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First Conference on Fire Suppression in Tunnels - Invitation Flyer now Available in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish

First Conference on Fire Suppression in Tunnels - Invitation Flyer now Available in German, English, French, Italian and SpanishThe joint IWMA/COSUF conference on fire suppression in tunnels will be held on 2nd and 3rd April in Munich, Germany. The conference focuses on fixed fire suppression systems for tunnel applications and includes related topics such as detection, reliability and cost. Experts from government, research bodies and the fire protection industry will present their latest findings. To learn all about it, read the flyer in your language: German, English, French, Italian and Spanish. Click here. Visit www.iwma.netWater mist becomes better known to tunnel operators and the technology, arrived in the tunnelling industry not long ago compared to more ancient applications in other sectors (industrial buildings, plants, vessels, etc.), is starting to spread and to register its first successes. The latest example comes from the UK, where the promoter and concessionaire of the new Tyne crossing announced they decided to adopt the technology. 06/08.