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Italy/Trentino Alto Adige – Good progress on the construction of the Castelbello-Colsano ring road


The construction work on the 3.36 km Castelbello-Colsano ring road, 2,494 m of which are in tunnels, is proceeding at a rapid pace, with the aim of ensuring its completion by the end of the year. 

In the main tube of the Castelbello and Colsano ring road tunnel, 1,300 m of internal lining with insulation has already been completed, equal to more than half of the tunnel. Work on the 700 m long smoke extraction ceiling has been completed. In addition, the service sidewalks, in which the conduits for the wiring of the technological installations are being laid, have already been constructed for 500 m. 

In the next few days, the concreting work on the eastern open-air tunnel with the ventilation building will be completed. Subsequently, backfilling in the area of the eastern portal will begin.

Emergency tunnel n. 4, the easternmost, has already been excavated for over 90 m out of a total of 310 m. In escape tunnel n. 3, a collapse occurred in the last 20 m of the portal area and therefore the construction method had to be adapted. Completion work on this section began at the end of January. The two western escape tunnels n.1 and n.2 have been completed, with the exception of the finishing work. 

In the coming weeks, work will begin on the construction of the covering tunnel for the western portal, the foundations of which have already been laid. In February/March the installation of the tunnel's technological systems will begin, starting from the western portal. In early February, work will begin on connecting the new route to the existing state road to the westThe longitudinal profile of the state road will therefore have to be adapted for this purpose. In order to minimize traffic disruption, a one-way system regulated by traffic lights will be introduced in some sections at night.

The new ring road starts from the west, just before Castelbello Castle, and rejoins the existing state road to the east, near the Colsano industrial area. Click here and it/261 for tunnelbuilder archive. Visit http://www.provincia.bz.it/.  05/25.