Public Consultation for HATSThe Hong Kong government is undertaking a public consultation exercise on the way forward for the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2. This consultation exercise will end on 20th November, 2004. As part of the consultation exercise, a public hearing is organised on 6th November, 2004. Venue: Civil Service Training & Development Institute (CSTDI), Room 501, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong. HATS is the most important environmental project for improving the water quality of Hong Kong's harbour and details can be found on Stage 2A of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) is about 20.3 km, 17.5 km of which would be deep tunnels, 2.2 km shallow tunnels, and the remaining 700 m conventional trenching. For more information, contact Ms. Kristine Chau on tel. +86 28351581 or e-mail Subscribe to
E-News Weekly 35/2004 & 28/2004. 43/04.