Lovat Holes Through in Turin'Valentina', the first launched Lovat Earth Pressure Balance shield to excavate lot 3, between Fermi and Pozzo Strada (2,632 m), on the first metro line in Turin, Italy holed through into Pozzo Strada station on 20th January. The machine joined with its twin 'Madama Cristina' which, starting from Principi d'Acaja station, reached Pozzo Strada from the opposite direction on 9th December, 2003 completing lot 4. Junction at the Pozzo Strada meeting point by the pair of 7.77 m-diameter TBMs completes the 5.6 km Fermi-Principi d'Acaja section. Lot 3 is being built by a JV between Grassetto, Grandi Lavori Fincosit and Seli under the supervision of Geodata of Turin. The constructors reported an average daily progress of 15 m, better than the expected 10-12 m. Together with a cut-and-cover section between Fermi and the depot, progress has reached 6.8 km out of 9.6 km. Managers are confident that this first phase will be opened on schedule on 30th November, 2005.The third TBM, a revamped EPB shield supplied by NFM Technologies, started the Porta Susa-Principi d'Acaja on 26th January. This machine worked before on the Treviso-Calalzo line west of Venice to drive a 3 km rail tunnel under Mount Zucco.Turin's first metro line will connect Collegno, on the city's western outskirts, to the Porta Nuova railway station in the city centre. The 9.6 km-long metro line 1 in Turin is a fully underground and automatic driverless infrastructure that will serve 15 stations from Collegno to Porta Nuova. East and west extensions are planned. Read E-News Weekly
33/2002. Click
it/26. Visit
www.geodata.it and
www.metrotorino.it 06/04.