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VMT Celebrates 10th Anniversary at Bauma

VMT Celebrates 10th Anniversary at BaumaWhile Bauma celebrates its 5th decade, VMT is entering its 2nd decade, having been formed in April, 1994. The company started in survey technology, supplying goods and services for the machine-bored tunnelling industry. Initially specializing in guidance systems for both segmentally lined and long curved pipejacking applications, VMT has since added roadheader guidance to this portfolio. Along the way, the company has further extended its scope of activities to include industrial and deformation measurements, as well as consultancy services. Experience from all of these aspects of the business are now being utilized in the Controlled Boring Process (CBP) system, which integrates guidance system information with machine and geotechnical data monitoring systems to provide a database visualization for both machine operator and office-based personnel. This year at Bauma, VMT is focussing on the high technology aspect of their guidance and metrology systems recently supplied to major projects. Systems will be on show for TBMs, pipejacked, and roadheader tunnels, together with the Ring Convergence Measurement System. The latter evaluates the change in shape of the segmental ring along the backup behind the TBM, where conventional survey techniques have proved problematic. Measurement of segment moulds using either laser interferometer or photogrammetric systems will also be on display. VMT GmbH can be found in Bauma Hall C3, Booth 511. Full details of the current product range can be found at their recently revised website www.vmt-gmbh.de 13/04.