The Norwegian Tunnelling Society (NFF) announced that the Call for Abstracts for WTC 2017 has been extended until the 01.07.2016.
Abstracts for WTC2017 are welcome on the following topics:
1.Site investigation, ground characterization
2.Urban tunneling (planning, design and construction)
3.Strategic use of underground space for resilient city growth
4.Utilization of underground for hydropower projects (unlined tunnels and shafts, underwater piercing, air cushion chambers)
5.Mechanized excavation (hard rock, soft rock and soil)
6.Innovations in drill and blast excavation
7.Large caverns (planning, design and construction)
8.Underwater tunnels (strait crossings for road and railway, utility tunnels)
9.Tunnelling for mining purposes
10.Underground waste storage and disposal
11.Innovations in rock support and water proofing technology
12.Operation, surveillance and maintenance
13.Safety management of complex underground excavations
14.Stability assessment, risk analysis and risk management
15.Seismic design of tunnels and underground excavations
16.Tunnel refurbishment
17.Case histories – lessons learnt
For further information contact and visit to submit abstracts. 24/16.