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Nororiente Motorway opened in Santiago, Chile

Nororiente Motorway opened in Santiago, ChileOn 9th March, 2009 Michelle Bachelet, President of Chile, and Luis del Rivero, Chairman of Sacyr Vallehermoso, opened the 21.5 km-long Nororiente Motorway in Santiago, a EUR213 million project. Work began in January, 2006 and lasted 36 months. The Nororiente Motorway links Ruta 5 Norte with the districts of Vitacura and Las Condes, reducing congestion on the northern access through La Pirámide to the eastern zone, and connecting the Huechuraba, Colina and Valle de Chacabuco districts. Three tunnels known as Manquehue I (1.2 km), Manquehue II (800 m) and Montegordo (1.6 Km) were built. The 23 m-wide portal of Manquehue I is the largest in the world. Click cl/17.Visit www.sacyr.com and www.grupoitinere.com 13/09.