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Italy, South Tyrol - it/185


Closing Date: 23.07.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 23.07.2012, for design and construction of the funicular between San Martino di Castrozza and Rolle Pass. Contact Provincia autonoma di Trento, attn Paolo Fontana, Trento, tel +39 4614964-44, fax -22, e-mail agenziaperiservizi@provincia.tn.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=073509-2012. 11/12.


Postponed to 26.02.2013 the deadline of the open invitation to tender for design and construction of the 3.8 km funicular between San Martino di Castrozza and Rolle Pass, including 2.4 km underground. Contact Provincia autonoma di Trento, attn Paolo Fontana, Trento, tel +39 4614964-44, fax -22, e-mail agenziaperiservizi@provincia.tn.it. Visit  http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=376118-2012. 49/12.


Italy, Liguria - it/184


Closing Date: 19.03.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.03.2012, for O.M. maintenance of  tunnels and roads in Liguria from  2012 to 2014. Contract value EUR2.1 million, excluding VAT. Contact Anas SpA, Roads Dept Liguria, Bids and contract office, Genova, tel +39 010 54772-39, fax -38. Visit


Bid code GE07-2012. 08/12.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/183


Closing Date: 22.02.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.02.2012, for painting of road tunnels in Bolzano Province during 2012/2013. Contract value EUR1.9 million excluding VAT. Time limit for accessing documents 16.02.2012. Contact Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, Ripartizione 12 - servizio strade, Bolzano, tel +39 04714126-28, fax -36, e-mail servizio.strade@provincia.bz.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=013615-2012. 03/12.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/182


Closing Date: 19.01.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.01.2012, for concrete lining refurbishment in water conveying tunnel. Contract value EUR1.9 million excluding VAT, duration 78 days. Contact Azienda Energetica Spa-Etschwerke AG, Bolzano, tel +39 04712257-60, fax -99, e-mail info@ae-ew.it. Visit www.ae-ew.it/irj/portal/anonymous?standAlone=true&windowId=WID1325239864687. Bid Code n. AE-EW 1051100064. 01/12.


Italy, Bari - it/181


Closing Date: 29.02.2012 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 29.02.2012, for design and construction of dualling of 10.34 km of railway line Bari-Mungivacca Noicattaro on Bari-Taranto line including Trigg Capurso artificial tunnel and 4.0 linear km of undergrounding of stations and lines. Further information, specs and docs from Ferrovie del Sud Est in Bari, tel +39 0805462-258, fax –371, e-mail fsudest@fseonline.it to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=408758-2011. 52/11.


Open invitation to tender, revised deadline 30.04.2012, for design and construction of dualling of 10.34 km of railway line Bari-Mungivacca Noicattaro on Bari-Taranto line, including Trigg Capurso artificial tunnel and 4.0 linear km of undergrounding of stations and lines. Further information, specs and docs from Ferrovie del Sud Est in Bari, tel +39 0805462-258, fax –371, e-mail fsudest@fseonline.it, to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=060434-2012. 09/12.


Open invitation to tender, deadline postponed from 29.02.2012 to 30.04.2012, for design and construction of dualling of 10.34 km of railway line Bari-Mungivacca Noicattaro on Bari-Taranto line including Trigg Capurso artificial tunnel and 4.0 linear km of undergrounding of stations and lines. Further information, specs and docs from Ferrovie del Sud Est in Bari, tel +39 0805462-258, fax –371, e-mail fsudest@fseonline.it to where tenders or requests to participate must be sent. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=060434-2012. 09/12.


Award of contract to CSE of Milan, value EUR83,607,864 excluding VAT, for design and construction of dualling of 10.34 km of railway line Bari-Mungivacca Noicattaro on Bari-Taranto line including Triggiano and Capurso stations in artificial tunnel. Further information from Ferrovie del Sud Est in Bari, tel +39 0805462-258, fax –371, e-mail fsudest@fseonline.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=363608-2014. 43/14.


