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West Link update

West Link update

On the 01.02.2019 the Supreme Court decided not to grant ‘leave to appeal’ in the case of awards for construction of the West Link (Vastlanken) railway project in Gothenburg.

The West Link (Vastlanken) project is an 8 km long double-track tunnel for commuter and regional trains planned by central Gothenburg, incorporating a 6 km long tunnel of which 4 km will run through rock and 2 km through clay and fill. In the clay sections, a concrete tunnel will be built with a cut-and-cover technique and the rock tunnel will be built using a drill-and-blast technique.

The West Link comprises three new stations between Olskroken and Almedal. The new underground station at Gothenburg Central will be located in the northern part of the terminal; two other stations in parts of the city not currently being served by commuter trains, Haga and Korsvägen.

Five of the contracts, Olskroken, Centralen, Kvarnberget, Haga and Korsvägen, are based on a geographical division of the route. In addition there will be an overall contract for the work called BEST, which in Swedish stands for rail, electronics, signalling systems and telecommunication. Visit https://www.trafikverket.se/en/. 06/19.

Additional links:-

Supreme Court - http://www.hogstadomstolen.se/Om-Hogsta-domstolen/Nyheter-fran-Hogsta-domstolen/Hogsta-domstolen-meddelar-inte-provningstillstand-i-malet-om-Vastlanken-i-Goteborg/


West Swedish Agreement - https://www.vastsvenskapaketet.se/english/





