On the 5th March 2021 the baptism and launch ceremony took place for the TBM that will dig the road tunnel under the Swina River. The machine, named Wyspiarka, will start from the launch shaft on the Uznam/Usedom island. It will complete the 1484 m tunnel in about 6 months, reaching the extraction shaft on the Wolin island. The TBM will advance 10-12 m/day installing 5-6 rings of precast concrete segments. The tunnel will be lined with 780 rings in total. The inauguration of the tunnel is scheduled for the end of 2022: four years after the signing of the contract with the Porr/Gulemark consortium. Thanks to the support of the Polish government, the project is funded 85% by the European Union and 15% by the Municipality of Swinoujscie. Click here and pl/27 for the tunnelbuilder archive. For more information visit http://tunel-swinoujscie.pl/, http://www.swinoujscie.pl and https://www.gddkia.gov.pl. 11/21.
07.02.2025 France
07.02.2025 Italy
07.02.2025 Poland
07.02.2025 Spain
10.02.2025 Switzerland
17.02.2025 Romania
20.02.2025 Germany
27.02.2025 Romania
06.03.2025 Germany
06.03.2025 Norway
11.03.2025 Italy
13.03.2025 Switzerland
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland