On 28.01.2015 the 3.8 m-diameter TBM EPB Pat completed the last metres of the 2.9 km-long tunnel between Brooklyn and Staten Island. The tunnel, part of the New York City Harbor Siphons Project, is designed to replace two existing shallow water lines below the bay. The TBM from Caterpillar was launched in August, 2012 from the 35 m-deep Staten Island shaft to bore towards the 40 m-deep Brooklyn shaft.
In October, 2012 Superstorm Sandy hit the US East Coast with winds up to 145 km/h. Seawater entered the tunnel, submerging the 113 m-long machine only 460 m into its drive.
The TBM was severely corroded by saltwater and sat idle until July, 2013. When Caterpillar announced the impending closure of its TBM business, Tully/OHL USA JV decided to proceed with the full refurbishment of the TBM with the help of The Robbins Company.
Robbins coordinated the effort to replace corroded hydraulic components and install new electrical systems in mid-December, 2013. Electrical systems had to be reverse-engineered, while the PLC had to be entirely redesigned. The rear eleven gantries and belt conveyor had to be removed to be cleaned, evaluated and repaired. The rebuild took about four months, much of it done in the tunnel under water pressure, and crews were able to return to mining on April 14, 2014. For more read the press release. Visit www.robbinstbm.com. 09/15.