Work begins on the Dehesa del Terzuelo tunnel construction on the High Speed Line to Extremadura
Press Release - Adif Alta Velocidad has moved significantly forward in the construction of the 69km second section of the 437km High Speed Line Madrid-Extremadura. This will link Talayuela and Plasencia, and comprises of seven subsections: Talayuela-Arroyo de Santa María (8.5 km, work completed), Arroyo de Santa María-Navalmoral de la Mata (6.8 km, works in progress), Navalmoral de la Mata-Casatejada (10.6 km, work completed), Casatejada-Toril (9.4 km, works in progress), Toril-Río Tiétar (10.7 km, works in progress), Río Tiétar-Malpartida de Plasencia (11.7 km , works in progress) and Malpartida de Plasencia-Estacion de Plasencia/Fuentidueñas (10.38 km, works in progress).
At the beginning of February Adif Alta Velocidad began the excavation of the Dehesa del Terzuelo tunnel, one of the longest on the route and part of the Malpartida de Plasencia -Estacion de Plasencia/Fuentiduenas (Caceres) subsection currently under construction with an investment of around EUR70 million
The monotube bi-track tunnel will be 1.5km long with a 90 m2 section, with sidewalks for evacuation and an emergency exit. The tunnel will be built using thenew Austrian method.
For further information please click es/67 for the tunnelbuilder archive and visit 06/23.