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First International Congress on Railroad Crossing through the Central Pyrenees

First International Congress on Railroad Crossing through the Central PyreneesThe Spanish society of civil engineers and the trans-Pyrenean foundation organise in Saragossa, Spain the first congress on the central Pyrenees crossing. The event will be held on 29th and 30th October, 2008 at the auditorium of Saragossa. Transport experts from the European Union and professionals who have been working on the Lyon-Turin railway link or the Channel tunnel will gather in the capital of Aragon to debate on this major project, aimed at pulling down the barrier that the Pyrenees mountain range represents for cooperation and economic exchange between the Iberian peninsula and the rest of Europe.Today, 98% of transport flows between the Iberian peninsula and Europe is on saturated roads that cannot handle the growing traffic. Developing rail transport is an absolute need to avoid environmental problems and safety risks on roads. The train is a cleaner, less polluting means of transport able to use sustainable energies.The central Pyrenees rail crossing is indispensable because it is a structuring corridor, a backbone in the EU, a sustainable transport means respectful of the environment and an efficient way of developing peripheral territories.The regional government of Aragon - together with Europe, the government of Spain, many regions and the Pyrenees work community - gives major impulse to the project and its intention is to boost as much as possible this base tunnel project through the central Pyrenees. The central Pyrenean crossing requires a long development process as is the case with all base tunnels under mountains, especially if they are cross-border schemes as is the case here since Spain and France are involved. To know more about the Central Pyrenees base tunnel project, visit www.transpirenaica.org and www.ctp.orgTo participate in the congress, contact Proyectos y Personas, tel. +34 976391282, fax +34 666422880, e-mail info@proyectosypersonas.com and visit www.proyectosypersonas.com 41/08.