Waterproof shotcrete with self-healing properties to repair and protect the vault of the tunnel Paradiso
Waterproof shotcrete with self-healing properties to repair and protect the vault of the tunnel Paradiso
Press Release - The phenomenon of self-healing of cracks in concrete structures is a subject which is still being studied and which, at the moment, still has limited applications especially in the field of tunneling. This is because, on the one hand, there is a limited knowledge of the products that promote this phenomenon and the effects these may have on the other properties of concrete such as, compressive strength and resistance to migration of aggressive substances.
On the other hand, there is a regulatory deficiency which does not allow the phenomenon to be tested in a standardized and, therefore, repeatable manner. Click here https://www.penetron.it/public/allegati_certificati/Di%20Tommaso%20GALLERIE%20143.pdf for an article whose aim is to introduce the phenomenon of self-healing on a theoretical level, to propose an experimental methodology for studying this phenomenon and, finally, to present the case of the railway Paradiso tunnel (Canton Ticino, Switzerland), where the hydrophilic admixture Penetron Admix® was successfully added to a mixture of Spritz beton to improve the impermeability to aggressive fluids and to guarantee the self-healing capacity of the cracks. Visit https://www.penetron.it/. 05/23.