ELAPAS (Empresa Local de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado Sanitario) from the city of Sucre, Bolivia, has published the Prior Information Notice for the Sucre III Water Conveyance System (Lot 3).
The Sucre III – Phase I Potable Water Supply Project, aims, together with the construction of the Santa Catalina Water Treatment Plant (Santa Catalina WTP, which is part of the Sucre IV Project), to increase the availability of drinking water supply to the city of Sucre through the construction of a pumping system and a raw water conveyance system infrastructure that will allow to divert Ravelo and Potolo river waters and convey them through the Lot 3 – Water Conveyance System works, to the Santa Catalina WTP.
The Sucre III – Phase I Potable Water Supply Project, has been divided into following 3 lots:
- Lot 1: Access Roads (improvement of existing roads and construction of accesses to needed construction sites for Lots 2 and 3)
- Lot 2: Diversion Works and Pumping System (composed of water intake, pumping system and 2 parallel forced mains)
- Lot 3: Water Conveyance System. This Notice is directed to the intended construction of Lot 3 – Water Conveyance System works.
The Water Conveyance System consists of a series of sub-components working sequentially with the main function of conveying the diverted Ravelo River water, by gravity flow through a main conveyance pipeline to the future Santa Catalina WTP site. The conveyance system has a total length of 10.34 km. The estimated contract value for Lot 3 works is equivalent to EUR 33 million.
Estimated date of publication of procurement notice: Third or Fourth Quarter of 2020.
For further information on the tender click bo/15. 20/20.