The first of 4 TBMs that will build the Melbourne Metro
Tunnel is on its way to its launch site in North Melbourne. The TBMs are being
engineered in Germany and built in China, before they are progressively shipped
to the North Melbourne and Anzac station sites throughout 2019.
The first two TBMs to arrive will be trucked to the site of
the future North Melbourne Station (on Arden Street), before being
re-assembled, lowered into a shaft, and launched underground towards the
western tunnel entrance in Kensington. There, they will be disassembled and
trucked back to North Melbourne and relaunched towards the CBD and the future
State Library Station for the last leg of their journey.
The remaining two TBMs will depart from the site of the
future Anzac Station at Domain in late 2019, where they will be launched
towards the eastern tunnel entrance in South Yarra, before being trucked back
to Domain and relaunched towards the CBD and the future Town Hall Station.
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information click here and visit . 03/19