Today July 7th 2023 the FAT test for the first Telt TBM S-1355 built by Herrenknecht is complete. The 10.415m TBM will drive the 9km North tube from St Martin la PORTE to La Praz, parallel to the tube driven by Federica in 2019. Excavation will be for 3 years with an progression of 10 m/gg. The 264t cutting wheel will be equipped with 62 x 19" cutters plus 3 extra cutting discs for a 10.615 m excavation diameter.
Today the Turin-Lyon has 10 work sites open in Italy and France with a 500 m monthly combined advancement. So far 33 km of the 165 km total of tunnels to be driven for the project have already been built. In October and November the next FATs for two more of the Herrenknecht TBMs S-1356 and S-1357 will be carried out. These TBMs will be involved in the excavation of the two tubes from La Praz to Avrieux. For further information please visit the tunnelbuilder archive please click here , here and it/80 .27/23.
15.01.2025 Germany
15.01.2025 Romania
17.01.2025 Spain
17.01.2025 Switzerland
20.01.2025 Switzerland
20.01.2025 Croatia
21.01.2025 Romania
23.01.2025 France
27.01.2025 Italy
27.01.2025 Switzerland
29.01.2025 Romania
30.01.2025 France
31.01.2025 Germany
31.01.2025 Norway
04.02.2025 Belgium
04.02.2025 France
10.02.2025 Switzerland
20.02.2025 Germany
06.03.2025 Germany
11.03.2025 Italy
01.04.2025 Poland
16.05.2025 Switzerland