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Suruc water tunnel starts in Turkey

Suruc water tunnel starts in TurkeyThis month the 7.83 m-diameter SELI TBM Double Shield will start excavation of the 17.2 km Suruc water tunnel in Southern Turkey. Tunnel elevation is at an altitude of around 580 m ASL, and average gradient is 0.49 percent. Groundwater is present in a regular profile along the whole alignment, which passes through the Gazientep formation of the Eocene and Oligocene geological period. This formation consists of calcareous and karst members (Teog), calcareous and clayey members (Teogt), and calcareous and clayey members with marnes (Teogm). A 30 cm-thick lining of hexagonal precast concrete segments will be installed.Excavation is expected to take around three years. The Turkish contractor is Ilci Insaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. For more click here and visit www.ilci.com.tr. 41/10.