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Italy, Campania - it/217

High Speed Railway

Closing Date: 18.02.2014 (Tender Closed)

Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 18.02.2014, for safety improvement of the 3,310 m Somma Vesuviana railway tunnel on the Naples-Salerno line, with design and construction of technical equipment. Contract value EUR4.43 million, duration 70 days for the design and 495 days for works. Contact Italferr SpA, Rome, tel +39 06 49752918, fax +39 06 49752555. Visit http://www.gare.italferr.it/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=fc1a22ac14503410VgnVCM1000008916f90aRCRD. Ref.n. PA-1222. 53/13.


The JV SITE SpA (leader)/Thales Italia SpA of Bologna secured the EUR4.24 million contract, excluding VAT, for safety improvement of the 3,310 m Somma Vesuviana railway tunnel on the Naples-Salerno line, with design and construction of technical equipment. Contact Italferr SpA, attn Biancamaria Pascadopoli Rome, tel +39 06 49752826, fax +39 06 49752445, e-mail gareappalti.italferr.it@legalmail.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=295561-2014. Ref.n. PA-1222. 36/14.


Italy, Ligura - it/216


Prior Information Notice for the design and construction of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel (lot 1, tranche 1) collecting water from Fereggiano, Noce and Rovare rivers. This section includes a 1.8 km-long tunnel linked with the 900 m tunnel already built and the intake works for the Fereggiano river. Value of contract EUR38.46 million, excluding VAT. Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 01.03.2014. Duration of contract 60 months from award. Contact Genoa Municipality, Genoa, tel +39 0105572335, fax +39 0105572240, e-mail ccontratti@comune.genova.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=429915-2013. 52/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 10.10.2014, for the design and construction of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel (lot 1, tranche 1) collecting water from Fereggiano, Noce and Rovare rivers. This section includes a 1.8 km-long tunnel linked with the 900 m tunnel already built and the intake works for the Fereggiano river. Value of contract EUR39,381,706, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 1,846 days from award. Further information from Stazione Appaltante del Commune, Via Garibaldi 9, 16124 Genova, Italy, tel +39 0105572335, fax +39 0105572240, e-mail ccontratti@comune.genova.it. For specs and docs, contact Ing Stefano Pinasco. Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to Archivio Generale e Protocollo, 16121 Genova, Italy. Time limit for accessing documents 30.09.2014. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=275867-2014. 33/14.


Pac SpA of Bolzano secured the EUR33.36 million contract, excluding VAT, for the design and construction of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel (lot 1, tranche 1) collecting water from Fereggiano, Noce and Rovare rivers. This section includes a 1.8 km-long tunnel linked with the 900 m tunnel already built and the intake works for the Fereggiano river. Contact Stazione Appaltante del Commune, Via Garibaldi 9, 16124 Genova, Italy, tel +39 0105572335, fax +39 0105572240, e-mail ccontratti@comune.genova.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082840-2015. Ref.n. 2014/155.0.0.-55. 11/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.11.2016, for the final design and for  general management and safety coordination, of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel (lot 2) in Genoa municipality. The value of the contract is EUR9.93 million, excluding VAT. Duration of contract will be125 days from award. Further information from Invitalia SpA, attn Eng Salvatore Acampora, Rome, tel +39 0642160457, e-mail realizzazioneinterventi@pec.invitalia.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=364099-2016. Ref.n. 68305170F2. 42/16.


The JV Rocksoil SpA (Torre Boldone, BG), Hydrodata SpA (Turin), ART Ambiente Risorse Territorio Srl (Parma), Eng. Mario Cangiano (Rome), Francesca Giomi (Genoa),  Ing. Paolo Gallo (Sondrio) and Eng. Francesco De Sanctis (Rome) secured the EUR3.79 million contract, excluding VAT, for the final design, general management and safety coordination of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel (lot 2) in Genoa municipality. Further information from Invitalia SpA, attn Eng Salvatore Acampora, Rome, tel +39 0642160457, e-mail realizzazioneinterventi@pec.invitalia.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=286012-2017. Ref.n. 68305170F2. 30/17.


Italsocotec Spa from Rome (RM) secured the EUR170,000 contract, excluding VAT, for the verification of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel’s final design  (lot 2) in Genoa municipality. Further information from Invitalia SpA, attn Eng Salvatore Acampora, Rome, tel +39 0642160457, e-mail realizzazioneinterventi@pec.invitalia.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=551022-2018.

Ref.n. RenDiS 07IR004/G4. 51/18.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20/11/2019, for the construction of the Bisagno river storm water tunnel (lot 2) collecting water from the Fereggiano, Noce and Rovare rivers. This section includes a 6.5 km-long tunnel, intake works for the Bisagno river, E&M, electric and special equipment. Value of contract EUR178.18 million, excluding VAT. Duration of the contract is 1,470 days. For tender documents click here where tenders must be sent. Contact Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA Invitalia, attn Eng Salvatore Acampora, Rome, email realizzazioneinterventi@pec.invitalia.it.  For further tender documents click here. Ref.n. 8047772F88. 43/19.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 23/06/2020, for verification (see article 26 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016) of the executive design of the spillway of the Bisagno creek: 1 lot: Fereggiano creek; 2nd tranche: intake work on the Rio Noce and connection tunnel and intake work on the Rio Rovare from the interception building to the channel leading to the vortex. Value of the contract is EUR84,359.84, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 30 days. For tender documents https://gareappalti.invitalia.it/ and also click here. Contact  Invitalia, attn Maurizio Antonio Liberatore, Rome, email realizzazioneinterventi@pec.invitalia.it



Italy, Sardegna - it/215


Impresa SpA of Rome secured the contract for construction of the 78 m-high concrete Sa Stria gravity dam on Rio Monti Nieddu, the weir on Rio Is Canargius, and a 1,100m x 2.5 m-diameter tunnel between the two structures. Contact CBSM, Cagliari, tel +39 07040951, fax +39 0704095340. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=420566-2013. 50/13.


Italy, Lombardy - it/214


IGM Engineering Impianti Srl + DBA Progetti SpA (Genova) secured the EUR353,632 contract, excluding VAT, for design of tunnels equipment for Tremezzina bypass, SS 340 section Colonno-Griante. The new road is 10 km-long with 7.5 km in tunnels: Comacina (2.11 km), Perlana 1 (580 m), Perlana 2 (2 km), Bonzanigo (105 m) and Tremezzina (2.7 km). Contact Provincia di Como, Como, tel +39 031230462, fax +39 031230827, e-mail infogarecontratti@provincia.como.it. Visit

http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=it&docid=374637-2013 GU GU S 215. 45/13.


Restricted invitation to tender, deadline 03/03/2020, for the executive design and construction of Tremezzina bypass on SS 340. The new 10km road includes 4 single tube tunnels for a 8.3km totally, three viaducts and two interchanges (Colonno at the South and Griante at the North). Value contract EUR469.08 million, excluding VAT. Duration contract 2788 days.

For tender documents https://acquisti.stradeanas.it where tenders must be sent. Contact Anas SpA, Rome, email ppalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it.

For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. MI 193-19. 52/19.


Consorzio Stabile Sis from Turin secured the EUR469.08 million contract, excluding VAT,  for the executive design and construction of Tremezzina bypass on the SS 340. The new 10km road includes 4 single tube tunnels for 8.3km in total , three viaducts and two interchanges (Colonno at the South and Griante at the North). Contact Anas SpA, Rome, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it.  For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. MI 193-19. 44/20.


SIS Società Consortile per Azioni from Turin secured the EUR388.10 million contract, excluding VAT, for the executive design and construction of Tremezzina bypass on SS 340. The new 10km road includes 4 single tube tunnels (8.3km), three viaducts and two interchanges (Colonno at the South and Griante at the North). Contact Anas SpA, Rome, email appalti.lavori@postacert.stradeanas.it . For further tender information please click here. Ref.n. MI 193-19. 07/21. 



