CEC – Consorzio stabile Europeo Costruttori Sc.arl (single company) from Perugia, (companies in charge of works: ITALSTRUTTURE SCPA – GEOVERTICAL SRL) secured the EUR 18.61 million contract, excluding VAT, for the 2,213 m San Lorenzo tunnel bypass construction between Km 41+600 and Km 44+400, at Passo della Morte, Forni di Sotto municipality (UD), SS52 Carnica. The contract mainly concerns the construction of a hydraulic tunnel to implement the drainage system of the San Lorenzo tunnel. The contract also includes restoration work on the San Lorenzo tunnel lining. Contact Anas SpA, attn Eng. Antonio Marsella, Rome, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=790276-2023. Ref.n. TS 16/23. 01/24.