On 26.04.2013 work started on the west portal of the Prado left tube. The tunnel alignment is beneath the towns of Vilar de Barrio and Saurreaus in Ourense province on the Madrid-Galicia high-speed line. The left tube is 7,628.8 m-long and 52 sq m section, driven using NATM techniques with 142.3 m at the portals in cut/cover. The construction of the right tube is part of another contract. The tubes will be connected by crosspassages. Click es/45 for tunnelbuilder archive. Visit www.adif.es. 18/13.
15.01.2025 Germany
15.01.2025 Romania
17.01.2025 Spain
17.01.2025 Switzerland
20.01.2025 Switzerland
20.01.2025 Croatia
21.01.2025 Romania
23.01.2025 France
27.01.2025 Italy
27.01.2025 Switzerland
29.01.2025 Romania
30.01.2025 France
31.01.2025 Germany
31.01.2025 Norway
04.02.2025 Belgium
04.02.2025 France
10.02.2025 Switzerland
20.02.2025 Germany
06.03.2025 Germany
11.03.2025 Italy
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland