Rachel, the TBM digging the west section of the Thames Tideway
Tunnel, has been lowered 35 m down the shaft at Tideway's Carnwath Road site in
Fulham. Over the coming months, she will begin her 7km journey west to Acton
Storm Tanks. The TBM is named after Rachel Parsons – the founding president of
the Women's Engineering Society and a former Fulham resident.
The Thames Tideway Tunnel is a 25km super sewer from west to
east London, which will help tackle the tens of millions of tonnes of sewage
that pours into the River Thames each year.
Work is currently underway at 24 sites across London and is
due for completion in 2024.
For further in formation please click here for a video, here and uk/54. for tunnelbuilder
archive. Visit https://www.tideway.london.