Italy, South Tyrol - it/213


Closing Date: 03.02.2014 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 03.02.2014, for construction of the Pinzolo bypass on SS239, which is 4,573 m-long with 2,750 m in cut/cover tunnels to be build on the left side of Sarca river. Value of contract EUR63.93 million. Contact Provincia Autonoma di Trento, att.n Paola Zorzi, Trento, tel +39 0461496444, fax +39 0461496422, e-mail serv.appalti.lav.pubb@pec.provincia.tn.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=363438-2013 and http://www.appalti.provincia.tn.it/binary.php/pat_pi_bandi_new/bandi/BANDO_INTEGRALE_DI_GARA.1383217713.pdf. 45/13.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/212


Closing Date: 18.02.2014 (Tender Closed)

Restricted procedure to tender, deadline 18.02.2014, for design and construction of the road link between Loppio and Alto Garda on the SS 240, and for management of the road section between Rovereto Sud paytoll on A2 and Km106,848 on SS 45 bis Gardesana Occidentale (at the border with Brescia province), length 27.7 km, 40 percent of which is in tunnel. Contact Provincia Autonoma Trento, Bid Office, att.n Rita Pancher, Trento, tel +39 0461496444, fax +39 0461496422, e-mail serv.appalti.lav.pubb@pec.provincia.tn.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=356270-2013, GU S 206. 43/13.


Postponed from 18.02.2014 to 18.03.2014 the deadline of the restricted procedure to tender for design and construction of the road link between Loppio and Alto Garda on the SS 240, and for management of the road section between Rovereto Sud paytoll on A2 and km106,848 on SS 45 bis Gardesana Occidentale (at the border with Brescia province), length 27.7 km, 40 percent of which is in tunnel. Contact Provincia Autonoma Trento, Bid Office, att.n Rita Pancher, Trento, tel +39 0461496444, fax +39 0461496422, e-mail serv.appalti.lav.pubb@pec.provincia.tn.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=054577-2014. 09/14.


The joint venture between Consorzio stabile s.a.c. Costruzioni Scarl from Torrecuso (BN) and Martinelli & Benoni Srl from Ronzo Chienis (TN) secured the EUR75.86 million contract, excluding VAT, for the road link between San Giovanni Pass - Cretaccio resort. This includes - the UF2 Tunnel, sequential contract A1, main contract (work S-815), the Functional Unit UF2 tunnel which is composed of  the Nago tunnel, the Crossroad at San Giovanni Pass and connection with the SS 240 towards Maza. Contact Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento, attn Dott.ssa Paola Viola, tel +39 461496444, fax +39 461496422, email serv.appalti@pec.provincia.tn.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=232324-2018 .Ref.n. 71681944D1.  22/18.


Italy, Campania - it/211


Closing Date: 30.10.2013 (Tender Closed)

Rfi qualification system, deadline 30.10.2013, for safety improvement of the Massico railway tunnel (km155+855 - km 161+235) on the Rome-Naples line, with design and construction of technological equipment. Value of contract EUR4.15 million, excluding VAT. Contact Rfi Spa, Rome. Visit http://www.gare.rfi.it/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=7f561e65436a1410VgnVCM1000008916f90aRCRD. Ref. n. DAC.NA.0003. 42/13.


Italy, Basilicata - it/210


Closing Date: 30.10.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 30.10.2013, for design and construction of Lot 6, part 1 and 2 of new SS95 Brienza bypass. Value of contract EUR130 million, 50 of which about OG4 category. The new 4 km road will include two tunnels (S. Giulano and Casola) for 1.5 km. Duration of contract 120 days for project and 1,100 days for construction. Time limit for info about bid: 24.10.2013. Contact Anas Spa,Bids and Contract Office, Rome, tel +39 06 490326, fax+39 06 44462009, e-mail r.marcelli@stradeanas.it, g.alimonti@stradeanas.it, Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/60248. Ref. n. PZ 02/13. 42/13.


Postponed from 30.10.2013 to 05.11.2013 the deadline of the accelerated restricted procedure to tender for design and construction of Lot 6, part 1 and 2 of new SS95 Brienza bypass. Value of contract EUR130 million,  EUR50 million of which concerns OG4 category. The new 4 km road will include two tunnels (S. Giulano and Casola) for 1.5 km. Duration of contract 120 days for project and 1,100 days for construction. Time limit for info about bid: 29.10.2013. Contact Anas Spa,Bids and Contract Office, Rome, tel +39 06 490326, fax+39 06 44462009, e-mail r.marcelli@stradeanas.it. Visit http://www.stradeanas.it/index.php?/appalti/rilevanza_comunitaria/dettaglio/id/60945, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=357838-2013, http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=352505-2013 and http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=347127-2013. Ref. n. PZ 02/13. 43/13.


Intercantieri Vittadello SpA (Designers A.T.P. Italconsult SpA - Proger SpA) of Limena (Pd) secured the EUR64,304,604 contract (50 percent of which about OG4 category) for design and construction of Lot 6, part 1 and 2 of new SS95 Brienza bypass. The new 4 km-long road will include two tunnels (S. Giulano and Casola) for 1.5 km. Duration of contract 120 days for design and 1,100 days for construction. Contact Anas Spa, Bids and Contract Office, Rome, tel +39 06 490326, fax+39 06 44462009, e-mail s.coltellacci@stradeanas.it. Visit http://ted.publications.eu.int/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=243603-2014. Ref. n. PZ 02/13. 31/14.


Italy, South Tyrol - it/209


Closing Date: 12.12.2013 (Tender Closed)

Open invitation to tender, deadline 12.12.2013, for rehabilitation of concrete structures in the vault of the 9,873 m Adige-Garda tunnel, used for the control and disposal of floodwaters of the river Adige. Value of contract EUR9.02 million. Further information, specs and docs from Laura Lucianer, Trento Province, Trento, tel +39 0461496444, fax +39 0461496422, e-mail serv.appalti.lav.pubb@pec.provincia.tn.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=335608-2013. 41/13.


Pac SpA of Bolzano secured the EUR6.22 million contract, excluding VAT, for rehabilitation of concrete structures in the vault of the 9,873 m Adige-Garda tunnel, used for the control and disposal of floodwaters of the river Adige. Contact Trento Province, attn Sandra Sguario, Trento, tel +39 0461496444, fax +39 0461496422, e-mail serv.appalti.lav.pubb@pec.provincia.tn.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=110156-2015. 14/15.


Italy, Ligure-Lombardy-Piedmont - it/208

High Speed Railway

On 19.09.2013 Impregilo signed an agreement with Tecnimont SpA, a subsidiary of Maire Tecnimont SpA, to acquire a further 10 percent stake in the COCIV Consortium, the general contractor for the construction of the Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project (Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line), for a price of around EUR25 million.

As a result, the Salini Group now holds a total stake of 64 percent in the COCIV Consortium, whose contracted works for the construction of the Terzo Valico project amount to around EUR4.6 billion. The new high-speed/high-capacity line will be 53 km-long, of which 39 km is in tunnels, and is connected to the existing line through four interconnections at Voltri, Genova Parco Campasso, Novi Ligure and Tortona, in total 14 km-long.

Starting at the Genoa hub, the new line will be developed along the Genoa-Milan route as far as Tortona, and along the Alessandria-Turin route as far as Novi Ligure, and will then connect with the existing lines connecting with Milan and Turin. Visit www.salini-impregilo.com. 39/13.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 11.06.2015, for construction of km 7+914,00 - km 12+683,53 section, Lot Cravasco of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Value of contract EUR245.36 million, excluding VAT, EUR182.68 of which in OG4 category. Contact COCIV, attn eng Andrea Ottolin, Genoa, tel +39 0104218711, fax +39 0104218708, e-mail rup@cociv.postecert.it. For electronic access to information and submission of tenders http://www.pleiade.it/cociv. Duration of contract 1,364 days from award. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=082711-2015. 19/15.


