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Santa Lucia tunnel update

Santa Lucia tunnel update

Work is ongoing towards the completion and opening on the 4 December ( Santa Barbara's day) for new Santa Lucia tunnel in the A1 motorway,  Barberino - Calenzano section. 

The disassembly works of the huge TBM - 16 m in diameter - lasted 4 months and were carried out in a reinforced concrete shell equipped with a crane specially made for the purpose. At the end of October, the transport of the parts of the machine were completed. The pieces - 15 of which weighed more than 90 tons - were transported the snow station of Badia in the A1, where they will be kept temporarily while awaiting final storage. 

The main bearing, weighing about 320 tons, required an special transport vehicle with 30-axles with front and rear engines. The convoys first crossed the 7.7km Santa Lucia tunnel, then the Baccheraia and Bellosguardo viaducts, on their difficult journey to the temporary storage area. For further infroation please click here and it/268 for tunnelbuilder archive.  Visit https://www.pavimental.it/. 46/21.