Pune Metro has constructed Pune's first underwater metro tunnel below the Mutha river bed. On 21/04/21 the TBMs Mutha and Mula completed two tunnels of approximately 240m and 223m between the Civil Court & the Budhwar Peth Metro Station on the Pune Metro’s 16.56 km Line-1 (Purple Line).
Pune Metro has started tunnelling from Swargate towards Mandai for the next part of the underground route. The TBM has formed the tunnel using 343 rings measuring 480 m.
For further information please on the project click here, here and in/80 for the tunnelbuilder archive and also visit http://www.punemetrorail.org. 17/21.
13.03.2025 Switzerland
14.03.2025 Slovakia
17.03.2025 Norway
17.03.2025 France
19.03.2025 Germany
19.03.2025 Norway
21.03.2025 Spain
24.03.2025 Romania
24.03.2025 Greece
24.03.2025 Austria
24.03.2025 Croatia
26.03.2025 Finland
27.03.2025 Spain
28.03.2025 France
31.03.2025 Sweden
01.04.2025 Germany
01.04.2025 Poland
04.04.2025 Austria
07.04.2025 France
07.04.2025 Spain
08.04.2025 Netherlands
14.04.2025 Switzerland
25.04.2025 Norway
16.05.2025 Switzerland