Oberosler Cav. Pietro SpA of San Lorenzo di Sebato (BZ) secured the EUR54.08 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction of km 28+667,75-km 29+958,49 section, Lot Libarna of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Contact COCIV, attn eng Andrea Ottolin, Genoa, tel +39 0104218711, fax +39 0104218708, e-mail rup@cociv.postecert.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=131216-2015. 19/15.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 07.12.2015, for the construction of section km29+958,49-36+280,64 (Lot Serravalle) of the Terzo Valico dei Giovi project (Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line). Value of the contract is EUR189.65 million (181.37 of which belonging to OG4 category), this excludes VAT. Duration of the contract is approximately 36 months from award. Contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), att.n Andrea Ottolin, Genova, tel +39 010 4218711, fax +39 010 4218708, e-mail rup@cociv.postecert.it, website http://www.terzovalico.it. Visit https://cociv.i-faber.com/sourcing/tenders/resume/id/10763 . 44/15.


Grandi Lavori Fincosit SpA from Rome secured the EUR164,67 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of section km29+958,49-36+280,64 (Lot Serravalle) of the Terzo Valico dei Giovi project, Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. For further information contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), att.n Andrea Ottolin, Genova, tel +39 010 4218711, fax +39 010 4218708, e-mail rup@cociv.postecert.it, website http://www.terzovalico.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=190949-2016 and https://cociv.i-faber.com/sourcing/awards/resume/id/10763/idL/1. 25/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 18.07.2016, for the construction of the railway superstructure from km 0+333.00 to km52+890.00 and for civil works and associated works from km 44+152.65 to km 52+974.50 for the Terzo Valicodei Giovi project  on the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. The contract value is EUR 159.26 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1494 days from the award. For further information contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), attn Andrea Ottolin, Genova, tel +39 010 4218711, fax +39 010 4218708, e-mail rup@cociv.postecert.it, websitehttp://www.terzovalico.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=199396-2016 and https://cociv.i-faber.com/sourcing/tenders/resume/id/10765. 25/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 28.09.2017, for civil works and associated works from km 19+700.00 to km 27+455.00. This is for the Terzo Valicodei Giovi project on the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line, Lot Valico (Radimero). The contract value is EUR 212.29 million, excluding VAT. The duration of the contract is 1,175 days from the award. For further information https://www.pleiade.it/cociv  where offers need to be sent. Contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), attn ing. Marcos Montevecchi, Genova, tel +39 0104218715, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=298551-2017 and https://cociv.i-faber.com/sourcing/tenders/resume/id/10770. Ref.n. F81H92000000008. 38/17.


Grandi Lavori Fincosit SpA from Rome secured the EUR228.62 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction of km 16+275,50-km 20+988,50 section, Lot Val Lemme of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Contact COCIV, attn eng Andrea Ottolin, Genoa, tel +39 0104218711, fax +39 0104218708, email rup@cociv.postecert.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=330348-2016 . 38/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 06.06.2017, for construction of km 16+275,50 - km 19+700 section, Lot Vallemme of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Value of contract EUR263.49 million, excluding VAT. Duration of contract 1,331 days from award. Contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), attn Eng. Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 0104218715, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=141074-2017 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=179583-2017. 20/17.


The awarding procedure for construction of km 7+914,00 - km 12+683,53 section, Lot Cravasco of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line, has been discontinued. Value of contract EUR245.36 million, excluding VAT, EUR182.68 of which in OG4 category. Duration of contract 1,364 days from award. Contact COCIV, Genoa, tel +39 0104218711, email PEC@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=438880-2016. 51/16.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 31.08.2017, for construction of km 7+914,00 - km 12+683,53 section, Lot Cravasco of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Value of contract EUR251.29 million, excluding VAT, EUR186.30 of which in OG4 category. Duration of contract 1489 days from award. Contact COCIV, attn eng Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 0104218715, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=244323-2017. 27/17.


Open invitation to tender, deadline 20.07.2017, for construction of km 12+673,50 - km 16+275,50 section, Lot Castagnola, of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Value of contract EUR216.27 million, excluding VAT, EUR176.20 of which in OG4 category. Duration of contract 1221 days from award. Contact COCIV, attn eng Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 0104218715, email rup@cociv.postecert.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=183087-2017 and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=229044-2017. 25/17.


Grandi Lavori Fincosit Spa from Rome secured the EUR263.49 million contract, excluding VAT, for construction of km 16+275,50 - km 19+700 section, Lot Vallemme of Terzo Valico Ferroviario dei Giovi project, the Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line. Contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), attn Eng. Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 0104218715, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit https://www.terzovalico.it/media/news/cociv-annuncia-l-aggiudicazione-definitiva-del-primo-bando-di-gara-lotto-val-lemme.html. 38/17.


Open procedure, deadline 19.02.2018, for the assignment of works for the construction of civil, line works and related works.

The open procedure is pursuant to art. 60 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 and subsequent amendments, entirely managed by electronic means, for the assignment of works for the construction of civilian line works and related works connected by pk 0 + 437.45 to pk 7 + 914.00 of the even track of the section AV / AC Third Pass of the Giovi, from pk 0 + 437.45 to pk 7 + 924.03 of the odd track of the section AV / AC Third Valico dei Giovi, from pk 0 + 236.00 to pk 2 + 356.986 of the even track of the Voltri interconnection, from pk 0 + 235.014 to pk 4 + 160.705 of the odd track of the Voltri Interconnection - Voltri interconnection link and completion Polcevera for a total tender amount of 380 202 249.26 EUR, excluding VAT, of which EUR 376 045 004,07 for work to size and EUR 4 157 245,19 for non-discounting security charges, subdivided into a fixed part relating to the execution of the works falling partly in the First Constructive Lot, partly in Second Constructive Lot, partly in the Third Constructive Lot, partly in the Fourth Constructive Lot and in an optional part related to the execution of the works that fall in part in the Fifth Constructive Lot, partly in the Sixth Constructive Lot.
These works are as follows:
- Category OG4: EUR 302 379 877.74 (three hundred and twenty million three hundred and seventy seven seventy eight eight hundred seventy seven / 74) prevalent category, subject to compulsory qualification, subcontracting within the limit of 30% of the total amount of the contract,
- Category OS21: 56 625 838.72 EUR (fifty-six million, six hundred and twenty-five eight hundred and thirty-eight / 72), a detachable category, a compulsory, superspecialistic category of more than 10% (ten per cent), sub-contracted within the limit of 30% (thirty per cent) of the relevant amount,
- Category OG1: EUR 2 631 536.70 (two million six hundred thirty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-six / 70) eligible category, subject to compulsory qualification, 100% sub-contracted,
- Category OG3: EUR 6 027 759.75 (six million one hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred and fifty nine / 75), a detachable category with compulsory qualification, 100% sub-contracted,
- Category OS3: EUR 1 156 749.67 (one million two hundred and fifty six thousand seven hundred and forty-nine / 67) eligible category, subject to compulsory qualification, 100% sub-contracted,
- Category OS6: EUR 2 224 278,24 (two million two hundred twenty four thousand two hundred seventy-eight / 24) eligible category, 100% sub-contracted,
- OS8 category: EUR 8 435 576,65 (eight million four hundred thirty, five thousand, five hundred and seventy-six / 65), a detachable category with compulsory qualification, 100% sub-contracted,
- Category OS12-B: EUR 498 214.41 (four hundred ninety eight million two hundred and fourteen / 41) eligible category, subject to compulsory qualification, 100% sub-contracted,
- Category OS31: 222 417.38 (two hundred and twenty-two thousand four hundred and seventeen / 38) divisible category, 100% sub-contracted.


The contract duration is 1127 days from the award. Contact COCIV, att.ne Ing. Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 01042188791, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=it&docid=508749-2017, OJ S 244. 51/17.


The JV Toto Costruzioni Generali (58%) and Seli Overseas (42%) secured the EUR190 million contract for civil works and associated works from km  19+700.00 to km 27+455.00 of the Terzo Valico dei Giovi project on the  Milan-Genoa high-capacity, high-speed railway line, Lot Valico (Radimero).

The contract includes the construction with 2 TBM EPB of a 7.7km bitube tunnel with a 8.66 m inner diameter. The previewed duration is 33 months.  For further information click here. Contact COCIV (Consorzio Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), attn ing. Marcos Montevecchi, Genova, tel +39 0104218715, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit http://totospa.it/  and http://www.selioverseas.com/.

and http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=055984-2018.

Ref.n. F81H92000000008. 05/18.


Postponed  until the 12.03.2018 the deadline of the open invitation tender. This is for the assignment of works for the construction of civil, line works and related works AV / AC  on the  Terzo Valico dei Giovi project; Voltri interconnection and completion Polcevera, belonging to II, III, IV, V and VI constructive Lots.

Value of the contract is EUR343.70 million, excluding VAT, with EUR274.01 million belonging to the  OG4 category. The contract duration is 1028 days from the award. Contact COCIV, att.ne Ing. Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 01042188791, email RUP@COCIV.POSTECERT.IT. Visit






Open procedure, deadline 09.04.2018, for the construction of civil and scheduled works and related works associated to the construction of the section of the AV / AC section Terzo Valico dei Giovi, from km 36 + 585 to km 52 + 753 BP (even) and from km 36 + 585 to km 52 + 974 BD (odd). For lot Pozzolo - Tortona, partly falling into the first building lot, partly in the second construction lot, partly in the third building lot, partly in the fourth construction lot (fixed part), partly in the fifth construction lot and partly in the sixth constructive lot (optional part). Contract value € 106.19 million, excluding VAT. The contract duration will be 1266 days from the award. Contact COCIV, att.ne Ing. Marcos Montevecchi, enova, tel +39 0104218711, email rup@cociv.postecert.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=086594-2018, GU S 040. 11/18.


The JV Research Consorzio Stabile Società Consortile arl. and Manelli Impresa Srl from Naples secured the EUR74.15 million contract, excluding VAT, for the construction of civil and scheduled works. Includes related works associated to the construction of the section of the AV / AC section Terzo Valico dei Giovi, from km 36 + 585 to km 52 + 753 BP (even) and from km 36 + 585 to km 52 + 974 BD (odd). 

For lot Pozzolo - Tortona, partly falling into the first building lot, partly in the second construction lot, partly in the third building lot, partly in the fourth construction lot (fixed part), partly in the fifth construction lot and partly in the sixth constructive lot (optional part). Contact COCIV, attn. Eng Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 0104218711, email rup@cociv.postecert.it. Visit http://ted.europa.eu/udl?request=Seek-Deliver&language=en&docid=047349-2019.



Pavimental S.p.A. secured the EUR282.54 million contract, excluding VAT, for works for the construction of civil, line works and related works AV / AC  on the  Terzo Valico dei Giovi project; Voltri interconnection and completion Polcevera, belonging to II, III, IV, V and VI constructive Lots. Contact COCIV, att.ne Ing. Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 01042188791, email rup@cociv.postecert.it. For tender documents click here. 26/19.


Pavimental S.p.A. secured the EUR282.54 million contract, excluding VAT, for the assignment of works for the construction of civil, line works and related works AV / AC  on the  Terzo Valico dei Giovi project; Voltri interconnection and completion Polcevera, belonging to II, III, IV, V and VI constructive Lots. Contact COCIV, att.ne Ing. Marcos Montevecchi, Genoa, tel +39 01042188791, email rup@cociv.postecert.it. For bid documents click here. 26/19.