Invitation for pre-qualification, deadline 31/12/2022, for engineering services (SQ003), maintenance of work vehicles (SQ012) and control of the weeds in railway areas (SQ007) and for the testers of works (SQ010) on the 474 km long railway network where it crosses the four southern provinces of Puglia, connecting Bari, Taranto and Lecce, as well as 85 municipalities in their district. For further tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Contact Ferrovie del Sud Est e servizi automobilistici Srl, attn Eng. Pietro Stefano Attolico, Bari, tel +39 0805462393, email portaleacquisti@pec.fseonline.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=331883-2022 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=322862-2022. Ref.n. SQ003-007-010-012. 25/22. 



Invitation for pre-qualification, deadline 31/12/2022, for suppliers of infrastructure products (SQ002) on the 474 km long railway network which it crosses the four southern provinces of Puglia, connecting Bari, Taranto and Lecce, as well as 85 municipalities in their district. For further tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Contact Ferrovie del Sud Est e servizi automobilistici Srl, attn Eng. Pietro Stefano Attolico, Bari, tel +39 0805462393, email portaleacquisti@pec.fseonline.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=322746-2022. Ref.n. SQ002. 25/22. 


Italy-Bari: Railway equipment

2022/S 114-322746

Qualification system – utilities

This notice is a call for competition


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Ferrovie del Sud Est e Servizi Automobilistici S.r.l. - Società con socio unico soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. a norma dell'art.2497 sexies cod. civ. e D.Lgs. n.112/2015, C.F. 05541630728 Struttura Acquisti
Postal address: Via G.Amendola 106/D
Town: Bari
NUTS code: ITF47 Bari
Postal code: 70126
Country: Italy
Contact person: Responsabile del procedimento per la fase di affidamento: ing. Pietro Stefano Attolico
E-mail: portaleacquisti@pec.fseonline.it
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://portaleacquisti.fseonline.it
I.6)Main activity
Railway services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Sistema di qualificazione dei fornitori di prodotti per l’infrastruttura

Reference number: SQ002
II.1.2)Main CPV code
34940000 Railway equipment
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITF4 Puglia
II.2.5)Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.8)Duration of the qualification system
Indefinite duration

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:


Invitation for pre-qualification, deadline 31/12/2022, for works on electrical traction and energy systems (SQ001), railway superstructures (SQ004) and signaling systems (SQ005), for the construction of railway metal girders (SQ008), for civil works on lines in operation (SQ011) and for the design and construction of the technological systems for the emergency in the railway tunnels (SQ013) on the 474 km long railway network which it crosses the four southern provinces of Puglia, connecting Bari, Taranto and Lecce, as well as 85 municipalities in their district. For further tender documents please click here, where tenders must be sent. Contact Ferrovie del Sud Est e servizi automobilistici Srl, attn Eng. Pietro Stefano Attolico, Bari, tel +39 0805462393, email portaleacquisti@pec.fseonline.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=322660-2022. and


Ref.n. SQ001-004-005-008-011-013. 25/22. 


Italy-Bari: Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines

2022/S 114-322660

Qualification system – utilities


Legal Basis:
Directive 2014/25/EU

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1)Name and addresses
Official name: Ferrovie del Sud Est e Servizi Automobilistici S.r.l. - Società con socio unico soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. a norma dell'art.2497 sexies cod. civ. e D.Lgs. n.112/2015, C.F. 05541630728 Struttura Acquisti
Postal address: Via G.Amendola 106/D
Town: Bari
NUTS code: ITF47 Bari
Postal code: 70126
Country: Italy
Contact person: Responsabile del procedimento per la fase di affidamento: ing. Pietro Stefano Attolico
E-mail: portaleacquisti@pec.fseonline.it
Telephone: +39 0805462393
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://portaleacquisti.fseonline.it
I.6)Main activity
Railway services

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement

Sistema di qualificazione per lavori

Reference number: SQ001-004-005-008-011-013
II.1.2)Main CPV code
45231000 Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines
II.1.3)Type of contract
II.2.2)Additional CPV code(s)
45234100 Railway construction works
45234115 Railway signalling works
45221112 Railway bridge construction work
II.2.3)Place of performance
NUTS code: ITF4 Puglia
II.2.5)Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.8)Duration of the qualification system
Indefinite duration

Section IV: Procedure

IV.2)Administrative information
IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:


Italy, Arezzo - it/180


Closing Date: 12.12.2011 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.12.2011, for maintenance of monitoring equipment in 3.2 km-long Limina tunnel, on SS 682, in Reggio Calabria province. Contract value EUR450,000, duration one year. Contact ANAS SpA, Calabria Road Dept, Bids and contracts office, Catanzaro, tel +39 0 961 531011, fax +39 0 961 725106, e-mail CZGareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid Code n.CZ2011/28. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/45972. 48/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.12.2011, for maintenance of monitoring equipment in 3.2 km-long Limina tunnel, on SS 682, in Reggio Calabria province. Contract value EUR450,000, duration one year. Contact ANAS SpA, Calabria Road Dept, Bids and contracts office, Catanzaro, tel +39 0 961 531011, fax +39 0 961 725106, e-mail CZGareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Bid Code n.CZ2011/28. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/45972. 48/11.


Italy, Calabria - it/179


Closing Date: 16.11.2011 (Tender Closed)

Restricted invitation to tender with qualification system, deadline 16.11.2011, for a framework agreement to regulate design, work and supply contracts for maintenance and safety improvement of rail tunnels in Reggio Calabria. Contract duration 24 months, estimated value EUR7 million. Visit www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/DLE_RC_2011_032_INFORMATIVA_SQ.pdf. Bid Code n.DLE.RC.2011.032. 45/11.


Restricted invitation to tender with qualification system, deadline 07.06.2012, for executive design, extraordinary maintenance and pattern adjustment in irregular sections of the 3.2 km Spina railway tunnel (km75 +177 - 78 +506) on the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria line. Contract value EUR5,924,000, duration 160 days. Visit http://www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/RC_2012_018_AVVISO_INDIZIONE.pdf. Codice bando DLE.RC.2012.018. 22/12.


Restricted invitation to tender with qualification system, deadline 18.02.2013, for a framework agreement to executive design, superstructures and electric traction for the lowering of the platform in the tunnels Rutino (4.3 km), Spina (3.3 km), Maratea (2.3 km), Janculla/Leone/Frana (2.6 km) on right track and Bagnara (756 m, 695 m) on the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria line. Contract value EUR16.69 million, duration 900 days. Contact Rfi SpA, Rome. Visit http://www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/RC_2013_003_AVVISO_INDIZIONE.pdf. Bid Code n. DLE.RC.2013.003. 07/13.


Fadep Srl at Napoli, secured the EUR5.78 million contract, for executive design, extraordinary maintenance and pattern adjustment in irregular sections of the 3.2 km Spina railway tunnel (km75 +177 - 78 +506) on the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria line. Contact Rfi SpA, att.n Ielo Demetrio, Reggio Calabria, tel +39 0965863310, fax +39 0965863505. Visit http://www.gare.rfi.it/cms-file/allegati/gare-rfi/RC_2012_018_ESITO.pdf and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=335257-2013. Bid Code n. DLE.RC.2012.018. 41/13.


Fadep Srl at Naples secured the EUR16,592,000 contract, excluding VAT, for works and supplies for the maintenance of civil works in the tunnels belonging to the Regional Offices of the Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA. Contact RFI SpA,  Purchasing Department, att.n Edgardo Greco, Rome, tel +39 0647308900, fax +39 0647308821, e-mail rfi-ad-dac@pec.rfi.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=376442-2015. Bid n. DAC0.2015.0014 – REGGIO CALABRIA Lot Unique. 44/15.


Italy, Basilicata - it/177


Closing Date: 19.12.2011 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 19.12.2011, for the Basento Bradano irrigation scheme, Acerenza section, Lot II, for irrigation in some municipalities in Matera and Potenza provinces. The project includes the construction of a 4 km-long, 3.2 m-diameter hydraulic tunnel. Contract value EUR77.2 million, duration 1,620 days. Contact EIPL, Bari, tel. +39 0805413-111, fax -246. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=330049-2011. 44/11.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 19/07/2023, for refurbishment works of the Acerenza - Genzano tunnel. Click here for tender documents, where tenders must be sent. Contract value will be EUR 7.67 million, duration 630 days. Contact Commissario Straordinario di Governo ex art.1c.154 L.1485/2018, attn RUP Giuseppe Maria Grimaldi, Caserta, tel +39 0823300400, email g.grimaldi@commissariointerventieipli.it.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=384530-2023. 26/23 



The Consortium Stabile Medil S.C.P.A., Studio Masciotta s.r.l., E&G s.r.l. and Apogeo s.r.l. have  secured the EUR7.53 million contract, excluding VAT,  for refurbishment works for the Acerenza - Genzano tunnel. Contact Commissario Straordinario di Governo ex art.1c.154 L.1485/2018, attn RUP Giuseppe Maria Grimaldi, Caserta, tel +39 0823300400, email g.grimaldi@commissariointerventieipli.it.  Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=659277-2023. 44/23. 


Italy, Campania - it/176


Closing Date: 22.11.2011 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 22.11.2011, for o.m. from 2012 to 2014 on Campania SS and their tunnels. Contract value EUR2.16 million, duration 1,095 days. Conclusion work before 31/12/2014. Contact Anas SpA, bids and contract office, Naples, tel +39 081 7356111-229, fax +39 081 621411 or +39 081 2399679, e-mail NA-GareContr@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/43600. Bid Code n. 45MO/11. 42/11.


Italy, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto, Emilia Romagna - it/175


Closing Date: 21.10.2011 (Tender Closed)

Invitation to tender using restricted procedure, deadline 21.10.2011, for concession for construction work needed for refurbishment of 314 km motorway A22 Brennero-Moderna. Bid Code n. DG 05/11. Contract value EUR3 billion. Contact Dott. Ing. Carlo Diemoz, Anas Spa, Rome, tel: 06-44464803, fax 06-44462009 -06-4456224, e-mail c.diemoz@stradeanas.it or c.ruggeri@stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/43025.38/11.


Deadline postponed from 21.10.2011 to 18.11.2011 for invitation to tender using restricted procedure for concession for construction work needed for refurbishment of 314 km motorway A22 Brennero-Moderna. Bid Code n. DG 05/11. Contract value EUR3 billion. Contact Dott. Ing. Carlo Diemoz, Anas Spa, Rome, tel: 06-44464803, fax 06-44462009 -06-4456224, e-mail c.diemoz@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=352843-2011. Bid Code n. DG 05/2011. 46/11.


The JV LSI Lavori stradali ed idraulici srl (Lagonegro, PZ), I.T. srl Innovazione e tecnologie per l’industria delle costruzioni e degli impianti (San Pietro al Tanagro, SA) and Tecnobuilding srl (Eboli, SA) secured the EUR5 .89 million contract, excluding VAT, for extraordinary maintenance in the km000+214- km 001+016  section of the Brenner tunnel, A22 motorway. The contract includes  construction/refurbishment of service buildings and a new lining of the Northern tube. Contact Autostrada del Brennero SpA, Trento, tel +39 0461212758-2734, email affari.generali.tecnici@autobrennero.it . For further on TED tender, please click here. Ref.n. 28/2019. 21/21. 



The JV STEELCONCRETE CONSORZIO STABILE (leader)/CORTE APERTA Srl secured the EUR 7.88 million contract, excluding VAT, for extraordinary maintenance in the km000+222- km 000+714  section of the Brenner tunnel, southern tube, on  A22 motorway. Contact Autostrada del Brennero SpA, Trento, tel + 39 0461 212734, email affari.generali.tecnici@autobrennero.it. Visit https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/53823-2025. Ref.n. 01/2024. 06/25.
