The TBM Futura, with a diameter of over 12 m, completed the excavation of the first kilometre of the Rocchetta tunnel (6.5 km). This is part of the first functional lot Apice-Hirpinia of the Naples-Bari HS/HC railway line. The TBM reached peaks of 25 m per day. The geological and geotechnical context that characterizes the Hirpinia territory is quite complex.
A total of eight TBMs will be excavating on the new Naples-Bari route, together with the TBM Futura. The TBM Aurora, which recently completed the excavation of the Grottaminarda tunnel and will now move to build the Melito tunnel, and the TBM Marina, currently engaged in the excavation of one of the two tubes of the Orsara tunnel, on the Orsara-Bovino lot, are operational.
The new Naples-Bari HS/HC railway line is an integral part of the European TEN-T Scandinavia – Mediterranean railway corridor and is also financed with PNRR funds. With the activation of the Cancello - Frasso section scheduled for 2025, it will be possible to travel directly from Bari to Naples in 2h40'; upon completion of the entire work, it will be possible to travel from Bari to Naples in two hours, to Rome in three hours and from Lecce and Taranto to the Romel in four hours.