On July 24th , 2019 the official inauguration ceremony of the RijnlandRoute TBM took place (click here for a video). In early August the 100 m long TBM, built by Herrenknecht and named Gaia, after the Greek goddess of the earth, will start boring the 2.5 km tunnel. In 6 months time the TBM will reach its destination at the Stevenshof district in Leiden. Then in 2020, the TBM will cover the same distance again for the second tunnel. RijnlandRoute is a new road connection from Katwijk, via the A44, to the A4 at Leiden. The road solves current bottlenecks and guarantees traffic flow in the Holland Rijnland region, in particular around Leiden and Katwijk. Click here for further information on the project and nl/41 for tunnelbuilder archive. Visit https://www.croonwolterendros.nl and https://www.mobilis.nl. 31/19
07.02.2025 France
07.02.2025 Italy
07.02.2025 Poland
07.02.2025 Spain
10.02.2025 Switzerland
17.02.2025 Czech Republic
17.02.2025 Romania
20.02.2025 Germany
27.02.2025 Romania
06.03.2025 Germany
06.03.2025 Norway
11.03.2025 Italy
13.03.2025 Switzerland
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland