The report recently released about the Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel Task Force chaired by the Ministry of
Transport and Communications states that due to the scale and complexity of the
Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel project, its progress would require new, innovative
solutions, especially regarding funding. Private sector involvement would speed
up the progress of the project and strengthen its financial viability. One way
to implement the tunnel would be to find multiple sources of funding for the
The report recommends that in order to proceed, the project
would need a strong project organisation. The next step could be to establish a
development vehicle, like a project company, that would take the project
forward. The task force underlines that Finland and Estonia should coordinate
land use planning to enable the implementation of the tunnel project.
Similarly, the countries should work together to ensure that
the tunnel connection will be included in the EU's TEN-T core network when it
is revised in 2023. This would create visibility for the project and enable
applications for certain EU funding.
Building the tunnel would require exploring and utilising
technology innovations. Exploring different solutions in, for example, drilling
technologies and development of high-speed rail transport technology would be
essential for the next stage of the project.
The report recommends that by the end of 2018 Finland and
Estonia should agree on concrete involvement and participation in the
implementation of the project. By the end of 2018, the responsible ministries in Finland
and Estonia will draw up a proposal on what the next steps in the project will
be. Click here, ee/12 and fi/25 for tunnelbuider archive. Visit