On the 15.10.2018 the TBM Soyeon, the first of two
machines involved in the Purple Line Extension Phase 1, started tunnelling 18.29 m (60 feet) below Wilshire and La Brea. There are two 137 m-long (450 feet ) TBMs, named Elsie and
Soyeon. They will initially dig east to the current terminus of the Purple Line
at Wilshire/Western station. Once there, the TBMs will be taken apart, trucked
back to Wilshire and La Brea and then reassembled so they can start excavating
to the west. Both the TBMs, are anticipated to reach the Wilshire/Western
Station in May 2019.
The Purple Line Extension project is being built in three
sections and will extend the subway nine miles to the Westwood/VA Hospital. The
first two sections are under construction with Section One the furthest along —
it’s forecast to open in late 2023 and will run 3.9 miles from Wilshire/Western
to stations at Wilshire/La Brea, Wilshire/Fairfax and Wilshire/La Cienega in
Beverly Hills.
Section Two of the project will run from Wilshire/La Cienega
to Wilshire/Rodeo Station in downtown Beverly Hills to Century City Station at
the intersection of Avenue of the Stars and Constellation Boulevard, section
Two is forecast to open in 2025. The third section will be between Century City
and stations at Wilshire and Westwood Boulevard as well as the Westwood/VA
Hospital. The third section is forecast to open in 2026.
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