Olomos Breakthrough
The Olmos aqueduct in the high Andes will transfer water from the Atlantic basin to the Pacific basin to irrigate one of the driest regions of Peru. Breakthrough of the final 12.5 km-long section was achieved by a 5.3 m-diameter Robbins main beam TBM on 20.12.2011 after an epic drive through bursting rock using novel support and operating techniques. Read the Robbins Press Release with video, review the complete history of the project from 2002 in tunnelbuilder archive pe/17, and visit www.robbinstbm.com and www.odebrecht.com. 02/12.
29.01.2025 Romania
30.01.2025 France
31.01.2025 Germany
31.01.2025 Norway
04.02.2025 Belgium
04.02.2025 France
07.02.2025 France
07.02.2025 Poland
07.02.2025 Spain
10.02.2025 Switzerland
17.02.2025 Romania
20.02.2025 Germany
27.02.2025 Romania
06.03.2025 Germany
11.03.2025 Italy
13.03.2025 Switzerland
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland