. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=248420-2007, OJ S 204, or contact Metrocampania Nordest, Naples, fax +39 0817897294. E-mail seg.investimenti@metrocampanianordest.it 44/07.Todini, ITER and Impresa received a EUR53.6 million contract to construct the 1,288 m-long Secondigliano-Di Vittorio section of the Naples metro to enable joint operation of trains travelling on the Naples-Giugliano-Aversa line operated by Metrocampania Nordest and Line 1 of the metro. Click it/123. Visit www.todini.it and www.impresaspa.it 28/08.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 01.09.2009, for security and safety management during construction of MetroCampania NordEst railway section Secondigliano - Di Vittorio with one station, PK 2 + 057,94 and 3 + 346,00. Contract value EUR1.2 million, duration 16 months. Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 24.07.09. Contact Metrocampania Nordest, Naples, Arch. Mottola Vincenzo, tel +39 08178972-45, fax -94, e-mail seg.investimenti@metrocampanianordest.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=165207-2009 26/09.


Invitation to tender by restricted procedure, deadline 23.09.2014, for construction of RoadRail interchange at Casalecchio di Reno (BO), North Section toward Bologna (km. 0+236,80 – km 2+053,56) including the cut/cover Casalecchio tunnel (km 0+500,89-km 1+720,89). Contract value EUR101 million, duration 1,200 days from award. For registering interest and documentation http://pdm.stradeanas.it. Further information from Anas, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 0644462009, e-mail f.acquaro@stradeanas.it, g.alimonti@stradeanas.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid= 253953-2014 and http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/66578. Ref. n. BO 05/14. 31/14.


Italy, Marche - it/122


Work to equip the Croce di Casale tunnel with lighting and ventilation has commenced. This tunnel forms part of the ex road bypass SS 78 across the hills between Piceno and Aprutina, so-called Mezzina. The bypass project was divided in three lots. The first lot includes the approx. 600 m-long Roccafluvione tunnel, the second includes five viaducts and the third includes the 2,150 m-long Croce di Casale tunnel. The artery will be completed and opened to traffic in November 2007, after testing and checks. The new road will provide a faster and safer link between the mountainous area of Comunanza and Ascoli Piceno. 27-28/07.


Italy, Aosta Valley - it/121


  Negotiated procedure, deadline 5th March, 2007 for construction of a 4 km-long 3.9 m-diameter tunnel between the pressure tank and the Torrent power plant. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=21258-2007, OJ S 18, or contact Valdigne Energie, Chatillon, fax +39 0166823085. E-mail vuillermoz.laura@cva-ao.it 06/07.


Italy, Piedmont - it/120


Open call for bids, deadline 19th February, 2007 for completion of the Omegna bypass. The project includes two tunnels, of 850 m and 1.7 km. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=251169-2006, OJ S 235, or contact Ares Piemonte, Turin, fax +39 0114323570. E-mail contratti@ares.piemonte.it 51-52/06.A joint venture of Lauro, Cogeis, Studio Corona and Arch. Francesco Guerra landed a EUR27.6 million contract to complete the Omegna bypass. The project includes two tunnels, 850 m and 1.7 km in length. Visit www.laurospa.it, www.cogeis.it and www.coronasic.it 49/07.


Italy, Milan - it/119


Salini Locatelli has been awarded a contract to construct the new subterranean road axis from Viale De Gasperi to Via Gattamelata in Milan. It is a 1,050 m-long twin tube tunnel, to be built in cut-and-cover between diaphragm walls, that will carry two lanes and an emergency lane in each direction. The cross section is around 140 sq m. Other underground structures include a ventilation duct above the rectangular box of the tunnel. Geology will consist of alluvial deposits (gravels, sands and silty sands). The project is currently in executive design. Work has not started yet. Utility relocation is under way. Three drives will be opened, using three Cat excavators. Mucking-out by means of 15 Mercedes trucks. The overall contract, including safety, outside road works and landscaping) is worth EUR84 million. Visit www.salinilocatelli.it or www.impresalocatelli.it and www.cat.com 47/06.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/118

Hydro Power

  SELI has won a EUR23.7 million contract to build the Passirio hydroelectric plant in Bolzano province, including a bypass tunnel, a vertical penstock, a subhorizontal penstock, a piezometric pressure shaft, a turbine hall, and access adits. The bypass tunnel is 5,885 m long and the excavated cross section is 10.75 sq m. A TBM will be used. The penstock is approx. 218 m high, its inner diameter is 2.2 m and its outer diameter is 2.7 m. A subhorizontal penstock, to be excavated by traditional methods, is 366 m long, for an inner diameter of 2.2 m. The piezometric pressure shaft is 48 m high, for an outer diameter of 9 m and inner diameter of 8 m. The turbine hall is 11 m long x 8.5 m wide x 7 m high. The access adits for the TBM and the penstock are 51 m and 102 m long respectively. Traditional tunnelling methods will be employed.The geology will consist in majority of metamorphic sedimentary rocks and, to a lesser extent, metamorphic magmatic rock. Geologists expect to excavate in paragneiss and micaschists. Water ingress of 50 litres/sec is expected. Tunnelling of the bypass tunnel will be achieved by means of a Wirth double shield TBM, 3.7 m in diameter, belonging to SELI and previously used for the new Canale Viola scheme. The cutterhead will be equipped with 17" cutters, the maximum cutterhead thrust will be 5.280 kN, with a cutterhead speed of 0-14 rev/min and a cutterhead drive power of 1,120 kW (4 x 480 kW). Click here. Inside, the tunnel will be lined with precast segments produced by SELI. A SELI muck train will take the rock out of the tunnel. The TBM is scheduled to start its work on 9th February, 2007 for completion on 16th January, 2008. Visit www.selitunnel.com and www.wirth-europe.com 44/06.


Italy, Lombardy - it/117


Accelerated restricted procedure, deadline 2nd May, 2006 for design and construction of the first section of the Valtrompia highway, which will connect highway A4 with the Trompia valley in Brescia province, segment Ospitaletto-Sarezzo, section Concesio-Sarezzo. The contract also includes work management, safety coordination, land acquisition and environmental monitoring.Section Ospitaletto-Concesio includes the Gussago single-tube tunnel (3,219 m). There is no second tube. While the Ospitaletto to Concesio roadway will run through that tunnel, the opposite direction (Concesio-Ospitaletto) will consist in widening the existing provincial road SP 19, which is almost entirely a section running at grade, with the exception of two short tunnels of less than 500 metres (455 m Mirabella tunnel and 415 m Stella tunnel) which will remain as they are, except for the roadbed which will be refurbished. The pedestrian and vehicular cross passages of the future tunnel will be connected to the existing road at grade.Section Concesio-Lumezzane includes the Villa Carcina twin-tube tunnel (3,652 m), the Monte Palosso single-tube tunnel and parallel emergency bore (1,628 m), the Dosso Ghifone single-tube tunnel and parallel emergency bore (1,810 m) and the Lumezzane single-tube tunnel (1,306 m). See tunnel details here. The highway will be operated by Autostrada Brescia-Padova. Read E-News Weekly 9/2003. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=066572-2006, OJ S 64, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064454956. 17/06.Restricted call for tenders, deadline 8th January, 2008 for construction of the first section of the Valtrompia highway, which will connect highway A4 with the Trompia valley in Brescia province, segment Ospitaletto-Sarezzo, section Concesio-Sarezzo. Click it/117 for details. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=271878-2007, OJ S 223, or contact ANAS, Rome, fax +39 064456224 or 0644462009. E-mail s.pisani@stradeanas.it 49/07.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2019, for quarterly and annual inspection of all bridges, underpasses, tunnels, road and railway overpasses, viaducts along the A4 (Brescia-Padoa), A31 (Valdastico) motorways, ring roads, connections to the network managed by the company.

Value of the contract is EUR 1,148,771 excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 365 days. Contact Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova SpA, attn Giovanni Munari, Verona, tel +39 0458272222, fax +39 0458200051, email autobspd@autobspd.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=364783-2019.

Ref.n. G0044/2019. 32/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 16/09/2019, for quarterly and annual inspection of all bridges, underpasses, tunnels, road and railway overpasses, viaducts along the A4 (Brescia-Padoa), A31 (Valdastico) motorways, ring roads, connections to the network managed by the company.

Value of the contract is EUR 1,148,771 excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 365 days. Contact Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova SpA, attn Giovanni Munari, Verona, tel +39 0458272222, fax +39 0458200051, email autobspd@autobspd.it. For tender documents please click here. Ref.n. G0044/2019. 08/20.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 30/09/2021, for inspection of bridges, underpasses, tunnels, road, railway overpasses, and viaducts along the A4 (Brescia-Padoa), A31 (Valdastico) motorways and their appurtenances. Value of the contract is EUR2.02 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 12 months. Offers must be sent to Piattaforma SAP ARIBA,  Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova Spa, Verona, email acquisti@pec.a4holding.it. Contact Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova SpA, attn Giovanni Munari, Verona, tel +39 0458272222, fax +39 0458200051, email autobspd@autobspd.it. For tender documents please visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=437812-2021. Ref.n. G015_2021. 35/21.

Italy-Verona: Bridge-inspection services

2021/S 167-437812

Contract notice


Legal Basis:

Directive 2014/24/EU

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

Official name: Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova Spa

Postal address: Via Flavio Gioia, 71

Town: Verona

NUTS code: ITH3 Veneto

Postal code: 37135

Country: Italy

Contact person: Giovanni Munari

E-mail: autobspd@autobspd.it

Telephone: +39 0458272222

Fax: +39 0458200051

Internet address(es):

Main address: http://www.autobspd.it

Address of the buyer profile: http://www.autobspd.it



The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: http://www.autobspd.it

Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the following address:

Official name: Piattaforma SAP ARIBA di Autostrada Brescia Verona Vicenza Padova Spa

Town: Verona

Country: Italy

E-mail: acquisti@pec.a4holding.it

NUTS code: ITH31 Verona

Internet address(es):

Main address: http://www.autobspd.it


Type of the contracting authority

Other type: Concessionaria Autostradale


Main activity

Other activity: Autostrade

Section II: Object


Scope of the procurement



G015_2021: Framework Agreement for inspection services of bridges, underpasses, tunnels, flyovers, overpasses and viaducts along the A4 and A31 motorways and appurtenances.


Main CPV code

71631450 Bridge-inspection services


Type of contract



Short description:

Tender G015_2021: Framework Agreement for inspection services of bridges, underpasses, tunnels, flyovers, overpasses and viaducts along the A4 and A31 motorways, ring roads, junctions and appurtenances of the network under management.


Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: 2 020 533.55 EUR


Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no




Place of performance

NUTS code: ITC47 Brescia

NUTS code: ITH31 Verona

NUTS code: ITH32 Vicenza

NUTS code: ITH36 Padua

Main site or place of performance:

Motorways A4 and A31


Description of the procurement:

Tender G015_2021: Framework Agreement for inspection services of bridges, underpasses, tunnels, flyovers, overpasses and viaducts along the A4 and A31 motorways, ring roads, junctions and appurtenances of the network under management.


Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documentsII.2.6)

Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: 2 020 533.55 EUR


Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 12

This contract is subject to renewal: no


Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: no


Information about options

Options: yes

Description of options:

The Company, pursuant to art. 106, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Code, reserves the right, within the limits of the maximum percentage of 20% of the total amount of the Framework Agreement, to entrust, at the same prices, agreements and conditions, any additional services that may be necessary.

For the purposes of art. 35, paragraph 4 of the Code, the overall estimated value of the Framework Agreement is € 1,683,777.96 + € 336,755.59.


Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and / or program financed by European Union funds: no


Additional information

Section IV: Procedures




Type of procedure

Open procedure


Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system


Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes


Administrative information


Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

Dates: 09/30/2021

Local time: 09:30


Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates


Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:



Conditions for opening of tenders

Dates: 09/30/2021

Local time: 10:30

Information about authorized persons and opening procedure:

Competing operators will be able to attend the tender operations in public session exclusively remotely with access to the Webex platform, through the link that will be advertised with a specific FAQ on the portal www.autobspd.it, tenders and suppliers section, after the expiry of the deadline for the submission of the offer (see tender regulations)

Section VI: Complementary information


Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: no


Additional information:


Procedures for review


Review body

Official name: Regional Administrative Court for Veneto

Postal address: Cannaregio, 2277

Town: Venice

Postal code: 30121

Country: Italy

Telephone: +39 0412403911

Internet address: http://www.giustizia-amministrativa.it


Date of dispatch of this notice:



The Joint Venture S.A.L.C. SpA (already ICS Grandi Lavori SpA and then S.A.L.C. Srl) - Carena SpA (already R.T.I. ICS Grandi lavori SpA - Carena SpA - FIMET SpA) secured the EUR155.13 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction  of the motorway link between the A4 motorway and the Trompia Valley, Ospitaletto - Sarezzo section, Concesio -Sarezzo section including the Concesio junction (lot 1). The contract includes the Villa Carcina rock tunnel (northern tube 3652 m). Contact ANAS, Rome, tel +39 06490326, fax +39 064456224. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/154972-2017. Ref.n. MI 27/07. 16/17.
